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Weekend-Monday, Dec 2-4, 2006 Vol
1885 - Rectifier
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This Just In...
John Bolton (R-Temper Problems) resigns.
"In other words, the press is lying, and lying
important things which don't involve
--Atrios, on Gergen saying
the press was cheerleading Bush's war,
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Gates Hearing
Has New Urgency
by Robert Parry
Bush's back-of-the-hand to the Baker-Hamilton
troop drawdown plan - and the disclosure that
Bush ousted Rumsfeld after he sought a major
shift in war policy - has given new urgency to the
Dec. 5 hearings on Robert Gates to be Bush's
new Pentagon chief.
Senators, who were inclined to rubber-stamp
Gates's nomination,

may have reason to think twice. Indeed, the evidence
now suggests that Washington's conventional
wisdom about Gates as "a realist" clambering
onboard to put Bush's war strategy on a new course
was dead wrong. Rather than a sign of a new direction,
Bush may have picked Gates as a yes man
who will continue the war pretty much as is.
Bush may have enlisted someone to join him, Laura
Bush and Barney, lashed to the mast of the Iraq
War as it continues to founder.
Was Rummy fired because he mentioned a "new direction" for the war?
Was Rummy fired for being a "realist." compared to Bush?
Subpoena Robert Parry, get your facts together, and THEN vote.
And stop being a rubber stamp for the most hated politician in America!
Note: consortiumnews.com is the most important site on
the internet
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Used with permission
"No one wants to end the war in Iraq more than
I do."
--Joe Kissyface, in October,
"Asking Iran and Syria to help us succeed in
Iraq is like your local
fire department asking a couple of
arsonists to help put out the fire."
--Joe Kissyface, flip-flopper,
rejecting the Baker-Whitewash plan,
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Subject: George W. Bush, has
he ever not lied?
Bart, I just thought of one other time he didn't
Recently he said, "There will be no graceful
exit from Iraq."
That's a true fact.
He screwed up Iraq so badly, that we can have
no "graceful exit."
Instead it will be another Bush disaster.
Everything Bush has touched has turned to shit.
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dogged by 'electability' questions
Don't believe the polls - big media says she can't win
Tho She tops every poll by a hueueueuge
margin, Hillary is dogged by questions of "electability"
- political code for whether the GOP-loving corporate
media gets to own the next president.
Some Democrats still believe the odds are against
her actually being elected president.
Dick Harpootlian, a former Carolina Demo Party
chairman, is among the nay-sayers.
"She's a senator, she'd be the first woman running,
and she's Hillary Clinton," he said.
"All of that is almost insurmountable for a general
Well, that does it for me.
If Dick Harpootlian says she can't win
- that's good enough for me.
He must be right. I mean, has Dick Harpootlian
been wrong?
There's no bigger pundit in America than Dick
I'll bet voters are eager to electe another Bush-clone
Republican because if this last election
proved anything, it's that the voters want more
of the Republican leadership.
So be a good robot and do whatever Dick Harpootlian
and the mainstream
corporate media tells you to do, because they
are honest and sincere.
They only want what's good for the country - profits be damned.
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to the Walls
"Pray with me, Jew boy!"
It turns out we've been reading the wrong Bob
Woodward book to understand what's going on
with President Bush. The text we should be consulting
instead is "The Final Days," the account of
Nixon talking to the portraits on the White House
walls while Watergate demolished his presidency.
As Bush has ricocheted from Vietnam to Latvia
to Jordan in recent weeks, we've witnessed the
troubling behavior of a president who isn't merely
in a state of denial but is completely untethered
from reality. It's not that he can't handle the
truth about Iraq. He doesn't know what the truth is.
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Der Fuhrer brand her ass
with that "W" iron?
"There is a lot of battle fatigue among members,
probably on both sides of the aisle.
Contrary to popular belief, members
of Congress are human beings. We're tired."
--Rep. Mike Pence (R-Ind.), making excuses for the Do-nothing congress,
"Operating most weeks on a Tuesday-through-Thursday
schedule, Congress is poised to
finish this year with just 100 working
days - two days a week for $165,000 a year salary."
Political Ticker,
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Subject: snowbound
Bart, you wrote:
> Think climate change is real?
Sure do. In Philly, it was a balmy 73 degrees
at 6 this evening.
I'm running my air conditioning
on Dec. 1st.
Enjoy the blizzard; I'm jealous!
I love getting snowed in but it won't be happening
here any time soon.
Ann B.
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Visit kerouac.com
"Even with Led Zeppelin, Robert Plant's vision
of rock tended to roll like a square-wheeled tank,
and as a vocalist, he's never had the
showbiz smirk that made David Lee Roth's similar,
contemporaneous Crazy From the Heat
work so well. (Indeed, Roth succeeded by adding
the Jimmy Durante influence Plant apparently
doesn't know he's missing.)
-- Phil Freeman, trying
to get attention, I suppose, Link
Sure, I'm prejudiced, but I've never before seen a list of allllll
the things Plant needed to be
a good performer when he was at his prime. I'd also never consider
David Lee Roth for
a source of what Plant didn't have, but needed.
Plus, I'm probably more familiar with Jimmy Durante than 80-90
percent of you and
I have no clues what "Durante's infuence" would've made Plant
or Zeppelin any better.
What the hell - it's the weekend, we're still snowed in, so I'm
going to do a shot
and wish this Phil Freeman and his crush on David Lee Roth a
great life.
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Now that
America agrees with us...
WPE long sleve shirts $25
(includes shipping and handling)
We have black only in sizes Small - XXL
WPE long sleeve sweat shirts $25
(includes shipping and handling)
We have black only in sizes Small - XXL
t-shirts, shots Here
.. ..
Special - $23 each, two for $40
(Must be shipped to same address)
We have a few shot glasses left.
He's The
Worst Ever
Why is the WaHoPo telling the truth?
Nixon is mostly associated today with disdain
for the Constitution and abuse of presidential power.
Obsessed with secrecy and media leaks, he viewed
every critic as a threat to national security and
illegally spied on U.S. citizens. Nixon considered
himself above the law.
Bush has taken this disdain for law even further.
He has sought to strip people accused of crimes
of rights that date as far back as the Magna
Carta in Anglo-American jurisprudence: trial by impartial jury,
access to lawyers and knowledge of evidence against
them. In dozens of statements when signing
legislation, he has asserted the right to ignore
the parts of laws with which he disagrees. He has
adopted policies regarding the treatment of prisoners
of war that have disgraced the nation and
alienated virtually the entire world.
After six years of "Bush is the greatest ever," the Whore Post starts
telling the truth? Did that election
force the whore media to stop their constant cheerleading for the worst
president in history?
What took them so long, and what's their excuse for shunning the truth
for so many years?
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Subject: BuCheney overseas
You ought to hear what the people in Europe are
saying! At least they are over their anger at us,
the people, for losing the 2004 election, thanks
to RFK Jr. and his article in Rolling Stone about
the stolen election.. Most Europeans still love
the Kennedys, even if they were born years after
Bobby's murder,so if a Kenndy says something
they believe it.
They are delighted that the Democrats won back
the Congress. Now they are waiting to see if
there will be any difference and if any of the
Bushites will, actually, be held accountable for
war crrimes and crimes aganst humanity. They
are equally angry with their own governments,
where it applies, for helping Bush and Cheney
with the "sepecial rendiions' by the CIA.
People I talk to in Amsterdam, Frankfurt, London
and Paris believe that Bush has gone totally
over the edge, but are even more frightened by
Cheney, whom they believe it quite psycholtic.
They are all bracing for the possibility of the
Bushites doing something really off-the-wall and
bombing the hell out of Iran, if only to change
the subject.
Can't tell you how many times I heard that 2007
is going to be a rough year for everyone.
World-wife economic collapse and a Depression,
far worse than the last one, is possible.
Glad you are still fighting the good fight, Bart!
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was in Elvis's band?

Subject: BCR 99
Hey Bart-
Looks like we got the winter. Its 20F here
and 12" of snow on the streets. 2 ft on my deck.
Streets aren't plowed and the kid across the
street hasn't showed up to dig me out.
Missouri is waaaaayyy less prepared than WI or
Show #99 was great and worth the wait.
Hope the floor is back in the hall.
Robert in Hannibal
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Losing Freedom
of Speech
If people were asked about actor Michael Richards'
epithet-laced outburst at a Los Angeles nightclub,
there would be a lot of focus on the verbal assault
but very little on an assault on freedom of speech.
In truth, however, if there's anything at all
relating to this story that rises above gossip-column fodder,
it's that it's also fuel for demagogues who seek
control over discourse in America.
He's right, but Christ, that's bad writing.
Someone once wrote, "Brevity
is wit."
Someone else wrote, "Never
use a big word when a small word will do."
Someone else wrote, "I'm
a busy man - I got shit to do."
Writers need to stop being cute and get to the
damn meat of the argument.
Representing the two targets of Mr. Richards'
bile, Frank McBride and Kyle Doss,
"civil rights" attorney Gloria Allred appeared
on Hannity and Colmes Thanksgiving eve.
Allred opened by proclaiming, "This is not
free speech, this is hate speech!"
Gloria Allred (R-ambulance chaser) has the most consistent political
compass ever.
It always points the wrong damn way.
Michael Richard's "victims" are due an apology, but Allred can't make
by getting one
third of a verbal apology made by Michael Richards.
Gloria Allred - seriously...
In the last 20 years, has any lawyer in America been more naked
than you?
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Saw it on wrapped-in-the-flag.com
From iraq.centcom.mil
Subject: [U] Scumbag
Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Yeah I got a comment for you mother fucker.
I always like hearing from my fans in the military.
You don't like how Mr. Bush is running things,
to bad. He is the boss.
It's my understanding that you have to
say that, since you're on active duty.
When will you be free to express thoughts of
your own?
Its reasons like you that I don't believe the
U.S. should have freedom of speech amendments.
You're a soldier who don't believe in the US Constitution?
Isn't that like a nun who doesn't believe in
The Military oath is just once sentence
and it includes the words:
"I will support and defend
the Constitution
of the United States
against all enemies,
foreign and domestic..."
When you took that oath, were your fingers crossed?
You are a Scumbag.
You have assumed "facts" not in evidence.
You have engaged in gratuitous name-calling with
no regard to accuracy.
If I said you were an braindead hump with a defective
cranial gene - would that make it true?
You don't deserve the freedoms that my brothers
in arms have fought for.
Sgt. Sadler
Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
If this e-mail is marked FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY
it may be exempt from mandatory disclosure
under FOIA. DoD 5400.7R, "DoD Freedom of Information
Act Program", DoD Directive 5230.9,
"Clearance of DoD Information for Public Release",
and DoD Instruction 5230.29, "Security and
Policy Review of DoD Information for Public Release"
Oh, so you're fighting for a system of government
where the bully with the gun
gets to stand up to declare which Americans can
enjoy their inalienable rights?
I don't think you have any idea what you're fighting
for, other than you're doing your duty to follow the
orders of the president, no matter how crazy
the orders are, no matter how many tens of millions of dollars
he steals from this war every day, no matter
how many soldiers die for reasons you can't name.
America wants to end Bush's senseless war.
Who are you fighting for?
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Subject: Britney Spears
Hey Bartcop if Ms.Spears is hanging with Ms.Hilton
how long do you think it will be before Britney
will do a sex video??
I would like to see that one and just think how
it would help restart her career!!
with respect and best wishes to all
I think a Britney Spears sex tape would help Bush's struggling economy.
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to trade links?
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to Bart
Yes, that's Pickles.
Saw it on gahzette.blogspot.com
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"You're a whore and a slut!
How could you humiliate our relationship
like that?"
-- Kid Osama to Pamela Anderson,
explaining why they divorced, Link
That Kid Osama is a classy guy!
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Old Business...
We must award the pound of The
South's Finest Chocolate
to winner of the November 7th election contest.
They're still counting a few ballots, but we have
judged P Coffman the winner
with a prediction of Democrats picking up 28
House seats and 6
in the senate.
Watch your mailbox, P.
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Entertainment Page
has good stuff.
Click on the E!
George Will:
The press has tried to cover up W's nasty streak
for six years, but it does slip out from time to time
- often with the people whose children are fighting
his war. But whether you agree with my assessment
of the President and Webb or not, quote-doctoring
is a journalistic lie.
George Will has been a disgrace to his once-honorable
profession for a long time.
His sleazy behavior in years past helped pave
the way for the debased media of today.
The Carter/Reagan debate, and Will's role in it,
changed journalism forever. Will went on national TV
that year to comment live and "objectively" on
Reagan's debate performance - without disclosing that
he was working for Reagan and had helped him
prepare for that very debate - using stolen property.
He's right about the press covering up Bush's
nasty streak for all these years.
Remember early in the 2000 primaries, Bush gave
an interview to some Northeast reporter
and when the reporter asked Der Fuhrer if he
knew the president of Pakistan, Bush shot back,
"No, do you?"
as if the reporter was running for the position of leader of the Free World.
The press acted like that was acceptable behavior.
FOX and the NYWTimes and the WaWhorePost and the others jumped on the
reporter for
being a smart-ass, when all the reporter did was allow Bush's 9-year
old bully to come out.
Remember when citizen Bush screamed "mother effer" at Al Hunt and his
kid in a restaurant?
Bush has always been an out-of-control, snot-nosed little bastard.
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Visit longtime, multi-year sponsor harmonycedar.com
Iraq pumped 3.5M
barrels daily before
Bush invaded
and then they got their 2003 Halliburton
Bush's oil gouge, which is going to $100
makes $350,000,000
will steal every day.
No wonder they were so eager to start a war,
stealing $350,000,000
It's the biggest theft in Earth's history.
Exxon made
$10B profit in 90 days
$100M a day - all profit - because Bush started a fake war
Bush's "Bring 'em on"
death taunt is up to...
American victims
Bush killed another 13
soldiers over the weekend.
Since then,
made another $300M in profit.
Think The BFEE is ready
for this war to end?
Don't bet a soldier's
life on that.
Bush has killed more
Americans than Osama.
What do
get for

The Poinsettia Bowl?
The New Orleans Bowl?
The Papa John's.com Bowl
The New Mexico Bowl?
The Armed Forces Bowl? (Tulsa vs Utah?)
The Motor City Bowl?
The Emerald Bowl
The Texas Bowl?
The Music City Bowl?
The Insight Bowl?
The Champs Sports Bowl?
The Meineke Bowl?
The Chick-fil-A Bowl?
The MPC Computers Bowl
The Capital One Bowl?
The International Bowl?
The GMAC Bowl? (Are they still in business?)
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Subject: Bart Blog
Hey, Bart.
I like the idea of being able to comment on your
When I saw the "civil war" picture, I nearly laughed
myself silly.
I don't know how you find them, but your collections
of pic and quotes
are a big reason why I have to visit your site!
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Subject: new to your site
Bart, I wasn't familiar with your site.
I just read through it.
Does the lack of intellectual fairness, reason
and debate bother you too?
I object to your inaccurate characterization.
Nobody is more fair or more reasonable than Ol'
No, I guess it wouldn't.
Hatred isn't discourse; it's just blind emotion
that's supposed to be fleeting.
You can hate things about the President and that's
fair. They are public figures
and they take on the public's ire willingly (it
comes with the territory).
That said, all Presidents accomplish good things
When was the last time you devoted coverage to
the President's Africa AIDS initiative?
The program is saving lives and the monies allocated
are more than any U.S. President
combined has requested and achieved for this
cause since the disease first surfaced.
You're profiteering off of hatred.
Whether that is done from the left or the right
it is repugnant.
Tom the Republican
Tom, you're missing the point.
This is a comedy site for the already-know-the-news trench-fighters.
I'm sorry that your president is the worst president in America's history.
Do you think he can survive his term?
Oh, and that AIDS thing? He got shamed into doing that by Bono.
Do you think Bush cares any more about Africa than he did New Orleans?
As far as fairness, I'm the only place on the web where a guy like you
can get your letter printed and read by dozens of intelligent
Lastly, if I was "profiteering on hatred" I'd be a Republican and make
ten times the money.
Wish I had a dime for every letter that started off,
"Thanks, I love your page - wish I could contribute
If I was a braindead, fascist Monkeyfan I'd be driving this.
Feel free to write a rebuttal to anything I've written.
Keep it clean and short and I'll print it.
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Gift Suggestions
Thanks to Marty Higgins
to Order
to Order
Plant 9 CD Box Set
Click Here for the
Christmas Gift List 2006
Bong Hits
4 Jesus
Whore Court agrees to hear the case
The Whore Supreme Court will hear a case known
as the "Bong Hits 4 Jesus" dispute,
in which a high-school principal suspended a
student for displaying that phrase on a banner.
The case hinges on the extent free-speech rights
are afforded to students.
The 9th Circuit ruled in favor of the student,
saying he has First Amendment rights.
The case turns on the fuzzy line separating students'
free-speech rights and school
officials' authority to enforce anti-drug policies.
Anti-drug policy? The student didn't have
drugs, he had words.
Are words harmful to Der Fuhrer's Kingdom?
That kid needs to be sent to Gitmo so he can learn
about Amerikkka's new Constitution.
Sieg Heil, all praise to Der Fuhrer!
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Lohan's diamond handcuffs
Does she need those to party with Britney and Paris?
Lindsay Lohan bought herself a pair of diamond
Lohan sexy diamond encrusted handcuffs in Beverly
Hills for $820.
Lindsay has put the key of the handcuffs on a
gold chain around her neck.
So, only a certain someone has to get the permission
to bondage her up.
Also in Asses of Evil news...
Paris Hilton
pulls out
Was to host Billboard Awards tonight with Britney
She who must be hated canceled an appearance
at tonight's Billboard Music Awards
because she didn't like the jokes written for
her, according to a spokesman. Stay tuned.
"It is my understanding that some satirical references
ridiculed some of her peers," a
spokesman said in a statement. "Paris did not
want to say anything that could appear
hurtful or embarassing about people she knows."
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It sucks when kids have cancer
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BCR Show
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There's some language in this one.
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Part 1 of Show 99
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to 63 minutes of Part 2 of Show
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Part 2 of Show 99
Music in
Show #99 is
Fire by Sean Lennon
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