Part Three of the Trip Report The beauty kept coming. We found Pfieffer State Park and they had a friendly beach.
These waves were pounding - it sounded like Mother Earth's heartbeat. Some day, if I ever hit the jackpot, I'd like to stay in a fancy hotel
near the beach.
Sometimes it was just too beautiful to believe.
We could see blue water, next to it was dark blue water, then closer
to shore it was kinda green
Funny how the fog would roll in and out.
There was one point when it was very bright, but the fog was off shore
about a mile.
Sometimes Highway 1 would be at sea level and then sometimes it'd be a mile high.
Damn, does it get any better than that?
Here comes the fog again.
Looks like that cloud monster on classic Star Trek. I always
figured Star Trek made it
I'm no stranger to fog, but I'd never seen the fog race like
it did.
Sometimes it would run up the hills at maybe 30 MPH.
In Oklahoma, the fog doesn't race - it moseys.
Here's another beach we found.
It was about 60 degrees, but that trapped water was warm so the kids loved it. At one point we were suddenly surrounded by redwoods.
We consider the presence of redwoods to be a direct sign from God,
reminding us
Heading back north, we saw this sign:
We've never seen a Beware the Pig Crossing sign before. I know Carmel is full of rich Rethugs, but c'mon...
We even found some rocks we could climb on. We were hoping to see some whales, but that didn't happen.
And we saw these guys...
Not sure of they are harbor seals or sea lions but they bellowed like
Glenn Beck with a Black waiter.
Our second day was running out of time but we had a couple of hours
of sunlight left
It's set on a big, fancy island-like piece of land overlooking the ocean.
I don't think this is actually Pebble Beach - they had a couple of golf courses there. We considered getting a sandwich at the fancy restaurant - or maybe
a drink - but we figured
So we headed back to the half-star No-Tell Motel in Seaside.
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