"Apparently, the Republicans who dominate the
party today, on the radio, online,
and in the halls of Congress, think that the
only good American is a Stalinist, a Nazi,
a fascist, or any other brand of totalitarian
thug who beats the crap out of innocents
because he can, because we're Amurrikans. That's
the thinking and the mantra of
today's brand of Republicans who run the party
and run the right-wing noise machine."
Aravosis, Attribution
the 'Lying Mainstream Media'
by Robert Parry at consortiumnews.com
Click Here
...many war critics asserted that Bush's
decision to take his case against Iraq to the UN
was a ploy designed only to justify a predetermined
course for invasion. In other words,
the critics felt that Bush and his allies were
not acting in good faith, but simply wanted
some political cover for an illegal war.
That, of course, was not the judgment of
editorialists at the Washington Post,
the New York Times or other major newspapers who
praised Bush for going to
the UN on the advice of supposed moderates such
as Powell and Blair.
Indeed, looking back to late 2002 and early
2003, it would be hard to find any
"reputable" commentary in the mainstream
press calling Bush's actions fraudulent,
which is what the British evidence reveals them
to be.
Note: consortiumnews.com is the most important site
on the internet
Subject: the
Bart, you wrote:
> "the Pentagon says torture works."
Since when did you start using the Pentagon
as a reliable source?
I don't, but I consider the Pentagon to be experts at war.
When they tell our soldiers, "If captured,
don't resist because torture works,"
I assume they're giving our boys their best advice.
press coverup
Joe Conason on Bush's helpers in the press
Click Here
Mooing in plaintive chorus, the Beltway
herd insists that the July 23, 2002, memo wasn't news
-- which would be true if the absence of news were
defined only by their refusal to report it.
They tell us the memo wasn't news because
everybody understood that George W. Bush had
decided to wage war many months before the United
States and its allies invaded Iraq. The memo
wasn't news because anyone who didn't comprehend
that reality back then has come to realize the
unhappy facts during the three ensuing years. The
memo wasn't news because Americans already
knew that the Bush administration was "fixing the
intelligence and facts around the policy," rather
than making policy that reflected the intelligence
and the facts about Iraq.
Only a very special brand of arrogance would
permit any employee of the New York Times, which
brought us the mythmaking of Judith Miller, to
insist that new documentary evidence of "intelligence fixing"
about Saddam's arsenal is no longer news. The same
goes for the Washington Post, which featured phony
administration claims about Iraq's weapons on Page
1 while burying the skeptical stories that proved correct.
The NYWTimes and the WaHoPo have changed their mission statements
to protect Bush,
yet we still have to hear the whining from the right about "those
liberal newspapers."
I'm so old, I remember when those papers exposed corruption.
Now they do everything they can to help the crooked bastards cover
it up.
Gulag Quotes
"One of Falah's captains began beating
the detainee. Instead of a quick hit or slap,
we now saw and heard a sustained series of
blows. We heard the sound of his fists
and boots on the detainee's body, and
we heard the detainee's pained grunts as he
received his punishment without resistance.
It was a dockyard mugging."
Maass, eyewitness to American torture Attribution
"In the silence we could hear someone in the
corridor protesting. They took him from
the cell and into a box...They left the door
open, and they kept beating him a long time.
In the suspended silence every blow could be
heard clearly."
Solzhenitsyn, eyewitness to Soviet torture Attribution
Subject: why protect sources
who lie?
Bart --
As a journalist myself, I can tell you the
easy answer people will give for this --
If you burn the liars, the truthtellers will be
afraid to talk to you as well.
And particularly where the truthtellers are supplying
you with extremely sensitive
information that could cost them a great deal should
their identity be known,
you can imagine them being overly paranoid to the
point where it wouldn't be
enough to tell them, "No, no. I only burn people
who lie to me."
No matter what you say, they'll think you
burn people when it becomes
necessary to protect yourself. And so, your American
version of the
Downing Street memo story goes out the window...
Irish Dan
Dan, there's a difference between lying and making a mistake.
When your source lies to make you look stupid (Dan Rather) or dead
(Jim Hatfield)
why should they be protected from the consequences of their bad intentions?
More Trouble for Bush
Click Here
When Poodle's chief foreign policy adviser
dined with Sleazy Rice six months after Sept. 11,
she didn't want to discuss al-Qaida. She wanted
to talk about "regime change" in Iraq,
setting the stage for the U.S.-led invasion more
than a year later.
Bush wanted his Poodle to heel, but Brits
worried that Bush was rushing to war, according to
a series of leaked secret Downing Street memos
that have renewed questions and debate
about Bush's hardon for Saddam.
"U.S. scrambling to establish a link between Iraq
and al-Qaida is so far frankly unconvincing,"
says the memo. "For Iraq, `regime change' sounds
like a grudge between Bush and Saddam."
Slowly, the American whore press has been
forced to do their jobs - and they hate it.
And this bad news is hitting the BFEE after a long
string of defeats.
There are too many hundreds of billions
of dollars left yet unstolen, so there's too much at stake
for them to lose, so they'll fight like hell to
steal those remaining hundreds of billions of dollars.
...but they are wounded and wounded oil
men with money left yet unstolen is a very dangerous thing.
Subject: the view from
Click Here
North Dakota has decided that it is going
to divert water from the river that runs directly into the
Red River in Manitoba. I don't know if you recall
but Winnipeg and lower Manitoba were in a state of
emergency from flooding a few years ago. Anyways,
if this water is diverted huge ecological and
potentially ruiness results will have a big impact
of the stability of the border towns of Manitoba.
Thus far the US gov't has said it is doing what
it wishes.
You know the topper?
They've decided to do this on July 1st.
That is Canada Day.
What a way to say 'fuck you'.
Thanks to Brent
is a fun guy - really
Click Here
Subject: Gitmo Gulag
Thank you Senator Durbin for finally standing
up to tell the truth about America's torture chambers!
It's about time someone is telling the truth
the way it really is. When America acts like the Nazis,
the Communists, and like power crazed third word
dictators then it is a act of patriotism to stand up
and call it like it is. At what point did telling
the truth become a bad thing? At what point does telling
the truth put our troops at risk?
What puts Americans at risk is what the
truth is. We really do torture people to death.
It really is happening. We are not as bad as the
Nazis, but we are heading in that direction.
If stories about American torture camps
is bad for America then what we need to do
is stop doing the torture - and not trying to keep
it a secret.
Marc Perkel
San Francisco, CA.
Please click on our sponsors
Subject: your lack of balls
Dear Great and Powerful Bartcop:
No straddling-the-fence commentary from
the 'Cop of the Internet following
Rocky's right to the point piece regarding the
WTC collapse?
How shocking! Not!
There are
dozens or hundreds of crazy websites that have "proof" that Bush did
the CIA did it, the Mossad did it, the aliens did
it and they can't all be right, right?
Apparently, you want me to stake my reputation
on things I don't know about.
When are you going to grow a pair?
You think I'm afraid?
Given the veritible fountain of information
your Internet brethren have copiously distributed
and the ever-increasing number of books, videos,
and other sources of information that are
available to you at the click of a mouse, how can
it be that you still have a modicum of respect
for yourself when you continue to write that (and
I'm paraphrasing here) " I still have not yet
seen proof that 911 didn't happen exactly as the
Masters of the Universe told me it did."
How pathetic.
You can scream
and stomp your foot and name-call all day long, but like the others
who write,
failed to include any of this "proof" that
everyone on the net has seen but me.
Why do you guys do this again and again?
If you
have some proof, send it to me, but don't send 500 links to non-credible
But I guess you're fearful of losing those paying
customers who would flee likes the
proverbial rats if you were to actually take a
stand on such a controversial issue.
The almighty buck reigns supreme!
In a way that's true.
If I printed every wacky claim that was made and
told people it was a fact without any proof,
I would lose credibility and subscribers
and I choose not to do that.
If you
have some proof, send it to me, but the problem with people like you
is that
you think you can scream, "But everyone knows
it's true" and call that proof.
That ain't proof, Sherlock.
As with my previous e-mails, I'm certain
this one won't see the light of day on your page.
However, when I am kicking your Okie ass in Chicago,
No, you won't get in the door because only pre-paid players are
I will reveal myself to you and we can have
a little poker-table debate on the subject.
John Galt
Just-found "Why I never subscribed" by
John Galt
Rather than waste my time in pointing out to
you the myriad sites
that have the statistical information to prove
the latter....
So, instead of offering proof, you choose to scream like a spoiled child.
Why don't you and everyone in your no-proof club do some work and
find some evidence
and quit screaming at those of us who are so old-fashioned that
we want some f-ing proof
before we publish Galt facts wild speculation that
can't be backed-up?.
If you can't put something in one paragraph that has some
meaning, you got nothing.
If your "proof" is pointing to 500 wacko web sites, you got nothing.
...and a "Suck me" for the insinuation that I'm controlled by
the White House.
Why kind of pinhead would make that baseless charge with no foundation?
The same pinhead who claims all his 9-11 "proof" is "everywhere?"
Caught Lying Again
How can this liar run for president?
Click Here
I never made the diagnosis," Frist lied
to reporters Thursday.
"I wouldn't even attempt to make a diagnosis based on
a videotape."
But the transcript of Frist's statements
in March clearly call him a liar.
"That footage, to me, depicted something very
different than persistent vegetative state,"
Frist said March 17 on the Senate floor.
I hit my head after faiting after reading the the Democrats actually
fought back.
Can you believe they circulated a transcript proving Frist lied?
Why did they decide to fight back?
They they find some balls on the street and strap them on?
Symbolman from Take Back the Media travelled to Washington DC
to videotape the Downing Street happenings. He teamed up with Flux
who folmed Conyers at the White House gate with the petition
Click Here
Subject: rules
of puncuation
The rules governing the use of an apostrophe are
way simpler
than the rules of Texas Hold-em, so don't give
me any of that
crap about you just being too damn stupid.
It's "Nazis", not "Nazi's", unless you are talking
something that a Republican possesses.
What you say is true.
What's also true is I'm under a pressure deadline to publish and I only
get one shot
at it per issue. Until I fly a tutor into Tulsa to teach me two new
systems, I must depend
on others to publish bartcop.com and I can't bother
them each time I discover an
apostrophe that's out of place.
Changes are coming, but never fast enough.
"Hillary can't be president because she had that
disasterous, socialist
health care proposal ten years ago..."
-- Kato Burn, wrinkled, old slut who's
dumber than Chippy the Chimp, on Capital Gang
Hey Kato, do you know why General Motors laid
off 25,000 employess?
They did that because they pay TWICE as
much for health care per car
than they pay for f-ing steel. Health
care is putting GM out of business,
and Hillary's career-killing crime is trying to
prevent that?
I don't know if her health care plan was any good
or not - who had time
to read 600 pages of wonk fine print, but I remember
the cowardly Democrats
ran away from fixing health care and look at the
mess we have as a result.
Subject: BCR
Show 76 feedback
Bart, toooooo Funnnnny!
The submarine and McDonalds rap was way funny!
Thanks for the all important trip update.
Its the reason I subscribe!
"Iraq" is Arabic for "Vietnam."
-- bumper sticker sighted by Randi Rhodes
Subject: why the senate Dems
voted for war
The best explaination I have heard is that it
was seen by them as a "win/win" situation:
(1) If the war was unpopular they could say that
they had been "fooled" into thinking
Iraq was a real
threat. (Hey, Bart, you even fell for that one).
(2) If the war was popular they were simply "on
the right side of history".
They had all their bases
Joe R
Joe, when you say, "even
Bart fell for that one," are you saying
the senior intelligence experts
who work at the BartCop Think Tanke should've challenged
the CIA's experts and their conclusions?
Are you saying bartcop.com should
have better intelligence sources than the Pentagon?
Marty's Entertainment
Note: Marty
is on Erin Hart the 1st & 3rd Sundays of the month,
at either
9pm or 10pm Pacific (depends on the news of the day).
So, she'll
be on this Sunday, the 19th.
live at http://www.710kiro.com/
All sites & links
used on The Erin Hart Show are
archived HERE
"One night we tried playing poker with Tarot cards.
I got a full house and three people died..."
-- Steven Wright, comedian
Mars Spectacular
The Red Planet is about to be spectacular!
This month and next, Earth is catching up with
Mars in an encounter that will culminate
in the closest approach between the two planets
in recorded history. The next time Mars
may come this close is in 2287. Due to the way
Jupiter's gravity tugs on Mars and perturbs
its orbit, astronomers can only be certain that
Mars has not come this close to Earth in the
last 5,000 years, but it may be as long as 60,000
years before it happens again.
The encounter will culminate on August 27th when
Mars comes to within 34,649,589 miles
of Earth and will be (next to the moon) the brightest
object in the night sky.
Mars will look as large as the full moon to
the naked eye.
Mars will be easy to spot. At the beginning of
August it will rise in the east
at 10p.m. and reach its azimuth at about 3 a.m.
By the end of August when the two planets are
closest, Mars will rise at nightfall and reach
its highest point in the sky at 12:30a.m. That's
pretty convenient to see something that no
human being has seen in recorded history. So, mark
your calendar at the beginning of August
to see Mars grow progressively brighter and brighter
throughout the month.
Thanks to Rude Rich
Subject: not
everyone hates us
Hi Bart - I am a US expat living and working in
The Indians don't quite understand us, but they
sure do like us.
We're sending all our work over here, and we're
selling them cruise missles,
and fighter jets so they can bomb the hell out
of Pakistan someday.
Subject: BartCop Radio
Bart, my wife and I are crazy about your
radio show, and listen as often as we can.
She really cracks up when you get so into a rant,
then you start over a few times due to
some word that trips up your timing, then you break
out laughing at yourself or the idiot
you're talking about, or as she says, your combo
snicker/giggle. She loves it when you laugh.
She also loves it when you bring it to the lamebrains
running this country.
We love kickin back, waiting for that kick-ass
song to start, then we focus on your every word,
knowing all our stuff is done, no one is gonna
disturb our evening, and we can hear the true 'Hammer'.
So, I go to open show 76, ...no go. I
check my old e-mail and see my membership had expired!
This can't be happening!!!
This is one of the few times we had a chance to
chill and get our fill of the Bartcop. My bad, dude.
So to make up for that lapse in judgement I'm sending
a check and the rest is my gift to your ongoing
struggle to get people to start thinking again.
Koresh, we are so F**ked in this country right now.
We need every voice we can get to help stir the
zombie sheep public into a waking awareness of
just what has happened in this country in just
the last horrible five years.
Dude, I have re-activated your subscription - thanks.
Get your BCR stickers and a WPE sticker FREE with
a donation.
Here to support bartcop.com with a sticker
Or snail mail to
PO Box 54466
Tulsa, OK 74155
sign up for a year of BCR ($70) and
get stickers and 3 BCR shows on CD. (send street address)
sign up for 3 BCR shows on CD ($24) and
get stickers and 90 days free of BCR (send e-mail address)
Subject: 9-11 and WTC I,
too, have been labeled a nut
Click Here
When the north tower started to fall, you can
see the upper floors above the damage already
collapsing on themselves even as the lower
portion is itself collapsing. This effect is akin to a
glass straw, acting as the core of the building,
shattering like tempered glass into many small
pieces, taking the 'knees out from under body'
of the building and allowing it to pancake.
The speed of fall approached that of gravity, meaning
little or no resistance to the fall.
To anyone who is familiar with re-inforced concrete,
with its mesh of steel netting and numerous
pieces of interlaced steel rod, knows that even
bulldozers have a tough time knocking it down or
tearing it up. Imagine that wall or slab several
feet thick and with all that embedded steel,
surrounding some of largest known steel columns
and beams of that era, thickness measured
in many inches, with diameters of area larger than
some pick-up trucks are tall, bolted with
hundreds of bolts larger than your arm is round.
Cage Match
- Mark Geragos vs Nancy Grace
Tuesday on Larry King Live
She's been screaming "Lying bastard scumbag
asshole" at Geragos for almost two years.
Tuesday, Geragos takes on Nancy "I-guarantee-they're-all-guilty" Grace.
Get six CDs
(the last three shows) delivered for just
Currently shipping...
BCR 74 2
BCR 75 2
BCR 76 2
(Diamond Anniversary Show)
Click Here to
get the latest BartCop Radio Shows
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subscribe and listen to all 76 shows
of July is just days away
What better way to honor the few freedoms we have left than...
"Now, tequila may be the favored beverage of outlaws,
but that doesn't mean it
gives them preferential treatment. In fact,
tequila probably has probably betrayed
as many outlaws as have the central nervous
system and dissatisfied wives.
Tequila, scorpion honey, harsh dew of the doglands,
essence of Aztec, crema de cacti;
tequila, oily and thermal like the sun in solution;
tequila, liquid geometry of passion;
tequila, the buzzard god who copulates in midair
with the ascending souls of dying virgins;
tequila, firebug in the house of good taste.
O tequila, savage water of sorcery,
what confusion and mischief your sly, rebellious
drops do generate!"
-- Tom Robbins, "Still Life with Woodpecker," by Bantam
Subject: Howard Dean
That's right - give them HELL Dean
Finally someone with some sack in the Democratic
Party !!
These right-wing morons have been running rough-shod
all over our country,
for the last several years, and it's about
time someone other than Bart-Cop stood up to them.
Keep up the good work.
Power to the people·
Did David
Boren install a gay network at CIA?
Is the military-homosexual complex for real?
Click Here
I would like to open up consideration of the
question of whether David Boren, using the influence
he gained as the patron and mentor of George Tenet,
was able to install a homosexual network in the CIA.
First of all, I am 100% sure that Boren is homosexual.
This has been known at the gossip level around
Oklahoma for more than three decades.
(I can verify those rumors have been around for
30 years.)
Boren has made a lifelong practice of setting
up young men with government jobs, if they are sexually
appealing to him and if they are gay or if he thinks
they might be gay.
Just the fact that Boren set Tenet up on his career
path, and that the two men have remained close friends
since the 80s, makes me suspect that Tenet is queer.
Note: We usually wouldn't run a story
like this, because a person's sex life is nobody's business, but this
Gannon/Guckert with Bush stuff had to involve the
Secret Service, plus the crazy Skull & Bones rumors,
topped with the fact that a Repub being gay is
suicide stuff, wheras Dems don't really care.
That means a Repug can be blackmailed and that
makes it possibly national security stuff.
Pokerfest July 16, 2005
Click Here for
updates and who's coming so far.
Call the
...as heard
in BCR Show 76
Put your 2-minute rant on the next radio show.
BCR is listened to by dozens, so get your comments out there.
You have two minutes to record your message.
Bush: Iraq
war is defensive
Click Here
"We went to war (with
Iraq) because we were attacked (by
15 Saudis from Afghanistan),
and we are at war today because there are still
people out there who want to harm our country
and hurt our citizens," Bush lied in his weakly
radio address.
"Some may disagree with my decision to remove Saddam,
but all of us can agree that the world's
terrorists have now made
Iraq a central front in the war on terror," lied the warmonger.
Actually, Mr. President, the whole world agrees
with that last sentence.
You built
the terrorist training center that is Iraq and terrorists have responded
to it.
Here to Search Bartcop
Cruise shamed
into proposing by bartcop.com
virgin seduced by Scientologist
Click Here
For weeks, Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes answered
questions about
marriage by saying, ''That's something we have
to talk about.''
Friday morning, they found the time at the Eiffel
Tower in Paris.
Read the Previous
It had everything.
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BCR Show #76
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Part 4 of Show 76
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4 of Show 76
Here for the radio archives
Garbage and The Scorpions will play the Orange
Fair Summer Concert Series on July 27
Tickets went on sale June 18.
Shrl, send me an e-mail address and I'll make you a BartCop Member - for
Catch you in Vegas at The Hard Rock -- this summer or fall?
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