Transcript: Rahm & Blago RAHM EMANUEL: This is Rahm. ROD BLAGOJEVICH: Hey Rahm, yeah it's Rod. EMANUEL: Uh-huh. What's going on governor, I'm busy. BLAGO: Well, it's about that Senate appointment... EMANUEL: We already gave you the list of people we like. BLAGO: Yeah, I been looking the list over. Interesting names. Good people. How's the transition going? EMANUEL: It's going fine, governor. Are you calling to fucking tell me anything, or what, cause I-- BLAGO: No no, I'm just wondering if you have all your picks already made. I heard something about Dashle for HHS-- EMANUEL: I'm not gonna discuss ongoing deliberations, gov, you know that. BLAGO: Hey, come on Rahm, let's not act like I'm a stranger here. EMANUEL: Did I call you a stranger? If I thought
you were a stranger, you think I'd be interrupting
BLAGO: Hey you don't have to get curt with me, Rahm. EMANUEL: This isn't me being curt, Gov, this is me being fucking busy. Now what did you call about? BLAGO: I'm just feeling you out, seeing if Valerie
[Jarret] still wants that Senate seat, just wondering
EMANUEL: Actually, it's not a priority. Valerie's had second thoughts about the job. BLAGO: What, she doesn't want it anymore? EMANUEL: She's having second thoughts. You want more details, you ask her. BLAGO: She won't take my calls. EMANUEL: Big fucking surprise. BLAGO: What's that supposed to mean? EMANUEL: Um, I don't know, what's it supposed
to mean governor? A.) You're a fucking crook.
BLAGO: I'm clean Rahm, you know this. You think
that fucking Fitzgerald would being twiddling
EMANUEL: I gotta go, Gov. You appoint who you want, we really don't give a shit. BLAGO: What if I appoint Valerie, what if she takes it? EMANUEL: What do you want me to say? We'd appreciate it, I'm not gonna fucking kiss your ring over it. BLAGO: "Appreciate it"? Come on, this is a senate seat we're talking about. It's worth a fuck of a lot more than appreciation. EMANUEL: You asked us for a list, we gave you
a fucking list, you want to make your own list then
BLAGO: Wait a sec there Rahm. Wait just a fucking
minute. Who are you to talk to me like that?
EMANUEL: You made me? You made me? Tell me you're fucking joking. BLAGO: No no no, you listen to me shit-face. You
see this list I got, the names motherfucking
HARRIS (muffled): Yes sir? BLAGO: Did you just drop that list in the shredder? [Whirring, shredder noise] HARRIS (muffled): I did. EMANUEL: Do you have me on fucking speakerphone? BLAGO: It's in the shredder, Rahm. The list is bye bye. EMANUEL: Hold on a sec -- you got me on fucking speakerphone? Who the fuck do you think I am? BLAGO: Who are you Rahm? Who are you? You're shit,
you hear me? Don't come back to Chicago Rahm,
EMANUEL: Pick up the phone Rod. BLAGO: I'll put someone in the senate who will
fucking fuck you. I might even put myself in there,
EMANUEL: [Screaming] I said pick up the FUCKING phone! BLAGO: [Picks up phone, speakerphone off] I got your attention now, didn't I? EMANUEL: Shut the fuck up and listen to me for
one second Rod. And I want you to listen carefully, because
BLAGO: Oh now you're the fucking Godfather? Fuck you. EMANUEL: No fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. BLAGO: Fuck you! EMANUEL: Listen up asshole. The shit's gonna hit
the fan, maybe tomorrow, maybe next month, and when
BLAGO: Hey fuck-- EMANUEL: [Click.]
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