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"The price of gas has fallen about twenty cents
lately in my area. About 200 American
armed service members died for this,
along with a still-to-be determined number of Iraqis.
At this rate, if we could kill another
fourteen hundred native sons, you could drive for free.
-- Mike Duncan,
can I say? Oil makes the world go 'round."
"I've decided my time has come to leave the White
House," Fleischer lied in a telephone interview.
Fleischer said he would continue to lie
for the illegal, unelected administration until July.
Click to Listen to the first practice hour
"You don't have a television?
What do you point your furniture at?"
-- Joey Tribiani, on Friends
Bart, for what it's worth...
Tried the radio downloads with aol version
6.0 browser & got the message -
"The current playlist file has no valid files
in it. Please check to make sure that it is not corrupt" - except
for Tally's.
Then, I got 'An error has occurred attempting to open the URL. The stream could no be played.'
At this point, I opened the Bill Gates m.s.i.e. browser, and everything opened & played just fine.
Yeah, I hate aol.
The first practice radio show generated three e-mails.
Three, out of dozens of readers.
One you just read,
one said, "RM files don't work on a
Mac," (they're MP3s)
and one that said, "Lay off New Jersey."
Maybe I should've made a larger 'Click
Here,' sign with flashing
...or maybe it just wasn't good enough to merit a "Ho
I remember three years ago, when 8000 hits was a lot in one day,
only 280 people clicked on
the historical perspective I put together for the 20th Anniversary
of John Lennon's murder.
That told me one of two things must be true:
97 percent of Democrats have
no interest in John Lennon, or
Democrats are still trying to
figure out how to click on a link
Graduates walk out on bigot Santorum
About 100 graduates walked out of Sunday's
commencement at Saint Joseph's University before
the keynote address by Sen. Rick Santorum
(R-Hates Gays), who recently infuriated gay groups
and others with derogatory remarks about
homosexual behavior.
"Senator Santorum and I are at completely opposite
ends of the spectrum," said graduate Sara
Foglesong, among those who walked out.
"I am not incestuous. I am not a bigamist. I just happen
to be bisexual. It offended me."
"Mr. Bush strikes heroic poses on TV, but his
administration neglects anything that isn't photogenic."
Krugman, Paths
of Glory
CrimQuips by Barry Crimmins
The Bush rallies where he appears flanked
by military hardware are meant to remind us that he
is a strong president who would happily
attack St. Louis if anyone in that city questioned his tax cut.
It was nice to see Payton Manning out supporting
the court-appointed president's tax cut the other day.
His presence proves that not just CEO's
will benefit from the plan, it would also help an NFL' quarterback
scraping by on a 2002 salary of $10.3 million.(figure
does not include endorsements and other revenues)
Please visit our sponsors.
"Democracy, the modern world's holy cow, is
in crisis ... every kind of outrage is being committed in the
name of democracy. It has become little
more than a hollow word, a pretty shell, emptied of all content
or meaning. Democracy is the Free World's
whore, willing to dress up, dress down, willing to satisfy a
whole range of tastes, available to
be used and abused at will. Free elections, a free press and an
independent judiciary mean little when
the free market means they are on sale to the highest bidder."
-- Author Arundhati Roy, Democracy
is the Free World's Whore
If you Click
Here Bart will write anything on the blackboard
"I will
not call Bush a moron."
Subject: "nigger"
Hey Bart,
Why do you use this word?
Is it really necessary to make your point?
Seriously, I'm open minded.
Let me know your thoughts.
Matt, mostly, I use it to remind people of the blatant disgust
the GOP has for blacks.
Secondly, as John Lennon once said, "It's
a word, ...like 'shoe.' "
It has a meaning, it has a purpose. For my purposes, it's more
No Bush
in 2004
the BartCop stores
Click to order
"We are all called to love one another, even
people we disagree with,
even people who hate us for what
we believe."
--Sen. Rick Santorum,
(R-Gay-hating bastard) Saint Joseph's University
If you believe in God, why would you hate the children He chose to make gay?
coming soon
Yukon Bill is putting together the financial page. If you
want to help,
(He needs bureau chief types ) contact him at willstein@inamongus.com
Please visit our sponsors.
Big-time LA talk radio lib interviews The Woman Who Wouldn't
And our last segment was begun the way
it always does, with the Sid Vicious version of "My Way"
(from The Great Rock and Roll Swindle)
and me screaming over it, begging Sid to shut up.
Susan looked at me and said, in semi-horror,
asking "Where am I?"
I told her we were all on acid, but because
it was California, citric acid, and not to worry.
That got a nervous chuckle out of her and
Mr. Harris. But, the show is very rock and roll and so
is Ms. MacD--for one segment, I use
theDictators "Who Will Save Rock and Roll?"
and she was bopping to it.
She has good taste.
From: Dave Border
fuck you,
fuck your mother the whore,
your father the basterd, and
your xxxxxxxx wife
Dave Border
New Jersey
If Bush is not a fascist, why does he fit the profile?
Al Qaeda in Morocco,
Al Qaeda in Israel,
Al Qaeda in Saudi Arabia,
Al Qaeda in Israel, again,
..and where is the leader of the free world?
Preening like a seven year old on f-ing Halloween,
telling us how he and Rummy won the war on terror.
I'm so old, I remember when America had dignity,
and was respected by nations around the world.
No longer is it enough, in these United
States, to simply cast your vote
and assume a fair and honest election result.
With the election "debacle" of the year
2000, and disturbing evidence of computer voting problems in
the 2002' mid-term elections, we cannot
be caught sitting idle and leaving our Democracy to chance.
In 2002 the Voter News Service suddenly
halted exit polling. Consequently, we do not have a reliable
or effective way to monitor the trends
and results of the most basic components of our Democracy.
Or, we can trust the Bush Family Evil Empire, because it's cartain
that evil men
would never commit crimes or kill the innocent just take over
the world's oil.
Radio complaint
One fella posted on the BartCop Forum:
The only issue I have so far is that
he gave over 1/2 hour total to Sports
Note: The Sports and Travel section was 22 minutes long.
Sure, I like the horses, they race all of three days a year.
But the bigger point is the politics of sports.
What was talked about in that section?
Tiger Woods, "I got mine, screw
the minorities,"
The whore media trying to fabricate
a scandal with Funny Cide,
to distract people from the Bush problems
you mentioned,
The fact that the NFL won't
hire black coaches,
The GOP greed that runs college
The rich, white male won't
play golf with a woman,
How football players get elected
to congress
Jefferson's wall between church
& state,
The narcs who work for Amtrack
The other point is that the rants were separated by topic.
You can skip over the parts you have no interest in.
But if you say there's too much sports, you're the customer and you're right.
Buys FTW Full Page Ad in Wash Post
Leaked Copy May Have Forced Resignation of Army Secretary
The Wilderness today ran a full-page ad in the front section of
The Washington Whore Post
intended to educate the American people,
support heroic leaders and promote a number of independent
media outlets which have made important
contributions since 9/11. The ad was the direct result of a
donation from a subscriber who had saw
FTW Publisher Mike Ruppert's video "The Truth and Lies of 9-11".
Damn, I wish bartcop.com had wealthy readers.
That full page ad was $22,000.
Just released!
"America's Nightmare
is an important book and needs to be widely read.”
-- Peter Phillips, Associate Professor of Sociology
at Sonoma State University and Director of Project Censored
"I supported the president when he asked for
authority to stand up against WMD in Iraq,
but we can't be forever strong abroad
if we don't keep getting better at home."
-- Big Dog, Tougaloo College
Darkening of The American Dream
Here we go again, an overextended military overseas, a depressed
economy at home, and the darkening of the American Dream.
by Stewart Nusbaumer
There was a time when the American Dream
told a religious story, the Puritans sought not material independence
but spiritual freedom. Later the
American Dream spoke of one nation, a national freedom imbued with the
notion of country first and self second.
World Wars I and II come to mind. Always there has been an emphasis in
the Dream on individualism, even when the
reality was clearly the opposite. The American Dream today is little more
than the material possessions one can gather,
little more than the United States of wealth. Still, it helps us to identify
with each other and not go after each other's
throats, most of the time.
From: John Pastorok
Subject: bush never awol!!
E! page
Baron Dave Romm on 'How To Write A Letter To The Editor'
Bill Clinton at Tougaloo College
Condi Rice is passionate about tennis
Lisa Marie Presley at Wango Tango
100 left Rick Santorum's speech, 'a handful' left Phil Donahue's
Adam Rich copped a plea
And, 'Les Miz' closes after 16 years
Subject: Confused about Bartcop Radio
We have been subscribing to Bartcop at
the five dollar rate for some time now.
Does that qualify us to listen to your
radio show or is the radio subscription separate?
You are not being exactly clear about what
the rules are.
Bill, everything depends. If you were a $5 PayPal subscriber
before the rate hike, you're IN.
But, some people have been mailing $5 in each (?) month, and
I can't sign them up to the new system
without an e-mail address. And there are many other factors,
for instance, I don't know who you are.
I have "Bill," and your e-mail address, but I'll need to match
that with each day's incoming subscriptions.
I could list all the problems I'm having with
keeping up the page and
learning to engineer a mixing board and
the giant buzz in my AM radio receiver
the new multi-track software that's more complicated
than Chinese arithmatic and
re-locating and editing the BartPhone calls and
trying to transcribe dozens of names without e-mails
and dozens of e-mails without names,
but you've all heard me complain too much lately..
What works easiest for me is
if PayPal subscribers would transfer their subscription to 2Checkout.
If you have a $10 with PayPal, everything works
out ducky.
If you have a $5 with PayPal, please continue, and
send me an e-mail to bartcop@bartcop.com
with CHANGE MY SUBSCRIPTION in the subject
If you have a higher-than-$10 subscription with
PayPal, (not many of those) you could, for example,
sign up with 2Checkout
and change your $17 PayPal to a $5 or $10.
Odds are it will take a rotation of 30 days to complete this.
Each time I get a subscription, I'll enroll that person in the
system and by June 18 we'll be OK.
important that you know:
The goal here is not to squeeze every possible nickel
out of every Democrat, but if my stalkers convince me that
they've been sending $5 a month thru the mail, they can post
their new login name and password on Freepweenie.com
and repeatedly download the biggest files and put us out of business.
. We need to avoid that.
In closing (crowd does the wave) if you, the reader can handle
the change yourself, we could have more radio faster
than if I play secretary when I'm trying to catch up. But if
you've been paying, or if you sent a lump sum for the year,
which some people have, send me that e-mail with CHANGE
MY SUBSCRIPTION in the subject header and
some clues about what you sent and when because I want you to
get what you paid for.
I'm dancing as fast as I can.
A Democrat fights
by Mike Palecek
Coffee tells his wife that he’s thinking about running for Congress.
Joe" speaks out against prisons and the military and no one takes him seriously
- at first.
terrified establishment politicians try to stop him.
Joe Coffee’s Revolution provides a refreshing alternative perspective.
Click Here to order your copy today.
[Palecek is a former reporter, federal prisoner, and seminarian.]
Also by Mike Palecek: Click Here
Subject: Your problem with Bill Bennett
As a regular reader of your column I must
say I thoroughly enjoy your insight,
your sense of humor and absolutely delight
with your sarcasm.
Thank you.
However, I do not understand your problem
with Bill Bennett.
So the man plays slots. So he plays
at a level we cannot comprehend.
But there is nothing about this that is
evenly remotely illegal or immoral.
I never said there was.
Nobody Few people
enjoy going to Vegas as much as Mrs Bart and me.
It is HIS choice to spend HIS money as he
This is not money stolen from the government
or from the public.
Why is he not allowed the freedom to 'gamble'
his own money?
I didn't say he wasn't allowed to gamble.
Are you sure you're asking the questions
you intended to ask?
This should be an issue between him and
his family only.
Do we have the right to interfere or judge
You hit the nail right on the head!
Bill Bennett appointed himself America's
Moral Crusader.
The ONLY reason he could afford to lose
gambling is because he made
$50,000 a speech by giving holier-than-thou
speeches on self control and the reasons why
instant gratification is what was sending
everyone to hell and electing evil Democrats..
When Pamela Anderson gets naked for Playboy,
that's different than when Laura Schlessinger, moral crusader
who screams "Whore!"
at every woman having sex out of marriage, dropped her panties and spread
her knees
some shack-up honey's camera.
If he only gambled a few hundred dollars would that still make him unethical?
I'm just saying yes because I don't like
the son of a bitch.
Help me understand why this man's personal
life is such an issue.
If this is a witch hunt, is this the best
you can do?
Tulsa Tyme
His personal life is an issue because he made everyone else's
personal life his business.
How many millions did this whore make using Clinton's zipper
as monkey bait?
There's nothing wrong with gambling. I lost $40,000
in the Hard Rock Island club I owned.
I've never come close to losing even $500 in a casino. Years
ago, when I had money, I bought
AOL when it was at $100 - you think that wasn't a gamble?
As far as payback and gets-what's-coming-to-him, this ranks up
there with Bob Barr getting caught paying
for an abortion and Gingrich and Livingston resigning in disgrace
for sex shenanigans WHILE they were
impeaching the best president we ever had over some nothing,
semi-sorta sex.
The Doctor Laura Grand Canyon pics and Smirk's impeachment are the only things better.
Call 918-493-1500-
you have two minutes to rant away.
Did anything make you mad today?
Tell us about it! 918-493-1500
Click Here to donate large.
Subject: Led Zeppelin
On C-span this afternoon........
Gov. Dean opened his Town Hall meeting
with ..... When The Levee Breaks
The man is it.
Mo Bud
I saw that speech late last night, he was great!
Has anybody seen the bridge?
Send your batches of snappy liners to
Subject: Some comments about anti-military Marc
Dear Bart,
I understand your point.
It was quite clear that you were just happy
that the Letterman POWs were alive and home.
Maybe Marc was upset that applause was given
for these soldiers by you, the same as it is elsewhere.
I think his view is that we shouldn't have
been at war and that we don't need applause over the war
coming from someone we trust. I don't think
Marc was making that distinction.
This example may be too intense for some, but think of a soldier
as an FBI marksman. Let's say an unstable man
with a gun grabs a classroom full of kids, and the experts say
the best way to save them is to take the guy out.
Assuming that decision is made with good intentions, if the order
is given to take him out, I think the marksman
needs to do his job. He doesn't need the reasons explained to
him. He doesn't have a vote in the decision to fire.
He's here because he's the best and I stand behind him if he
has to pull that trigger.
But if the people giving the orders are corrupt oilmen who stole
their way into power, and their decisions are not
made with good intentions, you still can't blame the soldier
for showing up and doing his duty.
I think Marc feels like you let him down.
If Marc were to go back and re-read the column, I hope he
would understand what you were saying as
opposed to what I believe Mark read into what you were saying.
It's just not rational to hate the people
who protect us. If not for our military,
"Ich bin Ein Baghdadder."
The military is not a threat when run by
a rational, intelligent person who has some experience with responsibility.
I wish I could get someone to argue the
point with me. (I'd be nice.) If you don't like Bush's
disasterous policies,
but you still gotta stand behind the guys
who are offering up their lives for this job. More in a second...
About Private Lynch, though, I hope you're catching the stories in The Guardian and on the BBC about the "rescue."
...but that's my point!
She laid in a nasty-ass Iraqi hospital with
broken bones for 10-11 days while we bombed the area.
I promise - you can't hardly get more scared
than that.
And if Team Bush tooted the showboat
too loud during her rescue, we can't hold that against her.
Christ, if that's my broken ass laying
in Iraqi hospital, come get me and I don't care if Jennifer Liberto helps.
(Aren't you glad I'm sparing you her picture
this time?)
Anyway, by dropping down to rice as a daily
staple, I'm able to afford to send something to Kerry's campaign
(I'm for Kerry right now but for anyone
who can defeat Bush in Nov. 2004) so hopefully I'll be able to send
a few bucks to you as well.
Jake, please don''t do that.
I don't want anybody sacrificing to send
money as long as I can afford my Chinaco Anejo.
If there comes a time when I cannot afford
my Chinaco, I will ask others to sacrifice.
)...just trying to put a light end to a very heavy subject.)
I've always said,
"Send me your hooker money, your cocaine money,
your Bill Bennett gambling dollars."
Keep up the great work and thank you,
Jake, I enjoy the exchange of ideas...
Use this portal and they'll
throw bartcop.com four cents.
Read the Previous Issue
It had everything.
© 2003, bartcop.com
Maybe someday Shirley will call to say "Hi!"
on the Bart-Phone at 918-493-1500
That would be cool.