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BCR Show 110
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Wednesday March 21, 2007 Vol
1947 - Nothing to hide?
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"After telling a bunch of different stories
about why they fired the U.S. Attorneys,
the American people deserve a straight
answer. If Karl Rove plans to tell the truth,
he has nothing to fear from being under
oath like any other witness."
-- Harry Reid (D-NV), talking like he has a pair - Does he?
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Abuse of Power
by Stephen Crockett
What might the Democrats find if "the Bushies"
testify openly and under oath?
There is nothing as corrupt as using the governmental
powers of law enforcement, to selectively prosecute
your political enemies and to cover-up criminal
behavior by your political organization and allies, while in a
position of political power. This situation is
the essence of the current scandal concerning the firing of U.S.
Attorneys by the Bush White House.
Criminal investigations of Republican politicians
are slowed to a snail pace by politicized appointees in
case after case like the New Hampshire phone
jamming scandal.
The federal prosecutor who convicted Duke Cunningham
for corruption was unjustly fired. The federal
prosecutor who would not prosecute phony vote
fraud charges against Democrats in New Mexico,
in time for the 2006 elections as demanded by
Republican politicians, was fired.
In 2005, a federal prosecutor investigating criminal
charges surrounding the staff of Bob Ehrlich was fired.
The investigation was derailed. This pattern
of abuses repeats itself over and over again in state after state.
Consortiumnews.com is the most important site on the net.
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Saturday in Los Angeles
many WPE posters can you spot?
"My son was killed in Iraq. His name is Captain
Kevin Landeck. You took him away from us.
This war is wrong. Because of your ineptness...I
have lost my son, my pride and joy, my hero!
You will never understand what the families
of soldiers are going through and don't try to tell me you do.
My wife, my daughter and I cannot believe
we have lost our only son and brother to a ridiculous political war."
-- Richard Landeck, of Wheaton, IL in a letter to Dubya,
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Bush Risks
War with the Senate
A defiant Monkey warned Democrats Tuesday to
accept his offer to have top aides speak about the firings
of federal prosecutors only privately and
not under oath, or risk a constitutional showdown from which
he would not back down.
Our insane president is at the lowest point in
his career
and he wants a public squabble that could drag
him into the teens?
Democrats' response was swift and firm: They said
they would start authorizing subpoenas
as soon as Wednesday for the White House aides.
<Bart faints...>
"Testimony should be on the record and under oath.
That's the formula for true accountability,"
said Patrick Leahy (D-ThereisaGod), D-Vt., chairman
of the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Bush, in a late-afternoon statement, said he would
fight any subpoena effort in court.
"We will not go along with a partisan fishing
expedition aimed at honorable public servants," he said.
"It will be regrettable if they choose to head
down the partisan road of issuing subpoenas and
demanding show trials when I have agreed to make
key White House officials and documents available."
The only way Bush can win is if the Democrats fold.
The Democrats have the majority of the public with them.
Whatever Bush does, all the senate has to do is call his bluff.
He's got nowhere to go - even if the Supreme Court backs him up,
he'll lose more of that 30 percent who has stayed with him up till
The BFEE must be hiding some
serious crimes if THIS is the hill Bush wants to end
...and I pity the 21 senate Republicans who are up for re-election in
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Please visit dissentisterror.com
Subject: BCR Show 110
"Lucy in the Candy Store" WTF?
Never mind it was funny anyway. Great show.
It's good to hear you instead of the clips but
I'll listen either way.
Chris O'
Chris, that's a famous reference if you're old.
On the original "I Love Lucy" there was a skit where Lucy had to pack
on a conveyor belt in the little wrappers and then in the proper boxes.
To make it funny, the candy started coming faster and faster so the
only way
Lucy could keep up was to eat some candy and put some in her pockets.
Thus "Lucy in the candy factory" became a metaphor for "extra busy."
I wish I was too young to know what it was, too :)
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"We have been on the air now for this new season
five weeks. Three out of the five weeks,
there's been a Bush scandal. Scooter
Libby, Walter Reed, now Alberto Gonzales.
It's not me. I don't have it out for
this guy."
-- Bill Maher, on the U.S.
Attorneys Scandal,
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Mice or
Bush is offering to let his maid Harriet and his crooked brain Karl
talk to congress
IF it's without being under oath and behind closed doors.
CNN says the Democrats are "huddling" to see how they might respond.
I suggest they respond with a giant, "Fuck
This is where the Demo-cowards really need me.
First, they should tell Bush to GFY and tell him to shove
his offer.
They should demand that Miers and Rove show up to be sworn in or face
the subpoenas.
NOBODY will give the Bush bastards the benefit of the doubt on this
They lied and lied and lied and now they want to talk
without being under oath
so they can lie and lie and lie without any penalty?
No fucking way!
Then they should start the taunting.
"Why can't the Bush administration tell us
what happened under oath?
What do they have to hide that they
can't be sworn in?
Clinton had to be sworn in and his
testimony was shown on TV again and again and
that was about his personal life -
not the crimes committed in our name with our money.
What do the Bush bastards have to hide?
Why can't they just tell us the truth under oath?"
It's so easy!!
Third graders do it every day - why can't the Democrats figure anything
It's so easy!!
Just keep repeating "What do they have
to hide?
Why can't they be under oath when they tell
us what happened?
Are they refusing because they plan to lie
to us again?"
It's so easy!!
Another thing: No pre-conditions.
None of this bullshit where "You can ask about
but you can't ask about that."
Screw you - this will be as wide open as Kenneth Starr's witchhunt.
It's so easy!!
If Bush refuses just remember that time is on OUR side.
Every day, for weeks and weeks, just keep repeating "What
do they have to hide?
Why can't they be under oath when they tell
us what happened?
Are they refusing because they plan to lie
to us again?"
It's so easy!!
Bush will claim "Executive privilege," but who will buy that?
Even if it meets the standards for EP, everyone will assume Bush is
just lying again.
It's so easy!!
Will the Democrats cave in?
Like they've done hundreds of
times before?
Or will they stand up and do their damn jobs and
slap the most unpopular politician in modern history?
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Subject: mail from Sweden
Hey hey Bartcop! I'm Anthony mailing in from Malm-,
Sweden - I just wanted to say
a huge "Tack så mycket" (thank you) for
what you're doing. I check out your site everyday
to keep myself updated on what is going on with
The Bush Crime Family and the problems they've caused.
And eventhough I live in Sweden, I can still smell
the filth and stench of his braindead zombie supporters,
like Bill Orally, Sean Insannity, Michael "Kill
100 Million Muslims" Hitler-Savage, The Pig Man Limbaugh
- to quote the great Mike Malloy; Have I mentioned
yet tonight how much I hate these people?
Anyhow, thanks for all you're doing at Bartcop
- these issues really have everything. :)
Anthony, great to hear from you.
And you're doing the right thing listening to Mike Malloy.
Mike puts the P in "passion."
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Iranian Mole?
What else would explain his actions?
If an American soldier were caught slipping obscure
military paperwork to Iranian spies,
he would be arrested, pilloried in the news media
and tossed into prison for years.
But in fact there's an American who has provided
services of incalculably greater value
to Iran in recent years. So you have to wonder:
Is Dick Cheney an Iranian mole?
Consider that the Bush administration's first
major military intervention was to overthrow
Afghanistan's Taliban regime, Iran's bitter foe
to the east. Then the administration toppled
Iran's even worse enemy to the west, the Saddam
Hussein regime in Iraq.
You really think that's just a coincidence? That
of all 193 nations in the world,
we just happen to topple the two neighboring
regimes that Iran despises?
If Iran's ayatollahs had written the script, they
couldn't have done better....
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Subject: "We'll testify
if we can lie"
Bush says his people can testify to Congress as
long as they don't have to swear they are telling the truth,
and as long as it's in private, and there are
no transcripts or recordings of the testimony.
In other words, as long as they are in an environment
where they can lie.
Makes you wonder what people would have said
if Clinton has tried that.
Marc Perkel
San Bruno, CA.
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Penalty for Pot
perspective of a Madman
Bush's "irrational" consideration of a "surge"
in the wake of the Iraq Study Group report has begun to
generate speculation regarding his sanity. References
to Bush's "delusions" have appeared in the
mainstream media and throughout the blogosphere.
Bush has a Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
What this means, is that he has rather desperate insecurities
about himself, and compensates by constructing
a grandiose self-image. Most of his relationships are either
mirroring relationships -- people who flatter
him and reinforce his grandiosity -- or idealized self-objects
-- people that he himself thinks a lot of, and
hence feels flattered by his association with them. Some likely
perform both functions. Hence his weakness for
sycophants like Harriet Miers, and Dick Cheney.
Bush knows he isn't a great intellect, and compensates
by dismissing the value of intellect altogether.
Hence his disses of Gore's bookishness, and any
other intellectual that isn't flattering him. Bush knows
that his greatest personal strength is projecting
personal affability, and tries to utilize it even in the most
inappropriate settings. That's why he gives impromptu
backrubs to the German Chancellor in a diplomatic
meeting -- he's insecure intellectually, and
tries to make everyone into a "buddy" so he can feel more secure.
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Subject: Osama offered up?
Why is it we keep hearing that the Sudan "offered
Osama to Clinton" -- even though this isn't true
(according to the Big Dog himself ), this claim
has even made it into college classrooms -- but no one
ever seems to care that the Taliban came close
to offering Osama to Bush (they just asked for a smidgen
of proof that he was behind 9/11)?
Could it be that the right-wing noise machine
wants to take the heat off Bush for screwing up,
so they claim Clinton did it first?
BTW, did anyone ever hear the story of bin Laden
being offered up to Clinton before Bush
rejected the Taliban's offer (10/14/01)?
The way I remember it, th Sudan offered Osama to Clinton, Clinton asked
the FBI and CIA
if they had enough evidence to say Osama was guilty of crimes against
the US and they said no.
Bush, however, let Osama go after 9-11.
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"Obama is surging in the polls, according to
a new Rasmussen Reports survey. He has gained
seven points on Hillary over the past
week, cutting her lead to just five points, 35% to 30%.
John Edwards comes in third with 11%.
-- Political Wire.com
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Subject: Dems take Bart's advice
- in reverse
Bart - Like you say - It is so simple.
All the Dems have to do is attach items to the
Iraq funding bill that puts the opposition
in a bind if they vote against it. What do these
idiots do instead?
They try and bribe votes with payola for projects
in the law-maker's district.
So instead of being smart about it and putting
the Repubs between a rock and a hard place
they try to "nicey" them into voting. In addition
this approach encourages local pork at the
expense of the good of the nation as a whole.
War Bill
Includes Tempting Projects
Democrats' Tactic Poses Dilemma for Some Lawmakers
The Dems sure do need some good advice and some
They seem to want to fail.
Do they even get it right twice out of ten tries?
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What Is
Bush Hiding?
Clinton Aides Testified 47 Times
Bush is refusing to allow Karl Rove and Harriet
Miers to testify before Congress. The reason they say,
is that there is executive privilege and the
fact that there is no precedent for it. This is a baldfaced lie:
According to the Congressional Research Service,
under Clinton, 31 of his top aides testified on 47
different occasions. The aides who testified
included some of Clinton's closest advisors.
Clinton could have fought these appearances all
the way to the Supreme Court.
The reason he didn't was simple: He had
nothing to hide.
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"He's like a pit bull. He's great if somebody
is breaking in your house.
But if they're not, you know, the pit
bull might eat your kids."
-- Chris Rock, on
Rudy the cross-dresser
Impeach Me
US troops
in Iraq want out
Can't get the truth from US whore media
For US troops from 9th Cavalry Regiment bumping
around the streets of Baghdad in Humvees after dark,
news that their deployment in Iraq could be extended
fell like a hammer blow. Their commanders had
cautioned that their second one-year tour due
to end in October could be prolonged while Bush later
warned troops it was too soon to "pack up and
go home". The expletives during the four-hour night patrol
turned the air in the Humvee, already thick with
cigarette smoke, a dark shade of blue.
"We just want to get out of here as soon as
possible," said one commander in a printable comment.
Subject: the afterlife?
Bart, you wrote:
>People believe the insane idea that there's
an afterlife because their parents do.
Just as there is no proof that there is an after
life, there is no proof that there isn't.
The correct answer is C, we just don't know, can't
say for sure.
But parents don't say, "We
just don't know, can't say for sure."
They say, "You're
going to Heaven when you die."
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Subject: Mike Palecek - On the
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They - Bush & Co. - did 9/11 themselves.
They killed Paul Wellstone.
They sent the anthrax.
They lied about WMD.
They stole two presidential elections.
They would never have told us about Abu Ghraib.
They have secret torture prisons around the world
that we were never meant to find out about.
They spy on us. And not because of "terrorism."
They steal the oil.
They want power. They want to be rich.
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put Rudy in a dress
Calling all Photoshoppers
I need the best Giuliani-in-a-dress graphic on
the web.
It doesn't have to be real - just a good photoshop
- that'll be the trap.
We'll run that best picture again and again with
"GOP front-runner" above Rudy's head.
When some monkey says, "That
picture is a fake!" we'll run all the
real ones again.
So if you have a chance, put Rudy in a dress - makeup and eyelashes
is a plus.
Let's put Mr. Tough Guy in a cocktail dress and see if he carries
Rudy's Dress
a Drag on the Campaign?
A New
York Post article seems to suggest that conservatives at the CPAC
meeting in Washington were
less concerned about Rudy's moderate social views
than they were about him wearing a dress years ago:
Rudy's liberal stance on abortion, guns and gays
wasn't his biggest problem yesterday as he addressed
a conference of conservative activists - it was
his having dressed in drag.
A whisper campaign targeting the front-running
GOP White House contender's cross-dressing stunts at
political dinners in New York and on "Saturday
Night Live" was the hot topic among right-leaning activists.
"A lot of people are talking about it. It's not
respectable. It highlights his other shortcomings,"
Las Vegas conservative Bruce Feher told The Whore
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Subject: The pink protester
That was not a woman, that was a trans-gender
person protesting the
president for the military action against him/her
- he was in the military.
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Entertainment Page
has good stuff.
Click on the E!

Iraq pumped 3.5M
barrels daily before
Bush invaded
and then they got their 2003 Halliburton
Bush is stealing $220,000,000
No wonder they were so eager to start a war,
stealing $220,000,000
It's the biggest theft in Earth's history.
Exxon made
$10B profit in 90 days
$100M a day - all profit - because Bush started a fake war
Bush's "Bring 'em on"
death taunt is up to...
American victims
We lost 4
more soldiers since last issue
while the Little Dictator fills the meatgrinder.
...and how much did BIG OIL make yesterday?
makes $108M - every day
(And that's just ONE oil company)
4 more
are dead, but that's OK because
Exxon makes $75,000
profit per minute
Bush can live with that,
because Iraq's oil wells have
no meters
and his front company is moving
to Dubai.
Bloomberg News says Iraq is currently pumping 2M barrels a day.
How would they know?
They don't have people on the ground over there, and even if they did
oil wells have no meters
2M barrels is $120M a day - where's that money going?
Bush has killed more Americans than Osama.
I have to back away from supporting the Democratic front runner.
While driving yesterday, I had 4 hours to think about this and it hit
me like a bolt of lightning.
she wins, I'll be held responsible for every mistake
she makes.
Crap like this?
"Hillary is noncommittal/ refuses to take a
stand on gays in the military.
Faggots are good enough to die in this
clusterfuck as long as they keep their
mouths shut about being queer. Does
this sound like leadership to you?"
Not sure how that's my fault,
but I'm the one who ends up catching the shit for it.
she loses, that will somehow be my
fault, too.
I'm in a lose-lose situation and I hate those.
I'm in a trap and I don't DO traps, so I need to get out.
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Obama rocks
"How well can Obama really do in the Southern,
Red States?": It's what Democrats,
unsure of how to cast their primary vote, have
been saying under their breath.
Yesterday, those Dems got some answers when Obama
charmed a rally in Oklahoma,
one of the reddest states in America. 1,000 people
came out to support Obama in OKC.
Just as surprising, Obama's biggest selling point
for Oklahomans was his stance against the war.
Historically very Republican, Oklahoma gave Bush
a landslide in 2000. And again in 2004.
Even in 1996, when everyone loved Clinton, craggy
old Bob Dole got 49 percent, Clinton 40.
Obama did better yesterday than any might have
predicted - perhaps even Obama's own campaign.
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they read bartcop.com ?
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They read it in Corquin, Copan, Honduras
They read it in Washington, DC (Somebody at HUD was reading)
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Rachel Hunter
vs Beyonce
Maybe a pudding match will settle this feud?
more of Stacy's Mom at BC
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