
donate to started as a little acorn.
Now, it's a bigger acorn, but we need a big damn oak tree
if we're going to pound somebody with the BIG hammer.
We're getting bigger, a click at a time.
A column mention here, a fundraiser there...
The Democrats were on their knees for six years, begging Mr. Rove, "Please
don't hurt us!"
and the press became one giant personal publicity machine for the stupidest
man to ever steal the
White House, and that includes such noted under-achievers as Tricky Dick Nixon
and Red-Ink Reagan.
Who can we trust to fight the evil bastards who've stolen our country?
The people running the personal websites, that's who.
If the people running the personal websites don't fight back - who
The BFEE fascists have taken over the government and the press.
The Internet was all we had until the Democrats fell into power by accident.
Of course, there are reasons NOT to donate to
If you're male, white, rich, straight and healthy - no need to contribute.
If you think there are too many liberals in today's media - no need to
If you like Bush's America better than Clinton's America - no need to
If you think liberal web sites shutting down for lack of funds is no big thing
- no need to contribute.
If you think TV and radio are "fair and balanced," then there's no need to
If you think the pundits are honest and not controlled by BIG money
- no need to contribute.
If you think Rush, O'Reilly, Hannity, Savage and the others are right - no
need to contribute.
Don't send in your kid's lunch money.
Don't send in your rent or utility money.
Send in your gambling money.
Send in your stupid money - money you meant to throw away.
Send in your hooker money - be faithful to your wife, you scumbag!
Send in your church money! I'm not raping any young boys!
Maybe fighting the Bush-world-takeover-fascist-agenda with humor could catch
It sure seems to irritate President Weak & Stupid.
Will we stay a whisper for years?
I don't have time for that - we need to make a splash now!
If fighting the illegal Bush takeover is important to you, consider a
It would be nice to have a bigger hammer...
They can't buy me out, and they can't scare me.
I'm the most dangerous kind of liberal - a liberal with a gun.
...and I ain't no bandleader.
So have a few drinks and consider donating to
You can subscribe to
Bartcop Radio, too.
PO Box 54466
Tulsa, OK 74155
Use your credit
card here
We sell
shotglasses and WPE shirts and more
We sell STUFF at Bart
Mart - mugs, mouse pads, shirts, etc.
Last thing:
Contributions are not tax deductible, but remember:
We get more hits here each day than the "margin of victory" Smirk claimed
in Florida in 2000.
We get more hits here each week than the "margin of victory" Smirk claimed
in Ohio in 2004.
If we can change just a few minds, expose a few lies, point out a few frauds...
...wouldn't it be something if we actually made a difference?
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