Subject: Trayvon Martin picture
If this picture of Trayvon Martin (picture #2) turns out to be real, do
you think Obama
will have a problem with his “if I had a son, he would probably look
like Trayvon” comment ?
Lots more recent pictures of Trayvon (posted on Trayvon’s Twitter and
Facebook by
Trayvon himself). Showing off his set of gold teeth, tattoos and
gang signs while confirming
his recent attack on a bus driver (which may explain his 2 week
suspension from school).
More info and pictures of Trayvon
Could Trayvon Martin turn out to be another Tawana Brawley?
I say no.
I heard the 9-1-1 call again and someone is screaming for help one second
before the gun is fired - you can hear it on the tape.
I can't imagine a scenario in which I would be pulling out my gun
and screaming "Help me" at the same time.
If some nut is punching me and beating my head on the concrete,
I'm not going to say or scream anything if I'm pulling out my gun.
People who are one milli-second from solving their problem
would have no need to yell for
First, they said Trayvon was suspended for having a baggie with pot
residue in his bag.
Then, his father said he was suspended for being in "an unauthorized
area on school property,” Link
Now you report he was suspended for "attacking" a bus driver.
I wonder why the story keeps changing?
I don't care if Trayvon was a drug-dealing
gang member with baggy pants and bad breff.
For me, the inescapable crux is Zimmerman
went looking for trouble.
If Trayvon went inside
Zimmerman's home or pulled Zimmerman out of his car,
then I'd say Trayvon deserved
what he got. But that's not what happened.
By his own words, Zimmerman
saw a "Black
guy in a hoodie" who was
"acting suspicious" and "reaching into his
waistband" and Mr. Save the Day
decided he was going to approach him with a gun.
Zimmerman needs to pay for his bad decisions.
One more thing: Zimmerman was NOT "standing his ground."
He didn't know what street he was on when he was "attacked."
"ground" was he protecting?
Just In...
CNN has video of Zimmerman after the attack.
No blood is seen anywhere on his bald head.
injuries that made it sound as though he really should have been on a
are not apparent in this tape at all. He moves freely. He
fluidly, not like someone
who has just been through a beating in any
way, shape or form, someone whose head has
been pounded on the pavement
as hard as described, someone whose nose was broken
and bleeding. That
tells you a great deal."
-- Marcia Clark - yeah, that Marcia
Clark Video
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