Subject: Bart, about your tin
foil hat...
I have an unscientific mind. One could argue
to me, and I'd have no reason
not to believe them, that what looks like explosions
are simply bursts from the
weight of the building collapsing on the lower
floors. Just because those "bursts"
look like explosions, doesn't necessarily make
them explosions. What I'd like to
see are pictures from the same time frame on
WTC 7. To me, explaining why
WTC 7 collapsed when it wasn't struck, and wasn't
burning with the aid of
jet fuel, is the key.
But I do believe that further investigation is
1. Would members of our own government do
something like this? - History has
shown that some members would be willing (Operation
Northwoods), and all that
would be required would be permission granted
by the forces that could make it
happen. Kennedy told plotters to go fuck
themselves. Would Bush?
2. Could this be carried off by members
inside the government, and have the
secret kept from the public? - Certainly.
There are mercenaries with the capability
of doing this for the right price. And
even if al Qaeda was the operational force,
there are certainly mercenary forces with that
tactical ability to show them how to
carry it off. Don't forget that our CIA
created bin Laden as a terrorist force, and it
was likely mercenaries with no visible links
to the government who trained him and
taught him how to train others. It is reasonable
to believe that bin Laden still would
have some contact with those organizations.
If these "mercenaries" were to let the
secret out, that would prevent them from ever
working for any government again.
3. Would NeoCons in the White House have
access to these types of mercenaries?
- Sure, at least the ones who've spent their
careers in intelligence. As former head
of the CIA, HW would certainly have access to
groups such as this.
But, ultimately, this is a battle for scientists.
The Bushistas have shown the ability to
discredit real science while maximizing faux
science. A congressional committee will
have to provide a real opportunity for all scientists
with a valid opinion to be heard.
I tend to doubt such an opportunity will be given
even if Democrats retake congress.
Democrats have shown the propensity to excuse
all previous Republican crimes in an
effort to create "bi-partisanship." We saw Clinton
do this with Iran/Contra - for all the
good it did him. We will never know the
truth. It will be kept from us, if for no other
reason than to protect America's reputation.
I fully understand why many Democrats
refuse to discuss this issue, because they understand
that it's an argument that places
a "tin-foil hat" on their heads if they cannot
provide proof, and we are not likely going
to see a real opportunity to gather the proof.
One added thought. I've noticed that NeoCons
have the propensity to accuse others
of doing what they themselves are doing every
day. For instance, the "Brooks Brothers Riot"
accused Democrats of attempting to steal the 2000
election, when they were obviously
doing it themselves - and had a papertrail of
evidence going all the way to Jeb Bush's office.
During the run up to the invasion of Iraq, we
constantly heard the refrain that "Saddam
gassed his own people." This is, of course,
a true statement, but how hard would they
attempt to cover up knowledge that said, "Team
Bush blew up 3,000 of his own people
to con the nation into war."
Jimmy the legal beagle |