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Thursday Aug 24, 2006 Vol
1825 - Rarely Surprised
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on bartcop.com
"I just wish the President could have another
term in office."
--Katrina victim Rockey Vaccarella, who says Bush has done a heckuva job,Link
More War
= Draft?
by Brent Budowsky
The involuntary recall of 3,500 Marines demands
an answer to this question:
Is America headed for a return to the draft?
The problem is simple: the United States went
to war in Iraq without sufficient numbers of troops
leading to inevitable problems. My view has always
been that it would have been better for the
President to have finished the job of killing
bin Laden in Afghanistan, rather than cutting and running
on that job, and helping bin Laden escape, to
charge into an unwise war in Iraq.
Once the decision to wage war in Iraq was made,
the manner with which it was conducted created
inevitable and catastrophic results that have
caused major, long-term damage to American force
structures, recruitment and restocking of equipment
that will cost many billions of dollars to replace.
Note: consortiumnews.com is the
most important site on the internet

Stem Cells
A biotech company has found a new way of making
stem cells without destroying embryos,
touting it as a way to defuse one of the country's
fiercest political and ethical debates.
Some opponents of the research said the method
still doesn't satisfy their objections and many
stem cell scientists and their supporters called
it inefficient and politically wrong-headed.
But a spokeswoman for Bush called it a step in
the right direction.
And Robert Lanza, an executive with ACT, which
created the new stem cell lines,
said: "This will make it far more difficult to
oppose this research."
Stem cells have become a Holy Grail for advocates
of patients with a wide variety of illnesses
because of the cells' potential to transform
into any type of human tissue, perhaps leading to
new treatments. But the Vatican, President Bush
and others have argued that the promise of
stem cells should not be realized at the expense
of human life, even in its most nascent stages.
So, the religiously insane are just going to change the reason they
oppose progress?
Subject: no meters installed
on the pipelines in Iraq
"A most surprising fact explained was that currently,
there are no meters installed
on the pipelines to tankers along the coast.
Each day untold thousands of gallons of oil
are being exported without accounting. This fact
alone brings into question the real reason
for the war and Halliburton's generous contracts."
In David Rothmiller's response to Molly Ivin's
article... I wonder if this is verifiable?
We've been talking about that for many years.
Why do you think they started this fake war?
"Bush says he does not care about Iran's nuclear
as long as they're not developing a
nuke-u-lar program."
-- David Letterman
Subject: Voting for a third party
Anyone who votes for a third party candidate is
as delusional as Bush's supporters
who still think Iraq had WMD. What did those
fools who voted for Nader accomplish
in 2000 other than helping elect Bush? I hope
they're happy with the mess we're in now
because they helped elect Bush as much as his
Bill, not only are they going to do it again,
but some of them are proud that they threw the election to Bush.
They know a wasted vote helps Bush,
but it's their "principles" that count, not the result.

The Smell
of Fear
That $100-a-bottle perfume that passengers tossed
into airport trash cans last week, along with
the lip gloss, toothpaste and shampoo, added
the missing element of home-front sacrifice to the
war on terror, which may explain why initial
media coverage was so enthusiastic and skepticism-free.
"This nation is at war with Islamic fascists who
will use any means to destroy those of us who
love freedom, to hurt our nation." That was our
president, of course, still reading "The Pet Goat"
to the nation, still quoted straight up as he
simplifies a complex world for us.
Turns out that those of us who thought something
smelled funny about the timing and all - peace had
just broken out in Connecticut, for instance
- were getting a whiff of more than just discarded aftershave.
Subject: WPE shirt in Idaho
BC, made a trip to Idaho & Montana last week
and was warned to be
careful because of my WPE and Impeach Bush Now!
Bumper stickers.
I responded that most conservatives are yellowbelly
cowards and I have no worries.
Anyway the wife and I went into a redneck café
in a little farming town.
My wife said "Maybe you should change your T-Shirt".
I was wearing my WPE.
I said "Ohhhhhhhh Nooooooooooooo" and laughed.
The next thing I hear is a guy
at the counter saying to the waitress "Look,
Bush looks like a monster on that guy's shirt".
She said "Yes, he does look like a monster."
Then the guy says "You have to give it to em,
they tell it like it is."
BC, even the hillbillies are waking up!
Bernie of "Mega-Bartcop
dittoes, Pigboy!" fame
Mike Malloy - weeknights
on AAR
Subject: BCR feedback
Bart -
Feedback on show #96
As always, great fun.
I have to say, though, my favorite parts of ALL
the shows are your own rants.
In 96, I totally ate up your analysis of John
McCain's interview on Leno.
That was a thing of beauty.
I appreciate the great stuff you find on TV, but
I'd rather listen to you ramble
and rave in your own truthful and delightfully
twisted style.
I spent 10 years of my own life as a DJ and "radio
personality" before moving on
to something that pays better and is actually
useful - and I like to think I know talent
when I hear it. Your whole presentation
is intellectually sharp-as-a-tack, while being
comfortable, honest, funny, and even endearing.
What's endearing, you might ask?
The way you laugh. Very endearingthe way
you laugh makes me smile.
How can you not really like the hell out of someone
with a laugh like that?
There's more, but we don't want to belabor the
"endearing" issue, do we?
I can't help but think that even many RepubliCONs
might be inclined to get their
minds right if they were exposed to regular doses
of Bartthat would be those
who still have a shred of common sense left.
The rest, of course, are hopeless.
Keep on, oh Mighty One. You're a great big
crazy smile in a very dark world!
Carolyn in OKC
Carolyn, thanks for that.
Someone else liked that McCain bit, so we'll make that the sample.
This McCain beatdown is almost
20 minutes long, the show is six times longer.
Is the Next
Step a Draft?
Iraq War veterans group says the call-up of thousands
of Marines, announced by
the Pentagon Tuesday, is "one of the last steps
before resorting to a draft."
"This move should serve as a wake-up call to America,"
said Jon Soltz, an Army captain
who heads VoteVets.org,
which raises funds for veterans running for Congress.
"Today's announcement that thousands of Marines
will be called to go to Iraq
is proof that our military is overextended, and
there is no plan for victory in Iraq."
While the Pentagon has repeatedly maintained the
armed forces have met their
recruiting and retention goals, Soltz says, "Today's
actions speak louder than words."
"I'm not proud that I never got an education.
I'm not proud that I have ADD or that
I'm dyslexic.
I'm not proud that I'm a drug addict
and a drunk,
but things could be a lot worse - I
could be Sting."
-- Ozzy Osborne
Subject: Saddam's WMDs
Oh, c'mon. I know an idiot Okie who knew and was
posting on his blog that the run up
to the Iraq war was entirely bogus. I have no
problem giving cover to converts to the
anti-war cause, but the technical historical
fact was that anyone who used critical thinking
skills taught in high school and readily available
facts knew that there were no WMD.
You just said the CIA could not have had
more facts or better info than Ol' Bart.
Seriously, that's just flat-out goofy talk.
Which of us is bending over backwards to force
a point that won't fit?

to the United States
by Mike Rupert of fromthewilderness.com
My country is dead. Its people have surrendered
to tyranny, and in so doing, they have become
tyranny's primary support group; its base constituency;
its chief defender. Every day they offer
their endorsement of tyranny by banking in its
banks and spending their borrowed money with
the corporations that run it. The great Neocon
strategy of George H.W. Bush has triumphed.
Convince the American people that they can't live
without the "good things", then sit back and
watch as they endorse the progressively more
outrageous crimes you commit as you throw them
bones with ever-less meat on them. All the while,
lock them into debt. Destroy the middle class,
the only political base that need be feared.
Make them accept, because of their own shared guilt,
ever-more repressive police state measures. Do
whatever you want.
Subject: thank you
Thank you for advertising on ConsortiumNews.com
I am forming a campaign to have Jim Lehrer of
the NewsHour fired and Robert Parry put in the anchor place.
Think how different our world would be if Parry
ran the NewsHour.
Yes, Robert needs his own show, and more people need to advertise on
the most important site on the internet. We must support those who
fight back.
Thanks for the note.

Iraq looms
over 'Senator Macaca'
Why do Republicans vote for racists?
Sen. George Allen (R-Racist.) sought to put controversy
behind him as his "Macaca Tour"
rolled into Northern Virginia, while Democrat
James Webb reached out to black leaders.
The senator has endured a week of criticism for
ethic slurs he hurled at a Webb volunteer
of Indian descent. Allen continued with the lie
that "Macaca" was a made-up name for a
dark-skinned Webb staff member. His critics said
the word was a slur meaning monkey
and interpreted Allen's words and demeanor to
be discriminatory and exclusionary.

Sex abuse
in His name
Is there any reason to trust religion?
Washburn, Mo. (WAP) - The minister of a rural
Ozarks church, his wife and her two brothers
have been accused of molesting young girls from
their congregation for years, sometimes as part
of a religious ritual, officials said.
The charge:
Rev. Raymond Lambert, 51, of Grand Valley Baptist
Church, repeatedly had sex with
two underage girls with the help of his 49-year-old
wife, Patty, according to court records.
The bastard told the girls, "We are preparing
your body for service to God."
Patty Lambert's brothers are accused of raping
girls as young as 4.
In America, this is no big deal, this is just
how it is.
Sex-crazy men use religion to ensnare 4 year
That's no big deal.
...but if those bastards had been growing pot,
then we'd have a problem.
Entertainment Page
has good stuff.
Click on the E!
Available in black and royal blue
MaK shirts just $23
yours today!
Up close you can see $$$$ in Der Monkey's eyes.
2-color Vio-Ext shirts just $25
yours today!
WPE shirts just $23
yours today!
e-mail contest
A reader suggested a contest - he paid for ten
WPE or MaK shirts to use for prizes.
Here's how you win:
Write a hot or snippy e-mail to at least three media outlets
and send us a copy.
Be sure the reader knows you're not happy with Der Monkey
and his murders,
rapes, torture, invasions, thefts, gas-gouging, military draft, Katrina
or whatever.
Include the line "worst president ever" in it, somewhere.
Be firm, be angry but don't be crude or vulgar.
I know you can write an angry letter and still make it G-rated
or PG.
We'll have ten winners - IF
ten people send in their e-mails.
your copies here
Subject: liberals
Lydon B. Johnson sent me to VietNam in 1965.
I don't think that fucking hemroid was a republican.
Dude, spell much?
I just thank God that Clinton or Gore, or that
Lesbian bitch
Hillary wasn't the leader of this country when
9-11 took place.
Bush was warned, and when they pressed the issue
he said,
"OK, you covered your ass,"
and then went on vacation and let it happen.
And you say you like the guy?
Bush has balls.
Bush has 2615 dead soldiers - and you like
the guy?
How about that gay prostitute Bush hired to service
The Secret Service said Bush's gigolo visited
the White House over 200 times.
Write to Bush - maybe he'll invite you for a three-way?
Wake up you fucking illitarate.
ha ha
If not, go back to where you come from, either
a foreign country, or get a sex change to a pussy.
The rest of the world will kill you like a magot,
given the chance.
jallison in Carolina
The rest of the world hates us now, because after they hit the
Bush stole Iraq's oil and killed 100,000 innocent people
instead of going after bin Laden like he promised.
"I promise to steal Iraq's oil."
...and you say you like the guy?

Jim Inhofe
in hot water
the nuttiest handjob in the GOP
Sen. Jim Inhofe, head of the Senate Environment
and Public Works Committee, tasked with
addressing [global warming and stronger hurricanes],
remains unconvinced and continues to
wage a personal war against the belief in global
warming. As the article notes, "Inhofe calls
global warming 'greatest hoax ever perpetrated
on the American people'With no hint of
irony Inhofe calls global warming 'the big lie,'
comparing the science behind it to Nazi
propaganda leading up to World War II."
are no unfed darkies in the Astrodome!"
is no crime in New Orleans."
initial assessment is that the levees are holding."
blame CNN - they are showing fake footage!"
assured. New Orleans is safe and protected."
doing a heckuva job!"
Random Thought...
Bush is such a bad president, we've lost Pluto.
Iraq oil
output up to 2.5M barrels per day
times Bush's oil gouge which is going
makes $250,000,000
Bush will steal every day.
Oil is going to $100 a barrel, then to $200
No wonder they were so eager to start a war
Bush's "Bring 'em on"
death taunt is up to...
American victims
By Christmas, Thanksgiving, Halloween,
Bush will have killed
more Americans than his old partner Osama.
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sex problem
his own words...
Subject: Donahue cancellation
The recent letter from Bryant about the Donohue
cancellation verged on being "monkey mail."
The facts about his show's removal from the airwaves
are public knowledge thanks to leaked
MSNBC documents in which the network argued that
Donohue would be a "difficult public face
for NBC in a time of war He seems to delight
in presenting guests who are anti-war, anti-Bush
and skeptical of the administration's motives."
The report also warned that the Donahue show could
be "a home for the liberal anti-war agenda
at the same time that our competitors are waving
the flag at every opportunity." An email from a
network executive, also leaked to All Your TV
(3/5/03), suggested that it would be "unlikely" that
Donahue could be used by MSNBC to "reinvent itself"
and "cross-pollinate our programming" with
the "anticipated larger audience who will tune
in during a time of war" by linking pundits to war coverage,
"particularly given his public stance on the
advisability of the war effort."
Thanks for your fine website and please keep on
Donahue, like Martin Sheen, was fired for being right about Bush's bloody
Someone else pointed out that Olbermann didn't replace Donahue - Michael
Savage did,
until he told a gay called to "choke on a
sausage, get AIDS and die."
Too weird
for Hollywood
after 20 years of profits
had Ron Hubbard's baby!"
Season 2: Click
to Order
DVD Notes:
New characters, new revelations, same drop-dead dialog, and dead-on
Crackling-sharp writing and topnotch acting
Echoes of the stellar Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Bart says:
If it wasn't for Rescue Me, Mars might
be the best show on TV.
Without Rescue Me, it is the best-written show
on TV.
Don't Count
Her Out
For all her faults on the Iraq war, She is pretty
solid on every other issue and makes a point
to be a good Democrat. I wish she made better
use of the unique bully pulpit she has. (In
due time)
The press may yawn for Harry Reid, but they will
cover our most famous senator. She certainly has
not badmouthed her party at any given moment.
That's also why many in the "netroots" need to take
their head out of the sand with regards to her
shot at the nomination. Among normal every day people
who happen to be Democrats, She is well-known
and well-liked. She was first lady for eight years
- that is an advantage that not a single likely
candidate in either party has.
Count her out at your own peril.
Subject: TATP
Your writer is correct. To "safely" manufacture
TATP one needs
a extremely controlled environment such as a
laboratory would offer.
But the kicker here is the reason for this is
that the materials become
highly unstable to the point of pre-planned explosion.
So if the goal is to explode a plane...
B'Town, MAC,
Charlie, he also said, "One then must let the
resulting solution stand
for an extended period at temperatures 33-50
degrees Fahrenheit...
The time required is at least 24 hours and
often several days."

Party at
the Palms, Sept 16
A few tickets are still available!
update - Info
Remember - you need a number
to get in.
When we run out of numbers, we're full.

Janet Jackson
When asked whether she would be okay with
making sex videotapes, Jackson replied in the
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