many dictators who ended up being a tremendous global threat,
and killing thousands, and indeed millions of people, should we have stopped in their tracks?" -- Condi Rice
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"The people who criticize my show don't listen
to it.
Everyone who listens has to admit that
I'm right."
-- The vulgar, lying braggart
But Rush, if everyone agrees, why do you
have to screen your calls?
Your calls are the most tightly screened
in all of show business.
You can't even have guests, because when
you tell those gullible fools that
Clinton had Randy Weaver killed, a guest
might point out that an Arkansas
governor has no authority to order the
FBI to murder a man in Idaho.
Liddy has liberals on his show all the
time, so why can't you?
Could it be your lies are too easily dismissed
by reasonable people?
Court tells Ashcroft to "stop illegal phone taps"
White House to appeal, win is guaranteed, has "friends" on
the bench
Setting up the next showdown over anti-terrorism powers, the
Bush administration appealed
a court ruling that forced John Ashcroft to change new guidelines
for FBI terrorism searches and wiretaps.
Documents released Thursday showed that the U.S. Foreign Intelligence
Surveillance Court, which has
not publicly disclosed any of its rulings in nearly two decades,
rejected some of Ashcroft's guidelines as
"not reasonably designed" to safeguard the privacy of Americans.
The secretive court oversees
government's most sensitive surveillance efforts.
Does Brent Scowcroft read bartcop.com?
"An attack on Iraq now could cause Saddam to
launch weapons of mass
destruction at Israel, provoking Israeli
nuclear retaliation, igniting Armageddon."
From August 6th Volume 860 - Tax the Churches
> So, we're going to back Saddam into a corner?
> We're going to force him to fire every missle he has loaded with
mustard gas and anthrax
> into Israel, putting Sharon in the position of having no option but
to nuke Baghdad?
> I don't think I like the way the Clueless Idiot wages war.
by LRA
...the Republicans let McCarthy go on
with his reign of terror until he had more or less won them
the 1954 congressional elections. (The
main accomplishments of these Congresses were, we note,
putting "In God We Trust" on our currency
and "under God" into the Pledge of Allegiance. They even
fought Republican President Eisenhower
on building the Interstate system!) That the Republicans are
standing up now is encouraging. But don't
look for them to restore the rule of habeas corpus.
Or reform election laws. And no doubt
the Democrats in congress see soon-to-be-former Rep. McKinney
as getting what was coming to her: an Aunt
Thomasina with Republican backing emerging from political
nowhere to neutralize her once and for
all within her own party.
Conason's Journal
Al-Qaida's origins in fantasy, and Safire's unconvincing argument
for attacking Iraq.
Does Blah3 Have the GOP worried?
A column by Conservative San Diego columnist
Joseph Perkins claims that the
"Money" Multimedia story that we recently
posted here was funded by the DNC
and would run in Battle Ground states during
the upcoming campaign cycle.
Joe, you could have asked. I would have
told you the whole story, just like I told the
Phildelpihia Inquirer and CNN when they
followed journalistic protocol and asked the question.
In your haste to pin something bad on those
hypocritical Democrats, you forgot
all that stuff about verification that
they taught you in your journalism classes.
..as seen on.Mediawhoresonline.com
Incitement Watch
Slate/Mickey Kaus-Recommended Ann Coulter Expresses Regret
That NYT Journalists Have Not Been Murdered By Terrorists
Double Excerpt:
MWO - We wonder again why Slate.com's
Mickey Kaus would concern himself with MWO's rhetoric,
when someone he has recommended, and whose
site he has permanently linked on his weblog at Slate.com,
has expressed disappointment that his fellow
journalists working for the New York Times have not been
murdered in a terrorist attack.
BartCop.com - It's not clear why Salon.com felt it
necessary to whore themselves and go after MWO
and bartcop.com, (And if Liberto wasn't following
orders, why can't David Talbot stand up like a man
and defend himself?) but this Kaus monkey tried the same trick
that Liberto tried - and he failed, too.
A Letter from Unka Dick to bartcop.com
The Pieman!
"President Bush is instinctively for
tax cuts,
so tax cuts are, therefore, inherently
his idea."
- Rush the serial truth molester
What kind of nonsensical double-talk horseshit
is that?
Whatever it is, I'm sure the flock bought it, because Rush is
always right.
Voices Speak Out Against War with Iraq
by Georgie Anne Geyer
One must realize that Gen. Scowcroft is
not just any former official. He has for several decades
been so close to the Bush family, particularly
the president's father and mother, as to be considered
almost a member of the family. It is impossible
to imagine that he would have written this without their
full understanding and acknowledgement
of it. And moreover, he is not alone.
I agree with Geyer on this, but it's not easy trusting
someone who has had sexual relations with Fidel Castro.
Al-Qaida Studios' Greatest Hits!
Bush Visits Portland
The protester were out large, loud and strong.
The police, who we pay, were out in force to stop citizens
from exercising their constitutional rights
to peacefully assemble and protest a regressive Government and
an illegally selected president.
Our men in blue were afraid some protesters might move some barricades
so they pepper sprayed them, moved them
back and arrested five.
If Bush is so popular why did he need 200
cops to protect him while he raised $1,000,000.00
for a crappy Senator. $25,000 to
take a picture with him, even Dr. Laura doesn't charge that much.
The weasel can't get out of the Northwest
fast enough for me.
Where's President Gore when you need him?
Richard K
How the AP saw it
Riot police used pepper spray and struck
some demonstrators with batons after ordering
hundreds of people to leave a protest near
a hotel where Bush attended a fund-raiser.
Protesters hammered on the hoods of police
cars as pepper spray wafted through the air.
Protesting Bush's foreign policy, they
chanted "Drop Bush, Not Bombs."
We no longer have Freedom of Speech in this once great country.
We no longer have the right of peaceful assembly in this once
great country.
I guess we should admit that Bush showed some restraint, by not
calling up the Portland
National Guard and ordering them to use their tanks and guns
on protestors.
Remember: Ashroft wants "troublemakers" put in confinement
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in the shadows
Since September 11, some Americans believe
their basic freedoms are under siege from within.
...Bush returned FEMA to the forefront
of national security by allowing it to participate
"in homeland security training that involves
military and civilian emergency response".
Now the Administration is moving to give
FEMA disturbing new responsibilities.
On August 14 the LA Times ran an article
about Ashcroft's
desire to
camps for US citizens he
deems to be "enemy combatants".
The newspaper reported that Ashcroft aides
"have indicated that a 'high-level committee'
will decide who will be stripped of their
constitutional rights and sent to Ashcoft's new camps".
I always laughed at that extra-stupid movie "Red Dawn,"
because it asked us to believe
Russia could invade thru Alaska and Mexico, meet up in Colorado,
split the country in half
and start executing people with guns or an attitude towards fighting
What made this so hysterically funny was the idea that the Russians
could go thru Texas
and the 80 million, yes, you read that right, 80 millions
guns in Texas.
... Bush and Ashcroft have the tools to accomplish that.
...and you still don't own a gun?
Thank Koresh for the Freepers and the NRA, because the Democrats refuse to fight.
The idiot Democrats confirmed Ashcroft KNOWING he was religiously
insane. The idiot Democrats
confirmed Olson KNOWING he was America's second-ranking presidential
cock hunter after
Kenneth Starr - they just waved and said "Fine,
George - whatever you want, Mr. President."
Why are Democrats cashing their checks if they refuse to do their
Can't we arrest them for obtaining money under false pretenses?
Aren't "ghost-workers" on the payroll illegal in this country?
Then again, who would arrest them - Ashcroft? Why would he?
He owns them, along with Unka Dick, Unka Karl and the boy some call Mr. President..
Iraq? No
would lead to disaster
by Chris the Screamer (R-Backstabber)
a sellout whore
"How long were we in Beirut before that
lame-brained mission ended with a barracks
being blown sky-high by a suicide bomber?
How long were we in Saigon before we
gave up trying to decide where our mission
was less popular: at home or in Vietnam?
This invasion of Iraq, if it goes off, will
join the Bay of Pigs, Vietnam, Desert One,
Beirut and Somalia in the history of U.S.
military catastrophes. What will set it apart
for all time is the immense - and transparent
- political stupidity..
But Chris, who's gonna sent you a check if you go against your
And that "lame-brained" mission in Beruit?
That was Reagan, your HERO, who got those 240 marines
killed, Chris.
Did that malaria make you forget that you turned whore years
Well, stay on their side - we don't want you!
Every day, Rush tells his gulllible sheep "There
is no recession - there never was,"
and then moments later, he says, "Bush
wants more tax cuts to jump-start the economy."
Well gee, Rush, which is it?
He's been beating this "no recession" drum constantly, and then
some ditto-monkey calls in
and says, "Rush, I've been out of work
for over a year - what do you mean "no recession?"
I heard a guy from St Louis call in and say,
"First, TWA laid me off, then I got a job
with American Airlines, but then they
laid me off - twice in 20 months."
Rush, in a panic, asks his little elves for a way out while the guy continues...
"Of course, they laid off 7500 of us, but no higher ups lost their jobs."
...and then Rush sees his chance, "Oh,
so you're a class-warfare guy? You must be
a seminar caller, a liberal,
trying to discredit the host with some trick questions!"
Meanwhile, of course, the caller's mic has been turned off, so
Rush scolds him,
giving the easily-led the impression the caller's been caught
and taking his just punishment
Rush Limbaugh is the biggest fraud in show business.
Subject: Rush the blowhard
Rush was on a rant today about what a good idea
it is for the logging industry to solve the
forest fire problem by "thinning" the forest.
Leave it to the Un-elected One to come up with the
most ridiculous idea I have ever heard. The logging
industry and its dollars seem to have persuaded
Bush to solve the problem of forest fires in
the wilderness by simply eliminating the wilderness.
Maybe if we take away all personal possessions,
we will eliminate theft. If we bulldoze all the homes
in the country, we will eliminate house fires
and the associated death, injury and property loss.
If we execute all the people below the poverty
level, we will eliminate... poverty!
Rush is a pompous, annoying, out of touch, uninformed, idiot.
Two great pictures of The Venetian
Another Bush in Portland Report
A pig riot took place in portland yesterday
at an anti-bush protest makes me feel that now the intifada
amerikkkana had emerged...the portland
pigs hand in hand with shrub decided it was time to come down
hard on free speech...well thery have problems
now ...big time ...therefore the shit hits the fan!!!
in fact today is the 32 anniversary of the
murder of george jackson-a soledad brother framed on a murder rap
due to his being a black panther...jackson
was executed by stooges of reagan's gunernatorial reign in california
"President Bush says he needs a month
off to unwind.
When the hell does this guy wind?
So he comes back at the end of the month,
then in a few months
lights the Christmas tree and that's
just about it for this year for this president."
-- Dave
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Bush been mouse-trapped into war?
by Pat Buchanan
Whatever his sins, Saddam is not in the
same league with Stalin, whose regime FDR recognized
in 1933, as that monster was starving 9
million Ukrainians, or Mao, who welcomed Nixon to Beijing,
even as his Great Proletarian Cultural
Revolution was entering its bloody climax.
When Bush returns from Crawford, Texas,
in September, he is going to face a hellish situation.
With Armey, Scowcroft and now Larry Eagleburger,
Chuck Hagel and Jack Kemp deserting the
War Party, Democrats have all the political
cover needed to oppose the president's pre-emptive war.
...but Pat, that would take courage, and the Democrats have shown none thus far.
BartFest2002 - Party on the Strip
Make your own hotel reservations.
BartFest tickets will be available until the night of the party.
Vegas Fever is getting hotter every day. Ticket sales are good, (except
California) and we're still 35 days away,
so call me an optimist for thinking we're doing OK.
No news on the special guest stars
yet, but today could be the day, so we're checking the
e-mail every hour. I'm content to let things
happen - yeah, that's the way to make this work.
Check The
Rio web site.
Click on "Hot Deals,"and get a luxury suite for $139
on Fri/Sat and $59
Just 5 weeks away ...isn't
it exciting?
(Oh, God, please don't let me lose my ass
on this!)
28th - tickets
on sale!
When it gets darker, the colors glow LSD-bright
Click Here to see Bart's 48 (so far) things to do in Vegas.
Click Here to see Dave's 100 Things to do in Vegas
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Special bartcop.com
Gambling: The Absolute Minimum
A primer on how to not lose your ass gambling at
the casinos
by George
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