If we don't fight back - who will? POLITICS-SARCASM-FINE
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"In the end, I think we are just tired of being
lied to. Tired of being talked down to,
of being bombarded with Second World
War jingoism and scare stories and false
information and student essays dressed
up as "intelligence". We are sick of being
insulted by little men, by Tony Blair
and Jack Straw and the likes of George Bush
and his cabal of neo-conservative henchmen
who have plotted for years to change
the map of the Middle East to their
--Robert Fisk, independent.co.uk
More than four million protesters took
to the streets around the globe on Saturday to send
a message to President Bush (R-Warmonger)
not to attack Iraq and to give peace a chance.
In a huge wave of demonstrations not seen
since the Vietnam War, anti-war marchers in more
than 600 towns and cities from Canberra
to Cape Town and Chicago called on Bush to back off
his hawkish stance toward Iraq.
"This war is solely about oil. George Bush
has never given a damn about human rights,"
Mayor Ken Livingstone told reporters in
London, where at least half a million people
marched in the biggest peace demonstration
in British history.
"The 'collateral damage' of Bush's war drive
is mounting daily - the cohesion of NATO,
the chimera of a common EU foreign
policy (and Blair's fantasy of being at the heart of
Europe) and the post-1945 structure
of international law included. All of this seems
merely to be whipping the US political
class into a still greater frenzy of bellicosity.
How long before France is officially
designated a "rogue state" and Gerhard Schröder
becomes a card-carrying member of the
'axis of evil'?"
--Andrew Murray , No mandate
to go to war, guardian.co.uk
anyone remember Afghanistan?
by Joe Vecchio
The bush administration, budget laden with
goodies for people who already
have more than any human needs, deserves,
or can morally earn, has either
forgotten or deliberately left out millions
of dollars in needed aid to help build
Afghanistan into a functioning society.
In short, they have screwed the people
of Afghanistan just as they are screwing
the people of the US, and as they're
planning on screwing the people of Iraq,
and probably Iran shortly thereafter.
Keep up the great site!
Thanks for the lifeline for us expats!
Protest in London's Hyde Park
"Judging the Bush regime purely by the data,
only one conclusion is possible:
It's an abject failure. And, in all
ways that the president has sworn under his
oath of office to perform, Bush himself
is a disaster. F grades are nothing
new for him, of course, but they are
new for the American people.
Shouldn't Bush be held back a grade,
perhaps downsized to Texas governor,
or sent back to the Air National Guard
to complete the commitment he made
but never honored there?"
--Alan Bisbort, Did someone say "impeachment?",
Subject: My daughter's best wishes
Hi Bart
Just wanted to let you know that my daughter
is a big fan (she can't wait to read the next issues).
We are all hoping BartCop Radio will come
soon, and eagerly awaiting the bashing some of these
nazis are going to get with the truth.
Keep hammering on them Bart, it may be a long fight but it's
for the best cause I can think of.
The BFEE is pure evil. Bush's own church won't support him!
Also, remember that over fifty percent
of the Iraqi people are under fifteen years old.
What does that make the BFEE?
Hmmm... I'd say child molesters and baby killers.
Over a half-million in London
Thanks to Angel for the picture
You almost had my money... :)
I was gonna give you some money so I did.
Then I saw Jeff's email and decided I'd give
you some more.
Here ya go - some more donated in the name of Jeff the Green.
BCRadio - let's make it April instead of July.
James Cudney
James, good attitude!
I like April better than July, too :)
"Journalists are much tougher on Democratic
candidates then they are on GOP
candidates. If you don't admit that
the media were much tougher on Al Gore than
they were on George Bush then you're
just not an honest person. There was no contest,
if you look at the numbers of stories
that were done and the lies that were told about
Gore's positions and the idiotic nature
of the coverage ...these stories were blown up
and repeated thousands of times. And
in the meantime, George Bush deserted his
National Guard post, he may or may
not have been guilty of insider trading, he was
cleared by a friend of his daddy's,
and none of these stories showed up."
Alterman, interview with Jesse Oxfeld, mediabistro.com
My good friend Eric was being polite, leaving out Bush's
abortion, his cocaine troubles,
his mystery number of arrests, his failure to work a day in his
life, his drunken rages
at Al Hunt from the Whore Street Journal and don't forget his
incredible stupidity,
his secret child and what about that perjury he committed in
Thanks to Christine
Subject: Report on New
York anti-war march
Yes, you read that subject line right.
We had a march. A helluva march.
I went to the anti-Bush rally at St. Patrick's.
300-500 people.
I went to the first U.N. anti-war rally
(to see Mark Crispin Miller)
Today's rally BLEW that one away.
The police are admitting there were 500,000
The real estimates range from a million
to 1,250,000.
To put that in perspective, Martin Luther
King's famous March On Washington drew 250,000.
It was one of the most thrilling days of
my life.
You DO NOT tell a New Yorker what he/she
can or cannot do.
We "can't have a march"?
Yo, we marched up the middle of 3rd Ave.
blocking traffic from 49th to about 59th
and then we marched down 2nd Ave. 1st Ave.
was full from about 42nd to 72nd and
there was spillover on Lex.
It was one of the most exciting days of my life.
WBAI (99.5FM) broadcast the speeches/performances
for the million or so of us who couldn't
get near the stage. Probably the greatest
contribution-drive move in history.
They had Daniel Ellsburg on and say they
are making a documentary.
It would be worth it for Sharpton's speech
alone. He was on fire.
They came out in Austin
Thanks to Jackie
"I respect the right of Democrats to filibuster
a nominee, but I differ on this particular nominee.
I think that at a time in this country
when we're under orange alert and we have advice on
stockpiling water and buying duct tape
and who in the heck knows what's going to happen in
North Korea and Iraq, that this is
not a time that we should be filibustering a nominee who
has been called well qualified, and
has received only outstanding job evaluations in every
category of his work in the solicitor
general office's. I think if we don't like him, you have
the right to vote against him but I
think we ought to go ahead and vote."
--Sen. John Breaux, (D-Traitor),
doing all he can to help Mr Rove get footage of Democrats
voting against
a Hispanic so they can play it ad nauseum thruout the 2004 campaign.
Friday Mail
From: The Vidiot
I live in Brooklyn, NY and I just got home
from dinner and on the way home, not a block
from my apartment was a busload, and I
shit you not, a BUSLOAD of national guardsmen
armed with assault rifles. They didn’t
look under siege or anything, but it was truly disturbing.
Are we a third world country now?
What has happened to the United States?
I’m going to the rally tomorrow and I’m glad
I’m taking my large, bald, physically capable
boyfriend with me. Damn them.
As I walked by, I asked one of them, What’s
up? What’s going on?
And he said “We’re here to assist.”
And I said “Oh really? Posse Comitatus?
Anyone?” and I looked at the lot of them
No response.
1000 issues of BartCop! Congrats!
Thanks for all the entertaining commentary and
being an oasis of sanity in Bush's Amerika!
Shot of Chinaco to ya!
Cary, NC
Waldus, thanks for that.
Tell the new wife I said Hi, too.
Buck sent this self-portrait from LA.
Whatever doesn't get you arrested makes you stronger, eh?
"What we have in this country is socialism
for the rich, and free enterprise for the poor."
--Gore Vidal
the poor!
just don't wanna work.
didn't vote for me, anyway
rich and getting richer!
I got
mine my hard work!
Wallace sent this from Canberra, Australia
A thousand thanks
Now I finally understand "a thousand points
of light."
Keep swinging the mighty hammer.
Snabby, thanks for that.
Tons of New York rally pics
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New York - thanks to Sooty
Subject: Tony Blair's Pity Party
"I ask the marchers to understand this:
I do not seek unpopularity as a badge of honour,
But sometimes it is the price of
leadership and the cost of conviction."
-- Tony Blair, Glasgow, February 15,
Wrong, Tony.
Your unpopularity is the price you are
paying to support a corrupt and illegal American
administration and its warmongering policies.
As we like to say here in the States, wake up
and smell the coffee, brother. Drop the
self-pity and self-righteousness, and find the courage
to just say no to Bush and this war nobody
wants, or needs.
Ann from Philly
Saskatoon - The Day Of Peace That Shook The World
"I don't need the approval of powerful people
to define my success.
I proudly wear the badge of class warrior
and stand up to the
greatest class warrior of them all,
George W. Bush."
--James Carville, Crossfire,
I found this in my picture file, from Dan.
Thanks Dan, is there a story that goes with this?
Offers Turkey $6 Billion To Support Iraq War
That's small change to what the BFEE will make from this war
The United States is offering Turkey an
economic aid package that includes about $6 billion
in grants and up to $20 billion in loan
guarantees in a bid to secure Ankara's support for an
invasion of Iraq, sources familiar with
the offer said on Saturday.
Sick SNL
I felt so bad for Jennifer Garner last night.
It was the unfunniest SNL I've seen in a looong time.
It got so bad, I started watching the clock.
The first laugh came about 25 minutes into the show when Jimmy
and the always hysterical Horatio Sans did an Osama/Saddam skit.
...and the only thing that made it funny was Fallon kept going
so they started f-ing around, trying to make each other laugh.
The Weekend Update, generally the high point of the show, was
met with
awkward silence followed by outright groans. A good WU is when
ridicule somebody or something, so when it sucks they
deserve the ridiculing.
One skit that went nowhere had Jennifer and Rachel Dratch as joined
and Rachel had a baby arm growing out of her head.
It had promise, but it
just didn't have any jokes so it fell flat like the rest of the
show. Then they did
a Michael Jackson loves to climb trees thing that had all the
potential in the world
but they just didn't write any jokes for it.
Do you think they sat around all week and said, "This
show's gonna suck?"
Or did they think they had a winner on their hands?
The cast is fine - they just need writers.
by JFA
Keep pounding the unelected thief.
You're one of the very few with the stones
to bash him like he deserves.
Believe me, you speak for many, many people
in this country. I just got back
from the NYC rally, and saw a few BartCop
signs there. Great rally!
I heard there were 500,000 - 1,000,000 in
London, over 500,000 in Madrid
and over 2 MILLION in Rome. Bush's buddies
Poodle Blair, and butt-suckers
Aznar and Berlusconi must be shivering
in their boots (or at least feel something
warm running down their legs).
Keep the hammer going, Bart; we're going
to WIN.
Sunday E! page
We expelled an Iraqi journalist
Iraq responded by closing the Faux bureau in Baghdad
Oprah gave $5 million to Morehouse College
Barbara Walters will interview Robert Blake
Will AOL Time Warner drop the 'AOL'?
Man wraps house in duct tape
PBS will have commercials
Hokkaido, Japan, has a 'Marijuana Mystery Tour'
A Drake plate turns out to be fake
'In state after state, Republican governors
are being forced to raise taxes to balance budgets
that are deep - caused by the
Bush recession and stupid tax cuts. Well, now I have a better idea.
Why don't they follow their own philosophy
in the central tenet of modern conservatism?
If they want to raise revenue, cut
That's supply side economic gospel being
preached by Bush
and the whole right wing freak show.
Hallelujah. I'm a convert."
--James Carville, Crossfire, 02/14/03
I read a lot about polls. But there are
polls that I don't see in the press anymore
that used to be common questions. So -
I would ask everyone these two questions:
Are you better off that you were 2 years
Do you think the country is heading in
the right direction?
If the answer to these two questions is
No - then lets change the direction of this country.
Regime change begins at home.
America is too important to be in the hands
of an incompetent government.
Marc Perkel
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You HAVE to watch this video, "Surfing the Apocalypse"
It is an absolute must-see!!
Don't let the music at the beginning disuade
you, it changes throughout the video
and about halfway thru it is so hysterical
you will be laughing out loud.
(Bush, juxtapositioned with the banjo-playing
"Deliverance" boy - it is priceless!)
“I don't think anybody doubts that the United
States could vanquish the
depleted armies of Saddam Hussein.
But the reality is - here we are 58 years
after World War II. The United States
still has troops in Japan and Germany.
Fifty years after the end of Korea,
the United States still has troops there.”
-- Mark Shields, Capital
Gang 2/15/03
We'll have men dying in Iraq long after the voters fire the never-elected Bush crook.
"Bush and Blair are now playing Osama bin Laden's
game. He, more than anyone, seems
to be looking forward to the war as
a chance to replenish his ranks. He knows that every
shot of Iraqi children being pulled
lifeless from the rubble will send hundreds of recruits
flocking to al-Qaida's banner."
--Andrew Murray , No mandate
to go to war, guardian.co.uk
The majority of the population of Iraq is under
fifteen years of age.
Bush's own church is now running antiwar ads.
The BFEE has lost every shred of perceived credibility
they ever had all over the world. It may
turn into a long fight, but I can't think of a better cause.
Our lives, our quality of life, our freedoms.
This is a hostile takeover by enemy forces from within.
We have nazis in the white house. At least much
of Europe is sane, and the majority of us.
The legislative branch and the judicial branch
are silent.
Only the people in this country are going to
be able to save it.
Sometimes I think the BFEE wants WWIII; but then
who will they sell their stolen oil to?
David B
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It had everything.
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