Volume 548 - I Did What I Could Recent Old Stuff . .Celeb-ho e-mails .Required Reading..... The Liberal Media? .Crime of the Century? Clinton's Page The Ruby Tape Mother of All Links.......Did you hear it? . .. Bush Abortion Shocker! ..........stuff.............................................................................................. ... ...... ....................................................................................................................................................Support Bartcop.com ...................................................................................................................................................POBox 54466.... Tulsa,OK 74155 It's 125 in K-Drag today. Sure wish I was in Ely, Mn. August 6, 2001. ..... ... ...Ad-vertise_on_bartcop.com...............SPORTS.. ............. Sabutai Concert |
Have you gone
to live365.com to sign up yet? That's the place where one might listen to, oh, I don't know, ...maybe some live, subversive, pirate political radio... It only takes a minute, and I'd recommend you choose your current MP3 player instead of their "recommended" player, which locks up when you try to DL it. ...you'll never know when you might suddenly need to hear an internet radio show. Big Dog signs $8,000,000.00 book deal From that TVBarn that someone accused me of ripping off: Monday, August 6, 2001 Earlier I passed along a story from another publication reporting
that Michael Moore's "The Awful Truth" Thank you for contacting
Bravo. We appreciate your interest in The
From: politicalhumor.guide@about.com Subject: Your Bushie Award Bartcop -- Just wanted to congratulate you, somewhat belatedly, I finally have an award graphic for you. Keep up the funny -- and stay tuned for Best, Thanks, Dan.
Great News Chris Rock is coming back to HBO. That deserves a shot of Chinaco.
Dennis the Screamer and MNF return tonight. Did you see his show Friday with DeeDee Myers (D-Judessa) He'd ask
her a question but
From: glennpop@yahoo.com Subject: Re:Live365 access (It's not neccessary for people to sign up) Hey BC, You can access Live365's radio broadcasts without signing
up..you don't even have to look at their One can just type the IP address into the ADD URL section
of the playlist window..or even easier, I hope that saves a lot of trouble for people..and less
trouble means that more people will give it a Glenn MacEachern Glenn, thanks for that.
Quotes "I am not worried about the deficit. It is
big enough to take care of itself."
From: rachael@wnonline.net Subject: The liberal legacy continues... There's a historically accurate scene in "The
Patriot," which is about the American Revolutionary War, Then it hit me. Just like a mathematical equation. American
patriots would not have been able to fight Liberals made that association long ago. They, too,
know that people cannot fight for or preserve freedom It's true that many (if not most) liberals have an illogical position on guns. They usually say "Call the cops" or "Get a baseball bat," which is as helpful
as prayer in that case. Liberals are not lovers of freedom. Liberals believe
that the average person is simply too ignorant to be free. Gee, Rush, that's almost like goofy talk. Liberals love government. They love coercive government.
If there were a revolutionary war today, Let's see if you have any balls - answer these questions: 1. Smoking pot - are you for more or less government? Liberals are well aware of the interconnect between
guns and freedom. Horseshit Peter Sliman,
From: neilrmurray@yahoo.com Subject: How to attract Conservatives to CNN Dear Mr. Isaacson, I heard that you have recently met with Conservative
leaders in Washington, D.C. You could have saved yourself the time, and the trip,
because it is simple, Lie There you go, that's the formula. Good luck--by
the way, you'll be LOSING non-conservatives, Sincerely, Neil R. Murray
From: neilrmurray@yahoo.com Subject: The DEMS are Anti-Democratic BC, you said: >Nobody was afraid of Nader, it just made no sense to let him in the debate. Of course they WERE afraid of NADER--THAT is why it "made no sense" to let him in the debate! It's called an open democratic system--except that the I disagree. Do you think that if Nader had had media exposure and
been allowed to debate both Bush and Gore Nader isn't an unknown. It's the same reason why you don't have the circulation that the NY Times does. Exposure. The NYWT has been around a hundred years. As Jeff said: Face it Bartcop, if you keep voting for the lesser of two evils, evil always wins. I hate when people argue using someone else's cliches. That is precisely where Nader (or other independent
voters) differ from the two Don't need time.
Does Dick Morris read bartcop.com? GOP: Don't
walk the HMO plank Excerpt: Don't worry, Dick.
From: (withheld) Just signed up at live365.com but can't find your
station. Also browsed through about 20 pages of the 'talk'
category, but to no avail. Sir or madam, It took me a while to get signed up with live365 (IQ
of 64, you know) so I thought I'd
Quotes "No candidate should be concerned about getting
votes for their opponents.
'Rush' Buddies Spank Monkeys No, it's not abour Clarence Thomas and Bob Dornan. Koresh!
Bush joins cock hunt Since US Attorney Mary Jo White (Southern District of New York) can't
find any evidence of The White House began announcing its U.S. attorney nominees this week,
but the official could
Trouble at BartCop Manor Mrs. BartCop was dusting the library when (what are the odds?) she pulled
out the book She said when we go to Las Vegas, we'll be staying at The Bellagio or The Venetian. Well, ...she will be, anyway...
The Never-ending
Nader go Round
From: utusn@flash.net Subject: Bush the idiot Unfortunately, as one of MWO's Message Board posters
found, the "Presidential IQ" thing turns out John Garza 147 Franklin D. Roosevelt (D) John, you have failed to convince me it's a hoax.
Happy Birthday to... .............. Also, Martin Sheen turns 61, Neil Armstrong is 71 and Jon Benet Ramsey would've
been 11 if
No More 'That's my Bush' Comedy Central has cancelled That's My Bush! after just eight episodes.
This will only be of interest to the men...
Mo Dowd
Hates Everybody Excerpt: How true.
From: rschoono@san.rr.com Subject: a game of logic for Bartcop Bartcop, I offer you a game in logic, if you please. I will give
you a premise I offer as a preface the multitudes who I believe would
rather stay home than vote for Premise: You are a liberal and you will never vote
for someone who Rod Rod, that's too easy. You don't reward the son of a baby killer and an illegal arms dealer with the White House.
OF THE GODFATHER Great article, don't miss it. Sidebar: He ought to know what he's talking about, right? "Civilian" Michael went to the hospital to visit
his dad. When he got there, he saw that Dad was Realizing Sollozzo was invulnerable as long as
he was protected by a police captain, Where was the seduction?
Read the Previous Issue It had everything. Copyright © 2001, bartcop.com