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"On this Trent Lott stuff - that the GOP is
a racist party,
we're at a disadvantage because nobody
is defending us.'
-- The lying vulgar Pigboy, Rush Limbaugh
Awww, poor thing...
The only Republicans on the Bush payroll with a radio show, TV
show or column are:
Rush the Truth Molester
Sean Hannity, home base for
racists in the GOP
Bill O'Reilly and his Constant
Spin Zone
EvaVon Zahn has an hour, maybe
more, each morning on CNN
The Beltway Boys will say anything
to help the GOP
Tony Snow and Brit Hume haven't
told the truth since Ailes hired them
Juan Williams and Mara Liason
are whores of a different color
John McLaughlin wouldn't tell
the truth if St. Peter begged him
Chris the Screamer is a liar
without parallel (besides Rush)
G. Gordon Liddy spews three
hours every day
Laura the Unloved is a racist
sow who's for sale
Michael Medved tows the party
line all the time
Sam and Cokie are somewhere,
campaigning for Bush
Judas Maximus and George Will
(dumb as a chimp) love Lott
Bob Scheiffer says Lott's the
smartest man in the senate
Tim the Catholic gives Lott
his morning Monica every day
John Hockenberry screams pro-Lott
bullshit an hour each night
Ollie North spits his foul fabrications
on radio and TV
Robert Novak wants to have Trent
Lott's love child
Paul Weyrich would have to move
waaaaay left to be a Nazi
Brian Williams will say anything
to get a mention on Rush's show
Wolf the Whore has been on the
B.F.E.E. payroll since 1992
Bill Schneider was once fair,
then he saw the light and the cash
Candy Crowley gushes when Dim
Son calls her by her nickname
John Stossel never saw a story
he couldn't distort beyond recognition
Howie Kurtz wonders if the media
is being fair to the party of racists
Ann Coulter can't keep her knees
together long enough to have a fair opinion
Peggy Noonan says Bush scolded
Lott severely
Andrew Sullivan will do anything
to assist the fuck-the-gays Nazi cause
William Safire says anyone who
heard Lott's racist comments is a "congenital liar"
... isn't it a shame that there's NOBODY to defend the racist GOP?
Halfway through a television interview
last night -- Trent Lott briefly stunned
his interviewer by announcing his support
for affirmative action.
"I'm for that," the lying racist told Ed Gordon.
"Across the board?" Gordon asked, incredulous.
"Absolutely," Lott lied.
Bill Clinton never told a lie that big.
"Trent Lott should not have to resign
over those stupid birthday remarks.
He should have to resign because he's
a racist and always has been.
The people of Mississppi knew that
wehen they elected him
and the Senate Republicans knew that
when they put him in charge."
-- Bill Maher, CNN Monday morning with Eva Von Zahn
By the way - I was hoping somebody would challenge me on the fact that the GOP is totally racist
Unverified rumor from www.tomflocco.com
Service intercepted Michael Moore's e-mail
searched his house without a warrant.
Nothing on www.michaelmoore.com
yet, but if Tom Flocco is for real,
maybe Michael's too busy to have his people update his page.
you mind what's being done to that Moore Al Qaeda.
time is coming, too, Funnyboy.
won't be making jokes when we strap you into my
Halliburton secret torture pillory.
"I don't think Al Gore needs anybody to feel
sorry for him. He's been in the Senate,
he served with distinction as vice
president, he's blessed with a very wonderful family.
He's blessed with a great marriage.
He's blessed with a great family name.
I don't pity Al Gore. I appreciate
his service to the United States and I hope
he comes back and serves again."
Carville, Crossfire
“It struck me as strange...
Tonight, Trent Lott went on B.E.T.
to explain that he's against segregation,
yet, ...isn't B.E.T., Black Entertainment
Television, the epitome of segregation?"
-- Colin Quinn, former SNL Update Dude, who is following,
perhaps in more ways than one,
the funniest white man in
America - Jon Stewart - on the Comedy Channel
Hey, Colin Quinn is no bum when it comes to topical comedy.
He doesn't care - he's like that crazy Norm McDonald.
By the way,
calling Jon Stewart the funniest white man in America,
...is that a racist statement?
Sure it is!
Like boxing, I can't remember the last time a white guy held the
What, I should apologize if the black guy is funnier than the
white guy?
I visited my PO Box today.
I used to check it every other day, back when...
Surprise, there was something in there this time besides tumbleweeds.
There was a magazine (Entertainment Weekly) a letter with a generous
and a key that meant there was a larger container in another
drawer waiting for me.
Thinking it might be a 750 hand-blown of Chinaco Anejo,
I opened it right there.
It was from one cool dude named Mike Jarvis.
The box contained Al Gore's new book autographed, "To
BartCop - Al & Tipper Gore."
I thought that was waaay cool.
Mike also included quotes from a conversation he had with Al
and Tipper where
they said bartcop.com was the funniest damn
site on the whole Internet - bar none.
They went on and on about how they read it all the time,
and how buzzflash.com
and dailyhowler.com were the only place to get real,
unfiltered news.
Al and I haven't always seen eye-to-eye
on attack-Bush agression, and it's big of him
to not have me beaten and murdered by his
thugs, ...Oh, no, ...sorry that's Bush's people...
But, .. to the great derision of many people
who stumble by bartcop.com
I stood with Tipper's record labeling idea,
against Frank Zappa, which was heard to do,
Sidebar in a Sidebar:
Tipper and Gail Zappa are tight now, so
don't hate Tipper cause you're a Frank fan,
...but the main reason I stood with Tipper on record labels is
because if I had custody of my
nine-year old daughter and we went looking for a fun movie to
see together, and let's say I've
always wanted to see "Pulp Fiction," I would prefer knowing
ahead of time that Ving Rames
gets raped by some Republican cowboy before my daughter had to
witness that.
And the second reason is I couldn't find anybody who could make
an argument I could buy
that NOT being warned of what was on the record or in the film
was a good thing.
In closing, that was a really nice thing for Mike Jarvis
to do.
He bought the book, got the Gores to autograph it, (no small
feat) wrapped it up,
went to the Post Office, paid the postage and I think he deserves
a round of applause...
Let's hear it for Mike!
Dude, thanks.
Headline in Monday's USA Today
backs letting CIA kill terrorists
Here for the same story, different headline
The problem is - that headline is horseshit.
I have no problem with the CIA killing terrorists.
I've said it before, I'll say it again: I'd do it myself.
If I was sure it was bin Laden, I'd have to trouble pumping a
few into his head.
I'm sorry if that upsets you doves, but bin Laden needs to be
made dead as soon as possible.
...but that's not what we're talking about in this case.
Bush, Ashcroft and now the CIA (officially) have the legal authority
to murder anyone
they think might be a terrorist. Anyone they suspect is
"bad," can now be legally murdered.
Remember that van full of knuckleheads the CIA drone smoked a
month or two ago?
At least one of those guys was suspected of helping bomb
the USS Cole.
(I guess the others should've picked their rides more carefully...)
And we've seen how this never-elected gang treats authority.
They say "Fuck it, we do anything we
want," since the Democrats just roll over and beg when told
I don't like this corrupt gang, these felons who needed pardons
to bury their worldwide crimes last time,
being put in a position where they won't even need pardons
this time because all their crimes are now legal.
All Bush has to say is "fighting terra" and anything he
does is legal, which is why something like Wellstone's
plane going down (without an investigation) is so disturbing.
For all we know, President Happy Crack
had "a feeling" about Wellstone and gave the order and the all-white
CIA agreed.
After all, wasn't Wellstone the senate's Number One leftist?
Rush says that makes him a commie pinko who wants to destroy
This isn't funny - it's tragic.
We live in a country where the guy who stole the election has
no rules, no laws, and no limits.
A former ruler's son takes over, mobilizes the army against the
citizens and consolidates his power
with a secret "shadow government," whose members are loyal only
to him.
That's scary shit.
“The difference between me and VP Gore is,
...I trust the American people..."
-- Oil Boy, all through that sham of a campaign
If the Democrats had any balls or the will to fight back, they
could run ad after ad
of Bush claiming he trusts the American people, then ask, "If
this is true, why can't
we see the evidence against Iraq before
he sends our sons to die in the desert?"
But no, we don't fight back, we lay there and beg Bush and Rove
to screw us easy.
If the Democrats has 1/5 of a brain, they play that video clip
a hundred times a week,
again and again and again, and ask Dim Son to show his evidence
on attacking Iraq.
Hey Smirk,
We can't be trusted to see your Governor papers?
We can't be trusted to see your Daddy's files?
We can't be trusted to see Reagan's files?
We can't be trusted to see your bin Laden evidence?
We can't be trusted to see your "invade for sure" Iraqi evidence?
We can't be trusted to see what really happened on 9-11?
The B.F.E.E. is the opposite of "trust the people."
Their goal is to steal from everyone and control the world.
They never trust nobody with nothing, not until they brand your
The B.F.E.E. is only about secrecy, loyalty, theft
rape, wars and murder.
...Koresh, I need a radio show...
VCR Alert - Field Marshall Von Ashcroft will be lying his ass of tonight,.live.
Can you guess on whose show he will appear?
Also tonight, on a special 24, Kimberly gets kidnapped, and don't forget Ozzy on MTV.
I am the greatest...
So this lady tells me "You're the greatest!"
I know what you're thinking... a talented guy like myself probably hears that all the time.
I mean, having the smartest, most-intellectual and exciting page
ever, how could I not, hear that, right?
But no, actually, I hardly ever hear it, so when it happens -
it really means something.
So the deal was, Monday was Mrs. Bart's birthday.
On the way home from work, I stopped at the Walgreens to get
her a card
and a bag of whatever, ...spicey - minty...something Hershey's
I need a staff.
She's been the love of my life for 31 years
and on her birthday, she ended up with
Hershey's chocolate instead of the best
ever - The South's Finest Chocolate.
How did that happen?
I just let her birthday sneak up on me,
so she ended up with street chocolate instead
of connie, ...connos, ...connousi,
...instead of the best damn chocolate on the planet.
Seriously, their chocolate would make Caligula
(I don't even know what that means... )
...anyway, back to the story.
So I'm at Walgreens, and I'm checking out with this n that, which
included Vic's Cough Syrup
because it's only been 37 days now that I've had this
cough, plus the street chocolate and the cards.
As I'm checking out, the total at the register came to $22.02.
I gave her a twenty and a ten, and she looked at me and said, "Do you have two cents?"
Well, ...I thought I did, so I dug for it and Koresh be praised, I found two pennies.
When I gave them to her, she looked me in the eye and said, "You're the greatest!"
So, there you have it.
Totally unsolicted anecdotal evidence that Ol' Bart is
the greatest.
Our flag under Unelected Bush
From: Zachary S
Subject: you people rock
You guys are the coolest mother(effers) on the
I hope you guys have a good legal defense
because them 'publicans don't take too
kindly to free speech no more.
This is America, you know.
I love the CNN online (unscientific) poll
from a couple weeks ago that said 68% of
Americans believe that Jose Padilla should
be held indefinitely without charges.
It might as well have gotten to the core
idea and said simply 68% of people
who go to CNN.com are actually North Korean
totalitarian fucks.
Zach - thanks, I love plain talk.
My legal defense fund is an IQ of 67, a
bottle of Chinaco and the goddamn truth.
They can't touch me, unless they throw away the constitution
... then I'm in trouble.
I'm no tax expert...
But if you own a business and advertise on bartcop.com
it's my strong belief that any
monies spent on advertising is a legitimate business expense
and therefore tax deductible,
or at least it's itemized on your Form 8643-FTD.
I mean, you can send money to Smirk so he can gas the innocent
Iraqi children or you could
send it to PO Box 54466 Tulsa, OK 74155 and make the hammer
pie higher, and grow your
business bigger and make big money like a heartless Republican
and put more food on your family.
Also, and remember this is wild conjecture... ...but it's my best
guess if those monies are received
before December 31, you can take the advertising expense
off your taxes THIS YEAR
even tho you're getting the big increase business bonanza starting
in January of 2003.
And the bigger the check, you more food on your family!
Remember - it doesn't cost to advertise on bartcop.com
It pays to advertise on bartcop.com
When I got back Monday after being out of town,
I saw the package on my desk from amazon.com
Woo Hoo!
It's Susan McDougal's book!
I'm hoping to get an autographed one later,
but I had to get a copy now so I can start reading
Tonight, during my after-dinner cocktail, I speed-read this book!
I read it faster than The Flash on Desoxin 20s.
I'll tell you what grabbed my eye - snippets from this part right here:
Anton, drum roll, please...
As the grand finale
to our defense, Mark had a surprise in store.
He called Julie
Hiatt Steele to the witness stand. Julie's story was
a cautionary tale
about the perils of telling the truth to the IOC.
She faced a dilemma
similar to the one I had.
Not only was Julie
indicted, but the IOC launched a personal
investigation of
her private life - even asking her 16-year old
babysitter if
he had ever slept with her.
Mark told me "You
are the theory about the IOC's methods.
Julie is the actual
practice." Yet for Julie, it would be a dangerous
thing to do. Her
own trial was just two months away. By testifying now,
...this was pretty
much like showing all your cards in a poker game,
then daring the
other players to beat you.
I had never met
Julie Hiatt Steele.
She was a very
convincing witness, ...her demeanor was that of a
very gracious southern
lady. For more than an hour, Julie told her
story in a composed
manner with only a slight hint of anger.
ha ha
The IOC chose to
let Julie Myers cross examine Julie, which proved to be
their third big
mistake of the trial. Myers launched a full-out attack on Steele.
Myers barked even
the most simplest questions at her, and if she didn't
receive a satisfactory
answer, she would raise her voice even louder and
repeat the question.
She phrased her questions in sarcastic tones and
launched gratuitous
attacks on Julie's character.
It was an amazing performance.
For three weeks,
the IOC had worked very hard to build a facade of
Now, at the last hour, they were choosing to bully a
polite, diminutive
single mother on the stand. Julie handled the
badgering calmly,
refusing to engage Myers in a shouting match.
When it was over,
a veteran Arkansas attorney named Rick Holliman
walked over to
me and said, "They just lost the case. No Arkansas
jury is going to
stand for a woman to be treated like that."
ha ha
Poor Kenny - he never had any luck with the babes!
You gotta get this book!
get it by Christmas
Susan McDougal is not only a trooper, she's
a damn entertaining writer.
This book reads like a conversation with
You gotta get this book!
Buy it for yourself, or that knuckle-dragging brother-in-law,
or that dittohead you're stuck with at work.
Hell, this way he'll get the facts about that which about
he has such strong opinions.
We must remember in these times of war and recession, that the
combined courage of Susan and Julie
allowed our legally-elected president to rightfully serve out
the last two years of his constitutional term.
A shot of Chinaco Anejo for courage,
and another shot for guts!
"I've been reaching out, talking to a lot of
different people,
African-Americans -- seeking
their advice -- pastors, media,
business leaders, and looking for their
suggestions of what we can do."
-- Lott the Liar on BET yesterday
Hey Trent, ask Huey from Boondocks what he thinks you should do.
I'll bet it involves a bottle of cheap vodka, a dark closet and
a working Luger.
What does Marty's E! have today?
Dueling Quotes
"The remarks by Senator Lott were exceptionally
inappropriate but they
should be placed in context with
his otherwise sterling record."
--Sen. Judd
Gregg, (R-One racist covering for another)
"He kept saying, 'I made a mistake.
But he didn't make one mistake.
His whole public life has been a mistake."
-- Julian
Bond, telling the truth, on AP Radio
Trent Lott's America
Vote GOP in 2004
"We'd be
better of if Strom had won in 1948."
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A new issue of bartcop.com was posted last
night about 8 PM CST.
Today's issue went up at 1 PM CST.
Click Here to see Monday's double-dynamite page!
I could do two of these and a Radio show every weekday if I had more time.
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Lord of the Rings Band of Brothers
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Use this portal and they'll
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ho...Snow ho...Screamer
...on their knees for Dubya!
Read the Previous Issue
It had everything.
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