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Wednesday Dec 27, 2006 Vol
1898 - Parade of Lies
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"The increase in US troops cannot be short-term.
Clearing and holding Baghdad will require all
of 2007. Expanding the secured areas will
take part of 2008. It is unlikely that the Iraqis will be
able to assume full responsibility for security
for 2 years after the beginning of this operation.
This strategy will place a greater burden
on the already overstrained American ground forces,
but the risk is worth taking. Defeat will
break the American army and marines more surely and
more disastrously than extending combat tours.
And the price of defeat for Iraq, the region and
the world in any case is far too high to bear."
--Frederick Kagan, eager for more war,
It's Bush's reputation as a "war president" that's being protected,
not America's vital interests.
The Little Dictator sees American soldiers as tools to prop up his
failed legacy and the BFEE
is stealing more wealth every week than most countries have in GDP.
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The GOP's
$3 Billion Propaganda Organ
by Robert Parry
The American Right achieved its political dominance
in Washington over the past quarter century
with the help of more than $3 billion spent by
Korean cult leader Sun Myung Moon on a daily
propaganda organ, the Washington Times, according
to a 21-year veteran of the newspaper.
Former Times writer George Archibald, confirmed
claims by some former Moon insiders that
the cult leader has continued to pour in $100
million a year or more to keep the newspaper afloat.
Archibald put the price tag for the newspaper's
first 24 years at "more than $3 billion of cash."
In 2006, the Washington Whore Post has matched them, lie for lie.
The New York Whore Times is another paper with "Moonie ethics," which
means they'll
print any goddamn lie if they think it might make them a nickel more
than the truth.
The Moonie Times and FOX Whore News lead the Parade of Lies and it's
a damn long one.
Note: consortiumnews.com is the most important site on
the internet..
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Used with permission
"The AP ran a story over the weekend about
the ways in which presidential hopefuls are
turning to the Internet to boost their
chances. It's a fairly routine piece, but it leads with
a joke that has long since outlived
its usefulness. Al Gore claimed he invented it.
Ah, the Internet. Ah, the six-year-old
Gore joke. What would an article about politics and
the web be without it? In a word, better.
Look, this was debunked years ago. Gore never
claimed he invented it; he actually
did take the lead congressional role in developing the
Internet as we know it today; and media
coverage of the "exaggerated" claim has always
been ridiculous. And yet, he we are,
six years later, and the AP is still going for the cheap
laugh. Isn't it time to retire this
joke once and for all?"
-- Steve Benen Link
Steve, the Whore AP is just like the WaHoPo and the NY Whore Times and
the Moonie Times.
They'll tell any lie, purpetuate any fraud to make that
extra nickel and it makes me sick.
But then again, Gore allowed that lie to go unchallenged for many years.
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Ford remembered
as "man of highest integrity"
Because it's tradition to lie about the dead
President Poison hailed Gerald Ford for his administration's
honor. President Carter, called him
"a man of highest integrity," and President Clinton
cited his strength and humility. "Jerry Ford was
one of the most decent and capable men I ever
met," Bush the smarter lied.
Gerald Ford, like Denny Hastert, was a talentless nobody who was appointed
into history
so he could be a puppet for smarter, more ambitious sons of bitches
than himself.
I doubt you'll hear this on TV because it's their job to lie, but when
Ford was going thru the
confirmation process to be Nixon-the-crook's VP, they asked him if
he'd pardon the crook.
Ford lied like a Bush when he replied, "I
don't think the country would stand for that."
And as soon as he got into office he pardoned the dirty crook "for all
crimes," which means
murder, rape, torture, invasions - all the things Bush the dumber is
guilty of today.
If the Democrats had a single brain cell between them, (Should I bother
to finish this sentence?)
they'd warn Bush right now NOT to pardon his gang
of thugs until AFTER their public trials
where the truth can come out - but they won't.
They're going to allow Bush to pardon his team of murderer/rapists/torturers
and then claim shock, surprise and outrage after Bush buries the truth
(Unless a certain someone takes my advice...)
How did I get in a party of stupid, spineless weenies?
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When Clinton was president, oil was $10-$11
a barrel.
Under Bush, it hit $80
a barrel.
Want to know why?
Subject: Pictures of Ford, Cheney
and Rumsfeld, hard at work
See http://www.ford.utexas.edu/avproj/work2.htm
Gerald Ford, a Warren Commission appeaser, made
it possible for future presidents to lie,
steal, cheat, conspire and send troops to their
deaths. He legitimized illegal wars and invasions.
He gave jobs to Cheney and Rumsfeld instead of
hounding them out of public service.
He allowed the slaughter in East Timor of hundreds
of thousands of Indonesians.
Heal the nation? Bullshit!
He didn't stop Nixon and his henchmen who are
raping this country now, today.
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finally looks at Iraq
Bush's horrific
Iraq - which for years has been an unmitigated
tragedy - has turned into Grand Guignol, and, true to
the traditions of that genre, horror and farce
combine in equal measure. No doubt we should rejoice
that al-Jamiat police station in Basra has been
destroyed and its prisoners taken to the relative security
of a compound in which detainees are hopefully
not routinely tortured. But if a sick satire on an obscure
television channel included a sketch about British
troops attacking a unit of the police that they established
and with whom they had been theoretically working
for nearly four years, the outcry would not have been
limited to complaints about undermining the morale
of our troops under fire. We would have been told
that the whole idea was too fantastical to sustain
the lampoon.
How is it even possible to trust Bush's phoney "unity government" when
daily, there are kidnappings
by men in government vehicles wearing government uniforms?
Each day, citizens of baghdad wake up to find dozens if not hundreds
of bodies that show signs of
Gonzales so what the hell are those people supposed to do? Trust
these murderous thugs?
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Subject: thoughts on Gerald Ford
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and Emporers
"President Ford led an honorable life that
brought great credit to America.
Thirty-two years ago, he assumed the nation's
highest office during the greatest
(at the time)
constitutional crisis since the Civil War. In that troubled era, America
needed strength, wisdom, and good judgment,
and those qualities came to us in
Gerald R. Ford. When he left office, he had
restored public trust in the presidency,
and the nation once again looked to the future
with confidence and faith.
the lying Dick, Link
We're about to have constitutional crisis that'll
make Watergate look like a picnic.
Bush and Cheney will use the US Army against
us when impeachment starts.
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Subject: Escalating the Killing-
had enough... yet?
Dear Bartcop:
I am a 62 year old physician in West Palm Beach,
Florida, and I'm a fiscal and political conservative.
I find it remarkable that our current conservative
republican president is fronting for a government that looks
a lot like an autocratic fascist regime. I know
that reasonable people may disagree, yet under the examination
of facts and in light of the consistency of his
job performance everything about Mr. Bush is unreasonable.
He seems to be flawed in a way that renders him
averse to common sense and to common wisdom.
The harm that he and his policies have done to
our country may well be irreparable. To be sure, the lives that
he has so callously sacrificed will never live
again. I don't rattle easily, but I'm ready to push the panic button now.
Our ability to survive as One Nation under God
may well be determined by the actions we all take. Those actions
must result in finding a solution to the continued
spate of bumbling, mismanagements by Mr. Bush. If we are to
salvage our prestige and our national honor we
must be adversarial to anything or anyone who injures our country
or our people. With the ire of the country in
his face, with no prospect of re-election and with a delusional zeal to
correct something that he now apparently doesn't
understand, Mr. Bush seems to be digging in order to get out o
f the basement.
To see the harm that Mr. Bush has caused over
the last six years of his occupancy in his high office has to be
foreboding, especially since he still has another
two years to flub, to misdirect, to misstep, to ignore, to remain
delusional, to listen to a voice that only he
can hear. Will Mr. Bush be permitted to build his legacy over the
bodies of thousands more American service men
and women? Will he continue to utter empty words about
many thousand upon thousands of veterans with
lifelong, life-changing wounds and injuries- people who are
physically and mentally disabled for life? And,
may God forgive us- will George Bush atone for the deaths
and injuries of tens of thousands, hundred of
thousands of innocent Iraqi's?
There are fail safes in our constitution that
enable our government to extricate ourselves from the perils of
incompetence and ignorance. Mr. Bush has neither
the vision, the intellect nor the wisdom to keep our nation
and our people safe. This is a call to the Congress
and to the American People to unshackle him from a job
that he is both unwilling and unable to perform.
Indict Chaney; remove Bush - as if our very lives
depended upon it.
West Palm Beach, FL
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Subject: Kool Aid Bush Test
Please let Bart Cop fans know about Marvin Potts…..
A great artist
The Artist Who drew the Kool Guy….
He was a real Hero! (not like the Bush Family)
Kevkev from apache junction, arizona
I'm glad to credit the author, when known.
I recently had a dust-up with some "society of cartoonists."
They're trying to stop Dem web sites from displaying their talent.
I don't understand that.
I'm guilty of putting their art where dozens can see it.
How do I sleep at night?
I'm a big Zeppelin fan - and what was Zeppelin's business motto?
Play every gig you can,
and let the market set your price.
They played gigs for $400 to start
- knowing word would soon get out.
Soon they would sell out stadiums and keep 90% of the gross ticket
because if you're good and people see/hear your work, you might get
I fail to see why cartoonists want their work to remain a secret.
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Is it cold where you are?
T-shirts, sweatshirts - and shotglasses.
New - Hoodies!
Special - buy a t-shirt
45 days of BartCop Radio
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t-shirts, shots Here
We have lots of shot glasses left.
Surge, Reset,
Say it: escalation.
More and more that's what the geniuses in Washington
have come up with as a way of ending Bush's war.
Instead of calling it an escalation of the war,
they are using the military term of art, "surge." Ok, fine.
Surge, escalation, "reset", call it what you
will. The fact is that the American people voted in November
to end the war in Iraq, and that Bush bastard
demonstrated that he just doesn't care.
Let's take as a given that adding more troops
is a horrible idea, both strategically and morally bankrupt.
How do the Democrats stop it from happening?
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Subject: shot glasses
Bart, I ordered 4 glasses well before my brother
got married.
I gave him two as a wedding gift, and kept two
for Craig and I.
Of course, not long after the glasses arrived,
I found out that I was pregnant.
Therefore, those glasses are being saved for
a special occasion - if this baby turns out
to be another boy, my baby registry is going
to be at the local fine liquor superstore.
Perhaps I'll remember to take the glasses with
us in May when I'm in labor,
and I'll get a photo of our little family celebrating
the arrival of our newest one.
I don't know if I told you or not, but those glasses
and I'm glad I got them when I did. I think
everyone should have at least two!
Shelly that was nice, thanks.
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Malloy - 9PM ET
Nova M Radio Network
Got passion?
Monkey throws
And he's killing more soldiers doing it
Immediately after his November "thumpin", Bush
indicated that he had received the message that voters
wanted change, and that he would serve some up
fast. He ousted Rumsfeld, announced a full-scale
review of his war plan and conceded that progress
in Iraq was not happening "well enough, fast enough."
But in the last two weeks, critics and allies
say they have seen a reversal. Bush told Baker's Iraq Study
Group to drop dead. Countering suggestions that
he begin thinking of bringing troops home, he has
engaged in deliberations over whether to send
more. And he has adjusted the voters' message away
from Iraq, saying, 'I thought the election said
they want to see more bipartisan cooperation.' "
This is Bush being the president he has always
been - while he still can.
Bush is going to steal and rape and maim and kill and torture until
he's stopped.
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to Order and hear samples
Subject: December Special
Hi Bart - Merry Christmas & Happy 2007 to
you and Mrs. Bart.
I'll take you up on your December Special.
Hopefully Congress will start swinging the hammer
at least half as hard as you.
Oniguy made a wise choice.
He chose to spend his entertainment dollar in
the following manner:
gets you seven CDs, call it seven hours - of Live Bartcop Radio.
I say live, cause I'm not dead yet :)
(rim shot!)
But that's not all.
As a bonus if you order in the next
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90 days
subscription to downloadable Bartcop Radio - 100 Shows - that you'll have
Who else gives you gifts that you'll have forever?
But that's still not all.
As a bonus to the bonus already
in your pocket, you get ...the stickers.
Guys - these stickers?
I hearing that guys are getting laid just for having that WPE sticker
on your car.
And the "I Miss Clinton" sticker?
That gets you something else.
Spend the $24
for the seven hours of BCR
and the 90
days subscription to 650
downloadable hours of BCR
and 4
great bumper stickers that causes liberal babes to get all friendly with
and if you get laid in the near future you don't even have to send
me a thank you e-mail.
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Did someone win that South's
Finest Chocolate yet?
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"Bush bucked the doomsayers in the Democratic
Party and even some in our own party
who were telling him that he couldn't
possibly cut taxes. But he did exactly that. He cut taxes.
And why did he do it? (Because
the super rich got tired of paying taxes?)
Because he was convinced that...Americans
could do a better job getting this country going
than government could ever do. And boy
was he right."
-- Mitt Romney, explaining
why the Treasury is empty and why your kids owe so much, Link
Het Mitt, tell us how Bush bucked the doomsayers on Iraq!
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Random thought...
They say wounded brains are the signature injuries for Bush's bloody
It's painfully ironic that the most brain-dead president ever got those
men stuck over there.
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Entertainment Page
has good stuff.
Click on the E!
"It is genuinely incredible. The U.S. Treasury
is empty, we are losing that stupid,
fraudulent chickencrap War in Iraq,
and every country in the world except a handful
of Corrupt Brits despises us. We are
losers, and that is the one unforgivable sin in
America...Beyond that, we have lost
the respect of the world and lost two disastrous
wars in three years. Afghanistan is
lost, Iraq is a permanent war Zone, our national
Economy is crashing all around us, the
Pentagon's "war strategy" has failed miserably,
nobody has any money to spend, and our
once-mighty U.S. America is paralyzed by
Mutinies in Iraq and even Fort Bragg...The
American nation is in the worst condition
I can remember in my lifetime, and our
prospects for the immediate future are even worse.
I am surprised and embarrassed to be
a part of the first American generation to leave the
country in far worse shape than it was
when we first came into it. Our highway system is
crumbling, our police are dishonest,
our children are poor, our vaunted Social Security,
once the envy of the world, has been
looted and neglected and destroyed by the same
gang of ignorant greed-crazed bastards
who brought us Vietnam, Afghanistan, the
disastrous Gaza Strip and ignominious
defeat all over the world. The Stock Market
will never come back, our Armies will
never again be No. 1, and our children will
drink filthy water for the rest of our
lives...Big Darkness Come Soon."
-- Lynne Cheney, ...no, ... it was the late Hunter S. Thompson,
So - a shot for Hunter S. Thompson.
And one for Johnny Depp who stood up for an old friend...
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Iraq pumped 3.5M
barrels daily before
Bush invaded
and then they got their 2003 Halliburton
Bush's oil gouge, which is going to $100
makes $350,000,000
will steal every day.
No wonder they were so eager to start a war,
stealing $350,000,000
It's the biggest theft in Earth's history.
Exxon made
$10B profit in 90 days
$100M a day - all profit - because Bush started a fake war
Bush's "Bring 'em on"
death taunt is up to...
American victims
more died since yesterday.
But don't worry,
makes $100M every day
Think The BFEE is ready
for this war to end?
Don't bet a soldier's
life on that.
Bush has killed more
Americans than Osama.
Bush hiring
He needs them now that Congress has teeth
Bush is bracing for what could be an onslaught
of investigations by the new Democratic-led Congress
by hiring lawyers to fill key White House posts
and preparing to play defense on countless document
requests and possible subpoenas.
Bush is moving quickly to fill vacancies within
his stable of lawyers, though White House officials say
there are no plans to drastically expand the
legal staff to deal with a flood of oversight.
"No, at this point, no," Tony Snow lied recently.
"We'll have to see what happens."
Snow rebutted the notion that Bush is casting
about for legal advice in the wake of his "thumpin."
"We don't have a war room set up where we're
... dialing the 800 numbers of law firms," he said.
Tony Snow is a gifted liar - and he needs to be.
His boss is getting rolled.
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Subject: Musclehead's femur
I bet he can get more and better drugs than the
Pigboy, maybe he is resting comfortably.
By personal experience with broken legs, I can
say it is not a picnic
when they take you off the really good pain killers.
By the way, isn't there a brand of pretzels named
Black Diamond?
Tom B
There's a funny double broken femur story in the if-I-ever-get-time-to-write-it
Bartcop autobiography.
The worse the story is, the more funny you know it'll be in the book
Swear to Koresh - I'll bet I could write that book in 90 days.
It might not be the best book you ever read, but next time you're at
some fancy-ass
DC cocktail party and someone asks, "So, what
are you reading?"
I'll bet you'd snort your drink on 'em - then name someone else's book.
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Subject: Strom Thurmond the rapist
Bart, you wrote:
> Robert Gates flew to Iraq on a "The Spirit
of Strom Thurmond."
> And what is "the spirit of Strom Thurmond?"
> Segregation and rape.
> He wanted to use the Army to keep "the niggers"
where they belonged
> plus he got his no-human-rights, black housekeeper
pregnant as a teenager.
Bart, that's just weird enough to be true.
Dude, it was true before it got weird,
Geez, the 'Spirit of Strom Thurmond,' what's next?
The aircraft carrier USS Jefferson Davis bringing
aid to Darfur?
Not under this new congress.
BTW, his black housekeeper was a mere 15, when
Strom impregnated (raped)
He was a child molester as well as a monstrous
hypocrite and rapist.
I'm guilty - once again - of being too
My IQ of 60 told me one of them
was 15, the other was 22.
I assumed (always giving the GOP the benefit of
the doubt) that Strom the pillager was 15 when
he raped the helpless black slave, but if what
you say is true, Strom at 22 found the "courage" to
rape an underage slave who had no civil rights
or human rights in whitey's Amerikkka.
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A shot of Chinaco Anejo for Harold Williams and David
two fighters who are no longer with us.
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Subject: bartcop sticker on a
police car
Hi Bart.
Happy Holidays.
Josh Bolten is in town, and since he lives across
the street from us, it's like we're on lock-down.
But I did get to sneak a shot of the attacked
image of your sticker on a police car.
Your Southernmost Pal.
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Gov Musclehead
has surgery
Governor Musclehead had successful surgery to
repair a broken leg on Tuesday.
Musclehead will be on crutches for his second
inauguration next month.
The 59-year-old confessed sexual predator underwent
a 90 minute operation in which
screws and cables were used to link two broken
fragments of his right upper thigh bone.
His "upper thigh bone?"
I swear - you only have one bone in your thigh.
Dr Kevin Ehrhart, the orthopede, said, "Following
the surgery, the governor was awake,
alert and talking in the recovery room. He
is now fully coherent..."
ha ha
You did not just say that.
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- is there only one?
Beyonce created an alter ego called "Sasha" who
is fearless and seductive onstage.
"I developed my stage persona to protect myself
so when I go home I don't think about what I do.
Sasha isn't me. I wouldn't like her if
I met her offstage. She's too aggressive, too sassy, too sexy."
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