Challenge for Michael Del Giorno:

Yesterday, Rush used his, "Talent on loan from God"
to call President Clinton, "a turd licker."

I'm asking you to condemn that ugly personal attack.

I'm assuming Rush worships the same God you do, Michael.
Aren't you personally insulted that Rush would use talent
on loan from your God to utter such a horrible personal slur?

Sure, you can wimp out and say, "I didn't hear Rush say that,"
but he DID say it, and millions of people heard him.
I submit, if you had any respect for your God, you would condemn
Rush for using God's talent to utter such a tasteless slur.

If you fail to condemn Rush for claiming God loaned him the talent
to call Clinton, "a turd licker," I submit that would demonstrate that
you have no respect for God, and the faith you PROFESS to have
is only a sham to further a political agenda.

How comfortable are you with Rush using God's talent
to call our president, "a turd licker?"

I'm counting on your honesty, Michael.
I'm asking you to condemn Rush's tasteless personal attack.


(Go back to Fax Two)

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