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Smirkonomics Sending Economy into Toilet
The Delphi Automotive Systems Corporation,
the world's largest maker of auto parts,
said it would eliminate 11,500 jobs
this year.
With Clinton, it was just the opposite.
Under Clinton, everyone who wanted a job got one, and they still
needed people after that,
so they hired people with tattoos, yellow, spiked hair, nose
rings and mohawks.
Soon, degreed professionals will be begging for manual labor,
just like the eighties under the last clueless idiot president
- Red-Ink Reagan.
America, America - God shed his rage on thee...
The vulgar Pigboy is doing "fat" jokes about Hugh Rodham.
Remember when the fat bastard was at 400 pounds?
When he balloons up again, I'll buy fatbastardpigboy.com
and I will hammer his porky ass until my keyboard breaks.
From: LRoush@ver.gd-ots.com
Subject: WHAT A RAG !!!!!!!!!
Last thing I'll read published by you.!
Jennifer Love Hewitt Rejects
BartCop's Advice
(picture not available)
In a monstrously-bad career move, second, perhaps only
to Metallica's threat to jail fans
who wanted to hear their music, former-babe Jennifer Love Hewitt
has rejected the free
advice offered recently on bartcop.com with
disasterous results.
In Volume 134 - Vaseline, Hewitt was trying to shed her "good girl" image.
Trying to help, I suggested ten ways she could lose her goody-goody
Wednesday night, on letterman, former-babe Jennifer Love Hewitt
insisted on telling
Dave about the "trenchmouth" she caught in Mexico.
Trust me, it was a lot worse than the version you're getting from
because I have a weak stomach, so I'm going to candy-coat
it for you.
She said this "trenchmouth" (I'm not familiar with the
term, myself) caused fifteen
bleeding ulcers to develope inside her mouth. She said he lips
and gums swelled up
like baloons, and it was nothing but blood and puss for a couple
of weeks while
she waited for the anti-biotics to slowly take effect.
She said after a while it went away, but it has permanent effects.
She said she had to have some dental work done because of it,
and it apparently never compeletly goes away, because now, years
she has an appointment with her dentist to have two more root-canals
because her teeth are rotting from the inside out.
Y'know, I'm so old, I can remember a time when a young movie starlet
preferred to submit herself to her blackmailer for weekly, kinky
sex, before she'd
want the world to know her teeth were rotting from the "trenchmouth."
Jennifer, good luck in your next career.
From: GTrowbridge@homecrestcab.com
Subject: MSNBC censors own headlines
Yesterday morning I checked the headlines on MSNBC.COM
and found this article,
with the headline “Bush Angers U.S. Allies
Over Climate Pact”
Then today, I log on and see that the same article
is still online, but the headline
has been altered to read “Bush Firm With Allies
On Climate Pact”
So which one of Bush’s henchmen descended upon
MSNBC’s webmaster to effect this change?
So this is what a totalitarian state feels like.
Geoff Trowbridge
Geoff, I'll tell you exactly what happened.
MCNBC's top ditto-monkeys can't be there all the time.
While they were gone, somebody accidentally wrote an honest headline.
When the dito-monkey got back to work, he saw that headline and thought,
"Karl Rove will be pissed at us if we say that about our beloved
and he changed it to a headline the White House would prefer.
It's the constant whoring of the press.
That reminds me of something from Volume
193 - They Broke Elian's Bed
Just before 6 AM EST this morning, the Fox
News banner read,
When the hateboys got to the office it suddenly changed to
...because Fox News didn't think "removed"
would cause a riot,
so they changed "Removed" to "seized
in raid" trying to incite one.
Fox Whore News - We Whore, You Call Us On It!
Smirkonomics Sending Economy into Toilet
Disney cuts jobs
Disney announced it is cutting 4,000 jobs
due to a weakening economy.
Disney said the job cuts will take place
across all of its divisions, including ABC,
the film studio, cable channels and the
corporate division of the company.
The news follows major staff reductions
at AOL-Time Warner and General Electric's NBC.
It also comes about six weeks after Disney
separately slashed about 500 jobs from its
Internet group as part of its decision
to close its Go.com portal.
Isn't it funny how America destroys it's heroes,
and elevates the worthless, white-power, thieving scum to sainthood?
God, what did we do to anger you so?
Subject: The Unspeakable Bush
by Gary Kamiya at Salon.com
As President Bush announces he won't hold any
more press conferences,
a relieved America comes together in gratitude.
The unelected president has become the unspeakable president. Literally.
President George W. Bush, his spokesman announced
Wednesday, will not be holding
any more press conferences. Instead, he'll talk
to reporters in a less "formal" way.
"The president prefers an informality about certain
things," said Ari Fleischer.
Welcome to the wonderful world of George W. Bush's brain, where it's always Casual Friday!
You can't really blame Bush for fleeing from the
press with his larynx between his legs.
You see, reporters have this annoying habit of
asking questions.
And when you don't know the answers and don't
want to know the answers and there's no way
when you're standing up in front of all these
people for Dick or Colin to give you the answers,
it's just like that horrible day in sixth grade
when you had to give a report on the Mayans and
you hadn't done any of the reading and didn't
even know who the Mayans were and Jimmy Burton
was going to slip you a crib sheet but he was
sick that day and Mr. Snider made you get up in front
of everybody and you couldn't get out of it and
you had to say something so you said the Mayans
were the people who invented Mayannaise.
That was a really bad day. And when you're president,
you shouldn't have to have days like that.
Otherwise, what is the point of being president?
And when you're the American public, you shouldn't
be subjected to them either.
It's embarrassing and hurtful to our national
image. In fact, it's un-American.
Even the people who voted for Bush knew he was
a few beans short of a full burrito,
so why make him stand up there and pretend he
knows what he's talking about?
That isn't him!
It's unfair to him!
And it's not why we elected him!
What America, or at least five old geezers in
black robes, wanted was a genial, figurehead-type
CEO who is incapable of defending or even explaining
the decisions made by his corporate
masters on the board of directors, but who can
make ignorance seem charming.
And if that is what America wanted, that is what America should get!
In the Age of Bush, silence is golden.
"Why should I have to pay for some lazy
nigger's gas bill?
The worthless, free-ride niggers
don't deserve my money, they deserve
to be shipped back to Africa,
the worthless mother-fuckers."
-- Vic the white-power Republican at
I didn't know this happened, but Vic the Racist claims the city
of K-Drag added
$5 to his gas bill to help the needy families who can't afford
Smirk's energy gouge.
He says that's robbery.
He says that's socialism.
He says that shouldn't happen in today's America.
Notice, he doesn't mind that his gas bill wrent from $66 to $200.
No, anything to support Smirk's re-election bid is OK with the
raging ditto-monkey.
He doesn't mind losing that $134 to a rich, white thief from Texas,
but a needy family (who says they're black, anyway?) getting
$5 is an outrage!
The latest poll results...
Less than half of Americans say we're going in the right direction.
Item: This is right after an election, when most polls would show 70 percent, or higher.
Item: This is with a whore press covering up for that smirking idiot.
Item: This is a Zogby
(got cash-get results) Poll.
If your
boy or issue is trailing by 12, give John Zogby cash under the table
(no checks, please)
and wham!
- your boy will suddenly be ahead by 6.
Item: Bill Clinton had America on the "peace and prosperity"
path for eight years,
and Smirk
promised to "change course," and that's the only promise he has kept.
Today in History
In 1981: Red-Ink Reagan was shot and seriously injured
by John Hinckley. Also wounded
were a Secret Service agent, a DC cop, and White House press
secretary James Brady,
who was thrown out of the GOP and laughed at and ridiculed for
the last 20 years because
he thinks insane killers like John Hinkley shouldn't have easy
access to firearms.
This Just In...
NRA Opens Branch Office
in Gary, Indiana
- sent by FizzTwo@aol.com
Commandment I: Thou must dis' black women.
Is there a difference between OPEC and BIG OIL?
What's the point of having an energy policy if Smirk's buddies can say,
"We underestimated demand, so natural gas
will cost 500 percent more this year,"
as we helplessly watch their profits shoot thru the damn roof?
What good would it do us to gain independence from foreign oil
if we still have to negotiate with Enron, Texaco and Phillips
Does it really matter who's doing the gouging?
Between the Saudi's and BIG OIL, who has dealt with us more honestly?
Between the two, who gouges the little guy more?
With BIG OIL owning the White House, we have two cartels to negotiate with.
They say we need to drill in Alaska to ween ourselves off Saudi oil.
But we have the same problems with natural gas, and that comes from
right here in America.
We don't get any natural gas from Saudi, do we?
They are lying.
This is just a scam for Smirk, Cheney and their oil buddies to make billions, not millions.
If we stopped importing all oil from the Middle East, all BIG OIL has
to do is
"underestimate" production needs and we still have the illegal price-gouging
except this time we're getting gouged with Alaska being a giant oil
If natural gas was the same price as last year, we might have
to concede they have a point.
With domestic gas is skyrocketing on price, isn't that just proof of
the gouging?
...and the whore press refuses to even ask the questions.
Media Attacks Bush at Today's
Press Conference
by Starpass at http://www.democraticunderground.com/duforum/DCForumID5/429.html
You would have been pleasantly proud of the media
today at Bush's press conference.
They attacked him and they attacked him big time.
I watched it all.
Rundown: First he read a down the middle type
middle east statement slapping hand of both sides.
Then came question and answer and media went
in for kill.
Questions like - Is it true that your tax plan
is only to pay back your rich contributors at the expense
of everyone else and that your administration
cares nothing for the common people of this nation?
They shoved McCAin in his face and asked if this
is payback, in essence, for the crap pulled
in the primaries. They attacked his angering
about every nation on the face of the planet,
his environment messing up, the criticism pouring
in from everywehere, etc.
He was visibly shocked that the honeymoon seemed
over with the media and all of these
correspondents he thought were in his back pocket.
His eyes fluttered so fast in rage I though
he was going to faint. Then began the blathering
and blundering...
Ronnie looked like Einstein compared to this pathetic
He would talk himself into corners, etc.
He absolutely cannot think on his feet not just because
he is lost without a teleprompter and someone
writing his speech for him, but he just cannot
cover up the absoulute corporate corruption that
he is sent out to hide.
BUT, the most pathetic thing was, unlike any president
I've seen in the past, including Ronnie,
he lost all control of the room. Unable to answer
concisely, then turn to another reporter and
move things along or distract reporters, the
press would interrupt him,or same person would
keep badgering him, general noise level was crazy...they
smelled blood because his blathering
encouraged them that he would make major slip
I realize that most people will only see blurbs
tonight, and then as network went back to home base,
(I then realized I was watching this on MSNBC),
anchors said
"He gave a stern warning to the Middle East
and disarmed reporters with his humor..."
I just wanted to vomit!
Reality: He made a blah Middle East statement
and he just plain made a jackass of himself
- it wasn't jokes, they were laughing at
him; but this is how the anchor desk spun it.
I can see something very clear now---those reporters
ARE doing their job and asking questions,
but back in the studio it's cleaned up and presented
in this disgusting package for consumption.
I wish ALL the people could have seen this pathetic fool in action this morning.
Smirk Warns Arafat
"President Bush, speaking at the second news
conference of his presidency,
said that Yasir Arafat should hear
'loud and clear' that the United States
wanted the Palestinian leader 'to stop
the violence,'" the NY Times reports.
...and if he doesn't?
A cynical man, a catastrophic
from Overseas
because the American whore press won't tell the truth
The token gesture Mr Bush made during the election
campaign towards some kind of
reduction in America's carbon dioxide emissions
turns out to have been a cynical ploy
to match Al Gore's green credentials.
Now Mr Bush is revealed as a fully fledged sceptic
about the science of global warming,
saying he is "unequivocal" in opposing the Kyoto
agreement. In this he sets himself,
as firmly as any Creationist or Flat-Earther,
against the overwhelming scientific consensus.
News around the Country
In Illinois:
"Amid wisecracks and laughter, the state
House passed a bill
Wednesday outlawing sex with animals.
Such behavior is now prosecuted
as animal cruelty, usually a misdemeanor.
In debate laced with chuckles,
House members voted to make sexual conduct
with animals a felony,"
-- the Chicago Sun-Times
Harvey in the 1930's
An Open Letter to the
Next School Shooter
by Ted Rall
Smirk, polluter of the
free world
Once again, we must go overseas to find an honest assessment
of the Failure in Thief
Mr Bush's policies appear to be based largely
on what will appeal to his friends in the oil, gas, mining
and heavy manufacturing industries, all
of whom gave him lavish backing in his efforts to become president
and who are now enjoying government
representation at the highest level. He is complaining
that Kyoto makes demands on the US that
other countries do not have to follow.
Mr Bush's cabinet looks distinctly like
the board of a smokestack industry, packed with veterans of the
business (himself, Vice-President Dick
Cheney and Commerce Secretary Don Evans), aluminium
manufacturing (Treasury Secretary Paul
O'Neill, late of Alcoa) and lead (Interior Secretary Gale Norton).
Hi-tech and the New Economy are barely represented.
Cathy Keating, wife of Oklahoma's clueless governor, wants Steve Largent's House seat.
Keating's going to Washington to run an oil scam for Smirky,
and Largent's going to assume the governor's office,
and Cathy Keating wants Largent's House seat.
...but she's a Republican woman.
She's not allowed to have her own opinions.
If she wins the House seat, won't that mean her husband makes
her decisions?
And if she's allowed to have her own opinions, why isn't Pickles
Why does Pickles have to keep her opinions to herself,
but Cathy Keating is allowed to express hers?
I'm smart.
I'm going to make billions fucking this country on energy
The press is following their orders and helping me, isn't that
Uncle Dick is right.
I'm smart.
From: williamkirksport@netscape.net
Subject: 60 Minutes and the ATF
Hey BC,
of Koresh, didn't the Sunday before the Wednesday ATF raid on WACO that
the whole fucking thing, didn't 60 MINUTES
do a report on racial/sexual discrimination at the ATF?
I always thought that the high-profile raid
on the Waco compound occurred suspiciously close to that time,
like an attempt to generate countervailing
positive publicity, kind of like Reagan's pushing for the date
of Challenger's launch so that it would
coincide with his state-of-the-union address.
Sport, I'm not sure about that 60 Minutes connection.
Anybody remember that?
Any way to check that out?
As far as the Challenger explosion, that's another one
Saint Reagan got away with.
No matter that everyone on board died, there was no investigation,
no inquiries were made,
Larry Klayman didn't file any lawsuits and the House and Senate
didn't hold hearings.
Clinton's cock was not involved, therefore no harm - no foul.
It never matters how many dead there were - it's all about Clinton and his zipper.
God, the press are such unmitigated whores.
Tally Briggs / Actress at Large
The Rape & Pillage of California
Read the Previous Issue
It had everything.
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