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"The president's priorities are that government
gets results for the people,
protecting Americans, winning the war
on terrorism, and ensuring economic security."
-- White House spokeswoman Claire
Buchan Attribution
Isn't that proof that he's the worst president in history?
He's gotten zero results, beyond bankrupting the Treasury.
Protecting Americans?
Bush's 9-11 dwarfed Pearl harbor, and these
victims were civilians!
Winning the war on terrorism?
In which country is he doing that?
Economic security?
Are you f-ing crazy?
He turned Clinton's Paradise into Hooverville.
Warren Zevon dies at 56
Warren Zevon, who was among the wittiest
and most original of a broad circle
of singer-songwriters to emerge from Los
Angeles in the 1970s, has died.
A lifelong smoker until quitting several
years ago, Zevon announced in September 2002
that he had been diagnosed with terminal
lung cancer and had only months to live.
Zevon died in his sleep Sunday at his home,
publicist Carise Yatter said.
He faced death with the same dark sense
of humor found in much of his music, including songs
like "I'll Sleep When I'm Dead," "Life'll
Kill Ya" and "Things to Do in Denver When You're Dead."
Zevon said he chose a certain path and lived
like Jim Morrison but he lived 30 more years.
You make choices and you have to live with
the consequences.
1976's "Warren Zevon" and 1978's "Excitable
Boy," cemented Zevon's reputation as one of rock music's
most politically incorrect lyricists, giving
him a lifelong cult following that included Hunter S. Thompson,
Jesse Ventura and David Letterman who
provided backing vocals on "Hit Somebody," Zevon's 2001
elegy to a professional hockey goon who
longs to be a goal-scoring hero.
I knew he and Dave were close, but I had no idea they were so
close that Dave
would agree to sing on one of Warren's songs. ...David
Letterman singing?
"We certainly blew past the U.N. Why, I don't
know. Now we're going back hat in hand."
--retired Gen. Anthony Zinni,
Easily, Bush is the worst fuck-up every to sit in the Oval
He's got the brains and temperment of a nine year old boy.
He wants what he wants and doesn't care about any consequences.
If only we had a free press that would actually report and comment on his foolosh and reckless behavior.
MR. RUSSERT: Iraq has become a breeding
ground for terrorists?
SEC’Y POWELL: Two-thirds of al-Qaeda’s senior leadership has been destroyed...
They keep saying 2/3 of the al-Qaeda senior leadership has been
destroyed, but nobody ever asks on what
that extremely optimistic statement is based. Did we obtain a
complete list of the al-Qaeda senior leadership?
If so, why don't they publish that list so we can check off,
"dead or captured," if it's true? Why does
Russert and every reporter and pundit just accept that 2/3 figure
as tho it was true?
And if they don't have a list, where do they get this extremely
optimistic 2/3 figure?
Last week, Christie Whitman said the EPA lied about the air quality
at Ground Zero because they
didn't want people to worry and panic, they wanted them to get
back to shopping. How do we know
this "al-Qaeda is 2/3 destroyed" crap isn't just another lie
so America won't worry and panic?
Hex on thee!
Hex on thee!
Hex on thee!
Hey Monkey!
Let's see how well you do with the BartCop Hex on your lying ass...
"Leftists never learn not to tangle
with Fox News star Bill O'Reilly.
When his Irish temper is aroused he
can be tough..."
-- Newxman.com, pretending
HO'Reilly has the courage to take on the left
...sure, as long as it's not Joe Conason, Al Franken, James Carville, Paul Begala, etc etc etc
Subject: Another week of Bullshit
Morning Bart
Well another week of work Bart, that ain`t
as bad as having
to listen to the jiveass radio praise the
RNC again.
Watched a little of that speech made me
Keep up the good work, have a good week.
joe in Toledo
The Skull and Bones Society 'initiation'
involves masturbating in a crypt in front of [other Skulls]
while reciting your sexual history.
It doesn't involve branding (that we know about).
Bush was branded as part of the initiation
into a different frat, Delta Kappa Epsilon, which, according
to the Washington
post article "was known as the hardest drinking jock
house on campus".
W. was a Deke, elected president (for the
only time...), which means he probably did some of
the branding on others' butts. Now
he merely kisses butt.
So Kerry wasn't branded, but Bush Lite was.
David R
David, thanks, but I don't think I said Kerry was branded.
I hope I said, "If he's branded, I want
to know who his owner is."
I have no desire (trust me) to see Kerry's butt. A note from his
doctor (and not some old geezer about to retire)
will suffice, but even then, I want to know why his allegiance
to the Skulls prevents him from leveling with the
voters as to whom his loyalty and secrecy are pledged.
Subject: your abortion waeseling
If you are pro-adoption above abortion--state it and grow a pair of testicles.
Everybody is pro-adoption.
Most people are pro-choice.
Learn the difference.
If you dont beleive minors should have abortive surgery without parental permission--then state it !
I think some minors have a better chance
of surviving D&E surgery than telling right-wing Dad
that the punk he hates, the one with the
purple mohawk, got his "Little Princess" pregnant.
If I were female and raped, I would want
to have the option.
Clear enough to be understood. Right?
Not really.
You're a hard-right conservative who's
pro-abortion rights?
That's not the least bit clear.
These last few issues have all had mail
like this.
Is Jesus back?
Are we all speaking in tongues now?
Do you see things differently?
Please tell me.
ha ha
Differently than what?
My positions on the major issues were online before you could
spell 'AOL.'
I'm reluctantly, but solidly, pro-choice.
You're waiting for me to grow some testicles while I'm hoping
you can develope
the necessary language skills to tell me what and the hell we're
arguing about.
"The Bush recession would be followed
by the Dean depression."
Joe Lieberman, the worst senator the Democrats have,
saying Dean
would be a worse president that the
Unelected Pinhead
Isn't there some way we could make him leave our party?
O'Reilly told his "Factor" audience that
he had just gotten off the phone with Arnold and
that the oversexed Musclehead will be on
his show this coming Wednesday, Sept. 10.
E! page
Baron Dave on 'New CDs from Old Friends #2'
Poetry Attack
Reader Review of 'DC/911'
Fresh BAGNews
Dr. Strangelove on TCM tonight
The Dalai Lama & Muhammad Ali
'Die Fledermaus' & some Supreme Court justices
Roman Polanski finally got his Oscar
Jesse Ventura's new house has 5 bedrooms & 8 bathrooms
And, a bunch of links
Dueling Quotes
"In order to make sure that morale is high
with those who wear the uniform today,
we must keep our commitment to those
who wore the uniform in the past ...
We will make sure promises made to
our veterans will be promises kept."
--Dubya, September 6, 2000, Attribution
"We want to show President George W. Bush that
many more generals and admirals want him
to act like the Commander-in-Chief
and take care of his troops by restoring their retired pay."
--Retired Lt. Gen. Billy M. Thomas, begging Bush to keep
his promise Attribution
the troops, my friends need a tax cut."
by Javier, our senior Latin American correspondent
Thanks from Phillip Agee
News from Venezuela
No soup for you: Cubans denied opportunity
to receive their Grammys
A feather in the cap of an evildoer:
Castro receives highest honor
bestowed by the American Indian
Movement. Crazy Horse is smiling.
Bush doesn't want you to see
Bring your best stomach, these pictures aren't pretty.
The rest of the world is seeing these horros,
but Bush's good puppy press is protecting him
so we'll believe that this was a clean, just war.
Please visit our sponsors
Dueling Quotes
"We have the obligation to rise up and take
back the government ourselves.
This is not a right-wing takeover.
It has nothing to do with that. It is a people's takeover."
--Gov Gang Bang, a speech in a Fresno
shopping center Attribution
A "people's takeover?"
Isn't that what they call a lynch mob?
"It seems to me the only people for whom Schwarzenegger
is a true voice is that group of
people we call idiots...They just want
to take their State back and stuff. They just want to
vote for Arnold because Arnold is cool
and Arnold makes democracy fun, and because voting
for Arnold upsets all those people
who think they are smarter than them. Stupid smart people."
--Craig Roberts, Attribution
Get yours, then send in a digital photo of where you put it.
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Tulsa, OK 74155
OR, you could PayPal a small donation and get your stickers within 48 hours.
The stickers are free, but donations are accepted.
We'll give away a prize each month for Best Sticker Placement.
Maybe a Brooke Burke calendar or
Conason's new book.
Send in your sticker pics - win valuable prizes.
We just have one entrant so for, but somebody wants the Conason
or the BB calendar - I just know they do..
Conason's book was a page turner and now
Franken's is in my hands!
Holy hell I can't read it in bed because
my wife doesn't sleep too well when I'm laughing out loud.
Let's trap Bush
Could I get some help from a Nexis/Lexis subscriber?
What DATE and place did Bush first use the word "recession?"
Now that's it's mid-late 2003, President Revisionist History says
the recession started March 01.
But if he waited a year to mention it, that probably proves he
was too stupid to understand.
The way I remember it, all thru the campaign in the summer of
2000, Bush said Clinton's economy
was so strong and the surpluses were so great
we should give money back to the people.
Out of that same lying mouth, he now says he inherited a recession,
so let's trap his lying ass
and find the DATE and the place where he first mentioned the
word "recession."
Help an old altar boy out...
bartcop@bartcop.com and please put RECESSION in the subject header
to Help
by Dennis Miller (R-Sellout)
Rush Limbaugh and myself, he's the fatter, louder and richer one. Otherwise,
we're just two
egomaniacs who'd rather hobnob with the pompous and powerful than scrutinize
wondering why I still have any career at all need only look to Bill O'Reilly,
Vince McMahon
Jerry Springer who, along with myself, reaffirm the timeless H. L. Mencken
adage "Nobody ever
broke underestimating the taste of the American public."
to Double Iraq Spending
All those billions, stolen from America's future
President Bush (R-Thief) addressing the
nation about the unexpectedly violent Iraq
called last night for doubling the amount
of money that he has already stolen from the Treasury.
Bush said he will ask Congress for $87 billion
in military and reconstruction spending for next year,
significantly more than the range administration
officials had given lawmakers. That brings to about
$150 billion the amount the United States
is spending on the Iraq war and its aftermath -- 50 percent
more than officials had expected just a
few months ago.
I think the Republican party and BIG OIL should rebuild Iraq.
Where the hell is the common sense
in destroying a nation for no reason and then billing us $150
billion to rebuild it? This is nothing more
than income redistribution - from America's middle class to Bush's
super-rich, war-mongering friends.
Even without the black-budget stolen billions, why can't some
news organization put together a detailed
list of the billions made by Halliburton, Carlyle, Bechtel and
BIG OIL since Monkeyboy took over?
We know why - because the American media is in on the scam.
GE (NBC) is getting billions in unearned tax bribes,
so they further the bloody Bush lies.
Newscorp (FOX) is getting billions in unearned tax bribes,
so they further the bloody Bush lies.
Viacom (CBS) is getting billions in unearned tax bribes,
so they further the bloody Bush lies.
Disney (ABC) is getting billions in unearned tax bribes,
so they further the bloody Bush lies.
AOL-TW (CNN) is getting billions in unearned tax bribes,
so they further the bloody Bush lies.
We have no free press - they are all on the Bush payroll.
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"If you voted for Bush you can't take a dump
here. Your asshole is in Washington."
- Men's room Outback Steakhouse,
Tacoma, Washington
Subject: How long wil MSNBC keep you on?
Hey Joe,
I remember the reason from MSNBC for canceling
Phil Donahue show was because his ratings
were low even though his show did better
than "Hardball" and it did much better than what CNN
was showing at that time slot it was cancel
after six months. Yet your show is receiving ratings of 0.4.
Your show usually finish dead last in the
time slot since it started. Outside the head bobbing ditto heads
with their submissive wives and neo nazis
who else watches the show? And if it's rating is the bottom line
at MSNBC, how long before we see Scarborough
Country swan song?
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Is bartcop.com membership worth $5
a month when you're on a tight budget?
Those Commandments
by Kerry Tomasi as seen on DU
If the recent flap over the granite monument
in Alabama reveals anything, it's that a vast majority of US citizens
- anywhere from 70-80% in recent polls
- support having the Ten Commandments prominently displayed in
government buildings. The message 'we the
people' appear to be sending is this: the "Ten Commandments" is the
rock on which our constitutional form of
government was founded, and must be acknowledged and honored as such.
In light of this outpouring of support,
and the level of fervor expressed, we have to presume that the next step
our elected officials is to incorporate
all of these commandments into our civil laws, and enforce them properly.
Let's take a look at the "Ten" (Exod.20:1-17) and see how this might be accomplished.
Subject: My new radio show
I now have my own radio show here in Hawaii
and can be listened to Mondays
from 12pm-2pm Hawaii time (3pm-5pm PST,
4pm-6pm mountain, 5pm-7pm CST,
and 7pm-9pm in the East) and you can find
it here:
Houston Wade
Reactions to Smirk's speech
"We must keep this commitment in Iraq. I will
support him, I will support spending that money,
and I hope we decide that there's other
ways to pay for it, as well as just adding to the deficit.''
- Sen. Joseph Biden, D-Tutu.
"I love this president!!"
wounds from Bush's fake war
saw it on thememoryhole.org
might ruin your afternoon, but these brave men have to live with lost limbs
Betrayed by a Pinhead's hardon for Iraq's oil
Subject: coverup
Why is Bush spending 15 times more investigating
the Columbia disaster
than on the investigation into what caused
the September 11th attacks?
Rheon Wyn
I'll bet it's because Bush didn't know about the Columbia disaster in advance.
football, pro football,
pennant races
All this and more at...
Click to Enter
American soldier body count in Iraq
It now stands at 287,
304 counting the injured
who have since died.
Soon, we'll be at 400.
How long before we hit 600? Or 1000?
The Pentagon released new figures, reflecting the wounded who have since died.
Total deaths since the frog-blaster said, "Bring 'em On": 83+
Perhaps 1,200 wounded - missing arms, legs and eyes.
How much more are we willing to tolerate?
It's from http://lunaville.org/warcasualties/Summary.aspx
In trouble?
Call the
You have two minutes to speak your peace.
"Did you hear about the jewish child molestor?
He hid in the bushes and said,
'Hey little boy, wanna buy some candy?'
...talent on loan from God."
Listen to Rush weekdays from noon - 3pm Eastern
The EIB network, the White spot on your dial.
Have a good time today - that's an order.
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