By Don Babwin, Associated Press, 2/21/2000 23:14
EVANSTON, Ill. (AP) Former independent counsel
Kenneth Starr blamed
President Clinton on Monday for the years and
millions of dollars spent on
the investigation that ultimately led to Clinton's
Of course.
The guilty never blame themselves.
He also said he was disappointed with media coverage
of the
investigation, comparing the press to a microphone
magnifies what is being said without screening
or filtering it.
Remember - Clinton tried to HIDE this affair. It was sex-cop-with-a-hardon
Kenneth Starr who wanted to make big, splashy headlines about this
But Starr reserved his most pointed criticism
for Clinton during a
question-and-answer session with Northwestern
University journalism students.
He said the president could have spared the country
the ordeal by being forthright
about his relationship with former White House
intern Monica Lewinsky.
Translation: If President Clinton had immediately confessed to every
wild-ass charge we made, our witch hunt might've taken less time.
''It could all have been (avoided) simply by saying,
`There was this activity,
I shouldn't have done it, let's get it behind
us as reasonably as we can,'''
Starr said in a speech at the Medill School of
It could've been avoided if Starr had said, "Mr. President, we're
working with
Linda Tripp, and Paula Jones's attorneys and we know about the blow
on the 14th, the 27th and the 5th, so let's get past this, OK?"
No, he didn't do that.
He refused to ask direct questions like that so he could later say,
"I think the president
might've been less than completely forthcoming when I asked him
personal questions
about his cock," which is exactly what the Paula Jones lawyers asked
him to do.
Starr didn't want a quick resolution.
They tried to drag this into the 1998 elections, and they did, and
it cost them seats.
Starr said Clinton has ''this unfortunate side,
this unwillingness to come to grips with the
situation that would have spared everyone all
the angst ... by coming to grips with it
and to say `here it is' as opposed to dragging
the country through it and then
suggesting that it's all the law officer's fault.''
Again, Clinton didn't drag anybody through anything.
Clinton wanted to do the nation's business (and get a little tongue
now and then.)
It was Newt, Armey, Barr and Delay who produced this 24-month extravaganza.
It was Newt, Armey, Barr and Delay who made
"oral sex" dinner table conversation.
Starr said he regrets not establishing a public
information office, conceding his office
was ill-prepared to handle the avalanche of questions
from reporters all over the world.
Why didn't you just ask Michael Isikoff to handle the press, Kenny?
He was your personal Press Secretary, anyway, you lying mother-effer.
Still, he criticized coverage as often presenting
an incomplete,
and therefore misleading, picture of the investigation.
It's a bitch when things spin out-of-control isn't it, Kenny?
Starr's successor as independent counsel, Robert
Ray, is closing out the six-year,
$50 million probe, which led to the convictions
of 14 people.
Name the 14 people - go ahead,
I'll wait...
C'mon, name the 14 people for me...
There was Jim Guy Tucker,
There was Jim McDougal,
There was Susan McDougal,
and there was Web Hubbel.
Does that look like 14 people to you?
...and Starr was unable to connect Clinton
to any of the "crimes"
committed by these FOUR, not fourteen, people.
The horse-molester Paul Harvey repeated the
same lie today, Tuesday.
"Fourteen people convicted by Kenneth Starr,"
he lied.
You can't believe a goddamn word a horse
molester says.
In addition to Whitewater and Lewinsky, Starr's
office looked into the purge of the
White House travel office and the White House's
improper gathering of FBI files
on employees and presidential appointees from
Republican administrations.
So, the real "crimes" went unpunished because Starr was so cock-crazy?
Starr defended the investigation into the Lewinsky
matter, saying it was as much
about perjury as an inappropriate relationship.
Why should the federal government be investigating an "inappropriate
Starr says it was about that AND perjury.
''Our solemn obligation was to examine whether
crimes not about the nature of private
relationships - but whether crimes have been
committed,'' he said.
That's not what you just said.
That's not what you just said.
You just said it was "as much about perjury
as an inappropriate relationship."
That means those two "crimes" are co-equal in the mind of a raging
He said Clinton was bound to answer questions that many considered inappropriate.
"Clinton was bound?"
I'll bet those words give Ken Starr a woody to this day.
''I don't think we've created an exception in
our law I know we
haven't if the question is embarrassing,
you get a pass.''
Fine, Kenny.
Let's give Harold Ickes $50,000,000 and 6 years of threatening your
family and friends
and business partners and see what embarrassing questions he can
come up with.
1. Have you ever had sex with this cadaver, Mr. Starr?
2. Have you ever had sex with this cadaver, Mr. Starr?
3. How about this cadaver over here, Mr. Starr?
Harold could do six months of that, with your ugly face on TV every
Then, backdoor Bettina Gregory could do live reports from
the DC morgue
with a graphic overhead that says, "Starr - Sex With the Dead?"
Two years of that, you stupid muttonhead.
You think your universe is screwed now, Mr. Starr?
Ickes could make it so much worse for you.
Starr sounded gracious when talking about first
lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, saying her
statement that Starr's investigation was part
of a vast right-wing conspiracy was
''sort of an understandable defense mechanism.''
Hey, Kenny.
When is Susan McDougal getting you under oath
to discuss the "pretend conspiracy?"
Are you going to answer her lawyer's questions,
Mr Starr?
Or will you plead, "I can't discuss a private
I've met Susan McDougal, Mr. Starr.
I've looked into her eyes.
I have seen her steely determination.
She owes you,
BIG time.
It's my opinion she's a woman who pays her
bills, too.
You're in trouble, Kenny.