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Wednesday Aug 23, 2006 Vol
1824 - Evil & Stupid
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on bartcop.com
"Two and a half years more years in Iraq? That
sound you hear is
another round of cigars lighting up
in the Halliburton boardroom."
--American Family Voices,
Is Bush
a Clear & Present Danger?
by Robert Parry
Faced with George W. Bush's disastrous policies
in the Middle East and his adamant refusal
to change course, the question now arises whether
the President has become a "clear and present
danger" to the security of the United States
and, indirectly, to Israel.
For more than five years - even predating the
9/11 attacks - Bush has insisted on a "unilateralist"
approach toward the world, asserting U.S. global
hegemony under a strategy laid out by the
neoconservative Project for the New American
Century. In all of this, there was little room for
compromise or negotiations with the "bad guys."
It was as if the macho rhetoric of AM radio
and Fox News had swallowed U.S. foreign policy.
Real men don't talk to people who stand
in America's way; you jail or kill them.
Note: consortiumnews.com
is the
most important site on the internet

Marine Recall
Or, as some call it, "draft"
The U.S. Marine Corps said Tuesday it has been
authorized to recall thousands of Marines
to active duty, primarily because of a shortage
of volunteers for duty in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Up to 2,500 Marines will be brought back at any
one time, but there is no cap on the total number
of Marines who may be forced back into service
in the coming years as the military battles the war
on terror. The call-ups will begin in the next
several months.
Due to an outbreak of temporary sanity, this is
the first time the Marines have had to use the
involuntary recall since the early days of the
Iraq combat. The Army has ordered back about
14,000 soldiers since the start of the war.
Subject: What the Election is
Really About
This election in 2006 is about denial. Are we
as a nation going to face the reality that
America is heading in the wrong direction or
are we going to lie to ourselves for 2 more
years and pretend that everything is just fine?
If we are going to survive we are going to
have to accept that America needs a new direction.
However - I'm still waiting for the
Democrats to state what they have to offer. I
want to hear a message of change.
I just can't stand the lying anymore.
We are in really bad shape and we can't pretend
that it's all going to just go away.
I'm looking for real courage and I'm not seeing
it. If America turns it's back on reality
then reality might turn it's back on America.
And that's a scary thought.
Marc Perkel
San Francisco, CA.
popularity booming
Everything I said has turned out to be true,"
Murtha said Wednesday. "You can't win militarily.
Military leaders are now saying it publicly where
they said it only privately before. The public is
looking for a solution to this open-ended policy,
which is killing kids."...On Aug. 9, Murtha appeared
at a rally for Eric Massa, a retired Navy commander
who's trying to unseat Rep. Randy Kuhl.
Massa said Murtha 'couldn't speak, the applause
and the standing ovation was so prolonged
and intense. He speaks the truth. He's not deterred
by critics. As the failures of Bush in Iraq
have become more obvious, his credibility has
significantly increased."

"I think the day is coming. I think eventually
we're going to have a very
powerful hurricane in a major metropolitan
area worse than what we saw
in Katrina and it's going to be a mega-disaster.
With lots of lost lives."
-- Max Mayfield, director of the U.S. National
Hurricane Center, Link
Subject: gay men do kiss women
Regarding a gay man kissing a woman: one might
ask Ken Mehlman or Karl Rove.
Or Scott McClellan, who I actually almost miss.
Which speaks volumes about my
sentiments concerning the Fox-ensconced mouthpiece
of mendacity.
Your faithful scribe from Hollywood,
Karr's mother
tried to kill him
crazy as a runover dog."
John Karr's mother, Patricia Elaine Adcock "made
a big round donut of kindling and put him
in the middle of it," said George McCrary, 76.
"She just boxed the little baby in and tried to
light it," McCrary said. John's older brother Michael
"came running in just before she got the flame
to the flammable material," McCrary added.
McCrary said that Adcock was later committed
to a mental institution and is now deceased.
Subject: Brit Airline Plot a
Bart, I saw this on Citizens for Legitimate
Government Link
TATP or Not TATP? - That is the Question
'According to the official government story, TATP
(triacetone triperoxide) was the explosive
these conspirators were planning to manufacture
aboard the airliners... The peroxide and acetone
can be pre-mixed, but the acid must be added,
a drop at a time, while continuously stirring it and
keeping it continuously chilled. This step of
the process will take several hours, during which the
fumes given off will be substantial and quite
overpowering, thus a lab-quality air evacuation system
is required... One then must let the resulting
solution stand for an extended period at temperatures
above the freezing point, but definitely below
50 degrees Fahrenheit... The time required for
completion is at least 24 hours and often several
days... There is neither the time, the workspace
nor the other materials required to make TATP
on an airliner. The time required, the temperatures
required, the workspace required and the
need to dry the chemical prior to use preclude this
story being reasonable...'"
We might see this in the New York Whore Times or the WaHoPo
we had a free press in this once-great country.

Subject: Hezbolah
Bart, excuse me, but wasn't it the Hezbolah that
started this little "war" in the first place?
And if the civilians that were "hiding" the Hezbolah
weapons in the first place got hurt,
then why is everyone saying"poor mistreated people"?
It was their own fault for helping and hiding
the weapons.
The Israelis were just defending themselves.
Steve T
Steve, maybe it happened that way, maybe it didn't.
All we know for sure is that the news bastards
are lying to us - all sides.
When Christiane Amonpour slants the news, I wonder
who's left?
Der Monkey's
sinking poll numbers
Bush's job approval rating dipped two points
in the last three weeks, a new Zogby poll shows.
The numbers continue to reflect erosion in the
President's political base - just 62% of Republicans
give him positive marks for his job performance,
while 38% give him negative marks. Even among
WalMart shoppers, just 45% now give him positive
job marks.
More than three out of four WalMart shoppers voted
for Bush over Kerry in 2004.
It's crazy that the poorest people in America vote for tax cuts for
the super rich.
Could the Democrats be any more pitiful in the political game?
Democrats can't sell $10 bills for $5.
"Pluto has lost its status as a planet.
But it says it will run as an independent."
--David Letterman
Subject: my last four cents
You say that because 29 Democratic Senators voted "yes" on the Iraq
Attack, it may not now
be doubted that the super-secret lies were "slam
dunk" convincing. You then assert that the
"no" voters, therefore, irresponsibly voted against
our national security by voting "no".
We're shooting in the dark because we don't know.
Hypothetically, if the evidence is 50/50, how
should a senator vote?
What if the evidence is 47 percent that Saddam
WMDs and can deliver
in 45 minutes and the evidence is 53 percent
that Saddam has no WMDs at all.
How should a responsible Democrat vote?

Subject: GOP goes pro-choice
Hey Christian Right, does it bother you that Bush
and Cheney and the GOP
are supporting a pro-choice candidate for the
senate in Connecticut?
You know all the killing in Bush's disaster of
a war in Iraq.
You know all his neglect of the poor dying citizens
of New Orleans.
You know all the unnecessary killing that he
encouraged and sponsored in Lebanon.
You know all the suffering people that he denied
stem cell research.
You know all the poor people that he denied an
increase in the minimum wage.
You know all the people that he tried to deny
Social Security protection.
You know all the prisoners (some of them innocent)
that he authorized to be tortured.
Geez, given all this Republican compassion, I
wonder what Jesus would think
about all these so called Christians who are
so hate filled?
Boone in Royal Oak, Michigan

Subject: Helen Thomas article
Just curious Bart...why did you use Helen Thomas's
on an article written by Steve Chapman ?
Lenny, ...because I was paid a lot of money by the evil Zionists?
I make mistakes.
I leave pieces of yesterday's fonts intact to save 4-5 steps on the
next day's page.
It's hard out here for a simp.

Subject: this dem knows how to
Bart Dude, Wisconsin has a Governor (D) who knows
how to fight back against the bush clan.
a link to the latest 30 sec. ad running in Metro-Milwaukee comparing
his opponent to Bush.
Just thought you'd like to see how a real Dem
takes the fight to those who stand with the "liar in chief."
Sussex, WI
Bush errors
boost Iran
Was that the plan all along?
The US-led "war on terror" has bolstered Iran's
power and influence in the Middle East,
especially over its neighbour and former enemy
Iraq, a thinktank said today.
A report published by Chatham House said the wars
in Iraq and Afghanistan had removed
Iran's main rival regimes in the region.
Israel's conflict with the Palestinians and its invasion
of Lebanon had also put Iran "in a position of
considerable strength" in the Middle East.
Bush puts Iran in the "avis of evil" then wipes out their rivals and
let's them have nukes.
Why is Bush pushing for the rapture so hard?
The crazy bastard's going to hell, anyway - why rush it, Monkey?

Subject: missing something
and it's about the tupac and notoriuos BIG murders....isnt
that a mystery to end all?
crooked cops, crooked lawyers, crooked media.
Amen to that.
granted, tupac was 'shot' in LV, but supposedly
by a well known gangster and sometime
associate of suge knight, both based in LA.
three months later, BIG gets killed.
want a mystery, here's one.
i've been trying to figure out why this has gotten
so little attention, and can't find one,
the biggest two rappers in the world killed months
--help me, bartcop, you're my only hope......
b. in reno, wishing that the eight hour drive
to poker in LV was only two.
The short answer is probably "racism."
If pretty blondes were fighting it would be a national sensation.
But if it's just "those people," the cops & cameras don't bother
paying attention.
Worth a second
Keith Olbermann lists TEN examples where headlines were anti-Bush
so the bastards raised the terror level and the all-white networks
Entertainment Page
has good stuff.
Click on the E!
Available in black and royal blue
MaK shirts just $23
Order yours today!
Up close you can see $$$$ in Der Monkey's eyes.
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e-mail contest
A reader suggested a contest - he paid for ten
WPE or MaK shirts to use for prizes.
Here's how you win:
Write a hot or snippy e-mail to at least three media outlets
and send us a copy.
Be sure the reader knows you're not happy with Der Monkey
and his murders,
rapes, torture, invasions, thefts, gas-gouging, military draft, Katrina
or whatever.
Include the line "worst president ever" in it, somewhere.
Be firm, be angry but don't be crude or vulgar.
I know you can write an angry letter and still make it G-rated
or PG.
We'll have ten winners
your copies here
Subject: Randi Rhodes
Bart ... I'm kinda to the left of Gandhi, and
I am so grateful to have Randi Rhodes.
She can fillet a neocon talking point in a heartbeat.
To me the best part is that she will be
the first person to tell you not
to believe her at face value any more than the right wing pundits.
She wants us to do the research,
do the homework and only drink the kool-aid we make ourselves.
She challenges us to make informed decisions.
I found my way to Bartcop through one of the many
doors she opened for me. Randi and Bart ... fighting
the good fight for sanity and humanity!
-Pam in Chicago

Subject: Sissy-ass Democrats
I got one of those Democrats-are-on-the-GOP-team letters, so I raised
> Drew, why would they volunteer to lose?
For the money. Why else?
After all, when the millions pour in, are they
really "losing"?
No, they're not. Just we are.
OK, assume for a moment that's true.
That makes the GOP the Globetrotters and the Dems the "Nationals."
Let's say the Globetrotters get paid triple what the "Nationals"
get so why would Kennedy, Kerry,
Edwards, Boxer, Feinstein and She settle for "loser's wages" instead
of "top wages?"
It makes no sense, especially when Democrats ARE the majority!
I hate to be this cynical, but why else would
they throw the fight?
And, it's obvious that that's exactly what they're
Be well,
Drew, the senate Democrats need some sac!
They need to read bartcop.com
The Democrat's goal is to "play nice" and "play fair."
The Republican's goal is to win.

Iraq pumps 2,000,000 barrels
a day,
(and that was before the 2003 Halliburton Upgrade)
Iraq oil
output up to 2.5M barrels per day
times today's oil price which is going
a barrel
makes $250,000,000
Bush will steal every day.
You heard it here first.
Oil is going to $100 a barrel, then to $200
No wonder they were so eager to start a war
Bush's "Bring 'em on"
death taunt is up to...
American victims
By Christmas, Thanksgiving, Halloween,
Bush will have killed
more Americans than his old partner Osama.
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to quagmire breaks 60%
third love this quagmire since Bush does
Opposition among Americans to the war in Iraq
has reached a new high, with only about
a third of respondents saying they favor it,
according to a poll released Monday.
Just 35 percent say they favor the war in Iraq;
61 percent say they oppose it -- the highest
opposition noted in any CNN poll since the conflict
began more than three years ago.
Despite the will of the people, Bush said we
will continue the killing as long as he is president.
"There is too much money to be made during a world
war - why would I turn that down?
One glance at the price of gasoline tells you
why I started this war, so the war goes on,"
the president said. "Leaving before oil hits
$100 would be a disaster," he said.
Subject: Donahue
To quote John Prescott, Phil Donahue's show on
MSNBC was 'crap'.
Fine - but it was their highest rated show.
He was up against Mr. Bill, in the wrong type
of format and was failing miserably.
It was their highest rated show.
You must deal with that fact.
How can you say the network took him off the air
because he said "there was no reason to attack Iraq."
...because it's true?
Have you heard the guy they replaced him with?
Keith Olbermann. I'm sure you've heard of him.
Yes, I like Keith.
Why haven't they plucked him off the air?
Hell, based on your logic the network would execute
him for what he has said about Bush.
Dude, not sure why you and I are fighting.
The facts are the facts and neither of us can change the past.
Is your main point that there's one anti-Bush show on the American airwaves
to balance the hundreds of rah-rah "Bush is great" wall-to-wall shows?

Rescue Me
I can't believe regular TV can be this good.
I decided weeks ago that Rescue Me was
THE best show on TV,
and every episode since then has done nothing
but raise my opinion higher.
I'm saying it here, because if I said it on the
radio I might have to play clips.
There were at least FIVE scenes from this one
episode that were TV Hall of Fame-worthy.
Next week - season finale
Subject: Rescue Me
What did you think of the scene with Johnny's
phone message to his brother Tommy?
That's one of best I've seen in a long time.
I had to watch the replay.
That's some damn fine writing.
Uncle Fredrickh,
It was some of the best TV that I've ever seen
- and I'm really old.

Party at
the Palms, Sept 16
A few tickets are still available!
update - Info
BTW, we found out CBS's Survivor premiers the Thursday
we're supposed to meet at The Ghost Bar and Mrs Bart won't miss
so we're moving the Tequilafest back one week.
Just kidding.
See you on the 14th,
Remember - you need a number
to get in.
When we run out of numbers, we're full.

Mindy McReady's
Pigboy problem
She's on hillbilly heroin, too
Mindy, just use Rush's "I'm rich, so the laws
don't apply" defense.
Thanks to bartcop.com subscribers.
We know you work hard
for your money, so we take it as
a compliment when you throw some our way each
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