"People need to stop hiding behind Clintonian
semantics here and understand
that White House actions compromised a CIA
asset during a time of war."
Sullivan, turning on those who hate him for being gay Attribution
and the access of evil
Not published in the New York Whore Times
by Greg Palast at gregpalast.com
Click Here
Part of Judith Miller's oddball defense
is that The Times never ran the story about Wilson's wife.
They get no points for that. The Times should have
run the story with the headline:
Operative Commits felony to Punish Wistleblower
The lead paragraph should have been, "Today,
Mr. Karl Rove attempted to plant sensitive
intelligence information on The New York Times,
a felony offense, in an attempt to harm
Joseph Wilson who challenged the President's claim
regarding Iraq's nuclear program."
Karl Rove peddling a back-door smear doesn't
make him a source.
Miller's real crime is not concealing a source,
but burying the story.
A reporter should never, ever give notes to a grand
jury, but this information is something
The Times owes the public, not the prosecutors.
Why didn't The Times run this story?
Why not now?
Who are they covering for and why?
Greg, I know the "why."
They are scummy whores whose ethics are
for rent to whoever has a dollar.
They'll print any lie, no matter how trivial, that
hurts Democrats and they'll bury
any true story that exonerates Bush, his evil crime
family and the Republicans,
no matter how serious the crimes, no matter how
many people die as a result.
judge says Halliburton thefts are legal
...because they stole "Iraqi" money, not US
taxpayer money
Click Here
A federal judge has issued a ruling that
will limit the applicability of a critical antifraud
statute against corporate contractors in Iraq. District
Judge T.S. Ellis held that the
False Claims Act did not apply to the many contractors
who were paid by the
American occupation authority using Iraqi oil money.
The False Claims Act offers large rewards to corporate
insiders who reveal misdeeds,
and huge financial penalties can be imposed on
errant companies. It is widely regarded
as the government's most potent weapon against
contractor fraud.
"This ruling will significantly limit the ability
of the government and whistle-blowers to act
against frauds involving Iraqi oil funds. If that's
going to be the law, it's a terrible shame."
Dick, is that why you set things up the way you did?
So stealing that taxpayer money would be legal?"
Subject: It Just Gets Worse
- last issue
Bart, you published:
> "If there's something funny about Mr. Bush's
misbegotten war, I've yet to see it."
Preznit Brainfart thinks EVERYTHING is funny.
He talks about his war with smirks and
He JOKED at Arlington National Cemetery that "if
you've seen one graveyard, you've seen them all."
I saw him comment on the London bombings
and while he didn't smirk and giggle (for once),
he came off as very insincere, as though he couldn't
be bothered.
I guess that was time taken from his golf game
("It's a terrible tragedy.....now, watch this drive.")
Bush is a textbook sociopath and, at the
risk of sounding crude, I wish Bar had given Poppy
blowjobs in the early days of her marriage. The
world would be a safer place today.
He, Cheney, Rummy and Company are the Weapons
of Mass Destruction.
Terry C
"War is Big Business, perhaps the Biggest Business
of All Time. George W. Bush had no
interest in war when his ass was on the line,
but when his investments benefit from war,
he is all for it. Papa Bush and the Carlysle
Group are out of media scrutiny now, but their
ears hear the cash registers ringing each time
a missile is fired from a helicopter and has
to be replaced at taxpayer expense. American
soldiers are collateral damage in these wars.
So are innocent civilians in Baghdad and London
and everywhere in between."
Moore, who sounds like he's been reading bartcop.com Attribution
They say Scott
Peterson killed two people.
He is the most hated man in America.
Bush killed 100,000 Iraqis and 1758 American
He is the most beloved man in America - just ask the media.
"Other than telling us how to live, think,
marry, pray, vote, invest,
educate our children and, now, die, I think
the Republicans have
done a fine job of getting government out of
our personal lives."
-- Sunday Portland Oregonian
Subject: Bono is a hypocrite
I would respect Bono if he was honest and
sincere, meaning if he was doing all that he could
personally to help the causes he supports. But
he does not do anything near what he could do.
Before he starts asking governments to force
others to support his pet causes he should first
spend every cent he has to support those
causes. Has he done so? No he has not.
Wait, his family should be homeless because
he wants to help others?
He wants to keep his hundreds of millions
of dollars while forcing others, including those of
modest means, to support his causes by means of
taxes. Fuck him and all the others rich
celebrities who want to keep their wealth while
whining about others not doing enough.
Wow, this Bono hatred is really picking up steam.
He might overtake Paris Hilton, and maybe even Scott Peterson.
I think it's safe to say Bono has done more for charity than
any other performer,
but if he doesn't give away every penny - he's a hypocrite?
Cetherton, you apparently
have enough pennies to own a computer.
Why haven't you donated
every last penny to those with less?
Perhaps there is a flaw in your reasoning?
The truth is - people hate Bono because he's helping and they're
I Hate
Hate Bono
Hate Bono
I Hate
If he was Rush Limbaugh or Tiger Woods, and never gave a shit
anybody but himself, he'd be beloved all over the world, but nooooooooooooo.
are citizens, too
by Gene Lyons
Click Here
Back when the [Plame] scandal broke, the
president vowed to get to the bottom of it.
"If there is a leak out of my administration," Bush said, "I
want to know who it is. And if
the person has violated law, the person will be
taken care of."
Asked pointedly if Karl Rove, the White
House aide long famous for gutter tactics,
still had his confidence, Bush reiterated that
he expected anybody in his administration
with knowledge of classified leaks to come clean.
That didn't happen. Instead, Rove,
now known to be a source of journalists who have
given evidence in special counsel Patrick Fitzgerald's
investigation, hid in plain sight for
two years while Time magazine and The New York
Times litigated the question of their
reporters' obligation to testify all the
way to the U.S. Supreme Court.
Meanwhile, Scott McClellan said rumors of
Rove's involvement were "totally ridiculous."
Rove himself denied knowing Plame's name,
a cute equivocation that's completely beside
the point. It's like trying to beat a DWI
charge by saying you didn't know gin contained alcohol.
Does anyone think special prosecutor Patrick J. Fitzgerald is playing
Karl Rove and Bob Novak, the certain guilty parties, seem to be in the
clear while
Judith (Steno Jude) Miller is in jail and Matt Cooper's trying his best
to stay out.
Why are the big leakers off the hook while the little fish fry?
Subject: Bart, I
need help
Tomorrow is the 2nd Anniversary of Novak's
column which exposed Valerie Plame.
Could you please explain to me why Novak is NOT
in jail and NYWT Judith Miller is?
Doug in DeLand, FL
Doug, latest rumors say Steno Jude, herself, is her own "private
It's like she grew the dope, so she can't name her supplier.
That, and our government has been hijacked by greedy, warmongering
oil men who don't care
how many thousands of soldiers die as long as they can legally steal hundreds
of billions of dollars.
Shit like that drove me to alcohol...
Officer 2nd Class Felix Quijano
wearing his "I
miss Clinton" shirt
Every sailor and soldier and marine who
loves his wife and kids should be wearing
an "I miss Clinton" shirt.
Subject: Halliburton
Hey Bart,
Where the hell are our congressmen? I
just clicked on yesterday's three links to Halliburton
abuses and I am outraged. I can't
believe they are charging the taxpayers $49 for a case of soda
and $100 for laundry bags. How do they lose
12 prefabricated base camps? $300 to $1000 for
video cassette players? Halliburton's solution? They
intend to sell off Brown and Root and hope
their problems will go away with the sale.
As if that wasn't bad enough, they're serving our
troops substandard meals, selling us rotted and
outdated foodstuffs, and charging us for twice
as many meals as actually served. Then the right wingers
have the balls to say that critics of the war don't
support our troops. I don't call what Halliburton is
doing support in any way shape or form.
This information needs to be shouted from the rooftops. Anyone
with a computer, a typewriter,
a telephone or just a pen or pencil should be holding
their congressman's feet to the fire. Tell them
we know what's going on, and if they hope to be
re-elected they need to stand up and do something
about it. Come on America, it's your money
that's being pissed away and winding up in the coffers
of the BFEE and co-conspirators. Support
our troops. Call your representatives. Write letters and
email, and I don't mean those pre-packaged letters
that come to you in email. It carries a lot more
weight if a letter shows your own opinions and
doesn't read like a thousand others received that week.
Don't just sit there reading this great website
and shake your heads. DO SOMETHING!
Rick VB
Vietnam Veteran
Rick, I can understand why the GOP ignores Bush's crimes, but
where are the Democrats?
Getting back to basics, how did an oil field services company
win the troops' food contract?
Bush is raping what's left of the Treasury and nobody cares that trillions
are missing.
Tour de Lance Stage 11 & 12
Click Here
Subject: Why doesn't
Bush ASK Rove if he did it?
What is this BS about Bush now waiting for
the investigation to complete so that he
doesn't have to judge Rove based on media reports.
For a president who doesn't read
the media, that shouldn't be a problem. Simply
pick up the phone, call Karl, and get his
butt in your office and ASK him if he was the leaker
or not.
Either Bush has done this and knows Rove
is the leaker, and in which case Bush lied
when he said he would fire the leaker - not to
mention, that would mean Bush has been
tolerating a security risk, and possible criminal,
on his staff for two years now - or Bush
has not called Rove in and asked him, which begs
the question why not?
Why won't Bush just ask Rove if he did it?
John in DC
saw it on ameriblog.org
Did Karl Rove commit treason?
A nation at war deserves to know.
the Bush Stonewall Work?
the press capable of investigating their boss?
Click Here
The Valerie Plame story has finally and
undeniably hit the big-time -- with Karl Rove
now a central figure, Scott McClellan's stonewalling
recalling the darkest moments of
previous administrations, and Democrats calling
for blood.
Washington scandals sometimes flame out
pretty fast. But signs thus far suggest that the
White House's say-nothing strategy is only feeding
the conflagration, rather than starving it.
Facts Are In: So Is Rove Out?
by Joe Conason
Click Here
For nearly two years, the Bush White House
has been repeating falsehoods--to the press and
the public and perhaps to itself--about the role
played by Karl Rove in the Plame affair.
On Sept. 29, 2003, for example, Scott McClellan
called allegations of Rove's involvement
"a ridiculous suggestion" and added, "It is simply
not true .... I've said that it's not true. And I have
spoken with Karl Rove." There were many more such
denials, all of them suddenly worthless in the
light of new documentary evidence. The red-faced
flack is no longer taking questions on this topic."
Judith Miller Should Stay In Jail
Click Here
Something doesn't add up about why Judith
Miller went to jail. She didn't write a story
about the Valerie Plame case and had a waiver from
her source in order to talk about it
to the grand jury. But she insisted on going to
jail anyway.
Speculation is mounting that Miller is protecting
herself - that Miller was herself a source
of information about Plame that made it to several
Bush administration officials and was then
recycled to Bob Novak. He, then, disclosed Plame's
employment by the CIA and her role in
arranging for her husband Joe Wilson's mission
to Africa to investigate the Iraq-uranium link.
Subject: Bono and the haters
Been reading with some confusion and amusement
all of the oddly extreme opinions
of Bono since Live8, and I gotta say, I'm with
you, bro.
Screw poncey musicians thinking they can
make a difference in this world.
The next thing you know he'll be inspiring kids
out there to take up activism... even blogging!
Why can't he take a cue from American performers...
time was not too long ago the most
popular musical performers in America were inspiring
kids to slap bitches, cap fronters,
shoot dope and blow their own heads off. Ahhh,
simpler times.
Why can't Bono leave well enough alone???
Keep swingin',
the Democrats let them.
Calling + the Power of Nightmares
Click Here
The amazing thing about the London attacks
is that they took so long.
Likewise, we've been untouched for 4 years after
9-11 (how hard is it to have 3 guys go into
a crowded mall and open up with machine guns?)
unless the central claim that Al Qaida was
this vast network of tens of thousands was false.
I frankly think that they were vastly exaggerated
- never more than a few hundred to 2000 individuals,
and they were vastly depleted by the war
in Afghanistan. This is the thesis of THE
Perkel has the 2:40 length doc in Windows Media. It
charts the rise of the Muslim
extremists and US neocons from the 50's and draws
many parallels between them.
One must wonder if Al Qaida would have almost disappeared
by now.
Entertainment Page
Marty is on Erin Hart's
show on KIRO
Sunday nights at 9pm Pacific
Schultz Kicks Pigboy's Ass
Click Here scroll
Progressive talk radio is gaining strength
here in Miami.
Advance trend numbers for spring radio ratings
in the Miami market, leaked to RAW STORY,
reveal that liberal talk posted hefty gains against
the once-indomitable Rush Limbaugh.
In particular, The Ed Schultz passed Limbaugh
among the 25-54 age range in the nation's
twelfth largest radio market. Schultz scored a
3.4 rating to Limbaugh's 3.2.
making the rounds...
Top 10 Reasons Dorothy was greeted as a liberator ...and Bush
10. The Wicked Witch of the East actually HAD
weapons of mass destruction.
9. Local contracts awarded to Lullaby League and
Lollipop Guild, not Halliburton.
8. Dorothy apologized.
7. Evil oppressor legally verified as "really
most sincerely dead" rather than "maybe dead."
6. Dorothy got it that she wasn't in Kansas any
5. Dorothy did not install Toto as interim governor
of Munchkinland.
4. Dorothy didn't jail <uchkins and make them
blow each other for a camera.
3. Dorothy had no interest in stealing the Munchkin's
2. Dorothy wasn't taking orders from the one with
no brain.
1. Dorothy didn't kill 140,000 civilian Munchkins.
Subject: Bart, have a shot
of Chinaco on me
Pete, that was tasty - thanks.
Susan McDougal did 22 months in
a Hannible Lecter cage for refusing to lie.
and nobody gave a goddamn. Take away perkel.com and bartcop.com and
tell me
who was screaming for justice for Susan
Sure, now & then The
Nation or Salon.com would
do a story and then disappear for months.
But when the GOP's Steno Jude Miller does seven days in
a 70x70 foot cell without bars
the media is outraged and they demand justice immediately.
Subject: True Americans
fight true terrorists
I have studied (or rather, been the victim
of) many right wing viral emails and have a good idea how the
fundamentalpatients would communicate about the
Rove affair if they were in the Democrat's position.
After editing the typos, spurious line returns
and fake intro about having received this from a buddy who
just retired from the Marines, I think the remainder
would look something like this:
True Americans fight true terrorists
I am a patriot and a liberal.
I am a Democrat and a fiscal conservative.
But first, before any of these things,
I am a true American
As an American,
I will fight against any terrorist that
attacks my country,
attacks my family,
attacks my friends,
attacks my freedoms,
attacks my fellow Americans.
If you are in seat 6B and pull out some
box cutters,
I shall fight you
If you are on my bus and are fiddling with the
on a bomb in your back pack,
I shall fight you,
If you give away our secret agent's names so your
colleagues can kill their informers,
I shall fight you
And you shall never win.
Even if you kill me,
You shall never win because ten more Americans
step up to fight you after I fall.
True Americans don't care if you are a white
man with
a Ryder truck bomb,
We will fight you.
True Americans don't care if you are a Saudi Arabian
We will fight you.
True Americans don't care if you are Darby Hickson's
We will fight you.
True Americans fight terrorists
True Americans fight true terrorists,
not the phantoms and shadows of a false
True Americans fight true terrorists,
not the fears planted in our hearts by the spin
We are Americans first and foremost,
And that is why you shall never, ever win.
Faun Otter
Thanks to Glen
Foot Up Ass Again
Click Here
Rick Santorum made recent comments linking
the so called "liberal" attitude of the Boston
area to the Catholic Church's sex abuse scandal.
''If you have a world view that I'm describing
[about Boston] . . . that affirms alternative views
of sexuality, that can lead to a lot of people
taking it the wrong way," Santorum said. What a
jackass. He continued with, ''It is no surprise
that Boston, a seat of academic, political, and
cultural liberalism in America, lies at the center
of the storm" of the clergy sexual abuse scandal." Has
this guy lost his fucking mind completely?
Apparently he forgot that the church scandal reached
all across the country including Pennsylvania.
Kentucky just paid out $20M for their raping priests, and that's
GOP tobaccoland.
Subject: Bush won
America has voted! and you lost!
Ha ha ha haaa ha ha
Fred the Monkey
Fred, you might be right, but we'll never
know because Republicans have blocked
all recount efforts and the Democrats can't be
bothered to insist on a paper trail to
find out why all the exit polls say
Kerry the Quitter won by a significant margin.
have no right to challenge Dubya's greatness!"
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Subject: her husband helped
"I sometimes feel that Alfred E. Neuman
is in charge in Washington," Hillary said.
She drew a laugh from crowd when she described
Bush's attitude toward tough issues
with Neuman's catchphrase: "What, me worry?"
HA HA HA!! HO HO HO!! My compliments to
her writers.
I didn't think it was that clever.
We've been running that Alf-Bush morph since 1999.
She said the middle class is now being threatened
by an ailing economy caused by
the growing national debt, growing health care
costs, the loss of pensions and the
loss of manufacturing diversity.
"manufacturing diversity"!!
That's Beautiful.
I agree with you there.
That was very poorly worded.
Hillary should've said simply, "The
loss of jobs."
I hope she doesn't pull a Kerry and start
speaking "senate" trying to win votes.
Hillary needs me on her team to translate
to the stupid people, ...you know, ...the voters
The "Growing" Financial Catastrophy Is A
Direct Result Of NAFTA.
Prove that, (and don't send me 50
The Same NAFTA That Was Implemented By GHW
Bush (REP) & Passed Trough WJ Clinton (DEM).
Did Nader teach you that all words must
be capitalized?
Do you have any evidence for your
claims? (and don't send me 50 links)
As Long As We Contribute Our Votes To The
Political Monopoly, The REPUBLI~CRATS
Will Provide "We The People" With More Of The Same. Perpetually
Lubricating The Constitutional Rights Shredder.
What does that mean?
Who taught you this odd language? "perpetually
Is this how they speak at Nader rallies?
The Political Rivalry Between The Two Parties
Is As Choreogrphed As Pro~Wrestling.
If that's true, why are they hell-bent on destroying
each other?
She also said we need to focus on exploring
alternative energy sources to become
less reliant on oil. Gee, I've Never
Heard That One Before.
We were drowning in dirt-cheap gasoline from 1993-2000
and we still are.
Bush's bloody quagmire and his winking at BIG OIL profit-doubling are the
big problems.
If you write back, please loosen your caps lock, and don't send
me 50 links.
If YOU have
no idea what you're talking about, listen and learn.(and don't send
me 50 links)
"The basic liberal attitude in [Boston]...has
an impact on people's behavior. If you have
a world view that I'm describing [about Boston]...that
affirms alternative views of sexuality,
that can lead to a lot of people taking it
the wrong way...I was just saying that there's an
attitude that is very open to sexual freedom
that is more predominant" in Boston."
Santorum, blaming Boston for the rapists the Catholics tranfered there Attribution
"There's not much you can say about someone
who claims to have read the Bible cover to
cover and came away from it thinking it encourages
hatred for fellow human beings."
Meehan, on Rick Santorum's total douchebaggery, Attribution
Pokerfest Saturday
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heard in BCR Show 77
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You have two minutes to record your message.
Subject: Vegas for $250
a night
Dear Bart,
Explanations for Vegas rates:
A. It's the latest expansion of the housing
B. Jack Abramoff has expanded his list of gambling-interest
C. Hotties charge 250$ per night for the red robe.
Hotties charge 89$ a night
for the blue robe.
ha ha
I stand and applaud
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