Subject: Are
democrats in a Suicide Pact with Bush?
Mr. Bob Tuke, Tennessee Democratic Party, Nashville
Hi Mr. Tuke,
I heard Harry Reid on immigration, and I heard the
joshing remarks of Hillary Clinton, and I heard
the call of Howard Dean to Bush requesting he denounce
the immigration enforcement bill in Congress.
This is insane. Truly insane. I've been a
Democrat for 42 years and am furious with the so-called
"national leadership" of the Party.
Why are the leading elitists of the Democratic Party
willing to screw the working poor Americans
in this country, in concert with corrupt Big Business
interests, fat cat Republican idealogues,
and unions trolling for membership from illegal aliens?
I already swore I wouldn't contribute any more money
to the Democratic Party after the elites
shafted Paul Hackett in Ohio. I gave several thousand
bucks last year to Democrats, many of them
Iraqi vets who could speak with some authority on ending
the Iraq fiasco. Now my neighbors in
this rural county, and the young kids growing up and
going to school and entering the lower levels
of the job market are being displaced and replaced by
illegal Mexican border-jumpers.
Wages have been driven down in agriculture, in hotels,
in construction, in factories, and even among
computer programmers in this country on account of cheap
labor imported or outsourced. The buying
power of the working poor, and the lower half of the
entire wage spectrum, is being destroyed by a
human tidal wave of illegals invading this country.
Why can't the US be a society and a nation again,
rather than a hothouse for Big Business's desire
for cheap labor? We are more than economy, and
the people are more than cogs in some economic machine.
Any party that refuses to acknowledge overpopulation,
that refuses to support its citizens needs for work
and income, that turns away from the people who made
the Democratic Party a winner for 40 years,
that turns away from the very people who Bush cultivated
with God/guns/gays issues, that refuses to
hammer Bush hard - is a Party that doesn't deserve support.
I'm a retired economist and here are some of the good
reasons to call a halt to immigration and
close the borders for a few years, while we sort out
just exactly we DO want to do:
1. Uncontrolled mass immigration has halted experimentation
and technological innovation in the US workplace.
We are substituting cheap labor for technical innovation
that could multiply the efforts of American workers
and older workers in many fields including hotel services
and agriculture.
2. Uncontrolled mass immigration costs billions for
our school systems, healthcare systems,
and law enforcement and court systems. Latino gang
violence is a huge problem today.
3. Uncontrolled mass immigration introduces an entire
population of residents who are not woven
into the language, culture, history, and values of the
United States.
4. Uncontrolled mass immigration harms some 150 million
Americans in the lower wage groups
by depressing wages, making workers fearful, and lowering
living standards.
5. Uncontrolled mass immigration is causing grotesque
overpopulation in the United States,
crowding of cities and highways, increased demand for
Arab oil, and political corruption.
I don't know what you can do about this, but now's
the time to do it.
Don the Day Trader
Columbia, Tennessee
There is a good article found at website .