Tax Reform
That’s a chart to think about
on Tax Day.
Look at how much more the median
family is paying compared to 1955.
Isn’t 1955 smack in the middle
of that the fuzzy sort of moral wonderdom
most conservatives want to get
back to?
This is the same bait-and-switch the GOP has been
pulling on brainless voters for decades.
They say, "WE
need lower taxes" but that means the super-rich
pay less while we pay more.
Bush did the same thing, remember?
In 2000, he said, "YOU
work hard for YOUR money and we think YOU should keep more of it,"
then he passed tax cuts for the super-rich which
means the pie got smaller and now we're bankrupt.
The super-rich have had it so tough these
last 40-50 years.
Remember "Tax Man" by The Beatles?
Let me tell you how it will be;
There's one for you, nineteen for me.
That's a tax rate of 95% for ths super-rich - maybe that's a little
too high.
As the chart shows, under the GOP's Eisenhower, tax rates were 51%.
That's the tax rate that gave the middle class central air conditioning
and two cars.
The Jack Kennedy dropped the highest rate to 42%, that helped us put
a man on the Moon.
Then Von Reagan got tired of the super-rich not being coddled, so he
dropped it tp 36% (guess)
Can we all bow our heads and say a prayer for how rough things are
for the super-rich?
Now we're down to 16% and the country is bankrupt - is everybody
happy now?
Bottom line: The super-rich are f-ing tired of paying their fair
share of taxes and, thru FOX News,
they've convinced every handjob with bad spelling that this "tea party"
is about the little people - but it's not.
This is their plan - destroy the government.
You see, the super-rich are the wolves - they don't NEED protection
from anyone
so they've labled "big government" as the enemy that needs to be destroyed
Think of a small town in Oklahoma in 1880.
The sheriff is the only government there is.
Once you buy him off, (or kill him) you can rape and rob and kill to
your heart's content.
Welcome to the Republican Party's version of America.
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