You put Rush and the Republican agenda over your God?
Why are you afraid to call it like it is?
You know Rush calling Clinton "a turd licker" is disgusting behavior
someone who credits God for his talent, but you'd rather your God be
through the slime than speak a word against the Almighty Rush Limbaugh?
That proves your politics comes before your God.
Someday, God might ask you about this.
What will you tell Him?
When God asks you why you didn't speak up for Him, what will you say?
Will you tell Him Rush is Number One in the AM market?
Is that why you don't mind God's name dragged through the mud?
You're a Republican first, then you're a Christian.
You've denied your Savior.
Tell me, Michael, when you turned your back on your God,
did you hear a rooster crow?
(Hit "Back" for the finish)