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Subject: prayers

Bart, you wrote:

> "praying is ridiculously ineffective"


if I were one of those missing American soldiers I sure as heck would want all the prayers I could get,
I would want the whole world to be praying for me...prayers are answered, if God wills it...
But no prayers, no results...

Did God want those soldiers to be kidnapped?
Or is God powerless to stop those kidnapping militants?

Jesus said, "ask and you shall receive'......

But if you don't ask, you get tortured to death, right?
Is this the same God who loves us?

as old as you are, I guess you haven't learned a very important truth, ie., when everything
that is humanly possible has been done w/o success, that's the time to pray

I rejected that nonsense when I was still in single digits.

and if it's in the 'Divine Plan', that's when miracles can happen,

Why would God put the torture/murder of those soldiers in his "Divine Plan?"
That decision wouldn't make the final cut in the Bartcop Divine Plan.
Why would your God put those men on Earth just to be slaughtered at such a young age?
Why would your God put millions of starving African children in his plan?
Can't he come up with a better plan, being God and all?
Who designed this Divine Plan, Paul Wolfowitz and Richard Perle?
How can you have faith in such a mistake-riddled entity?

of course, I don't wait until everything is humanly possible has been done to pray..
I pray ahead of time that everything that is 'humanly done' will succeed.

I'll tell you a secret:
If I was one of those two kidnapped soldiers, I'd be praying, because I'd have nothing to lose.

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