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BCR Show 103
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Wed-Thursday Jan 24-25, 2007 Vol
1916 - The Agnew treatment
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"In the case George W. Bush, the American system
has obviously failed -- tragically.
Imagine the difference in our worldview today,
had the institutions -- particularly of government
-- done their job to insure that a mendacious
and dangerous president (as has since been proven
many times over-beyond mere assertion) be
restrained in a war that has killed thousands of
American soldiers, brought turmoil to the
lives of millions, and constrained the goodwill towards
the United States in much of the world."
-- Carl Bernstein, the non-whore
half of the Woodward/Bernstein team, Link
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The Plame-gate
Plot Thickens
by Robert Parry
One of the unanswered questions about the Wilson-Plame
story is why Bush would have involved Rove
in discussions that involved the identity of
a covert CIA officer, normally considered one of the most
sensitive secrets in the U.S. government shared
only with officials who have a strict need to know.
Yet, instead of treating Plame's identity with
care, senior Bush officials appeared to have bandied the
information about, giving it to political operative
Rove and then sharing it with journalists, one of whom
- Robert Novak - published a column outing Plame
and thus exposing her overseas spy network.
The administration behavior suggests that it put
protecting Bush's political flanks
ahead of guarding sensitive national security
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January 9 - 28, 2007
59E59 Theatres at 59 East 59th Street
New York, NY
For tickets, call 212-279-4200
Used with permission
"Didn't Dick Cheney tell us he knew where Saddam's
WMDs were?"
-- Howard Wolfson, after Cheney said Hillary would fail in her bid for
the White House, Link
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turns on Cheney
Hotter than Miss USA kissing Miss Teen
White House officials tried to sacrifice Libby
to protect Karl Rove from Plame blame
during a political storm over Bush's bloody quagmire,
Libby's lawyer said Tuesday.
After Libby complained "they want me to be the
sacrificial lamb," Cheney personally intervened
to get Scottie the Underbear to publicly clear
Libby in the leak, defense attorney Theodore Wells
said in his opening statement at Libby's perjury
Prosecutor Patrick Fitzmasdontbelate told the
jury Libby lied to the FBI and a grand jury about his
contacts with reporters concerning Plame to save
his job and avoid political embarrassment. In a rare move,
Fitzgerald played four short tape recordings
of Libby's statements to the grand jury that he said were lies.
Remember how they got Nixon?
First they got rid of Agnew and then they closed in on Mr. Guilty.
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you want a safe job, go sell shoes
Bush rapes
The federal investigation into Congressional
corruption is approaching a crucial deadline and potential dead end.
Feb. 15 is the last day on the job for United
States Attorney Carol Lam of San Diego, the inquiry's dedicated
prosecutor, who is being purged by the Bush administration.
Her investigation led to the imprisonment of Rep
Duke Cunningham, the Republican who took millions of dollars
in bribes in exchange for delivering lucrative
government contracts. But just as Ms. Lam was digging into other
possible wrongdoing, our crooked president decided
to force her from office without explanation.
Lam has been investigating Brent Wilkes, the crook
who was designated co-conspirator No. 1 in the Cunningham
case. The inquiry has been looking into
rich government contracts from Representative Jerry Lewis (R-Crook)
- the former appropriations chairman -
and his staff. The Wall Street Journal is reporting that Wilkes could be
indicted before Ms. Lam leaves office. The question
now is whether her successor, as yet unnamed, will pursue
the inquiry with the same dedication or will
quietly smother it.
Why is it legal for Bush to fire every prosecutor
who gets close to GOP corruption?
If only we had a Democratic congress that would
stand up and stop him.
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Marc Perkel in the New York Whore Times
Subject: Letters to the
Editor second letter
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Duke prosecutor
in trouble
The state bar has added ethics charges to a complaint
filed against the prosecutor who brought
sexual assault charges against three Duke lacrosse
players, accusing him of withholding DNA
evidence and making misleading statements to
the court.
District Attorney Mike Nifong's actions constitute
a "systematic abuse of prosecutorial discretion
... prejudicial to the administration of justice,"
the complaint read. Nifong was to appear at a
procedural conference Wednesday to discuss administrative
details of the ethics complaint.
He needs to do some time to prevent other politically
motivated prosecutors from doing the same.
On 60 Minutes, they said he got
the lab report on April 10 that showed four different semen
samples in the accuser's underwear - none from
any Duke player accused. A week later,
this ambitious bastard files charges against
the three and left the BIG facts out of the lab report.
Can you imagine what it's like to have your name and picture with "RAPIST"
in every newspaper and TV nightly news report in this whore media nation?
It was always a local story, but the whore networks made these
unlucky bastards out to be OJ Simpsons.
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Subject: support
Bart Dude,
You continue to be "The Man."
You have made things down here, even after all
the monumental mayhem, abuse, the ongoing
republican ass-raping and STILL Bush worshipping
Florida panhandle, a little bit easier.
Thanks for that, Bro.
You hang in there.
Pensacola Dave
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Self-Appointed Bartcop Akron Bureau Chief
Your e-mail doesn't work,
so thanks for the subscription donation.
t-shirts, shots Here
I thought it was pure genius to photograph the shotglass on it's side,
kinda like how you feel after drinking Cuervo Gold.
Photos by mariomorgado.com
CIA warned
Cheney about Plame leak
A CIA employee who gave regular intelligence
briefings to Cheney and Libby, testified yesterday that
shortly after the leak of a CIA operative's identity,
the pair was given a stark warning that the leak could
lead to the deaths of people who aided American
intelligence gathering abroad.
"I thought there was a very grave danger to leaking
the name of a CIA officer," the briefer from Langley,
Craig Schmall, said he told Cheney and Libby
during a morning session at the vice president's residence.
"Foreign intelligence services where she served
now have the opportunity to investigate everyone whom
she had come in contact with. They could be arrested,
tortured, or killed."
But Cheney didn't care because he and the Little
Dictator are/were stealing $300M a day.
If they're willing to sacrifice 3050 soldiers
to steal that money, why should they have a heart
when they're told their treasonous actions could
endanger undercover allies abroad?
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Subject: Why she hates Hillary
I have a feeling Cindy Sheehan doesn't understand
that the Hillary Clinton she met with was Senator Clinton
from New York and not Chelsea's mom. Senator
Clinton is not a mom who can act like just another mother.
Sheehan is not acting as a liberal. She
is not acting as a Democrat. She is a Gold Star Mother who has her
own agenda. It aligns with the agenda of
the others who oppose the Iraqi invasion and/or occupation.
But it is not identical.
Sheehan wanted to sidetrack the very important
goals of the Democratic leadership in areas of health care,
minimum wages, congressional ethics, and investigation
of the "potential" crimes of the administration just to
get her only issue to dominate everything.
Sheehan seems willing to sacrifice everything else so that her son's
death would mean something to herself.
She wants her son's death to mean the end of US involvement in
Afghanistan and Iraq. To her that would
mean Casey Sheehan did not die in vain.
Sheehan is not our savior.
She is not any more important to our causes than
other one issue leaders that happen to fit the Democratic agenda.
She is just another leader that wants one of
our goals, but only one as far as I can tell.
Ole zenferret
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Bush's Fatal
In his State of the Union address, Bush repeated
his pledge to stay the course in Iraq -- despite warning
of a "nightmare scenario" if violence spreads
to the country's neighbors. But he was wrong to ignore the
recommendations of the Iraq Study Group.
Iraq is an orgy of blood, butchery and barbarism
-- a bleak example of what men can do to other men
given the chance and the justification. American
soldiers are dying, too, their country is disillusioned,
and Bush will go down in history for his ill-fated
attempt to create a new order in the Middle East.
When Baker and Lee Whitewash Hamilton made their
proposals late last year, most of the world
breathed a deep sigh of relief. Many Americans
thought the roadmap for a withdrawal from Iraq
would be an offer that George W. Bush couldn't
But the snot-nosed little punk wants to save face
no matter how many thousands of soldiers have
to die,
no matter how many thousands more suicide bombers
he creates.
That's what happens when a crooked moron steals
If only Gore and Kerry had chosen to fight back...
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If I had any business sense, I'd couple this pitch
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dozens of people would be willing to take a gamble.
Anyone got any good ideas for an irresistable offer?
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"George Bush should go to Iraq and be on the
front lines.
I'm not newsy and I'm probably gonna
say ignorant shit,
but why are we in Iraq when it has
nothing to do with 9-11
and there's a fucking genocide in Darfur?
-- Sarah Silverman, top three lady comic,Link
(Major Language Alert)
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Obama Takes
On Fox News
If this is a sign of how Obama intends to deal
with the right-wing media during his '08 campaign, then I'm all for it.
Obama is aggressively going after Fox News today
for pushing that smear-job report claiming that he went to an
Islamic "madrassa" school as a child. The report
has already been completely debunked by CNN, but Obama
isn't letting up. The Senator's office has just
emailed out a blistering memo targeting Fox that says the following:
In the past week, many of you have read a now
thoroughly-debunked story by Insight Magazine,
owned by the Washington Times, which cites unnamed
sources close to a political campaign that
claim Senator Obama was...
If Obama is a fighter, maybe there's room for
him on the ticket.
He's always been this "Can't we all get along?"
kind of guy,
but if he's willing to take the gloves off, I
think he'd make a great VP.
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Subject: About Hillary
Dear Bart
I am amazed that you don't realize that the Democratic
Party has become
nothing more than an echo chamber for the New
World Order.
I don't even know what that means.
Real progressives spotted the duplicitous Hillary
when she was the first lady.
Who are the "real" progressives?
Obama is nothing more than an empty suit who will
obey his ruling elite masters
and pretend like he is somehow one of the people.
Obama isn't one of the people?
Quite correctly he is being called a Halfrican
but he is not really an American anymore than
a Koala bear born in the San Diego zoo is indigenous
to North America.
I also don't understand "Halfrican."
Since he has dark skin, I get the African half
- what's the other half?
Remember ALL presidents are selected not really
Billy boy has blood ties to the Rockefeller clan
as well as to the British crown.
<Bart does a shot>
It has been rumored that the snake Obama who has
been hankering
to bomb Iran is nothing more than a British spy.
I didn't know he was hot to bomb Iran.
Please check out whatreallyhappened.com
or rense.com for the
real info on these puppets.
Take Care,
James, thanks for the note.
I've been to those web sites and I don't completely
trust them.
If I'm not mistaken, both are hung up on Israel
and that makes them crazy.
I'm not saying they're useless and I'm not saying they're lying,
but once you
buy into that Israeli stuff, the sun rising becomes a consipracy.
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Amy Goodman
The new head of the Senate Judiciary Committee
was angry. Sen. Patrick Leahy was questioning
Tortureboy Gonzales about a man named Maher Arar.
Arar is a Canadian citizen who the U.S.
detained without charge then sent to Syria in
2002. Leahy fumed: "We knew damn well, if he went
to Canada, he wouldn't be tortured. He'd be held.
He'd be investigated. We also knew damn well,
if he went to Syria, he'd be tortured."
Leahy was responding to Alberto Gonzales' comments
that "there were assurances sought that he
would not be tortured from Syria."
Assurances? From the country that Bush recently described as
the 'crossroads for terrorism'? From the country
that Bush has vilified and threatened to attack?
But before we point the finger at other countries,
we have to look here at home.
I wish that somebody who's smarter than me (that would be everybody
but Bush) would explain
why Syria is our enemy - unless we need to torture an innocent man.
I think Bush is making secret deals with al-Assad, Hezbollah, Iran,
Muqtada and al Qaeda.
The BFEE has done business with Hitler, Noriega, Osama, Saddam, etc.
Hell, the Hezbollah terrorists put Poppy Bush in the White House -
why should they stop now?
It would explain why we haven't had any homeland attacks since 9-11.
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Subject: WMDs
Bart, Hans Blix and the other inspectors agreed
that Hussein had no WMDs because, despite increased
and more intrusive inspections and leads supplied
by U.S. Intelligence, absolutely nothing was found.
Could something have been buried in the sand?
Possibly, but highly unlikely.
We overran supposed WMD sites the first day and
a half of the war, captured virtually everyone
(military and civilian) who would have knowledge
of any WMD programs, tortured and imprisoned
many of those very same people, offered multi-million
dollar rewards, spent millions of dollars and
several years searching and have come up empty-handed.
The WMD's were never there and the
people who did their homework knew that from
the start. A very safe bet.
Ray in Gillespie
Well, certainly it's a safe bet now, in 2007.
That's why I use the poker example.
In poker, you can sit there all day and say,
"I know what you have, I know I have you beat,"
but are you willing to put the East coast of the United States into
the pot and risk losing it?
The CIA gave the senate their Nancy Grace Guarantee that
Saddam was about to launch.
How do you tell the CIA that they have no idea what they're talking
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Entertainment Page
has good stuff.
Click on the E!
Iraq pumped 3.5M
barrels daily before
Bush invaded
and then they got their 2003 Halliburton
Bush is stealing $220,000,000
(price of oil has fallen since the election)
No wonder they were so eager to start a war,
stealing $220,000,000
It's the biggest theft in Earth's history.
Exxon made
$10B profit in 90 days
$100M a day - all profit - because Bush started a fake war
Bush's "Bring 'em on"
death taunt is up to...
American victims
We lost 5
more since last issue
while the Little Dictator stonewalls the inevitable.
...and how much did BIG OIL make yesterday?
makes $100M - every day
5 more soldiers
but Exxon makes $100M
per day
Bush can live with that.
Bush has killed more than Americans than Osama.
Rev. Moon's
Anti-Obama Agit-Prop
by Robert Parry
If you've ever wondered how agit-propaganda works,
you might take a look at the latest case study
from the Rev. Sun Myung Moon's media empire -
a bogus story about Barack Obama attending a
Muslim "madrassah" when he was six years old,
a smear that was then attributed to operatives of Hillary Clinton.
The shrewdness of Moon's Insight magazine story
is that it hit two enemies with one anonymously sourced stone,
a strategy of slime and divide straight from
the textbooks of a spy agency like the CIA.
Only in this case, it is not the CIA planting
black propaganda in a foreign publication to undermine
some U.S. enemy. It is Moon using his media
outlets subsidized by his mysterious foreign money
to manipulate and distort the U.S. political
process, again.
The Insight "madrassah" story also turned out
to be false.
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Subject: BCR Show 102 feedback
Hey Bart!
Long-time subscriber here.
Just wanted to say that I LOVE the shorter show
only because it will keep the shows coming more
and more up-to-date.
Keep swinging the hammer! Cheers!
Robbie in Florida
Yes I listen to you often while at work.
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ship it Feb 20th
Poker Talk
They arrested
the guy who enabled me to play $1.25 poker tournaments online.
Fulltilt.com sent me an e-mail saying they're working on other
Did you ever hear the rumor that Yahoo
means, "You always have other options?"
There's been talk of moving the Bartcop Weekly Online Poker Tourney
to Saturdays.
I need to head over to Bartblog
and see what the masses have decided.
But first, we need to figure out a way to make deposits
that won't cause the Bush Gestapo to arrest people for having fun.
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Subject: Libby\Cheney breaking
Hello Bart,
It looks like we're going to get a second shoe
to drop (the first one
being Rumsfield). But no sooner do they
drop one shoe, they have
another one raised to whack us with. Can
you say Vice-President Rice
without being scared? I can't.
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A shot of Chinaco to Al
Gore for his Inconvenient
Truth, nomination for Best Documentary.
Tipper couldn't be there for the nominations,
but with Al winning the nomination, look for her at the big Oscar show.
Democrats are down on Tipper,
(Search for 'Prince")
She went up against Frank on the record-rating-labeling
which seemed like a no-brainer to me back then
(It feels funny being against Frank on this)
...but do Tipper and Hillary have that, "Why
do they hate us?" bond together?
Much as I love Frank, he was wrong on this one.
If I had a 9-year old daughter, would I want her to see "Pulp Fiction?"
Would I want her to hear Ice-T's "Fuck the Police?"
Would I want her to read bartcop.com?
If you disgaree, bring it on - but show some respect.
You're gonna lose, so might as well lose with grace.
And please, could Hollywood stop screwing
Marty out of an Oscar?
Shit, I'll give him mine if I have to...
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Aussie star
Delta Goodrem
more of Delta at BC
Dozens of new pages.
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Garbage to reunite January
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Is anybody planning to go to this show?
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