From: "Voter March"
Voter March is a national internet based, grassroots organization
founded on November 17, 2000
in response to the undemocratic and illegal practices that occurred
during the Presidential election.
We are not funded by any organizations or special interests,
our supporters are all volunteers and
we believe we represent the true voice of the majority of the
American voting population.
We fight for voter rights, we seek reform of our electoral system
and we protest against the way
the current Administration gained power. We have State and Local
Coordinators in over 60 Cities
and our movement is growing rapidly.
On January 20th, 2001, we sponsored the Inaugural Day Voter March
Dupont Circle in Washington DC where there were activist speakers
entertainers. We had over 10,000 people from all over the country
gather in freezing rain. We had protest marches to the Inaugural
Parade Route. On Inauguration Day, major media reported
protestors outnumbered supporters of the newly "selected" President.
On Saturday, May 19th we are sponsoring the Voter Rights March
Restore Democracy in Washington, DC and in San Francisco
for the West Coast.
May 19th is also Malcolm X's birthday and Armed Forces Day.
We will gather at the West Capital steps and adjacent National
Mall area at noon in Washington DC.
In San Francisco, we will gather at Justin Hermann Plaza at Market
Street at 10 am and then march
to theCivic Center Plaza at noon. We will have activist
speakers and entertainers in both DC and SF.
For more information, visit our website,
email to,
write to
Voter March, P.O. Box 731, Grand Central Station, New York, NY
10163-0731, fax to 646-349-3757,
or call 212-492-5175.