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"We are starting to learn more about
Osama bin Laden.
He is married to the daughter
of a guy named Mullah Muhammed Omar.
I think her name is Tiffany Omar.
Insiders say that the marriage is not working out.
Apparently they are living in
separate caves."
-- Dave
Voice of
the Right can hear no evil
How the Brits see the vulgar Pigboy
From: LCarr96624@aol.com
Subject: (no subject)
You are a nut if I ever read after one........
...badge of honor, Dude.
Mediawhoresonline.com just got a mention from the vulgar Pigboy!
Forty minutes into Monday's final hour.
He even spelled it out.
Congrats to JQ!
From: mahauck@mailbox.bellatlantic.net
Subject: Like shooting fish in a barrel
Christ, you make it too easy, bartcop. Exhibit
B consists of every print journalist that works for
Knight Ridder, Gannett, the NYT, the AP, etc.
that collectively, outweigh your Exhibit A by a mile.
I'd thrown in Tom Brokaw, Dan Blather, Peter
Perfect Jennings, , etc. into Exhibit B as very influential
and visible liberal media pundits. A few
years ago a poll was taken among those working in the
mass media and it was revealed that 70%
voted for Democratic candidates.
I think, like so much talk radio, you bring up
points simply to stir responses, or, you're just clueless and
ignorant of the obvious. I mean really,
Eleanor Clift and Geraldo as the only liberal TV reporters?
Are you kidding?
Anthony, you have failed.
You were asked to make a list.
It's silly to think that saying "everybody" is the same as making a
If those people were all Clinton supporters, there would've been no Monica "scandal," right?
Remember, all this time, Newt was screwing his secretary and every
journalist knew it and I'm sure
because I knew it and printed it on this page in 1998 and I'm in Oklahoma.
Those hundreds/thousands
of reporters kept that secret quiet so they could go 24/7 on
Clinton. Can't you see that?
Try again.
I'll print it if it makes half-sense.
...and thanks for reading bartcop.com
Has Bush proposed any programs that didn't put big money in
the pockets of his rich friends?
Let's make a list:
1. The tax cut for the super-rich.
2. The useless Star Wars program that would make his arms-dealing
friends super-rich.
3. Drilling in Alaska.
4. Beefing up the military (In every way but higher wages for
the grunts)
Has Bush ever proposed anything that didn't enrich his friends and campaign contributors?
If you know of something,
From: kratliff@cimnetsys.com
Subject: Which is it?
Do you want to hear from those who disagree with
you or would you like to be proven wrong.
You seem to have some issues with name calling.
Doesn't sound like you really want anyone to
disagree with you, you would probably just call them names.
Have a nice day.
Kevin, maybe you're new here (that's not name-calling) but I've been
looking for debate partners
for about eight years. Yes, yes, yes - I would like to
be proven wrong - on LOTS of issues.
Are you that guy who can do it?
Send me something that shows where I'm wrong - please.
Put "Challenge" in the header so I'll see it, OK?
Last thing, you've probably never read the transcripts of recent debates,
but you can Click Here
or Here or Here
to verify there's only friendly name calling during the debates.
"Carry on" luggage should be carried on.
We saw people dragging on these hueueueueuege bags
with wheels and rollers and extended handles.
And I don't know how kid stuff works, but strollers on the plane?
We saw people with, (swear to Koresh) go cart-sized strollers,
some with four wheels
and some with three that looked like mini-motorcycles. A smart
hijacker could sharpen
the steel rods in those strollers and make an effective four-foot
spear. I don't like it.
If you need to take those screaming kids on vacation - rent a
When we fly, the only thing we carry on is her purse and a little
bag with cell phones,
cameras, prescriptions that would be difficult to replace and
that kind of thing.
The lines were hours-long at both airports, and that's partly
because they're scrutinizing
carry-on luggage more than they used to.
From: Dan Calabia
Subject: "Prove me wrong"
Hi schmuck,
Do you know what eyes, ears and intelligence
are all about?
Oh, sorry, I didn't realize you are only an anal
But hey, you can still hold on to whatever tries
to escape.
I'm glad to see that virtually anyone in America
can get him/herself on a website
and make a complete idiotic ass of him/herself.
Only in America.
Have a nice day - if that's possible where the
sun never shines.
Dan, let me get this straight:
You saw a challenge I posted to "prove me wrong," and you thought
that meant I wanted to hear from a foul-mouthed ditto-monkey?
Perhaps you could show whatever it was you read to an older person
and have them explain what the word "challenge" means...
From: tomlynch@bellatlantic.net
Subject: El Pigbo's Deafness
I think you overlooked one potential possibility for El Pigbo's reported deafness.
After listening to him over the last week, I can't
help but think that the guy sounds drunk on the air.
He reminds me of a guy I used to work with who
was taking large doses of Vicodin for his back pain.
This guy used to have a sharp mind, but after
several months of popping Vicodin like they were Pez,
his mind turned to mush. He was unable
to focus or think clearly, and his speech was sometimes slurred
and incoherent, just like Rush.
Anyway, here is the kicker.... Vicodin
abuse can lead to sudden and dramatic hearing loss.
Here is a link to a LA Times article which details
this link: Click
So my theory is that Rush got hooked on Vicodin
(probably due to a painful cyst on his backside)
and this is what has caused him to go deaf.
It would also explain why he is so reluctant to talk about
what the doctors think is behind his condition.
He doesn't want to admit that he has an addiction.
Tom L
Tom, of course, I can't guarantee I'm exactly right about the Goat Sexer,
but the point is you can't believe the whore media, and you certainly
can't believe Pigboy.
crazed ditto-monkey wrote to Julie Hiatt Steele
She set him straight.
Don't miss this.
Why would anybody think Rush is going deaf?
I don't consider myself a teacher (how could I with an IQ of 64?)
but I'm struck
by how often people, in the post-Clinton age, can believe what
they hear from the media.
Worse than the media, this "story" came from the vulgar Pigboy,
a known lying Nazi whore.
I'd think regular readers would see a report like that and think,
"I wonder if that's true?"
Why on Earth would anybody assign any validity to his claim?
Rush has made hundreds of millions of dollars by telling the most
outrageous lies.
The reason his audience is bigger than say, Gordon Liddy or Ollie
North is that Rush has
no shame at all and will say anything to get a
reaction from Damp Rid-buying ditto-monkeys.
That's how we got "Chelsea is the White
House dog" and "Hillary murdered Vince
Rush has the "courage" to say outrageous hoseshit
like that - that's why the church-going, Cro-Mag
"Christians" love him so much, because his personal slurs are
so much more vicious than his competition.
The truth is Rush has parlayed his Porky Pig with Tourettes
act in a mountain of cash,
but he's never been anything more than Johnny One Note with his
"Clinton is the anti-Christ" bit.
Since Clinton is no longer good for three hours a day of pent-up
bile from America's premier secular charlatan,
it's my guess Rush has chosen to retire and is using this horseshit
deafness excuse as a cover for bailing out.
He recently said he started going deaf in May, yet he
signed that phoney $280M contract in July.
If his deafness was real, and if that phoney contract was real,
he could be indicted for fraud,
assuming the local prosecutor wasn't a full-blown ditto-monkey.
Here's what I think is going on:
The vulgar Pigboy wants out of radio because his act has gone
stale and Gephardt and Dashle just
haven't had Clinton's success so they're just not worthy of three
hours of fabricated hate every day.
So, how does Rush get out of this without confessing he's Johnny
One Note?
He huddles with Premier or Clear Channel, whoever he has the
contract with, (I need a staff) and has them
draft a contract for $280M that has a stipulation that either
party can get out on 30 days notice if Rush fails
to TRIPLE their after-tax revenue.
See how easy that was?
His broadcasting company agrees to sign the contract because how
can they miss?
If Rush fails to TRIPLE their after-tax income, they don't have
to pay him.
Meanwhile, Rush gets to play the victim with his "disability,"
and shills like Hannity, Gingrich, Harvey and
Laura the Unloved get to go on and on and on and on and on and
on and on and on and on about how "brave"
Rush is, and what a "fighter" Rush is but, in the end, his valiant
efforts could no longer sustain his show on the
air so the vulgar Pigboy goes out the hero.
Gag me.
C'mon, it took me less than 60 seconds to think of a scenario
where Rush gets to claim the biggest
radio contract in history (one that never had any intention of
being paid) while the remaining right-wing
harlots praise his "greatness" as they compete for his soon to
be cut-loose ditto-monkeys.
Johnny One Note's career is over, and he's getting out prior to
the fall. And to insulate himself from
the Johnny One Note charge, he gets to claim, "Just
before I was stricken with this terrible affliction,
I had just signed the biggest radio
contract in history and I was just beginning my meteoric rise
to greater heights than even I, the
Great El Pigbo, could have ever imagined."
...and everybody fell for it?
Well, almost everybody...
From: frances@taconic.net
Subject: Hillary
Hi Bartcop,
Just wanted to tell you, I had brunch with Senator
Hillary today.
There were two or three hundred of us and she
went from table to table and spoke to almost every one of us.
That is, every one of us Columbia County Democrats
-- she is our senator, you know. Forgive me for bragging.
If you have never been in the same room with Senator
Hillary, you are in for a rare treat when she runs for president,
because I am sure she will visit you then.
She sparkles and spoke to us brilliantly for over a half hour without notes.
Can you believe that, she never looked down at
notes? Won't that be great when she becomes president?
I just had to tell somebody.
Welcome back, we missed you.
Frances, thanks, and you were right to "brag."
If I ever get to meet wither of the Clintons I'll never shut up about
And yes, unlike the illegal fraud-moron who stole his way to
with the help of his daddy's rich friends and the spooks at the CIA,
(who seem much more competent fixing elections than catching terrorists)
the next President Clinton won't need Dick Cheney to write her scripts.
According to USA Today, one of the most likely causes of sudden deafness is advanced syphillis.
I guess that explains the hearing aid Clarence "Slappy" Thomas has been wearing?
Dittoheads take Wisconsin
"It's hard to do regular comedy right
now because,
...you know, ...Bush is smart
-- Jay Leno
Wrong, Jay.
Maybe NBC's sponsors don't want you telling the truth,
but Bush seems to be getting stupider as every day goes by.
He seems to be growing out of the job he never could do
in the first place.
GOP: Help campaign contributors first, then safety
Republicans refuse to give Americans the kind of airport security
that all of Europe
and Israel have because they believe more federal workers might
end up voting Democratic.
And there will be no overpaid managers and directors to contribute
to their campaigns.
The House economic stimulus package is loaded with more pork for
their fat cat contributors
but you won't find any stimulus so ordinary workers can get the
economy moving again.
These campaign contributions will then be used to attack the patriotism
of jobless Americans
and the party that speaks for them.
...and to point fingers of blame at the Clinton Administration
to help hide the fact that the FBI
spent the last nine years chasing Clinton's zipper instead of
rooting out terrorists.
With this gang of thugs, it's not about helping the country.
It's about more power for the Bush Family Evil Empire.
These are the facts, and you heard those facts at bartcop.com
From: dpingum@yahoo.com
Subject: Hijacked Stem Cells
So President Mensa & gang say they're OK with
shooting down
a hijacked jet full of innocent civilians in
order to save more lives on the ground.
Horrible, but I guess it makes sense.
So why, then, is it "immoral" to use fetal stem
cells in research to save countless lives?
And, as a point of further distinction, unlike
the poor passengers in the example above,
Yet another example of inconsistent Conservative moralist "logic" tripping over itself.
Dewey, it's a church thing.
As long as we ignore science and logic to appease invisible ghosts
- we're in trouble.
Out Of The Box
by RB Ham
Marc Perkel set me up with new technology,
so I may be back in the cartoon business.
"I wish I had been more forceful arguing
my opinion but the White House beat me out."
-- Caspar Weinberger, saying the blame for
the 220 Marine deaths in the barracks
in Beruit lies squarely
with Reagan's political planners and not him.
Note: Weinberger and the Joint Chiefs wanted our Marines living
on their ships,
they could be protected, but Reagan and his political "geniuses"
common sense because they thought it would be "symbolic,"
if the
Marines stayed in town where they were eventually killed by a truck bomb.
If Bill
Clinton had made a mistake that killed 220 Marines, Rush and Fox News
dedicate an hour of every day to "Clinton's bungling," for the rest of
their lives.
But once
again, we see that Americans would rather their sons and daughters
die under
Reagan/Bush than come home under Clinton.
It seems
obvious to me
by Jeff Crook
Wouldn't it be easy to install software in all commercial jets
that would send
a silent signal to the air traffic controllers if the plane went
radically off course?
Meet the Press moment
Former Prime Minister of Pakistan, Bhutto, told Russert that she
warned Bush Sr. not to support the Taliban.
She warned Bush that doing so would create a monster that would
someday turn on America.
Did Bush listen?
No, he was looking for short-term political advantage so he funded
the Taliban and bin Laden,
just like he and Uncle Senile funded Saddam, Noriega
and supllied weapons to Islamic Jihad.
The Bush Family Evil Empire didn't mind sacrificing long-term
National Security
because it meant a little more money and personal power to promote
their agenda.
...but oh, if Clinton has oral sex the Constitution is under attack?
"You know, if you find a person that you've
never seen before
getting in a crop-duster that doesn't
belong to you, report it...."
-- The most stupid man in America, the appointed moron.
But, Mr. President - since I don't know ANYONE who owns a crop
any man getting into a crop duster is a terrorist who should
be reported?
...this idiot couldn't run a shake machine at McDonalds.
by BartCop and Mrs. BartCop
Click Here for Part One
You want to see the most intricate crop circle yet?
"I'll tell you this - things were really much
better when the mob ran this town.
They took care of their employees,
everyone made money and everyone was happy.
Back then, the place was one big happy
-- Margie, a blackjack dealer just laid off from her Vegas
Read the Previous Issue
It had everything.
Copyright © 2001,
Thanks for the
fumble, Dude.