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Subject: Love your now-weekly BCR shows

Hi Bart:

I just want to tell you how much I enjoy Bartcop Radio now that you  have gone to weekly releases.
I have always enjoyed BCR, but now,  you're not only "swingin' the hammer,"  you are also hitting the 
nail on the head in a very timely fashion.

Your comments about news anchors in BCR111 are something that every  journalist needs to take to heart. 
Yes, why pay some "anchor" $2  million a year to announce that "We now bring you Story No. 2."

I have a journalism degree, and what you claim to be an IQ of 64 is a  basic understanding of  Journalism 101,
which most MSM reporters and pundits do not get. In my experience, actual reporters who pound a  beat love 
Bartcop Radio.

After I have listened to the latest BCR on my car stereo, I pass the  CD along to some local news reporters. 
Later, when I tell them I have  the latest BCR to give them, their eyes light up. Of course, local  reporters have 
to answer to editors and publishers who may not agree  with them. But the reporters love you!

I also share BCR with Protestant clergy, and they love your BCR  shows. A few times in casual conversation 
with Protestant clergy I  cited your "Benny-the-Rat" references.  These clergy men and women  first smirk, 
then nod in agreement. Please bear in mind, Bart, that  the radical right-wing Christianistic folks do not 
represent the  mainstream church people.

This brings me to the second point of this email.

Bart, your BCR has so much substance that you really do not need any cuss words. I remember back when 
Redd Foxx first did Sanford & Son.  Folks wondered how he would ever deliver a sit-com show that could be  
aired on the public airwaves. Just a suggestion -- when you get done  with recording a BCR show, perhaps 
re-record a second BCR show for  general distribution. We BCR subscribers will love the original with 
all the cuss words, but the G-Version could gain you new audiences.

Not the "Balloon Faced Karl" 

Carl, if there was time, we could do a clean version, too.
Years ago, we went "clean" to try and get more subscribers - didn't work..

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