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BCR Show 111
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Thurs-Friday March 22-23, 2007 Vol
1948 - Serve the damn things
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"I support Obama. I hope he wins the primary.
I also believe that Clinton is a great public servant,
and if she wins the nomination, I would
support her and wish her all the best."
-- Phil de Vellis, creator of the "Hillary 1984" ad,
Damn, that last sentence must've made Arianna burn...
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U.S. Media's
'War on Gore'
by Robert Parry
When historians sort out what happened to the
United States at the start of the 21st Century, one of the mysteries
may be why the national press corps ganged up
like school-yard bullies against a well-qualified Democratic
presidential candidate while giving his dimwitted
Republican opponent virtually a free pass.
How could major news organizations, like The New
York Times and The Washington Post, have behaved so
irresponsibly as to spread falsehoods and exaggerations
to tear down then-Vice President Al Gore - ironically
while the newspapers were berating him for supposedly
lying and exaggerating?
Why did the U.S. news media continue ridiculing
Gore in 2002 when he was one of the most prominent Americans
to warn that George W. Bush's radical policy
of preemptive war was leading the nation into a disaster in Iraq?
Consortiumnews.com is the most important site on the net.
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"When De Vellis was working for Sherrod Brown's
Senate campaign, he e-mailed a negative
Cleveland Plain Dealer article about
Paul Hackett to a number of right-wing blogs.
I don't get it -- I would never hand
those [Republican] bastards a gotcha."
--Steve M., "Fraggings"
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Bush's Document
The dismissal of eight United States attorneys
has elicited a long and ever-growing list of theories by Democrats
about ulterior motives and suspicious coincidences.
Now there is a new one: the document gap. Democrats urged
reporters to press the crooked Bush administration
to explain why in the thousands of pages of e-mail messages
and documents turned over to investigators, there
is almost nothing from Nov. 16 to Dec. 7, the day seven of
the firings occurred. In contrast, there
are hundreds of pages from the weeks after the dismissals. One of the last
e-mail messages before this period was sent by
D. Kyle Sampson, then chief of staff to Tortureboy Gonzales,
to Bush's Maid Harriet, and includes a request
that the White House approve the plan. "We'll stand by for
a green light from you," said the Nov. 15
e-mail message."
If they're innocent,
why can't they talk about it under oath?
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Check outt dissentisterror.com
Subject: current TIME Mag cover
I need a HUUUUUUUGE Barf- Bag Bart,
Reagan's mug with a tear and the title "How the
right went wrong. And why!"
Repug candidates need to reclaim the Reagan Legacy.
What a total farce! What an outrage!
How much more corruption, abuse, defiance and
crime can we endure?
Many of the criminals in power now are from senile
old b^&!^%)'s regime
and Time is telling us we need more.
It makes one want to vomit when history is corrupted
like this.
Steve in Santorum- Free PABart,
That's the biggest picture I could find.
Poor Ronnie has a tear running down his face.
When I saw that, I thought, "Boo Fucking Hoo
for Reagan."
The insane Monkey hijacked his party - but they all love him!
Bush makes Reagan look like a beginner.
Reagan only killed a few hundred soldiers.
Reagan only stole half the Treasury.
Reagan didn't get stuck in a quagmire that has lasted longer than WWII.
Reagan didn't steal $220M a day and lite the fuse for WWIII.
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"Your global warming alarmist pronouncements
are now and have always been filled with
inaccuracies and misleading statements.
The poor pay for it and the science isn't there.
We just can't do that to America, Mr.
Vice President. And we're not going to."
-- Sen. James Inhofe (R-Pissquik) to Al Gore,
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Edwards: Cancer returns
I wonder what those sub-humans, Ann Coulter and Rush Limbuagh,
will be saying about this tragedy - I assume they'll crack jokes and
claim that
they hope that "Breck Girl" John doesn't also get breast cancer, the
sons of bitches.
If I ran the DNC, I'd make damn sure that every racial slur and faggot
that came from their ugly Fascist mouths was attributed to the Republican
But the Democrats would rather lose than fight "dirty."
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Subject: realization
Bart, take your own advise: TELL THE
Catch me in a lie and I'll buy you a car.
Would you tolerate any other candidate's refusal
to answer these questions/charges ?
What questions/charges? The gay thing?
Who wants to
make the 2008 election about gays?
You put tu-tus on them and wanted them to get
a SAC.
What do ya suggest She needs to show her leadership
I don't think she needs my help.
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to Hear
Visit jointhesolution.com/cavegal
New Career: Comedian
This segues, somehow, into DeLay's recounting
of his own history of drunken carousing and serial adultery
while a member of the Texas Legislature. This
period, we learn, ended when DeLay found redemption through
prayer - and, it must be surmised, came to a
deeper understanding of how his survival in conservative politics
depended upon cleaning up his act. If nothing
else, it all was the necessary prerequisite to DeLay becoming
the driving political force behind Clinton's
impeachment for lying about adultery. DeLay is at his comedic best
when describing the Clinton imbroglio as a crisis
forced upon him. "Though I certainly understood a man's
sexual temptations, I was disgusted by the sordid
details...I just hoped the whole thing would go away."
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Subject: Bush thinks law doesn't
apply to him - again
It's amazing that Bush again thinks he's above
the law and that he can decide if
his people are going to testify to Congress under
oath or not. It's not his choice.
The only question is if the Democrats are going
to be intimidated by a fake threat.
Suppose it were president Hillary Clinton telling
a Republican Congress that her people were going to
fight subpoenas and refuse to testify threatening
a constitutional showdown.
Can you imagine that anyone would seriously consider
letter her get away with that?
Marc Perkel
San Bruno, CA.
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DOJ Threatened
Retaliation Against Fired Attorneys
A Justice Department official threatened to take
the "gloves off" and "retaliate" against the eight United States
attorneys who were abruptly removed from their
posts if they continued to speak publicly about the
circumstances behind their dismissals, according
to an email released late Monday sent to the fired prosecutors
by one of their colleagues. The email, a portion
of which had been discussed during a Senate judiciary hearing
two weeks ago, was written by H.E. "Bud" Cummins
on February 20 and sent to US Attorneys Dan Bogden,
John McKay, Carol Lam, David Iglesias and Paul
Charlton immediately after Cummins had a somewhat heated
exchange with Mike Elston, a top aide to Deputy
Attorney General Paul McNulty, about comments Cummins
had made that were published in the Washington
Post on February 18.
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Subject: Rep Lynn Westmoreland
~ Oh Geez, not again!
Hi Bart,
I know everyone has seen my idiot congressman
from Georgia's 3rd Congressional District with his
appearance on the Colbert Report. You'll
remember he didn't know the 10 commandments.
Frankly I'm embarrassed by this no brain, non
thinking, Bush white house mouthpiece.
This new development takes the cake. I just had
to share his idiocy with you.
This fool is OFF THE CHAIN!
I spend a lot of time ragging him in letters to
the editor. I've even receive ugly hate mail as a result.
I promise we've worked hard to get rid of this
fool but we're like you, in a heavily republican area.
Joann in Hamilton, Ga
Republican says Gore not allowed on House floor
Democrats cheered Al Gore's return to Capitol
Hill Wednesday to testify on global warming;
Georgia Republican Lynn Westmoreland didn't.
As Gore visited with former colleagues on the
House floor around lunchtime, Rep. Westmoreland
argued that the Democrat was violating recently
enacted ethics rules rescinding floor privileges for
former congressmen working as agents of a foreign
Because Gore serves as an adviser to Britain on
climate change,
Westmoreland said, he shouldn't have been allowed.
"It is in total violation of the House rules,"
Westmoreland said in an interview after raising a
parliamentary inquiry on the issue. "They don't
even pay any attention to their own rules."
Poppy Bush is an agent for the Saudis, but I'll bet Westmorland
would kiss his ass on the House floor if he showed up.
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"Rin Tin Tin was a movie star. I just have
a slide show."
-- Al Gore, after a sour Dennis
Hastert (R-Sweaty Wrestler) called him a 'movie star'
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Is Karl Rove all over this, too?
How many conversations did Karl Rove have with
top Illinois Republicans about Patrick Fitzgerald?
Ten? Fifty? None?
Did Rove speak directly to Big Bob Kjellander,
whom Rove gave the job of treasurer of the RNC?
Kjellander is the Republican committeeman of Illinois
who flaunts his friendship with Rove and who recently
resigned as treasurer of the RNC. Kjellander
also represented the famous Carlyle Group before the teachers'
pension fund board and he received $4.5 million
in questionable consulting fees.
Did Kjellander discuss Fitzgerald with Rove? I
don't know.
Only Rove can say, before the Senate Judiciary
under oath, with a court reporter present, reminding
that they once demanded that others respect
the rule of law.
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US in Iraq:
Karma watch
The aggressors are the bad guys
America's invasion and subsequent occupation
of Iraq is that it is an unprovoked, criminal, act.
The people who perpetrated it, and especially
those who ordered this slow torture and decimation
of the people of Iraq are simply criminals and
the citizens and institutions who supported them are
no less than accessories to horrible crimes.
And unlike Hitler's Germany, no American can say
they didn't know....
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"I'm not going to resign. I'm going to stay
focused on protecting our kids."
-- Tortureboy
He's going to "protect our kids" by getting rid of
anyone who's not completely loyal to the Giggling Murderer
Butcher of Baghdad does U2
Subject: Congress should hire
fired lawyers
Congress should hire the federal prosecutors that
were fired and give them a key to the White House.
Congress should send them overt there to investigate
anything and anyone that they want.
The talking heads are saying that they " serve
at the pleasure of the president ".
That is wrong . They ALL serve at the pleasure
of the American People.
And "We the people" are tired of his lies.
It is time for Bush to get a " trip to the woodshed
" and his attitude adjusted.
Denny in Ohio
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Stewart - Why the Bushies can't testify
to trade links?
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Sudan offered
bin Laden to Clinton - False
On July 20, Sean Hannity thrice repeated the
false claim that Clinton refused a 1996 offer from Sudan
to hand Osama over to the United States. Hannity
has previously propagated this claim, for which the
9-11 Commission found "no reliable evidence to
As Media Matters for America has noted, the false
claim originated in an August 11, 2002, article on
right-wing news website NewsMax.com that distorted
a statement Clinton made on February 15, 2002.
Clinton said he "pleaded with the Saudis" to
accept Sudan's offer to hand bin Laden over to Saudi Arabia.
Sudan never offered bin Laden to the US, and
Clinton did not admit to the Sudan offer in that speech or anywhere else.
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Subject: Bush Risks War with
the Senate
When Bush and his cronies read our e-mails and
listen to our phone conversations,
the Republicans justify it by saying "If you
have nothing to hide, you have nothing to worry about."
Yet Bush and his cronies don't want to testify
under oath.
"If they have nothing to hide, they have nothing
to worry about."
Hypocrisy, thy name is Republican.
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put Rudy in a dress
Calling all Photoshoppers
I need the best Giuliani-in-a-dress graphic on
the web.
It doesn't have to be real - just a good photoshop
- that'll be the trap.
We'll run that best picture again and again with
"GOP front-runner" above Rudy's head.
When some monkey says, "That
picture is a fake!" we'll run all the
real ones again.
So if you have a chance, put Rudy in a dress - makeup and eyelashes
is a plus.
Let's put Mr. Tough Guy in a cocktail dress and see if he carries
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Subject: BCR 101-107
Just finished my first listen of radio shows 101
through 107. My review:
The Great:
The smack downs of the fascist talking heads
(Pig Boy, O'Lielly, Shemp Hannity) were all great!
Please Please Please do more of these.
The Very Good: The clips from Malloy,
Rhodes, Franken and some other guy (from 107)
were all very good, and more of these would be
The Not so Good: Reading the letters
to the editor from Time and USA Today.
These are not the type of people that would be
convinced to change their minds; they have comsumed
the Kool-Aid. I would suggest reading analyzing
the critiquing the writings of the columnists that piss you off.
They are more likely to influence people and
be more in need of a smack down.
Keep Hammering
Tom, that was helpful - thanks.
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Entertainment Page
has good stuff.
Click on the E!
plays the fool
Boxer slaps his Fascist ass
Here (Has video, too)
Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK) has said Al Gore is
"full of crap" and compared people
who believe in global warming to "the Third Reich."
Wednesday, Inhofe repeatedly interrupted Gore's
testimony saying, "I don't want to be rude,
but from now on, I'm going to ask you to respond in
writing." Inhofe said Gore could respond
verbally only if it was a "very brief response."
Committee chairwoman Barbara Boxer (D-CA) finally
intervened. "Would you agree to let the
Vice President answer your questions?" Inhofe
said Gore could respond when he was done talking,
but Boxer wouldn't have it: "No, that isn't the
rule. You're not making the rules. You used to when
you did this. Elections have consequences. So
I make the rules."
Iraq pumped 3.5M
barrels daily before
Bush invaded
and then they got their 2003 Halliburton
Bush is stealing $220,000,000
No wonder they were so eager to start a war,
stealing $220,000,000
It's the biggest theft in Earth's history.
Exxon made
$10B profit in 90 days
$100M a day - all profit - because Bush started a fake war
Bush's "Bring 'em on"
death taunt is up to...
American victims
We lost 10
more since last issue
while the Little Dictator force-feeds the meatgrinder.
...and how much did BIG OIL make yesterday?
makes $108M - every day
(And that's just ONE oil company)
10 more
are dead, but that's OK because
Exxon makes $75,000
profit per minute
Bush can live with that,
because Iraq's oil wells have
no meters
and his front company is moving
to Dubai.
"I saw the first plane hit the towers." -
Bush, 9-11
TV cameras didn't show the first plane hitting until 9-12.
How did Bush know to look at the WTC when the first plane hit?
Bloomberg News says Iraq is currently pumping 2M barrels a day.
How would they know?
They don't have people on the ground over there, and even if they did
oil wells have no meters
2M barrels is $120M a day - where's that money going?
Bush has killed more Americans than Osama.
AZ Ex-Gov:
"I saw UFO"
In 1987, then-Gov. Fife Symington says he saw
a large triangular "craft of unknown origin" with lights.
"It was dramatic. And it couldn't have been flares
because it was too symmetrical. It had a geometric
outline, a constant shape," Symington said.
So why is he coming clean now about seeing the
It is the 10th anniversary of the sighting, and
Anderson Cooper asked him about it.
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A shot of Chinaco for the guy who did this toon...
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Is that who I think it is?
Carmen Electra
& ...Joan Jett?
Lesbian bombshell to drop - I blame Rodman
the expanded Carmen Electra wing at BC
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