"Our troops are fighting these terrorists in
so you will not have to face them here at home."
still lying, still pretending it's an either-or situation, Attribution
Someone told Zarqawi to stop beheading contractors in Iraq.
Did Zarqawi suddenly turn into a nicer guy?
Someone told Al Qaeda to stop attacking America's mainland.
Did oil man Osama suddenly turn into a nicer guy?
I wonder who really gave those orders?
the Downing Street Memo
by Robert Parry at consortiumnews.com
Click Here
Washington Post editors - having already
dismissed the leaked British government documents
about the Iraq War as boring, irrelevant news -
are now turning to the tried-and-true tactic for
silencing any remaining dissent, consigning those
who won't go along to the political loony bin.
Those of us who have covered Washington
for years have seen the pattern before. A group
without sufficient inside-the-Beltway clout tries
to draw attention to a scandal that the Post and
other prestigious news arbiters have missed or
gotten wrong. After ignoring the grievances for
a while - and sensing that the complainers
have no real muscle - the news arbiters start heaping on the abuse.
Note: consortiumnews.com is the most important site
on the internet
Tutu Biden to Seek Presidency in 2008
He didn't say if he'd run as a Dem or a Re-Thug
Click Here
My intention, as I sit here now, is, as
I've proceeded since last November as if I
were going to run. I'm quite frankly going
out, seeing whether I can gather the kind
of support," Biden said, using Kerry-speak that
nobody can understand..
Biden said he was taking his "game on the
road, letting people know what I think."
Senator, I'm thinking no f-ing way.
You've had your lips attacjhed to President
Blood-thirsty for years, sometimes
from behind and sometimes from the front - so we
have no use for you.
If we wanted a George Bush Rubber Stamp we'd run
Pat Leahy.
Subject: news
I've read some stories on the Net that disturb
I'd like to ask your opinion on how factual they
are, if you know..
The first one I've read (and not just from
one source) is that the war on Iran will start soon
or has really already started - that the American
public just doesn't know about it yet, like Iraq.
(I'm not sure where Congress' knowledge of this
comes in?)
The second one is that I've read the the
number of soldiers killed in Iraq is really closer to 9,000
- that they (the DOD) are not counting the wounded
who are taken to hospitals (outside of Iraq)
and then die, but who don't actually die in Iraq.
Do you have any info on the above?
Austin, TX
Carol, Iran has oil, so yes, Bush want to steal that oil, but
he has so decimated our military that
we can't afford to take on another fight at this time - unless something
really bad happens.
Question two - there's no way to know.
We're certain they are lying about the casualties, but as long as
the major new outlets are
covering up for Bush and his worldwide crimes, there's nobody left to take
a 50-state count.
According to right-winger John
McLaughlin, besides the known dead we have over 41,000
amputees, wounded, injured and mantally ill soldiers and they have Bush's
OIL GREED to blame.
"Bush has turned Iraq into Jihad University.
We will not kill every foreign fighter in Iraq.
We will not kill every native-born Iraqi bent
on revenge. Our Iraq strategy amounts to
promiscuous use of insufficient antibiotics
on a sinus infection - we're culling the lame
terrorists and breeding a newer, stronger strain."
--Jim Henley, Attribution
Subject: Bush's Vietnam
Bart, you wrote,
> "Iraq" is Arabic for "Vietnam."
> -- bumper sticker sighted by
Randi Rhodes
Just ordered one
Viet-Vet Austin TX
Bush May Bypass Senate on Bolton
Click Here
Kinda Sleazy Rice says Bush might bypass
the Senate to get John Bolton installed
as U.N. intimidator if Democrats persist in holding
up democracy in America.
Gee, it's not like this president to circumvent
the Constitution...
Subject: Terri Schiavo
The dehydration killing of Terri leaves
me very disappointed in my fellow man, especially Michael.
He could have easily turned the control of Terri
to her parents. They were more than willing to care
for Terri until she had a natural death. Who would
this have hurt? Society? Michael?
It's my understanding that the husband claims
Terri said, "I'd never want to live
that way."
IF Terri
trusted her husband to look after her to keep her religiously-insane family
from doing
something as monstrously morbid as Rick Santorum
bringing a dead baby to his house.
Who's got that story and
what is the link?
So IF Terri
begged her husband, "Please don't
let them do that to me,"
it would be cowardly of him not to stand
up for her when she needed him.
She was able to live via a feeding tube
and no artificial life support.
Christopher Reeve also had to be feed. He had no
way to feed himself.
Would there have been an uproar if it were determined
his life was no longer valuable
and his hydration and food would no longer be administered?
I am reasonably sure there would have, big time.
What about Steven Hawking? He can't
feed himself either.
What about a baby that has been determined that
its life was less than valuable?
A baby has no ability to obtain its own food and
Would it be humane to deprived it of hydration
and allowed to die?
Reeve and Hawking have the ability to determine
their demise, but someone
in Terri's state and a baby do not. I do not understand
why depriving someone
a life based on some human determined value is
a good thing.
Dick, it's my opinion you've made an honest mistake.
Reeve and Hawking could both communicate, so that's different.
A baby has a future and will be able to communicate, someday,
But Terri's autopsy proved she really was 100 percent brain-dead.
She had zero chance of doing anything but merely existing.
Just my opinion, but I think a massive shot of heroin or morphine
been more humane than letting her dehydrate to death, but I understand
doctors not wanting to cause her death, so they merely allowed it to happen.
gets $30M more for Gitmo jail
This is why Cheney says Gitmo will staying
Click Here
An air-conditioned two-story prison, known
as Detention Camp #6, will be built
at Guantanamo to house 220 men. It will include
exercise areas, medical and dental
spaces as well as a security control room, the
contract announcement said.
They did not specify whether the new prison
would also hold foreign terror suspects.
In the far, far future, when some Judas
in the BFEE writes their tell-all book, they'll say,
"There was one guy, Bart-something, that almost
had it right, but even he was off
by a factor of 100. I mean, after we emptied
America's Treasury, we went on to
loot the entire fucking globe and nobody said
a thing, ...not a goddamn thing."
Subject: Mars article from
last issue
Hey Bart,
Your bit on Mars in today's page struck
me as wrong when I read it...
I remembered the "Mars is closer now than
it will be for many years" hype from a couple years ago.
I was thinking Rude Rich sent you an article from
2003, so I looked on Google and found this:
Just thought I'd pass it along.
Poor Rude Rich - he gets confused, and I'm Lucy in the candy factory.
Thanks to the multi-dozens who wrote.
Saddam liked Reagan
"Reagan and Rummy gave me nerve gas"
Click Here
Saddam admires Reagan, says Clinton was "OK" and
considers both Bushes "no good."
He talks a lot, worries about germs and
insists he is still president of Iraq.
Five soldiers told GQ that Saddam spoke
with them in rough English, was interested in
their lives and even invited them back to Iraq
when he returns to power.
Subject: Goss: I know where
Bin Laden is
Porter Goss, Bush's "Intelligence Czar" says
he knows where Osama bin Laden is,
but he's not saying right now. I know where
he's hiding. Or should I say I know where
Porter Goss thinks ne's is hiding. It's hardly
a secret when you know how the Bush Cult thinks.
Porter Goss thinks bin Laden is hiding in Iran.
How do I know this?
It's simple.
Bush is in the process of putting together
an invasion of Iran for the 2006 mid term elections
(wag the dog) to distract the people again from
the gutting of America by the Corporate/Dominion alliance.
So in order to help justify this coming war they
will need to put bin Laden in Iran. So that's where he is.
The way the intelligence community works
in this administration is that the President tells them
what he wants reality to be and then they go out
and fabricate the story that supports the president's fiction.
Porter Goss is under orders from Bush to
find bin Laden in Iran, so that's where he will be.
By the time next summer rolls around, Osama will
have been discovered to be secretly in control
of Iran and in control of their nuclear arsenal.
And like Iraq, we will be required to go to war over it.
I feel a draft coming.
Marc Perkel
San Francisco, CA.
pot is illegal
Click Here
to the human body or mind.
Marijuana does NOT pose a threat to the general
public. Marijuana is very much a danger
to the oil companies, alcohol, tobacco industries
and a large number of chemical corporations.
Various big businesses, with plenty of dollars
and influence, have suppressed the truth from the people.
The truth is if marijuana was utilized for
its vast array of commercial products, it would create
an industrial atomic bomb! Entrepreneurs have not
been educated on the product potential of pot.
The super rich have conspired to spread misinformation
about an extremely versatile plant that,
if used properly, would ruin their companies.
They can't allow "mere people" to grow anything
more than their won food.
They have to maintain control, so they jail anyone
who grows a profit.
Democrats Block Bolton
Click Here
Senate Democrats blocked John Bolton's confirmation
as UN intimidator for the
second time Monday and Herr Bush left open the
possibility of bypassing the
constitutionality question and appointing the tough-talking
bastard on his own.
The vote was 54-38, an erosion in support from
last month's failed Republican effort.
Sen. George Voinovich (R-Conscience), who voted
in May to advance the nomination,
came to his senses and urged Bush to consider a
rational candidate, while only three
Democrats crossed party lines because that's what
Democrats do.
The setback left Bush facing stark choices ÷ most
of which could leave him appearing
gay and weak at a time his poll numbers are dropping
like the stock market and fighting
lame-duck status with forty-two loooong months
left in his second term theft.
Featured Book
The Plot Against
Social Security :
How the Bush
Plan Is Endangering Our Financial Future
to Order
Subject: Hillary's
medical plan
You hit a nerve with me on this one:
I have never heard of anyone who actually
read the plan!!!!
It was killed out-of-hand just because a smart
uppity woman researched and wrote it.
Would someone please dig it out and read it? I
would love to know what it proposed.
Or, even if you can tell me how to access a copy
of it I will read it myself.
I am OLD but think I can live long enough to do
WM, I surely haven't read it.
Anybody have a link for that?
I do, Bart - I have
a link for that!
Chimp paintings
fetch 26,000 dollars at auction
I didn't even know Bush could paint
Click Here
Three paintings by a chimpanzee named Congo were
sold at auction in London
for a total of 14,400 pounds (26,250 dollars, 21,610
euros), many times the estimated price.
Congo's works went under the hammer in a sale
that included works by Renoir,
French cubist Fernand Leger and US pop artist Andy
Subject: Wes
Clark on FOX
Hey Bart-
What do you think of Wes Clark signing on as
a consultant for Fox?
Some scream "sellout" but I have a feeling it
is a good thing - he'll take the truth
into the lions' den and won't back down. Somehow
I don't think it is for the money.
Ed the Teacher
Proud Union Member
Ed, maybe it's part of the plan.
Once they build him up, he'll tell the truth and get fired
then he can say, "They fired me for telling the
The General knows what a Trojan Horse is.
"Pentagon officials cite the recruiting slump and
fear the risk is growing that the war,
like Vietnam, will do lasting damage to the
Army and the Marines. "I think the drawdown
will occur next year, whether the Iraqi forces
are ready or not," a senior Marine officer in
Washington said last week. "Look for covering
phrases like 'We need to start letting the
Iraqis stand on their own feet, and that isn't
going to happen until we start drawing down'. "
F. Burns, Attribution
I'm old enough to remember how the beginning of the end came in Vietnam.
Back then, the Democrats stood up one by one and said, "Enough is enough."
Today, the Dems are afraid to anger Mr. Rove, so we must depend on Republicans.
love our Dubya - he can do no wrong!"
Subject: Mars spectacular
I can't believe you posted that silly "Mars Spectacular" thing.
Do yourself a favor and spend 2 minutes to check
out stories like that before you post them.
For a fast sanity check, you can always go to
Snopes: http://www.snopes.com/
All the best,
Marty's Entertainment
Marty was on Erin Hart Sunday, the 19th.
Anybody get a copy of that?
Should Senator
Diane Feinstein step down?
Click Here
Senator, your comments against Howard Dean, has
compelled us respond to you.
You criticize him because he's criticizing
people who are trying to destroy our democracy?
Senator, where were your "comments/criticisms"
when the GOP impeached Clinton, or when
they smeared the Gore as a serial liar, or when
they stole the presidency, or when they looted
the Treasury, or when they deceived America into
war, or when they stole the presidency again?
Senator, you were not heard. You have simply disregarded
the common man.
"Well, we'll enter that into the record without objection.
I have no further questions of the witness.
You're excused, Mr. Galloway."
--Norm Coleman (R-Bastard and
Liar) who then
deleted the
record he promised to keep Attribution
Subject: not
With all this 9/11 theory talk, I went looking
on Google, and found this
Popular Mechanics article, bebunking 9/11 theories. It
addresses just about
every issue, the Air Force, the Pentagon, WTC7,
though it doesn't talk about
Smirky and his Goat Book that morning...
9/11: Debunking
The Myths
Click Here
Popular Mechanics assembled a team
of nine researchers and reporters who,
together with PM editors, consulted more than 70
professionals in fields that form
the core content of this magazine, including aviation,
engineering and the military.
In the end, we were able to debunk each of these
assertions with hard evidence and
a healthy dose of common sense. We learned that
a few theories are based on something
as innocent as a reporting error on that chaotic
day. Others are the byproducts of cynical
imaginations that aim to inject suspicion and animosity
into public debate. Only by
confronting such poisonous claims with irrefutable
facts can we understand what really
happened on a day that is forever seared into world
T, thanks for that.
Click Here for
another good site on how/why the towers fell
Subject: BartCop Radio
I love you Bart, and I wish I could give you more
than $10
per month because I think your radio show is wonderful.
You have provided me with so much information
in an entertaining way,
and I've come to see how right you are about the
need to argue back
when the radical right tries to bully progressives
into cowering fear.
They are finally getting the message you've been
saying for years.
Rich the NASA dude.
Get your BCR stickers and a WPE sticker FREE with
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Subject: 9-11
Do your homework Bart!
No one is talking about aliens or ufos here.
There are myriad sites...
<then she listed a myriad of sites>
Cindy K
Cindy, I wish I had time to chase that list of links.
In place of that, I have some friendly advice.
I keep saying,
"If you can't put something in
then you got nothing."
And I'm going to give you three examples:
When they shot RFK, they found more
bullets that would fit into Sirhan's gun.
See how that's something short, tangible and concrete?
When they shot JFK, the best
sharpshooter at the FBI couldn't fire Oswald's gun
as fast as they claim Oswald did, and the FBI
guy wasn't even trying to aim it.
See how that's something short, tangible and concrete?
Martin Luther King's son says he
doesn't believe Ray shot his father.
See how that's something short, tangible and concrete?
Try to understand here - I'm
trying to help, but you conspiracy buffs need to
give us something short, tangible and concrete instead of
a long, looong, looooong list of links
with a note promising, "The proof's
all there" and "Everybody knows Bush is guilty."
If, in alllllllllllllllllll those
links, there's nothing something short, tangible and concrete that
will fit into a single paragraph, then you have no hope of spreading your our message.
...and no, I'm not working for Karl Rove.
Cage Match
- Mark Geragos vs Nancy Grace
TONITE on Larry King Live
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of July is just days away
What better way to honor the few freedoms we have left than...
almost wins
'Mr. Perfect' is no Michael Campbell
holds back tears as he
at Mike Campbell's trophy.
Click Here
Campbell, who a few years ago considered giving
up the game and selling golf balls,
took control Sunday and held off the amazing Mr.Perfect
to win the (yawn) US Open.
Poor Tiger, if only he'd skipped Tulsa in 2001...
claims third straight LPGA title
Wonder Woman makes Grand Slam look like a slam dunk.
Sorenstam with a her trophy
Click Here
Never threatened, Annika Sorenstam took another
step toward a sweep of the
four majors Sunday by closing with a three-shot
victory in the LPGA Championship.
Pokerfest July 16, 2005
The cut off date for our room block at the Days Inn is this
After that they will let any unreserved rooms go back to the public.
So if you're planning on playing some poker in Chicago on July 16th
make your reservation now and save the cab fare after the game.
Click Here for
Click Here to
reserve your seat at Pokerfest
Chicago 2005
Call the
...as heard
in BCR Show 76
Put your 2-minute rant on the next radio show.
BCR is listened to by dozens, so get your comments out there.
You have two minutes to record your message.
Oil Prices
Soar Near $60 a Barrel
Prices will top $100 before you know it
Click Here
Light sweet crude for July fell to $58.30 a barrel
on the NY Mercantile Exchange.
Earlier, prices hit a record intraday high of $59.23.
Oil broker Mike Fitzpatrick said that any further
action by OPEC may backfire.
"If you add that additional half million barrels, people
are going to be talking about
OPEC having (production) capacity constraints," he
Still, "it looks like we might have difficulty
holding these levels. You're seeing a
great deal of reluctance among buyers to pay these
higher prices," he said.
Remember -
we're drowning in cheap gas, but the evil crime
lords of the BFEE get $5 per tank, per week, per family
in the US.
Here to Search Bartcop
Lohan's 'First' video
Click Here
Consider Lindsay Lohan's crossover from cute
Disney starlet to full-blown rock chick nearly complete.
The actress is barely recognizable in the video
for "First," the third single off her platinum debut, Speak.
Ditching her red hair and curves, Lohan shows off
her new physique and blonde locks for the single,
Read the Previous
It had everything.
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