We have more tickets available.

 It should be a night to remember.

Thanks to James Carville and the West24 staff for elevating
our dumb idea into something that should be really spectacular.
Thanks to Christian for putting in hundreds of hours of real work for no pay.
Thanks to Dennis for working the dozens of hours with the Marriott.
Thanks to Ron V for the Carville connection :)
Thanks to the people who contributed but couldn't come - including some high rollers.
Thanks to the people who are coming to Washington to party

...and thanks to Julie for reminding us that fighting back is our duty.


A shot of Chinaco for Julie and Adam.

TO ORDER TICKETS to meet Julie Hiatt Steele at James Carville's West24

 Tickets are $100..

1) Send your money electronically via Pay Pal to

Make payments with PayPal - it's fast, free and secure!
   PayPal to  bartcop@bartcop.com


2) Send a check or money order (hurry) made out to bartcop.com to:

 P.O. Box   54466
 Tulsa, OK 74155


An Evening with Julie Hiatt Steele will be held at James Carville's West 24,
at 1250  24th Street NW in Washington, D.C. on April 27, 2002.  The event will run from 7 pm to 10 pm.

Map and review - Click  Here


 Whichever method you choose, once you have sent your money, please send an e-mail
 to Christian at   juliefest2002@yahoo.com and give her your full name, your e-mail address,
 the full names of any people attending with you, the number of tickets you have paid for,
 your home city and state and your phone number.  Security will be very tight.

All your personal information will be kept strictly confidential and is necessary in case we
need to contact you regarding the event, as well as for security purposes.

Once we have received your payment and confirmation e-mail, we will e-mail your ticket(s).
Print out the ticket and present it at the door of West 24 on April 27th.
No one will be admitted to the event without a ticket (except, perhaps former presidents)
Each person must present a separate ticket to be admitted.

You will be given a name tag at the door. You can write whatever name you wish on it.
If you don't want your real name known to others in the room, just write your screen name
or whatever name we would most likely know you by. It's up to you.


If you have questions about the event, have any great ideas for the event,
or would like to volunteer to help, e-mail Christian at juliefest2002@yahoo.com


There is a secret message board for Juliefest2002 attendees.


hotel room information is posted there
baconslab@baconslab.com  has a list of who's paid for a ticket and Christian
will be e-mailing invitation if you have indicated you're likely to attend.

For more/previous  Juliefest  conversation and new donation totals   Click  Here

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