"The Clintons, and I include Mrs. Clinton in
this ... have a full-time,
24/7 war room to intimidate and dissuade people
from speaking to
the media without their prior approval and
-- scumbag Edward Klein, on
why no accusations were leveled at the Clintons in the 90s, Attribution
by Robert Parry at consortiumnews.com
Click Here
George W. Bush has announced, "I
think about Iraq every day, every single day."
As the "message: I care" remark
came to crystallize the elder George Bush's lack of
genuine empathy for common Americans, the "every
single day" comment shows that
the younger George Bush may be growing desperate
to convince Americans that he's
on top of the deepening crisis in Iraq and feels
for the dead and wounded.
But the comment, made at a press conference
with European leaders on June 20,
also suggests a disconnect between Bush's
self-image as an in-charge leader worrying
about his troops in the field and a more troubling
picture of a self-centered politician who
flaunts his sacrifice when all he's doing
is thinking about the mess he created.
Note: consortiumnews.com is the most important site
on the internet
Pentagon & Halliburton
sitting in a tree...
Isn't anybody going to stop the looting?
Click Here
U.S. lawmakers took aim at the Pentagon
on Tuesday for hiding information from
U.N.-mandated auditors about U.S contractor Halliburton,
with Republicans calling
it an embarrassment.
"This is a self-inflicted wound, a needless failure
to meet transparency obligations,"
Rep. Christopher Shays, a Republican from Connecticut,
told a House panel.
The hearing was called to look at U.S. management
of Iraqi funds after the 2003 invasion.
An audit found the U.S.-led authority there could
not account for $8.8 billion of Iraq's money.
I can tell you where that $8.8 billion went - it went in Cheney's
Why else would a super-rich old oil geezer with five heart attacks be working
so hard?
Oil greed is stronger than self-preservation for these monsters.
Subject: Ma
Richards vs Dubya
Ann Richards laid down.
I worked West Texas for her campaign.
She didn't fight like she did before to
dumb ass Midland's Clayton Williams.
T from Lubbock
"Like a moth to a flame, Democrats can't help
when it comes to denigrating and demonizing
-- Rep. John N. Hostettler
(R-Nazi) who didn't have to apologize like Durbin, Attribution
Subject: that does it -
I'm gone
So long, adios.
Your site has completely degenerated into
the toilet.
I gotta warn you, I'm not in the mood for
I've been taking shit like this for months and
I'm losing patience.
First it was the "support the Democraps"
What alternative do we have, Einstein?
You want to start a new party that might
be viable in 40 years?
Now you are actually buying the "Official
Myth of 9/11"
that the lying bastards that you try to discredit
every day are feeding us.
What would make you say such a crazy-ass
Have you ever read this page before?
There is no common sense or consistency
here any longer.
The cartoons are funny, that's about it. The
logic is impossible.
How can you believe the very people you are so
quick to accurately portray as liars?
You'd have to be crazy to think I believe
anything Bush says.
What are we drinking today - Bacardi 151 -straight?
I suppose you think they wouldn't
do something like that?
Sure they would, and laugh!
You're explaining to bartcop.com that
the BFEE is an evil organization?
You were in diapers when I first wrote
that, Cubby.
What crazy thing will you say next - fire is hot?
The slobbering over the military and the
belief in Democrats were hard enough to tolerate.
I respect those willing to die for their
country because I'm not.
You are the Monkey who replaced "respect" with "slobber."
Now citing that piece of trash from Popular
Mechanics as an "authority" to support
the "made for Hollywood" production
that was 9/11 is too much. I'm going to delete
your site from my "favorites" list
and good riddance.
Livid Larry
You jumped to the conclusion
that I agree with every word in the Popular Mechanics story.
It would follow, then, that I agree with you,
because I published your words?
You've fallen into logic hell and you can't get
You made a mistake and you
want me to explain why you made it.
I can't do that.
Tell you what - go register your 'Bart
loves Bush' idea with the New York
Stock Exchange.
Take that "Bart
loves Republicans" shit public, like Google
Let's see you get rich betting that people will
accept your 'Bart loves Bush' idea.
- Prime Place to Train Militants
Click Here
Bush's CIA says Iraq may prove to be an
even more effective training ground for
Islamic extremists than Afghanistan was in Al Qaeda's
early days, because it is
serving as a real-world laboratory for urban combat. It
made clear that the war was
likely to produce a dangerous legacy by dispersing
to other countries Iraqi and foreign
combatants more adept and better organized than
they were before the conflict.
The war in Iraq was helping combatants learn
how to carry out assassinations, kidnappings,
car bombings and other kinds of attacks that were
never a staple before Bush's invasion.
It was during the anti-Soviet campaigns of the
1980's that the United States Reagan
and Bush
created and armed Osama bin Laden and other militants,
who later formed Al Qaeda.
It keeps getting worse and worse and nobody will even mention it,
much less condemn it.
We're going to have to live (or die) with Bush's greed and screw-ups for
decades, and
nobody has the balls to stand up and say "Stop
this madness right now!"
"Far too many accusations are coming from people
who are settling grudges in a cowardly
--Bill O'Reilly, of all people,
saying Ed Klein's hatchetfest against Hillary is unfair Attribution
Informant Un-Testifies in B.I.G. Case
Did the LA cops assist B.I.G.'s murderer?
Click Here
A former FBI informant and key witness
in the Notorious B.I.G. wrongful death trial
has backed away from a previous statement
linking a rogue cop to Death Row Records.
Kevin Hackie's turnaround was a blow to
B.I.G.'s family, which has filed a wrongful death
lawsuit against the city of Los Angeles. Hackie,
a former bodyguard for Tupac, denied several
remarks attributed to him in a June 2004 declaration
prepared by plaintiffs' attorneys, including
an assertion that a former officer, David Mack, "was
a covert agent" for Death Row Records.
The family claims a number of off-duty officers
associated with gang members while providing security
for Death Row Records, home of B.I.G.'s West Coast
rival, Tupac Shakur.
I guess it would be cheaper to pay the witness
than pay the family.
raids San Fran Pot Center
Bastard acts like this is Osama's hideout
Click Here
Federal authorities raided three San Francisco
medical marijuana dispensaries Wednesday,
and investigators arrested at least 13 people as
part of an alleged organized crime operation
using the clubs as a front to launder money.
The raids were the first in the Bay Area
since the U.S. Whore Supreme Court dealt a blow to
doctoirs and patients everywhere by ruling that
the federal government had the authority to
prosecute people whose "crime" is trying to live
without pain.
out-of-control federal jackbooted thugs attacking the sick and the dying
More pictures of
Bush's "screw the dying" pot raid
"Being tortured
at Club Gitmo is Paradise"
The vulgar Pigboy wants to know why the sand niggers are whining?
Click Here
Limbaugh contends that the individuals
being held at the military prison are not only being
treated kindly, but in fact are living in a "vacation
paradise." Furthermore, he has denounced
anyone who has dared to compare the conditions
at this facility to those at famous concentration
and POW camps throughout history. Indeed,
in Limbaugh's mind, what is going on in Cuba is
not only justified and moral, but obviously also
a laughing matter.
Subject: Your Hawaii trip
report in BCR 76
Click Here
You sound a bit Republican-greed-like when
you express concern over how the locals
could increase there earnings substantially be
doing business as we know it in the continental US.
The Hawaiians are more interested in the current
fishing conditions, the surfing conditions and
kicking back and enjoying the beauty of their land. Speaking
of the beauty of their land,
I don't know if you were being facetious
in the billboard thing (your waste management
observation was amusing), but again we have what
is most important to native Hawaiian's;
preservation of the beauty of the land.
Police Roster
Arcata is in Humboltd County, CA
Click Here
8:35 p.m.
A woman's washing down pills with alcohol
may have had something to do
with the nonsensical 911 calls she was making from
New Moon Avenue.
1:54 p.m.
A Fickle Hill Road resident reported two
people sitting in a black car in her driveway.
Police searched the car, finding dope and an Oregon
warrant for one of the occupants.
11:38 p.m.
Discriminating nightlifers passed around
a bottle of a distilled grain refreshment in the alley
behind Tavern Row. Police found one soul so refreshed
as to be inert and unresponsive.
He was hospitalized and a colleague jailed on a
drunkenness charge.
BTW, I saw an article in Rolling Stone that said
British Columbia grew some killer pot
in their province and that it sells for top dollar because
everybody says it's the best.
don't believe that's true.
PO Box 54466
Tulsa, OK 74155
Have you ever seen that commercial where the lion can't find the
steak because it's
wrapped in can't-smell-jack Saran Wrap? Trust
me, if you don't want the lion to
eat your steak, use Saran Wrap, not their 30-cents-cheaper
"They tell me there is something wrong with
me, and they 'raised me wrong.'
I'm not on the path God wants me to be
on. So I am sitting here in tears."
--Zach, a gay teen who
is being held against his will by religiously insane
fundies who are trying to "de-gay" him Attribution
"Adios, mofo."
--TX Gov. Rick Perry
(R-Handjob), into a live mic after being interviewed, Attribution
For the old: "Mofo" is slang for "mother-effer"
Entertainment Page
Ain't none better.
"Greed seemed to be the only explanation for
the outlandish book deal."
Klein, author and whore, on Hillary accepting money for her biography, Attribution
"If any book in recent memory reads as though
it has been written out of greed ÷ a greedy
hunger to separate millions of conservative
book buyers from their hard-earned 25 bucks
- it is Ed Klein's "The Truth About Hillary." This
is one of the most sordid volumes I've
ever waded through. Thirty pages into it, I
wanted to take a shower. Sixty pages into it,
I wanted to be decontaminated. And 200 pages
into it, I wanted someone to drive stakes
through my eyes so I wouldn't have to suffer
through another word."
Podhoretz, "Smear for Profit", Attribution
Subject: Donation
Thank you Bart, for your anger and insight.
They make wonderful fuel for your excellent
Hopefully someday some badass Democratic "leader" will
find you and take you on
as a strategist. Maybe then they'll
learn how to fight instead of pussin' around like babies.
I hope you know this donation cuts into
my "escape fascist America for sunny France" fund.
But not by much. I wish I was a Bush, then
I could give you all the cash you want, plus get you
a fat job and invade some poor third-world country
at your whim.
Keep hammering. Let's fix this mess.
See you in France,
Get your BCR stickers and a WPE sticker FREE with
a donation.
Here to support bartcop.com with
a sticker purchase.
Or snail mail to
PO Box 54466
Tulsa, OK 74155
sign up for a year of BCR ($70) and
get stickers and 3 BCR shows on CD. (send street address)
sign up for 3 BCR shows on CD ($24) and
get stickers and 90 days free of BCR (send e-mail address)
Someone from Michigan wrote to say they were
coming to the Bixby Green Corn Festival.
Gets 60 Years for 1964 Murders
Will the GOP go dark for a day in support for their brother?
Click Here
A judge sentenced Republican Edgar Killen
to 60 years in prison for masterminding the
1964 slayings of three civil rights workers. The
murdering bastard, dressed in a gay yellow
jail jumpsuit, sat impassively and stared straight
ahead as Circuit Judge Marcus Gordon
sentenced him to 20-year terms on each of three
counts of manslaughter. Gordon said
the terms will run consecutively.
Die in prison, asshole.
Think about those innocent men you beat and then shot and buried
for the rest of your
miserable racist life and wait for these think-alike assholes
to join you in Hell.
Lamar Alexander (R-TN) where hundreds (or more) lynchings
took place
Robert Bennett (R-UT)
Saxby Chambliss (R-GA) where hundreds (or more) lynchings took place
Thad Cochran (R-MS) where hundreds (or more) lynchings took place
John Cornyn (R-TX) where hundreds (or more) lynchings took place
Michael Enzi (R-WY)
Judd Gregg (R-NH)
Trent Lott (R-MS) where hundreds (or more) lynchings took place
Richard Shelby (R-AL) where hundreds (or more) lynchings took place
John Sununu (R-NH)
Craig Thomas (R-WY)
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of July is just days away
What better way to honor the few freedoms we have left than...
Media at Work
by Gene
Click Here
No recent issue better exemplifies the
paralysis of one-party government than the so-called
Downing Street memos. For readers who have been
either vacationing on Mars or getting all
their news from the so-called mainstream media,
those are minutes of the British government's
July 2002 deliberations about its then-secret agreement
with the Bush administration to invade Iraq.
A brief primer: Downing Street is the British
equivalent of White House. Marked "Secret and strictly
personal--UK eyes only," the memos constitute the
official record of meetings between Tony Blair
and his cabinet; the equivalent, that is, of a
get-together among Bush, Cheney, Rice, Powell, Rumsfeld,
Gen. Tommy Franks and then-CIA Director George
Pokerfest July 16, 2005
The cut off date for our room block at the Days
Inn is
After that they will let any unreserved rooms go back to the public.
So if you're planning on playing some poker in Chicago on July
make your reservation now and save the cab fare after the game.
Click Here for
Click Here to
reserve your seat at Pokerfest
Chicago 2005
Call the
heard in BCR Show 76
Put your 2-minute rant on the next radio show.
BCR is listened to by dozens, so get your comments out
You have two minutes to record your message.
Subject: come on, Bart
I'm sorry Bart, I finally had enough with
all the lynching stories.
Do they still happen?
NO they don't, there for we should be able as a
nation to forget about it.
Dude, lynchings happened in my lifetime,
(1968) so don't think this is ancient history
If people who were in congress back then
are still ALIVE -- have them appologize.
I'm not going to apologize because my great grandfather
did something wrong.
Would you feel the same if your grandfather had
been lynched?
And after they murdered him, the white
people cut off fingers, toes and maybe his
penis to take home as souveniers? ...that's
not easy to forgive or forget.
I'm only responsible for myself, that's
part of the United States problem today
-- we worry about offending people.
FUCK IT it's time we pissed people off and stopped
being so damn PC in this country.
ps -- keep swingin
Jeremiah - VA --
Dude, PC is when someone demands you say "personhole" instead
of "manhole."
Lynching is when a Republican hates another human being so much they have
to kill him.
For decades, the senate let this happen and the Democrats feel
bad about it.
To the GOP, it's "just a nigger problem" so they don't care.
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Don't Call 'Destiny' a Breakup
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We don't like the word `breakup,'" said
"We'd like to say that it's the end of a chapter in our
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