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Smirk - Call off Your Crazies
K-Drag Radio goes Dornan over McVeigh's Execution
Every other minute is a promo to "catch all the details" of Tim's
They're sending their "news director" to Terre Haute and "reporters"
to OKC
so they can have "team coverage" of this non-event.
I mean, he's going to be given a shot and go to sleep.
How much coverage does a shot need?
You know they're going to stick a mic in the face of a widower
and ask
"How do you feel knowing the man who
killed your wife is going to die?"
I'd love for that guy to say, "How the fuck do you think I feel, you moron?"
Alone in court.
Dad was playing Nintendo,
Mom was baking cookies for the NRA.
No wonder they turned out bad.
Absentee parents is a terrible thing.
From: albcrazy@worldnet.att.net
Subject: I stole this from you
The following letter was published in the Arizona
Tribune, a very conservative newspaper
here in the Phoenix area. They printed
it almost verbatim. Thanks for letting me plagiarize you.
The readers of this paper are mostly older
or Mormon, that ought to tell you how upset some will be....
This letter is in response to Bob Ederer letter
Mr Ederer letter sound like he has been listening
to continuous vicious and defamatory rhetoric
coming from the so called "liberal media."
The "liberal media" is no more than a myth perpetuated
by the list of following. If this incident
by Jenna Bush would have happened to Chelsea Clinton
the following would have happened.
Rush Limbaugh would spend weeks pontificating
that the family values were at fault.
The alleged doctor Schlessinger would at every
opportunity point out that family values were at fault.
Bill O'Reilly would be pointing out the lack
of family values the Clintons' must have.
Eva Von Zahn, Brit Hume and Tony Snow , John
McLaughlin, Juan Williams and Mara Liason,
Chris Matthews, G. Gordon Liddy, Juan Williams,
Michael Medved, Ollie North, John Stossell,
Robert Novak, Sam and Cokie and the list goes
on ad nausea... I can name at least fifteen others,
including locals, that would point out
he hypocrisy in the family values system the Clintons have.
All spending there allotted time vilifying and
I hear nothing but apologizing and excuse making
coming from the so called "liberal media" pundits.
Mr Ederer must have forgot the Republican agenda
stating family values are taught at home.
I guess the lies and drunkenness Bush had as
a youth was taught to his daughters, and it doesn't count.
Unless of course it was a liberal...
Alan Bennett
Alan, good stuff.
Black on
by Isaac Peterson
From: BarkaChaBe@aol.com
Subject: Did you see Bill and Hillary at the Belmont?
Hey Bart!
Well I am not into horse racing....talk about
a good place to meet a lot of Republicans, but guess WHO was there?
Bill looked GOOD. You know, if I had my
way I'd take every St. Reagan monument and sign down
and replace it with something for Bill.
Point Given started to look like Secretariat there
toward the end of the race (and that's about the closest
we will ever get in awhile) , but the most interesting
scene I know YOU would have liked was when owner
Prince Ahmed bin Salman gave Point Given a big
kiss right in front of the camera--because I bet if Paul Harvey
was watching, he would have gotten a big hard
Regards (and keep the hammer down!)
Owner of Point Given Ahmed bin Salman, holds the Belmont Stakes
presented to him by Senator Clinton and her husband, the last elected
Point Given won the Belmont Stakes by 12 lengths.
From: pipecover@mediaone.net
Subject: Tax Rebate
About sending tax rebates to the dems.
I wholeheartedly agree with you that we ought
not to send any rewards to these assholes.
Even though my 98 IQ is higher than yours, I'm
don't think I'm quite as smart as you, so I'm asking your
opinion about what I think may be a great idea
of what to do with the rebates -- that is, for true democrats.
Would there be any way we could return our rebates
to Washington with instructions to apply them to the national debt?
Could this be done?
I think it would be fuckin great!
It'd possibly thwart the right wing's plan to
destroy Social Security, and show the dumb ass congress
what the American people really want -- the Democrats,
that is.
-- just a thought,
Bill from Boston
Bill, not a bad idea, but tequila in Vegas is better!
Who is Deep Throat?
I say "is," because he or she is still alive, right?
The way I remember it, Woodward & Bernstein promised never
to reveal Deep Throat's identity as long as he/she was alive.
But it's been 28 years.
That means Deep Throat is a very, very old person OR was pretty young back in 1973.
That's a pretty big clue.
How many major players are still alive?
Did you know it was our very own Tennessee
Tuxedo, Fred Thompson, that asked
Alex Butterfield, "Is there any kind
of recording device in the Oval Office?"
that brought down the third biggest crooked
president in recent history?
Are there any Watergate experts out there?
Maybe someone did a thing on "Who is Deep Throat?" 25 years ago.
Lots and lots of people are no longer with us, and that's a huge
Anyone care to compile a list of the Ten Most Likely Suspects?
(Don't write and say it was Hal Holbrook.)
Surely a third to a half of the suspects are gone,
and assuming Woodward and Bernstein are telling the truth
(and that's an assumption bigger than Laura Schlessinger's ego)
about speaking up once Deep Throat is gone, DT is still here.
Who's left?
Hint: I think we can rule out Liddy.
From: (withheld)
Subject: enough already
Please stop writing about Jenna Bush, Casey
Martin, Chicano, U2, Las Vegas,
TV and movie crap, your stupid New York
trip that nobody cared about,
Catholics, rock and roll, the China spy
plane and all that other crap.
Nobody cares.
PS. I love bartcop.com I read it every day.
Why pay taxes?
They say they need tax relief, to jump-start Smirk's bad economy.
Wouldn't it be cheaper to hire good accountants?
Seven top US firms actually paid
less than zero in federal income taxes in
1998 (because of rebates).
These include: Texaco, Chevron,
Pepsi, Enron, Worldcom, and General Motors.
So why are they screaming for tax relief?
From: jotho@optonline.net
Subject: Open Secrets
...probably have the wrong address for this type
of thing, but...I wish BC
would take a quick glimpse of this page: http://www.opensecrets.org
It, as you guys probably already are aware, lists
campaign contributions.
The upper left hand corner has a story on $ and
the energy industry
which BC might find quite enlightening....and
Memo to the Bush Brats
by Jules Witcover
Just as your old man is trying to get over
the loss of Jim Jeffords,
you had to add to his grief. Thanks to
you, his own earlier confessions
of excessive drinking and a DWI arrest
are being resurrected,
along with his refusal to say whether he
ever used drugs.
ha ha
Tax Fiasco
by Molly Ivins
This was supposed to be a huge tax break
for the rich, a simple albeit awful idea.
The biggest break for the rich was to be
the repeal of the estate tax:
Quinn says of its final form, "Laughter
is the right response."
The whole bill is loaded with phase-ins,
phase-outs and then, poof, suddenly everything disappears.
If you are real rich, you need to die before
From: dschiff1@tampabay.rr.com
Subject: Paul Harvey?
I heard the rumor before and figured you'd be the man to ask.
Where did "Paul Harvey" the horse molester rumor come from and is it true?
A few months back while Harvey was on vacation,
a local talk show host
reported that Harvey was off the air because
of an accident involving a
lawn mower severing his right hand, he then reported
Paul's hand being
replaced with a horses hoof donated from his
closest friend, a horse.
Paul was doing fine but the horse died and Paul
was in mourning.
When I heard this I almost pissed myself laughing!
Don, yes, it's all true.
Paul Harvey forces stallions into stanchions and has sex with
You think I'm kidding?
I have a witness.
Mr. Ed, did I exxaggerate any about Paul Harvey?
"Please make Paul Harvey stop!"
For the whole sick and sordid story Click Here
From: joesantos@mindspring.com
Subject: BONO SUCKS!
Hi BC,
American Rock rules. There is (really) no
other kind of rock.
The only worthwhile form of music Britain can
claim to have invented
is Heavy Metal (Birmingham Style), and that was
only a handful of bands.
The U.S. perfected Heavy Metal (Motley Crue,
Metallica, etc.).
I hate Lame Rock (Dave Matthews) and I REALLY hate Pretentious Asshole Rockers (Sting, Bono, etc.).
Please, BC, don't dissapoint me...
Toast, get used to it.
Music is like religion - I don't care what you're into.
If you like Tiny Tim, John Denver and Up With People - more power to
But American rockers?
I remember a bet I had with a smart ass Republican named Patrick Buckingham.
I said American groups sucked and he called me on it, so we played
a game.
Every time I named a non-American supergroup, he'd name an American
30 seconds later, I was saying "Pink Floyd" and he was down to "Bob Seger," bless his black heart.
Usually, when I write about somebody I use the phrase "He's not my favorite,"
because you know me, there's no reason to inflame passions if it's
not necessary.
You can call Bono a "pretentious asshole" if you want, but he's today's
John Lennon.
Nobody puts his time, money and energy where his mouth is like Bono.
Christ, he made Jesse Helms cry - doesn't he get points for that?
But the best way to prove my point is to say "compared to who?"
Motley Crue is a band of heroin addicted wife-beaters and Metallica
to jail their fans under the RICO statutes for "illegal" listening
to their music.
...but Bono is the jerk?
Read the Previous Issue
It had everything.
Copyright © 2001,
Thanks for the fumble, Dude.