![]() ![]() Fighting the Goliath that raped the Treasury,
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"For bureaucratic reasons we settled on one
issue, weapons of mass destruction,
because it was the one reason everyone
could agree on."
--Paul Wolfowitz, Deputy Defense Secretary and deadly, lying whore
just a convenient excuse for war, admits Wolfowitz
They openly admit they fabricated a fake war,
and the American whore press smiles and looks the other way.
told me I had to lie..."
Clinton: Pres. Terms Limits Could Be Changed
Bill Clinton says in the future, a former
two-term president should be able to return
to office later in life — but the Constitution
would have to be amended.
"It wouldn't affect me, but for future generations
the 22nd amendment should be modified,"
Clinton said Wednesday during an appearance
at the John F. Kennedy Library and Museum.
That sentence in bold?
I heard FOX whores talk about Clinton's quote.
I heard the MSGOP whores talk about Clinton's quote.
I heard the vulgar Pigboy talk about Clinton's quote.
I heard the Hannity whore talk about Clinton's quote.
...but not one of them mentioned the line in bold.
They spun the quote as, "Clinton wants
to be president again," which is exactly
the opposite of what Clinton said, but whores don't tell the
truth very often, do they?
These dithering poltroons are so paralyzed
by the fear of doing or saying something that could be turned
against them in GOP attack ads they've
rendered themselves utterly impotent when it comes to mounting
any kind of challenge to President Bush
on the two most important issues of the day: tax cuts and Iraq.
Exhibit A comes from Senate Minority Leader
Tom Daschle who, when asked on Meet the Press why the
Democrats didn't offer a bold, full-throated
alternative to the Bush tax cut plan, including the repeal of the
2001 cuts and a guaranteed balanced budget,
timorously explained: "Well, we -- you got to take it one step at a
You do -- why? Is this an AA meeting? Bush
doesn't take it one step at a time. He's comfortable leading by leaps
and bounds. And he's taking us along with
him -- straight over a cliff. We're facing a trillion dollars of new debt,
incurred by a president with the worst
economic record since Herbert Hoover, and the best the leader of the
opposition party can muster is a meaningless
cliche? Quick, get that man a dose of political Viagra!
At least get the blood flowing… somewhere.
I'm too afraid to lead.
just wanna be George's friend."
Senator, do your party and your country a favor and resign.
The Democrats need a wartime consigliere, not a scared bunny.
Map For America
by W. O. Coach
Put aside all the abandoned treaties, spy
plane fiasco, submarine disaster, failed Argentinean coup, 9/11 cover-up,
mess in Afghanistan et al, let's just focus
on Iraq for a few paragraphs. The United States of America pre-emptively
attacked a third world country of less
than 30 million people which had no chance of defending itself. The reason
we were given was weapons of mass destruction
and their immediate threat to the US.
Colin Powell, perhaps the most respected
official of those White House neo-con ideologues, was caught lying
to the UN Security Council with his "smoking
gun" plagiarized essay from a college student and clumsily forged
documents suggesting Niger had sold
Iraq nuclear fission rods.
Niger? Niger has nuclear technology?
Halliburton's Gov't Contracts Total $600M
Those are phony numbers for public consumption.
Halliburton's contracts total several billion dollars.
and who knows if they're even doing the work?
If taxpayers knew how much the B.F.E.E. was stealing,
"the terrorists would win," they say,
so Bush and Unka Dick are helping themselves to the Treasury,
then borrowing money using
our signature on the loan papers to shore up their
base with tax cuts for their super-rich friends.
America has never
been screwed as much as the B.F.E.E. is screwing us now.
these outrageous lies!
would never take advantage.
a war-time hero fighter pilot!
you see him land on the Lincoln?"
Senator, please resign your senate seat.
America needs strong leaders for today's troubles.
You can't fight for us while being the top cheerleader for
the B.F.E.E.
know who should advertise on
I mean besides you.
I'll bet over the years we've had 5 bands or musical sites pay
overpriced retail for a single
day's ad on bartcop.com and you couldn't hear
the band, you could just read descriptions of the music.
Commercials on start
at just $11,and
you can play your music.
Send $11
for each ad you'd like to hear on sure-to-be-spectacularly popular
to bartcop.com PO Box 54466
Tulsa, OK 74155 along with your CD.
Your banner on bartcop.com now for as little
as $40.
That's two days of ads for just $40
The page keeps getting bigger, the ads prices keep getting
Ads are going for just $11
the sure-to-be-spectacularly popular
...what a country!
Ol' Bart to get in on these fun summer deals.
We'll put together a package for you that would make Tommy Lee
They fight hard over there - they's why Weinerboy is suing them
(Because I keep getting worry mail)
I've been entering subscribers into the new system each day as they come in.
If your subscription comes in, say, on the third of the month,
I'll transfer you that day.
If your date passes and you don't get a welcome e-mail
from 2Checkout,
contact me and I'll do you manually.
...you know what I mean.
(My stalkers just had to change their pants...)
So far, there's nothing in the "Members" section.
We figure the big switchover for June 20.
So far, there's nothing to miss.
I figure we'll webcast the radio show for free until the
first person writes to say,
"Bart, I can't stand it - you must
charge me something for this great radio experience!"
One thing I can guarantee?
It'll be the biggest internet tequila treehouse webcast run by
a well-armed Okie named Bart.
Remember the "Great Flood" we had at BartCop Manor last weekend?
I'm in the middle of a scam.
The insurance company told me to call "THE
Restoration Company."
I did, they showed up as dependable as Halliburton or Brown &
Boot & Scoot or whatever those shell corporations of Cheney's
are called.
Truth is, the mighty Mississippi didn't run thru BartCop Manor
for a week.
We're talking about a 40 gallon water heater with an extra blowhole.
So this "Restoration Company" shows
up and declares BartCop Manor a federal disaster area.
I didn't see the need, myself, but they seemed so sure, ...and
what do I know?.
I just finished a bottle of Chinaco
Anejo - and how often to I say that?
Sidebar in a Sidebar:
When Tommy Mack was at BCM, we drank God's
flowers, and something happened.
I'd earlier offered him a 1/3 shot of the
very famous Chinaco Anejo Wildflowers bottle from what, ...2000?
He sipped a bit, looked at me and said,
"Son of Christ, that's so much better than regular Chinaco."
An hour later, ...Tommy starts repeating,
with great urgency:
"Do you
have a funnel? I need a funnel, quick!"
I was clueless - but as it turned out, he
loaded his Chinaco snifter with the last of the Chinaco Anejo
Since we were toasting God's good taste
in spirits, I had a clear head and Funnelboy saved the day.
So, it turns out, the guys in charge of
fixing the place get to divine their own, no-other-bids repair estimate.
The Pratt & Witney's have been here
since f-ing Tuesday, and each day, these guys come by with these
hand-held "moisture detectors," and they
rub it on the wall and say, "Yep, it's
still wet,"
It's slightly bigger than a credit card,
and they put their thumb on the buzzer,
then scan the walls to see if any moisture
is present. "Buzz! Buzz!"
ha ha
Isn't this the plot to a Beverly Hillbillies episode in 1967?
The buzzer goes off when they press the button!!
That's proof that three more monster fans are needed for a few more days.
If you had hungry kids, and they asked you
how many fan days it would take
to dry a Pepsi spill, wouldn't you be tempted
to say, "At least ten?"
This is obviously a scam, and I want a
piece of it or I'll expose the whole deal on my web site.
ha ha
I swear, every word is true.
So Thursday, Insurance Inspector #6 showed
up, and asked me how much damage there was.
I'm sorry, but I do really, really
well with open-ended questions.
I told him
"There was so much damage, I couldn't hardly believe it."
He wrote that down - which means he's in
on the scam, I've seen it a hundred times.
(I'm old)
Then, swear to Koresh, he says, "How many fans did they need, and for how many days?"
Then this crooked idiot tells me the
clean-up company gets paid
according to the equipment needed to
do the job.
They get paid by the number of fans needed
per day?
This must be designed by Catholics!
This rip-off couldn't be more transparent
if Smirk was wearing it.
Since I had the situation dicked (sorry,
a mid-western, Catholic, cordical island colloquialism )
I played the game to see how far the envelope
would stretch.
I told the truth - four Pratt &
Whitneys for two days, three P&Ws four three days, plus the
bad-boy industrial de-humidifier that put
out like Ann Coulter at a Freedom Fries convention.
But wait...
That's a breach of bookkeeping ethics.
You don't ask the Okie Rube what was
supplied, - you ask the supplier.
So, naturally, it took tons and tons of equipment.
This is how the B.F.E.E. works - well, this and
murdering the innocent.
What a scam!
If I get $200 for every Band Aid on Bobby's
knee, how many Band Aids will Bobby need?
You don't ask the guy receiving the check if a bigger check wouldn't be better.
Are you ready for the
"piece of resistance?" (boycotting the
He says, "So,
...how many hours did you spend cleaning up this terrible mess?"
ha ha
Koresh - that's a blank check
I, being partly honest, started low-balling
"A couple of hours."
"Your sure? Looks like a big mess..."
"Well, I mean it was a nasty-ass mess for 2-3 days, but it's not like we spent..."
"So, Mrs. Bart helped, too? You BOTH spent time cleaning up this awful mess?"
ha ha
He's gotta be working on a percentage of
the scam's gross profits.
I wonder if he ever worked for the Texas
He finally cajoled me into saying we spend
3 hours each on the spill, which means six billable hours.
That's for sure true, and it's lowball
considering the beating I took from Mrs. Bart.
Like a good neighbor, my friend was coaching me into swindling his employer.
...and then it got worse...
using me as their Tommy Dimwit.
is such a scam, and they've made me the lynchpin
their defense if they get caught.
Can you imagine how cool this would be if
my name came up?
Oh Lord, let them put me on the witness stand and ask me questions
- please?
Have I told the story about testifying
in the tow-truck trial?
It was my only court experience as a hostile
So, the BIG insurance companies are running scams, using Okie
rubes as their witness.
They think I'll lie for them if they get caught .
I blame Smirk.
The whole country is bankrupt, and people are stealing to try
to make ends meet.
"There is a reason why all the Dumb-Ass Dubya
jokes have been drying up lately. ...people have stopped
mocking him because he suddenly seems
heroic. The fact is that people have stopped laughing at Bush
because he's no longer the village
idiot. He's the village tyrant now. After what he did to Iraq, after he
to this country to persuade it to go
to war, nothing he ever does will be funny anymore."
--David Vest, It's
Not So Funny Any More
Sidney Blumenthal
parrots Hillary’s paranoid mutterings
by Clinton-Hater Dick Morris
"A second term is a terrible thing for a president
to waste. Sidney Blumenthal's new book makes clear how
totally Bill Clinton wasted it. He was
a one-term president who lived in the White House for eight years.
The Clinton Wars speaks not about the war
on terror or the war on drugs or even the war on poverty.
Instead, it’s about the wars that occupied
Clinton in his second term: on Paula Jones, on Kenneth Starr,
on the Washington Post's Susan Schmidt,
on Matt Drudge, on Clinton's women and the war to get Hillary
into the Senate. For those who haven’t
plumbed the depths of the Clintons' denial mechanisms and their
obsession with petty revenge, Blumenthal’s
book offers a road map into their distorted perceptions of
reality. Like an account of a hallucination,
he takes us into a world where Monica Lewinsky blackmails
Clinton into sex, Whitewater is the epitome
of innocence and Starr the personification of evil."
What a partisan idiot this toe-sucker is.
He's trying to get the reader
to think Bill Clinton started these wars against Starr, Jones & Drudge.
What a whore! All Clinton wanted to do was
work hard as the president, while these monkeys
rooted around inside his zipper looking for
a way to destroy him.
Only a toe-sucking whore would
call Clinton "obsessed with petty revence." If anything, Clinton
was the most gracious president in recent
history, as Gingrich, O'Reilly and others have witnessed.
Meanwhile, Bush has made our allies into our
enemies and refuses to talk to Chirac or Schroeder
on the phone. That's the definition
of obsession with petty revenge.
If anything, Hillary
vast, rigft wing conspiracy." She coined that phrase the first
week of the Ginrich-directed scandal, and
she had to way to know then what Lyons & Conason
and Brock revealed in their later books.
It's a fact that Monica tried
to blackmail Clinton, according to the semen-stained Starr Report.
That's why Monica called Clinton, "that big
creep," because he refused to screw her.
bartcop.com is
one of the few places where you'll see horseshit
like this refuted. Bush's good puppy press
wants you to think Clinton wasted his second
term, when all he wanted to do was work. While Clinton
was focusing on the economy and firing cruise
missles at terrorists, the GOP was busy hunting cock.
and they're doing it with the
help of the TV networks, talk radio and the NY Whore Times.
I say we fight back.
I think building
into a powerhouse is a worthwhile goal.
Click Here
to subscribe.
Help build the anti-Bush network into something the media can't ignore and can't dismiss.
"After watching the British reports, I found
the American ones jarring. In my hotel, MSNBC always seemed to be on,
and I was shocked by its mawkishness
and breathless boosterism. Its anchors mostly recounted tales of American
bravery and derring-do...Before arriving
in Doha, I had spent hours watching CNN back home. Paula Zahn looked
and talked like a cheerleader for the
US forces; Wolf Blitzer politely interviewed Washington's high and
seldom asking a pointed question. None
of them, however, appeared on the broadcasts I saw in Doha. Instead,
there were Jim Clancy, a tough-minded
correspondent, Michael Holmes, a soft-spoken Australian, and Becky
Anderson, a sharp and inquisitive British
anchor. This was CNN International, the edition broadcast to the world
at large, and it was far more serious
and informed than the American version..."
--Michael Massing, The
Unseen War
Wait, you mean there's an intelligent version of CNN?
One that tells the fucking truth?
How can I sign up for that?
Position Two:
We have gotten many, many, many volunteers for this position.
Could we see some of your work?
If you've read books by Carville, Begala, Mark Crispin Miller,
Arianna Huffington,
Susan McDougal. William Rivers Pitt, Jim Hightower, Molly Ivins,
Conason, Lyons etc.
Send a book report with the Top Ten Quotes and things we should
know about the book
Also, Jessica suggested we get reports on whore writers like Coulter,
Goldberg and others.
To avoid feeding the monster, maybe these books could be read
for free via library?
We are still compiling a list of PC and Mac gurus.
Now and then I'll need help with tech stuff, but the first
important thing is to find out
why some people get BartCop Radio just fine, and some get nothing
but "buffering."
I got Mike Malloy just fine at the car lot using the 56K modem,
but he was streaming
and we're (for now) just putting out the show on instant-load
MP3s. If size is a problem,
we can break them down to maybe 5 meg segments. But I'm hoping
if a tech hears from
a few people with similar problems, a pattern can emerge and
everyone can hear who wants to.
Maybe some of you tech people could compile a list of things to check if BCR isn't working?
Here to see the beginnings of the tech list.
Our first goal is to assist people who can't get BartCop radio
If YOU are having trouble, contact a tech and if the two of you
work it out,
have the tech contact us with the answer so we can post it.
"It used to be a joke that when a legislator
was contemplating some scurvy piece of special interest legislation,
he would go to ridiculous lengths to
make the spurious claim, "And so you see, members, we must do this for
the sake of the cheeldrun of Texas."
Man, you stand up in the Texas House today with a bill that really will
the children of Texas and you will
not get a single Republican vote. They are playing a different game. They
out to take government apart, and then
they turn around and say, "See, I told you government doesn't work."
And they believe in all this with a
self-righteous certitude that has to be seen to be believed...During the
on tort reform, Democrats took to referring
to the part of the gallery where the big business interests lobbyists
sit as "the owners' box." It sure ain't
the people's legislature."
-- Molly Ivins Government,
E! page
A question for Michael Powell
Bono's words to 'Ave Maria'
Expanded TV listings
Russia's 'James Bond'
Angelina Jolie & Billy Bob's divorce is final
Peter Frampton
'Meow TV'
NASCAR's first all woman pit crew
Mike Tyson
And, an albino alligator
A Democrat fights
by Mike Palecek
Joe Coffee
tells his wife that he’s thinking about running for Congress.
"Coffee Joe" speaks
out against prisons and the military. At first, they laughed.
Soon, terrified
establishment politicians try to stop him.
Joe Coffee’s Revolution provides a refreshing alternative perspective.
Click Here to order your copy today.
[Palecek is a former reporter, federal prisoner, and seminarian.]
Also by Mike Palecek: Click Here
“Iran is part of the Axis of Evil. Iran is
harboring terrorists: Al-Qaeda terrorists.
The Bush Doctrine requires the toppling
of this regime. It's just that simple.”
--the vulgar Pigboy
No Rush, Iran has oil.
That's how simple it is.
the GOP's Supply Side Nonsense
Robert Reich comes out for the BartCop
Tax Plan
The only way to boost demand is to put
more money in more people's wallets through a tax cut
(a refundable credit or a temporary cut
in payroll taxes, or both) for working people of modest incomes,
totaling more than $1,500 per family,
both this year and next. Add in an emergency $50 billion bailout
of the states. Most are now cutting vital
social services and school aid because they're broke.
Hey Bob, no need to mention the author of that plan.
I've always said, "Get what you want, take what you need."
Call 918-493-1500-
you have two minutes to rant away.
Did anything make you mad today?
us about it!
Bombs Bursting in Air - Or Land
By warning “dangerous regimes and terrorists”
they cannot threaten the United States with
the world’s most destructive weapons. Or
the U.S. will once again use the world’s much
more destructive weapons.
Even though history will clearly show 15
Saudis armed only with Visa cards and box cutters
created more globalisation destabilisation
than anyone since Hitler. Or at least until Bush
requested $399.1 billion for the military
in fiscal year 2004.
I know what you're thinking...
You're thinking, "This is the best damn
issue of bartcop.com ever.
If only it had a
then it would be a true masterpiece."
Click Here
to read today's
(For Democrats, that means put the mouse arrow over
the "Click Here" and press the left button.)
Have a good time today - that's an order.
Use this portal and they'll
throw bartcop.com four cents.
Read the Previous Issue
It had everything.
© 2003, bartcop.com
Shirley --.Call
BartCop!! Shirley --.Call BartCop!!
Shirley should call the Bart-Phone at 918-493-1500
That would be cool.