Bartcop, you have special reason to remember this clown.
About 45 minutes before the bomb went off
on 4/19/95 in front of the Murrah
Building, this idiot's office got a fax
that the sender (who turned out to be one of
the "Michigan Militia" who knew McVeigh)
had tried to make look like it came
from a Federal agency, warning of a bomb
threat to a Federal building in Oklahoma City.
Now, I'm a Federal employee.
All Federal employees - and all Congressional
staff, as well - are taught
that if they ever, EVER get a bomb threat
of ANY sort, even if they think
it's a JOKE, they are to IMMEDIATELY notify
either the FBI, the Federal
Protective Service, and/or the BATF. Forty-five
minutes would have been
more than enough time to evacuate
every single Federal building in
Oklahoma City before the bomb blew.
Stockman's people just threw the fax in the recycling bin.
It wasn't until a couple days AFTER the
blast that one of the staffers
remembered that funny little fax and fished
it out of the bin. Congressman
Stockman then decided that it should be
sent to whoever he felt would know
what to do with it.
Guess where Stockman had copies of it sent first?
The FBI? No.
Federal Protective Services? Wrong again.
The goddamn National Rifle Association. (I am not making this up.)
It was only after the intense media uproar
hit over his compounding one
boneheaded mistake with another that he
grudgingly sent the fax to the FBI.
That's what guaranteed his one-termer status
in otherwise Republican Texas.
From: Voltai
Instant Internet News
Congressman Clueless Considers
a Comeback?
Ed Henry's Heard on the Hill, Roll Call, June
19, 2000
Is ex-Rep. Steve Stockman (R-Texas) planning yet another comeback?
Paul Williams, a Republican running for the seat once held by
thinks so -and he's trying to squelch the speculation as quickly
as possible.
"Steve Stockman and I agree on a lot of issues, but I think he
has a screw
loose," Williams told the Houston Chronicle.
Stockman recently sent out a fundraising letter that made it sound
like he
may have designs once again on the seat currently held by Rep.
Nick Lampson (D).
The four-page letter includes an attack on Lampson's record and
promise from Stockman to "fight the fight once more."
"The smell of their fear is in the air and that only strengthens
my resolve,"
Stockman wrote in the letter. "I know that we will be able to
defeat my liberal
opponent, but it is going to take a lot of hard work on everyone's
part to make it happen."
Stockman, a controversial one-term wonder known for his somewhat
pronouncements, previously failed to return to the Hill after
losing to Lampson in 1996.
Stockman was unavailable for comment, but an aide told the newspaper
that the letter was not distributed to 9th district residents
and that Stockman
had offered his help to Williams but was refused.
Williams, who said both claims are untrue, said Stockman "needs
to wake
up and realize that I am the Republican nominee."