"You know, President Nixon once suspected Mark
I'm surprised he didn't end up dead somewhere
because of that."
Eagleburger, former Sec. of State, on 'Deep Throat' Felt Attribution
Answer Is Fear
by Robert Parry at consortiumnews.com
Click Here
What the American conservative movement
has done so effectively over the last three decades
is to perfect a dynamic of fear and inject it into
the key institutions for generating or disseminating information.
This strategy took shape in the latter half
of the 1970s amid the ashes of Watergate and Vietnam.
Conservatives were determined that those twin disasters
- getting caught in a major political scandal
and seeing the U.S. population turn against a war
effort - should never happen again.
As I describe in Secrecy & Privilege:
Rise of the Bush Dynasty from Watergate to Iraq,
the initial targets of the Right's "war
of ideas" were the national news media and the CIA's
analytical division - two vital sources of
information at the national level.
Note: Consortiumnews.com is the most important site on
the internet.
by Ted Rall
Click Here
It has been one thousand three hundred
fifty-two days since Bush promised to find bin Laden, "dead or alive."
So where is he?..."It (the search for bin Laden)
has not gone into cold storage," swears British envoy to
Pakistan Mark Lyall Grant, but it's hard to avoid
drawing one of two conclusions at this late date: Either the
Bushies are too stupid to catch bin Laden or they're
not really trying. Capturing him alive, after all, could lead
to discomfiting revelations--from interesting info
re Reagan's Stinger missile giveaways to reports that a CIA
agent hung out with the suspect of the 1998 East
Africa embassy bombings weeks before 9/11."
Subject: I'll step in this
chainsaw/Chevy debate
Here's what I see.
You can't _completely_ let the soldier on the
ground off the hook for this
because that allows the real murderers to use any
sort of story at all as an excuse.
I agree 100 percent.
Are you saying that the soldier, given a
story he knows to be obviously false about
why the building has to be torched/area has to
be bombed/3rd floor has to be lit up/etc.,
should just put his head down and press the button?
Of course not. The only reason I used "a
building" is because one can't know
beyond all doubt what's behind those walls until they are blown down.
He should never try to think for himself
at all, even if he has the time, and it's obviously safe to do so?
He should always try to think for himself - unless he's under
fire in a panic situation.
I don't want the damn orphans blown up.
If they say "The bad guys are shooting at us from
Building 3, take that building out,"
you gotta take that building out because it's a war target, not
an orphanage.
Notice I'm not saying that if he's under
fire he should put his weapon down and think deeply,
but sometimes it is possible to make a judgment.
Of course it is, and I'm all for that.
But if you're CO says "Blow up the third
truck in that convoy,"
you can't ask "Why?" and still have
an army that can win battles.
I'm right about this - and that's unsettling to
those who hate the military.
If we were drinking beer in a bar, and
I saw your eyebrows go up after saying what I said,
I could give you further info until I saw your
eyebrows come back to Earth.
Since were not, as I ramble on, your possible
misconception could multiply amd fester
to the point to where you'd call me "Bush's
favorite tool," and that would be a mistake.
Please allow for the foibles of the printed
word on the page and the not-too-bright but often-right
guy who's words you're reading. If I was
a better writer, misunderstandings would be fewer.
Sidebar in a sidebar:
In the same day, my mail says, "Screw
those liar soldiers who claim they were spit on."
and "Screw those
mindless murderers who should be put on trial for war crimes."
So which is it?
"I think it's a stunning, unbelievably
simple and understandable statement of the truth
and a profoundly important document that raises
stunning issues here at home. And it's
amazing the way it escaped major media discussion.
Back in DC, I am going to raise the issue."
John Kerry, trying to complicate the unbelievably simple and understandable
Downing Street memo, Attribution
admits: Koran kicked, peed on
Click Here
U.S. military officials say a detainee's
Quran was splashed with urine and it was
deliberately kicked and another's was stepped on
- but flushed? No.
On March 25, a detainee complained to guards
that "urine came through an air vent"
and splashed on him and his Quran. In another
confirmed incident, water balloons thrown
by prison guards caused an unspecified number of
Qurans to get wet, and a two-word
obscenity was written in English on the inside
cover of a Quran.
When the BFEE pointed the finger at Newsweek,
did anyone (besides Robert Parry)
stand up for them? Defending Bush's
lies must always come first - no matter what.
...and don't you just love the part where, "I
was accidentally peeing in this air vent when,
somehow, who knows, some accidentally 'splashed'
on the kidnap victim and the Koran?"
The truth is, we grabbed those goat herders off a field so Bush
could call imprison them to be peed on
to help fabricate an excuse to invade Iraq and steal their oil. Remember,
Cheney and Kennyboy were
dividing up Iraq's oil fields before 9-11 - but you're not supposed to
care about that.
Subject: Pickles
where would i find documentation on Pickles
her old boyfriend for people who would not believe?
Billy, that site doesn't exist.
(But snopes.com is generally considered
Remember last September - some people said Bush won those
Our political enemies don't use science and logic when they make decisions.
They ask Rush, Bush and the Invisible Cloud Being what they want - and
then they obey.
In other words, they don't believe their lying eyes.
Bush a war criminal?
Click Here
The question "Is Bush a war criminal?"
is one that the Democrats could have used in their campaign
to thwart Bush's bid for a second
term. It is astounding that the so-called moral Republicans apparently
place far more emphasis on the commandment "Thou
Shalt Not Commit Adultery!" than on the
commandment "Thou Shalt Not Kill!" Tragically
it is the double standard that this Republican majority
must live with as well as its life long legacy.
Over and over Bill Clinton was attacked for his sexual conduct,
but the glaring reality of the double standard
these hypocrites are guilty of is known to the entire world."
the gag here?
My bullshit detector is going off like a
chihuahua on Cuervo Silver.
We might have uncovered this hoax before - not
''I don't care if they call me un-American.
I've come full circle in saying the best way
to support the troops today is to give them
a plan to exit Iraq...Active Army officers
are afraid to have this conversation in public,
politicians are afraid to have this conversation
in public. So I wanted to start this discussion,
and hopefully see where this leads."
Hart, an avid supporter of Bush's war until his son died in Iraq, Attribution
Subject: support of the
The thing that ticks me off the most about
repugs saying that those of us on the left don't
support the troops, is the mere fact that i bet
exactly zero spent any time in the military,
because if they did, they would be all about bringing
these kids home instead of letting them
die for nothing, support the troops, not the war. these
kids dont even know whats going on.
they are sacrificing their lives for lies. its
like 1939 all over again.
Mel in Pewaukee
Mel, it's certainly unscientific, but my mail runs maybe five-to-one
against the troops.
"It's clearly against the law to leak secret
grand jury testimony and everybody
knows it."
-- every Republican liar on the Sunday shows
But if that's true, why is this bastard not in prison?
Subject: another deployment
to Iraq for me
Well Ol' Bart, I got the call for another
deployment to Iraq (my 2nd there).
This time they gave me well advance notice that
I'll leave in either November or January
for at least six months (thank god not a
year or more like others are getting hit for).
I'll continue to subscribe to you while
there and know that people like you and the others
who read are the ones who really care about the
people in uniform (except for the far left wing,
and far right wing readers). I'll write in
more from now till then, and even while over there.
Just writing to let you know that there
are some people in uniform
who do care about what you write, and what you
stand for.
Derek in ABQ,
Dude, if you were gay, they'd let you stay home.
You ever seen a pictures of Agent Mulder without his shirt on?
...think before you answer...
I'm Oklahoma straight AND happily married,
but I gotta admit the man looks OK in this picture :)
Stay safe, Dude, ...and are you sure you're not
the least lil bit stirred by this picture?
Print this picture out and hand it to your CO when you report.
Tell them "I'm fighting for Dave!" and
they may let you stay.
'Deep Throat?" Gag
me with a blank check
Oliver North (R-Armed terrorists)
Click Here
Hypocrites make me sick.
And the worst kind of hypocrite is an officer
acting against the office, or corps, for which he works.
You know the kind: sworn to uphold the greater
interest of the company, department, division,
or even nation for whom he works, but instead breaks
the rules in the name of some harebrained ideology.
Some narcissist who'd just as soon enable the enemy
as disavow his precious, narrow perspective.
Subject: You said...
Bart, you said,
>"Can't you see there's a difference
> 1) a pilot bombing a target
> 2) soldiers herding starving Jews
into an oven at Auschwitz?"
No, murder is murder.
I'm not interested in deciding the
appropriate punishment, if any, for varying levels
of complicity, but our soldiers are not blameless
for this war crime we are committing in Iraq.
The real heroes among them are those who refuse
to fight.
Chuck D
Chuck, your position is illogical.
Pickles and Monkey have both killed people.
You can't say they're equally evil people, can you?
I doubt Pickles was giggling and smirking when she killed her
Subject: comment
Bart, you wrote:
> Clinton never sent a man into battle who
didn't come home.
> Bush is averaging four deaths a day lately - so
why do soldiers love him so much?
The ones who love Chimpy are monkeys like
the writer of the letter you were commenting on.
They can hate liberals all they want, but they
should know who shoved their ignorant butts in the sling.
But the more who die - the more they defend the many who lied
them there.
Entertainment Page
Used by permission mnftiu.cc/
is now a dirty word
Click Here (scroll
a little)
When fans of the Arsenal soccer team taunted
their archenemies, Manchester United,
they sneeringly shout, "USA! USA!" The
pro-American cheer "was apparently the most
offensive chant they could think of."
"To be openly
anti-American is still not the done thing." But the sentiment is there,
and it stems from our growing bitterness over the
American lies that lured us into war in Iraq.
Even Brits who supported the invasion have felt
insulted as they learned about "the devious and
domineering style in which the plans for war were
hatched." That "USA" has become "the rudest
word in the vast lexicon of football insults" in
Britain may have been barely reported in the U.S.
Subject: Re: 64 might be
a reach
First, I apologize for calling you stupid.
I know better.
Stubborn as a mule, yes, but stupid, no.
ha ha
I'll agree to that.
And, no, I'm not related.
(Cheap shot, by the way)
Dan Leahy
ha ha
Sure, that was a cheap shot.
But if I was "Bart Lieberman," would you have been able to resist? :)
for Bart
Thanks to Dan
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Subject: Donation for BCR
CD 6-pack
Hi Bart,
I've been busy lately but I have some free
time coming up.
Please tell me you're still swinging that hammer
on Bush.
I need some of that righteous rage you peddle so
Becky, your BCR shows on CD are on their way.
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a $5 donation.
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Subject: scoundrelity
Hey bart, you wrote,
>"Dude, I gotta ask, ...down there in
Kangaroo-land, do you walk up to a man
> drinking whiskey in a bar and say something
like that - right to his face?"
We've been talking about this for
years bart; but to answer your question, if he was
publishing a web site that refused to see that
war doesn't happen by one man's actions
and that consistently sought to sanctify the people
who are doing the killing, yeah
I'd word him, whisky, Chinaco or whatever.
Your facetiousness (How
many? I'll guess 4,158 and 622) about
the toll of the
Vietnam War saddens me - it's easy to
brush off issues that don't help your case.
Here are some
facts so that you at least know what you're talking
"Support your troops -- bring them home!"
Wal, don't be sad.
I'm going to "be Bart" even
if nobody let's me, "be Bart."
Somewhere around 1962, Bob Dylan did press conference, maybe
in New York.
Some handjob reporter asked, "How many singing
poets are there like you?"
And Bob said, "How many ...like me? ...
It's a rhetorical slap against a not-well-thought-out question.
Funny that I'm losing pillars for worshipping the evil troops
while you say I'm too facetious in my treatment of them.
"In the Clinton case (nobody
died) you had evidence on video tape
committing perjury...
You had Nixon (nobody
died) supposedly ordering the FBI to delay
its probe of Watergate.
With Bush, you have nothing, (Over
1660 dead) I repeat nothing remotely close
to that."
Limbacher, on the Downing Street Memo, Attribution
account of Pickles the killer
Click Here
So 17-year-old Pickles did cause
the death of a friend by running a stop sign,
but to see more in the story than that
is to surrender oneself up to baseless imaginings.
Yes, it is always easier to attribute malice to
bad outcomes, but that does not mean malice
is an integral component of tragedy, ...unless
a Democrat is involved, and then the
whore press makes it their life mission to exploit
the tragedy again and again and again.
I'm not saying we should make a big deal
out of this, but if we're going to ignore the people
who were killed by BFEE members, why did we have
to listen to the complete story of every
alleged affair from every woman CLAIMS to have
had with Bill Clinton?
Bill Clinton was put under oath and asked
to explain every check that had his name on it,
nevermind the fact that it wasn't his handwriting,
his check, his fingerprints etc. but when Neil Bush
steals from a savings and loan until it goes bankrupt,
or Dubya gets caught with heavy-weight cocaine,
we should "stop
living in the past and help America look forward."
And when the Democrats lay down on Pickle's
killing, they give the right-wing hate bastards a
green light to revisit Chappaquiddick 365 times
per year, per talk show how, per cable Nazi.
Democrats either want to win the fight of public opinion or they
Subject: could you put
a snippet of BCR online?
I am a PhD poli sci student with two children
and am hesitant to subscribe because
of the money, but just wanted to reiterate that
some brief radio segments might be nice.
I will contribute soon, meaning when I get
a job, and will also subscribe then.
Until then, keep up the good work
M Stark
Dude, good idea.
Click Here to listen
to a snippet from Part
4 of BCR 75
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Day is coming soon.
Dad wants a subscription to
Dad says Mom won't give him any
until they get their subscription.
Don't forget Dad like you forgot Mom.
Subject: Debate
is on
Bart, I can
debate you at 10 PM Central this Wednesday in the Chat
Tara the Dove
After you click Chat
Room, click "Another server" on
the upper-right of the page.
After that - it loads - you click on "Continue" and stuff should
Subject: Shoot that baby
vs. Drive that truck
Did you hear the Morning Edition story about
stress among the returning female soldiers?
They featured a young truck driver who was told
not to stop for anything, even if a child is in the road.
She was to plaster that child into the Iraqi dust
rather than stop.
So is that an order to drive the truck or
an order to shoot the baby?
And how should she handle such an order?
How can she, or you, distinguish?
Is there some fundamental text that clearly delineates?
We go to war with the army we have, not
the army we wish to have.
Mort, all you can do is use your best common
(Of course, this answer will cost me lots if subscribers...)
In your scenario, with the facts given, I
would stop for the baby.
One would have to figure the order given was figurative.
If you were told, "Dig
until your arms fall off," you wouldn't, really.
if the
driver had certain knowledge that she was carrying "the Enola
Gay," and every second
lost could mean a thousand lives, a BIG turn in
history, an unpopular decision might have to be made.
"Toby Keith, like any Nashville pro, follows
the trends.
First, he sang rowdy hits like "You
Ain't much Fun."
In the late 90s, when fans wanted sensitive
lover boys,
he obliged with "Dream
When Bush took over and right-wing meatheads
were in,
he became 'Mr Shock N' Y'all.' If
Al Qaeda invades tomorrow,
expect Toby's next hit to be "Ridin'
my Camel back home to you."
-- Dave Fricke, album reviewer
for Rolling Stone
ha ha
Toby says he's a Democrat, and he's from Oklahoma.
In Oklahoma, many Democrats are pro-cock-fighting - just ask the
Governor, Brad Henry. He won because the pro-cock-fighting Democrats
came out
and beat Steve Largent, Republican football hero and Chosen Son of God.
Who knew cock-fighting was bigger than God and football?
Subject: Your Hawaii report
Hi Bart, Glad you're back.
I just read your comments on "reporting" about
your trip
and having people "single" hate you.
You are as smart as you are funny!
I loved your Portland story from awhile
Very accurate!
As always, thanks for the laughs!
Gerrie in Portland
bloody body count in Iraq
1664, 1668,
1672, dead soldiers under Bush
Pokerfest 2005
Inn Lincoln Park North
4 PM Saturday, July 16th with a party on
a tall roof Friday night.
More info to come...
Comments? (Put
'Poker' in the subject box)
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heard in BCR Show 75
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Geragos on Larry King tonight
the full owwa!"
Whore CNN is billing this as "Mark Gergos
breaks his silence,"
but he can't talk about anything - can he?
Can he talk about Scott Peterson's trial?
Can he talk about Michal Jackson's trial?
He can't even talk about Winona Ryder, can he?
Here to Search Bartcop
Shields Quotes
"If Tom Cruise wants to see my play 'Chicago,'
I've left him two tickets - one adult,
one child."
-- Brook Shields, mocking the "romance" (?) between
young, virginal Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise, "actor"
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