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Weekend-Monday Feb 3-5, 2007 Vol
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"If the United States continues to be bogged
down in a protracted bloody involvement in Iraq,
the final destination on this downhill track
is likely to be a head-on conflict with Iran and with
much of the world of Islam at large. A plausible
scenario for a military collision with Iran involves
Iraqi failure to meet the benchmarks; followed
by accusations of Iranian responsibility for the failure;
then by some provocation in Iraq or a terrorist
act in the U.S. blamed on Iran; culminating in a
"defensive" U.S. military action against Iran
that plunges a lonely America into a spreading and
deepening quagmire eventually ranging across
Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan."
--Zbigniew Brzezinski, Link
Why can't the snot-nosed little boy be happy with just stealing Iraq's
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Bush is
Hiding the Ball on Iran
by Robert Parry
George W. Bush is again guiding the nation toward
a preemptive war - this time with Iran - without allowing
anything like a full debate of the underlying
facts, probable consequences of the conflict or peaceful alternatives.
Bush is following the same course he chose in
the run-up to war in Iraq: he insists that war is "a last resort"
yet puts in motion the engines of war; he times
the release of alarming intelligence reports for maximum
political effect; he brushes aside doubts and
warnings; he then presents war as unavoidable or a fait accompli.
Despite the painful lessons from the Iraq War
disaster - including more than 3,000 U.S. soldiers dead and
Iraq torn apart by sectarian civil war - the
key institutions of Washington, particularly the Congress and
the press, are playing similar roles, too.
The capital again is possessed of an air of unreality
as the clock ticks down to a likely military showdown with Iran.
Though the documentary record is now clear that
Bush set his sights on war in Iraq a year or so before the
actual invasion, the President is still believed
when he insists now that he wants a diplomatic solution with Iran.
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Used with permission
"Democrats are concerned that will order air
strikes against Iran in the next few weeks.
They suspect Bush will order the bombing
of Iranian supply routes and other sites that
Bush claims contribute to American
losses in Iraq. Under this scenario, Bush could ask
for a congressional vote of support,
which many Democrats would feel obliged to endorse
or risk looking like they weren't supportive
of the troops. Bombing Iran would also take
attention away from the troubled situation
in Iraq and cause a rally-round-the-president
reaction among Americans, at least
for a while."
News Political Bulletin, Link
Will America follow Bush into a third losing war?
I suggest the Democrats warn Bush ahead
of time so they're not locked-into
supporting whatever vile madness Cheney's diseased mind dreams up to
widen their wars.
And crazy America - we rally 'round our idiot each time he screws up.
Bart's Law Number
Any time a person or entity makes a "mistake" that puts extra money
(or power)
in their pocket, expect them to make that "mistake" again and again
and again.
Bush can't afford to stop screwing up.
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Subject: Mr. Perfect
Bart, the chocolate has arrived! And it
is melt-in-your-mouth good!
Thanks for that; no finer way to enjoy the Scooter
Libby trial updates
than fine tequila, fine chocolate, and BartCop
Captmathman got the last 2006 pound of chocolate from South's
Finest Chocolate Factory.
Mahdi Army
gets unwitting aid from U.S.
The U.S. military drive to train and equip Iraq's
security forces has unwittingly strengthened anti-American
Shiite Muslim cleric Muqtada al-Sadr's Mahdi
Army militia, which has been battling to take over much of
the capital city as American forces are trying
to secure it.
U.S. Army commanders and enlisted men who patrol
east Baghdad, said al-Sadr's militias had heavily
infiltrated the Iraqi police and army units that
they've trained and armed.
"Half of them are JAM. They'll wave at us during
the day and shoot at us during the night," said Lt. Dan Quinn,
a platoon leader in the Army's 1st Infantry Division,
using the initials of the militia's Arabic name, Jaish al Mahdi.
"People (in America) think it's bad, but that
we control the city. That's not the way it is. They control it, and they
let us drive around. It's hostile territory."
Hmmm, sounds like the Army commanders
have been listening to
Bartcop Radio Show #104.
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"I am going to ask my staff to meet with the
Department of Justice and the White House so we
can get to the bottom of these signing statements,
and we are not going to take no for an answer.
We are a co-equal branch of government, and
if our system of checks and balances is going to operate,
it is imperative that we understand how the
Executive Branch is enforcing - or ignoring - the bills
that are signed into law."
--Rep. John Conyers, who doesn't need to drop by Rent-a-Sac on his way
to work, Link
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Stones and Mr. Obama
It's become a fad among some conservatives to
refer to Obama by his full name: Barack Hussein Obama.
This would be merely juvenile if it weren't so
contemptible. Republican lobbyist Ed Rogers, on "Hardball,"
was one of the early adopters of this sleazy
tactic. "Count me down as somebody who underestimates
Barack Hussein Obama," he said. Rush Limbaugh,
demonstrating his usual maturity, got a chuckle out of
the senator's allegedly oversized ears, calling
him "Barack Hussein Odumbo." And Tony Perkins of the
Family Research Council issued this e-mail alert:
"Joining an already glutted field of hopefuls, Sen. Barack
Hussein Obama (D-Ill.) announced his candidacy
for the 2008 Democratic nomination yesterday."
They think they can beat Obama by making him into a terrorist.
This would work in, say, Tennessee, but America is less racist than
I hope.
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Subject: Mr. Perfect
Dear Bart,
Ahem! Ahem! Ahem! Ahem! Ahem! Ahem! Ahem!
That's 7-in-a-row.....
Guess who's goin' for no. 8 in two weeks?
Tom S.
Tom, does it count when you cherry-pick tournaments?
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Bush's Next
by Joe Conason
Whatever George W. Bush may tell us about his
intentions toward Iran, every action and order indicates
that he will seek to expand the war eastward
from Iraq. Despite the warnings voiced by wiser military and
diplomatic advisors, the President still seems
to be listening to the same discredited neoconservatives whose
fantasies and falsehoods drove us into the Iraqi
If their plotting succeeds in provoking military
conflict with Iran, the resulting carnage could indeed make
Iraq look like a "cakewalk," to quote one of
the more stupid predictions that preceded the current war.
Imagine firefights erupting along the Persian
Gulf and violent uprisings among the Shia masses in the
Baghdad slums and southern Iraq -- and then imagine
the entire region convulsed by ethnic and
religious conflict. The potential consequences
could be catastrophic, from the closing of the Gulf straits
and a new oil crisis to ruptured political alliances
and terrible American casualties.
Yet regardless of these risks, the Bush administration's
urge to provoke Iran is as unmistakable as its
preparations for a wider war. Nearly every day,
the White House sends obvious signals of belligerence
to Tehran, with the same drumbeat heard during
the months that led up to the invasion of Iraq.
C'mon, you senior Republicans.
It's time for you to pay a visit to the White
Somebody need to tell the boy that his little games are over.
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"Bush visited the New York Stock Exchange earlier
this week. There was an
awkward moment when Bush asked, 'When
do I get to meet Dow Jones?'"
--Conan O'Brien
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Subject: Re: Only Republicans
get gifts from God
So why doesn't every gay family in America have
the same right to dignified privacy to enjoy their
gifts from God that the fascist Cheney family
does? Because the Cheney's are higher and mightier?
The fact is that Mary and her lesbian lover (and
her father and lesbian porn writing mother) are enjoying
a pass fought for by gays and lesbians over the
past 40 years, all the while being Olympic class hypocrits.
Think about it.
The Republicans talks a tough anti-gay marriage
agenda to fool the religious right and get their votes,
giving them nothing in return. And on the other
hand the Republicans says that they have a right to privacy
and dignity fought for and established by the
left that the Republicans have railed against for years.
It's rare to find the art of hypocrisy so elevated
that the practitioner can betray both allies and enemies
in one breath, pocketing the change with either
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t-shirts, shots Here
shot glass photo by mariomorgado
We still have a few left
Random thought...
I saw a poll, 3/4 of Republicans don't know that Rudy is pro-gay rights.
They don't know he's had three wives and they don't know he's a gun
Rudy's not going to be the GOP nominee.
John McCain (R-Torture Happy) is hated by about half of the right.
McCain's not going to be the GOP nominee.
He thinks he is, but he's not.
"Conservatives" don't like either one of them.
Who's going to be the GOP nominee?
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Remember Deanna from last issue?
Subject: Re: Dr Laura a worse
person than Paris?
Shit, well Dr. Laura must be seriously bad. I'll
have to do some research on her.
I'm not from the US but from Toronto, Canada
so maybe that is the reason.
Plus I don't have cable.
Deanna, the thing is - she started out normal.
She'd give gays advice on how to meet the parents
She was also against guns in the house because
of kids.
Then she saw how much money Rush Limbaugh was
and changed into a right-wing, moralizing, Atilla
the C-word.
All she does is take calls, and when a woman starts
with "I'm an unmarried mother,"
Laura grills her and if it turns out she's not
a widow, Laura asks if the boy friend
leaves his money on the table when he's done
screwing her.
That's why she needs to pay for those tacky pictures.
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Texas Gov
in every young
girl's pants
Bypassing the Legislature altogether, Republican
Gov. Rick Perry issued an order Friday
making Texas the first state to require that
schoolgirls get vaccinated against the sexually
transmitted virus that causes cervical cancer.
By employing an executive order, Perry sidestepped
opposition in the Legislature from
conservatives and parents' rights groups who
fear such a requirement would condone
premarital sex and interfere with the way Texans
raise their children.
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Subject: What great economy?
People in the news media are asking why Bush doesn't
get more credit for the economy.
Maybe it's because America went from the world's
biggest surplus under Clinton to the
world's biggest deficit under Bush.
Maybe it's because Bush ran the national debt
up higher than all the presidents put together.
Maybe it's because the price of gasoline has
tripled while the minimum wage has stayed the same.
Or maybe it's because this president has never
got anything right so why would we believe he got
the economy right?
The reason people don't give Bush credit for the
economy is because we just don't believe it.
Marc Perkel
San Bruno, CA.
I'd like to add that the American whore media is still playing that
"mean" game where,
if Bill Gates and 29 of us are in one room, our average net worth
is over $50 billion dollars.
Gee, it feels great to be in that crowd - doesn't it?
Meanwhile, the 29 of us have next to nothing.
That's why Bush's economy means nothing.
What would the stock market look like without oil company profits?
What woulf the stock market look like without back-dated stock options?
I wish the whore media would tell the truth about this economy.
It's been great for the super-rich, but for the rest of us -
not so much.
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"Did you see ExxonMobil's profit?
Oh, this is great!
Makes me feel proud to be an American!
-- the vulgar Pigboy, mocking the poorest people in America
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U.S. intel
report: Iraq spiraling down
The U.S. acknowledged Friday that Iraq is spiraling
downward, with sectarian animosity growing
and new Iraqi troops being added too slowly in
a precarious mix that could draw the country's
neighbors into the violence if American troops
The sobering assessment from the National Intelligence
Council was seen by congressional Democrats
- and some Republicans - as new evidenceeven
more more proof that Bush's Iraq policy
is failing.
The report concluded that Iraq's security situation
is likely to get worse over the next 18 months unless
the slide toward sectarian polarization and a
weakening government is halted. Security forces - particularly
the police - will be "hard-pressed" to handle
their new responsibilities because of divisions that are
tearing apart Iraqi society, the assessment said.
Any further negative event could hasten deterioration,
it said.
"The challenges facing Iraqis are daunting."
Yet Bush officials said the report reinforced
their view that Bush's victims cannot leave Iraq.
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Subject: RE: Why she hates Hillary
Hi Bart,
I'm so sick of the Clinton haters and bashers.
I see the same irrationality among people who "just hate cats."
If you pursue their reasons, they have none...they
"just hate cats." How freakin, idiotic and stupid is that?
I suspect Ms. Dowd suffers from the same irrational,
jealous, if-only-that-were-me, syndrome.
Ms. Dowd would probably love to be in Hillary's
place and be looked fondly upon by Bill.
Behind all this hate stuff against Hillary and
Bill is the old green eyed monster, jealousy.
Charles, that's not true for all women, in Dowd's
case, I think you're right.
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Brazen Attack
on U.S. Soldiers
Two Senior Iraqi Generals Eyed
You heard the story in BCR 104
Several Iraqis have been detained for questioning
in the ongoing investigation of at least two senior
Iraqi generals suspected of involvement in an
insurgent attack that killed five American soldiers on Jan. 20 .
Four of the five American soldiers were abducted
before being shot execution style.
Bush, of course, suspects Iran is responsible.
The attack occurred at a provincial government
security compound in Karbala where the Americans
were meeting with local Iraqi security officers.
Gunmen stormed the facility dressed like American
soldiers and driving SUVs, military officials
in Iraq said.
The raid was carried out by nine to 12 militants
wearing new U.S. military fatigues and traveling in
black GMC Suburban vehicles - the type used by
U.S. government convoys. U.S. officials said
the imposters had American weapons and spoke
Bush wants this to be his 'Gulf of Tonkin.'
He's just itching for a reason to steal Iran's oil.
Does this mean they've bled Iraq dry?
Is that why we're moving on to fresh oil fields?
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Subject: Molly Ivins
Bart, I'm a long-time reader and I've ignored
your blind Hillary worship,
because I totally agree with you on 99% of the
other things you say.
I don't worhip Hillary.
I just think the 20-point front-runner has the best chance.
You can bow down in front of whomever you want,
but when you use that
to diss Molly Ivins because she
didn't share your obsession with Hillary,
I'm a political writer. I wrote about politics for a living.
Can I write about the next president without being "obsessed" with
I have only one thing to say: Fuck you.
Why is "fuck you" the only thing a long-time readers has to say to me?
If Hillary would demonstrate even a little bit
of what Molly had,
instead of shucking and jiving for the DLC, I'd
be right there with you
in bowing down in front of her altar.
R. Dale in Utah
You think it's a scandal that Molly preferred the Greens to the Democrats?
She preferred Democrats farther to the left than most Democrats.
Why is vulgarity necessary when talking to a friend?
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Fake Flyboy Mousepad
Subject: Mary Cheney
Hey Bart,
Great points made, but the most important is that
she still agreed with her dad that Wolf Blitzer
was out of line and trying to get "a rise out
of my dad". She can't have it both ways.
She did the same thing when Kerry spoke about
her in the debates. Kerry defended her and
her being gay, yet Cheney and his shrill wife
turned it into some kind of unprovoked attack.
Too bad Wolf didn't have the simple common sense
and backbone to ask Cheney,
"Specifically, how am I being out of line by
quoting what your ardent supporters,
the Family Research Center have said about your
daughter's pregnancy"?
Everyone caves in to Darth Cheney as soon as he
gets snippy.
It's unbelievable.
Vacaville, CA
Plus, Wolf is such a whore.
During Monica, he was a pissed-off pit-bull, like Timmy the whore Russert,
but when it comes to lying about wars and dumping the Bill of Rights,
Wolf and Timmy the Butt Plug whore themselves to the Republicans.
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Entertainment Page
has good stuff.
Click on the E!
Iraq pumped 3.5M
barrels daily before
Bush invaded
and then they got their 2003 Halliburton
Bush is stealing $220,000,000
No wonder they were so eager to start a war,
stealing $220,000,000every
It's the biggest theft in Earth's history.
Exxon made
$10B profit in 90 days
$100M a day - all profit - because Bush started a fake war
Bush's "Bring 'em on"
death taunt is up to...
American victims
We lost 10
more over the weekend.
Mweean while, George W Custer pretends he's winning.
...and how much did BIG OIL make yesterday?
makes $108M - every day
(And that's just ONE oil company)
12 more
dead while
Exxon makes $75,000
profit per minute
Bush can live with that.
Bush has killed more than Americans than Osama.
Subject: Exxon profits
Your column headlined Exxon
Sets Profit Record stated
'Exxon made $132,000 for each dead soldier.'
It seems your math is a bit off.
The actual figure is $48,288,508 per soldier.
You were dividing the daily profit by the yearly
sacrifice ($108,000,000 / 818
is about $132 grand) instead of using the $39.5B
annual profit figure.
It makes a bit of a difference.
And so do you.
Keep swingin' the hammer.
Rick, you are correct.
It's much less confusing to use the per year figure.
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Subject: dot connection in Plame
Considering the latest developments in the Iran
nuclear issue, the possibility that we have assessed
the affair backwards seems to be ever more likely
to be the true state of affairs, namely:
Plame was not outed to get even
with Wilson, but that Wilson was used as an excuse to ROLL UP
the Plame operation and destroy the possibility
of inside intelligence interfering with Bush's attack plans.
You might be on to something there. After Cheney outed Brewster Jennings
as a fake company,
we no longer have eyes and ears in Iran to see what those religio-loonies
are up to, nu-cu-ler wise.
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Vulgar junkie
nominated for Nobel Peace Prize
How many nominees are heroin junkies with their own mug shot?
"Got any smack? I have cash..."
Let's face it. The conservatives are jealous.
Al Gore has been nominated for the
Nobel Peace Prize and they're peeved about it.
So what to do?
Nominate a guy who has a mug shot, was suspected
of using his house keeper to keep him in drugs,
while duping his radio audience for years. A
man who enjoys taking holidays to places that top the list
as the underage sex capitals of the world. A
man who then gets caught with someone else's libido pills
on the way back into the country after his all
male holiday. But, of course, Rush gets a pass because,
after all, he is Rush Limbaugh.
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Subject: Molly was the best,
but also a Naderite - that's her legacy too
I loved Molly and am going to miss her rather
She was one of the brightest stars on the progressive
enviable amounts of balls and brains and with
a Flannery
Oconnorish take on politics that made her unlike
anyone else.
BUT - part of her legacy is the 2000 election.
Covering Texas politics for years, she had a
whiff - at least - of what a GWB pRe$idency would be like.
Yet she supported Nader and advocated vote swapping.
(The Green party, remember them?)
It was stuff like that gave Nader's disasterous
and delusional campaign legs. I don't know anything,
but if Nader hadn't targetted Florida to feed
his diseased ego, he wouldn't have siphoned off votes
from Gore and the election wouldn't have been
close enough for the monkey's minions to steal it.
And we'd be in year 6 of President Gore's reign.
If the lady ever expressed any regrets about her
take on the 2000 election,
I am unaware of it and I stand corrected.
-Am I wrong?
keep Swingin!
I think you're right.
And she said she did not vote for Kerry in 2004.
I realize the Democrats aren't perfect,
but not voting for them makes the GOP stronger.
Staying at home on election day makes the GOP stronger, too,
because every religiously-insane voter is caught up in "Bush's godlinesss."
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Subject: Re: I knew, and everybody
else should have, too
The evidence that the case for war was bogus was
overwhelming. Everyone with a dial-up
modem and a capacity for independent thought
knew that BushCo was lying. It was obvious.
I have no doubt that Dowd knew and plenty of doubt
that Hillary did not.
That neither of them admitted it at the time
is evidence of cowardice and dishonesty, not ignorance.
If Hillary really didn't know, then she is far
too stupid to be president.
But she did know, which means she is dishonest
and cowardly enough to continue the Iraq war until 2012.
Scott in San Jose
Scott, I'm giving you 2 weeks of BCR so you can hear me straighten you
out :)
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Night Poker
It was a great success!
Let's play another one Saturday (Feb 10th)
at 21:00 Full Tilt time, 8:00 pm Okie time.
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Truck bomber
kills 135 in deadliest Iraq blast
Just another day in Bush's bloody Paradise
you, Meeester Booosh."
A suicide bomber killed 135
people on Saturday in the deadliest single bombing since Bush invaded,
driving a truck laden with one ton of explosives
into a market in a mainly Shi'ite area of Baghdad.
The blast, which Maliki blamed on Saddamists,
caved in shopfronts and left the smashed bodies of
shoppers strewn in the street. It came as U.S.
and Iraqi troops prepared for a planned offensive seen
as a last-ditch effort to stem worsening sectarian
bloodshed that kills hundreds in Baghdad every week
"It was a terrible scene. Many shops and houses
were destroyed," said one resident, Jassem, 42,
who seemed to be more concerned with real estate
than human lives.
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Lohan, another Princess Diana?
more of Lindsay at BC
Now with dozens more pages
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