Tally Briggs/Actress at Large
Well Kids, our Fearless Insightful One, BC himself has asked me to share
pearls of my adventures in THE BIZ, limited as they may be, and help
contribute to bartcop.com. So, being the Dutiful Minion,
NON WHORE that I am, how could I resist the call?
SO! Onward! And may I truly deserve my self proclaimed license
plate handle:
BARD GAL (bonus points to whomever can decipher what that REALLY means!
Take a look at my resume on my website and you'll get a clue.)
Episode One: Small Gems
Sitting here, VCR remote in hand, watching this weeks stirring episode
"The West Wing" I thought to myself, how do I describe my recently
affair with this wonderful show?
"Recently?" you ask perplexed. Well, yeah. I was, err, am a loyal
of "Roswell." So having only two VCRs, two television sets, and two
boxes (I know that a DISH is the deal, but a large initial monetary
coupled with living in an apartment building, makes it difficult to
install the
damn thing anywhere you please.) I only have so much time to
tape and view
selective shows. Much to my own chagrin, "The West Wing" went unwatched.
No matter. Most of my best friends, and I mean "People I Trust" best
friends, kept telling me, "You will love the writing on this show,"
'THE BEST DAMN' show on television," You would be PERFECT for the show!"
That one always gets me. It's my "hot button" and my friends
know it.
The proverbial gauntlet thrown down, I had no choice. So when
"Roswell" was
moved to Monday nights and "The Drew Carey Show" had no other competition,
finally tuned in. It's horrid when the echoes of "I told you so" reverberate
through your brain, but in this case I couldn't get on the phone fast
"YOU WERE SO RIGHT!" I screamed. "Thank You!
Thank You! Thank You!"
I could feel my friends beaming over the phone lines. They were
proud of my
newfound insight. My epiphany in seeing the light. I had been
As I watched "The West Wing" the other evening, I reflected on my vision
to be shown
"the light" since this show is about "seeing the light" almost on a
weekly basis!
The way everyone hated Ainsley Hayes (Emily Procter) at her first appearance
because she was a Republican. She hated them in return because
they were all Democrats
and could not fathom working for a Democratic Presidential Administration.
after much head butting, they saw the passion each other had for the
cause, The Honor and Integrity of the Government of the United States
America and the honorable office of The President.
In an earlier episode, Ainsley, in her sugar-induced wisdom, confronts
snide Republican friends when President Jed Bartlett, (Martin Sheen)
that she be given a job on the White House legal staff after publicly
Deputy Communications Director Sam Seaborn's ass (RobLowe) on a television
talk show. Ainsley met her colleagues at a café, and walked
in on them
gathered at a table, smugly speculating on how, she, Ainsley had the
to turn down the job at THE WHITE HOUSE. The brilliance of the
scene was
overwhelming when she had the courage to shut down her friends and
tell them
to their faces, "Don't say that..You can say they are smug, you can
say you
don't agree with their policies, but they are Passionate! They
Righteous and I'm their lawyer!" In the subsequent episodes,
Ainsley has
fought alongside other White House staffers, disagreeing with some
of their
opinions, but protecting them just the same, occasionally changing
their minds
and rather eloquently I might add.
Yes, I know this is TELEVISION, and it's fiction, but I can dream, can't
Especially since Wednesday night when Al so eloquently went out on
his own,
and spoke his mind. The Republicans can scream all they want
more PR spin, but I'd take it to Vegas that Daley & Co advised
Al against
it. You know what else? I don't care! I loved what
he said! It was
exactly what I wanted to hear. I also wanted Bush to take the
olive branch
he offered. Why? Because if this plays out fairly, and
even IF
Smirk wins, I want to feel good about it. I want to be able to
say, well, I
cast my vote, but I was outvoted by the people of this country FAIR
SQUARE and our government works.
Right now, I, along with a majority of people in this country do not
feel that way. We feel as though we are being cheated.
We are being bushwacked
by a few rotten apples who are so blinded by power and feel that they
are superior to
the so called "little people" who aren't sophisticated enough to know
what is best
for them. Well, NEWS FLASH! We ARE smart and we see right
through you!
I don't want a President who I feel stole his office in spite of the
will of the people. If Bush was smart, he wouldn't want that either.
(OK, is it just me, and I don't mean to be nasty here.... but doesn't
the phrase
"If Bush was smart" just sound dumb?)
Backed by one of the Bushies henchwoman, Secretary of Satan Harris,
who is
one of their main campaign officials in Florida, is now calling the
This is a woman who makes Lady Macbeth look tame!
No one believes for a minute that puppeteer Jeb isn't helping pull
her strings.
My hope is someone will see the light. Please, a Supreme
Court Justice SOMEWHERE?
That will make her cease and desist or better yet, throw her in prison
if not for Obstruction
of Justice, then for the lack of common sense to know when there is
a professional conflict
of interest. Sigh, too bad a lack of integrity is not a felony.
I have loved reading the
"Registered Republican's" comments to the Secretary on the petition
now online..
"thank you all, you have restored my faith there can be common sense
and a knowledge
of what's right above party affiliation."
Gag Me!
Right now I have a love/hate thing going on with my cable system.
It died
and went to snow thirty seconds after Will & Grace started, but
lasted long
enough so I could tape Robin Williams on "Who's Line Is It Anyway?"
anyone who is a Will & Grace fan send me a Karen Gem, one line
do - I need my weekly fix!
How was Will with that hunk Patrick Dempsey!?!?! DAMN IT!!!!!
it! This Dish is getting a DISH!