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BCR Show 113
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Friday April 6, 2007 Vol
1956 - Eternally
"They don't believe you should speak your mind.
They don't believe in dissent.
They don't believe in human rights.
Their dark ideology is based upon hatred."
-- Bush, on the differences
between his administration and Osama's, Link
Butt Monkey, how are they different than you?
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'The War made me Insane'
Dick Cheney repeated his assertions of al-Qaida
links to Saddam on Thursday as the Defense
Department released a report citing more
evidence that Saddam did not cooperate with al-Qaida.
"That's my story and I'm sticking with it," said
Cheney, as he strangled a puppy.
"Zarqawi took up residence there before we ever
launched into Iraq, organized the al-Qaida operations
inside Iraq before we even arrived on the scene
and then, of course, led the charge for Iraq until we killed
him last June," Cheney told the vulgar Pigboy.
"As I say, they were present before we invaded Iraq."
However, a declassified Pentagon report released
Thursday said that no matter how much they tortured
Saddam and his former aides, they and documents
confirm that their was no collaberation before the invasion.
Even Lee Hamilton's Whitewash Commission admitted
there was no connection.
Boy, wouldn't you hate to have the "Cheney is sane" side in a college
debate class?
Wouldn't you hate to be Dennis Miller, James Woods, Dennis Hopper,
Ron Silver etc,
and try to have a career after betting your reputation that these Fascists
were sane?
But Cheney has done the impossible - he's made Bush, who admitted years
ago that
there was no connection between the al-Qaida and Saddam, look
sane by comparison.
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dead soldiers so Bush
maximize his oil profits
"The Democrats in Congress have done absolutely
nothing to tell the president he is not a king
and we do not live in a monarchy. They
are allowing him to trash the Constitution because most
of them know nothing about the Constitution
and are concerned only with making headlines about
minor issues and getting themselves
-- Bruce Fein,
...hard to argue with that.
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"The latest massacre of Iraqi children came
as 21 Shia market workers were ambushed,
bound and shot dead north of the capital.
The victims came from the Baghdad market
visited the previous day by John McCain,
the US presidential candidate, who said that
an American security plan in the capital
was starting to show signs of progress."
--James Hider,
I am all over that phony market
story in BCR
113 - up today for sure
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"Every child I saw was wearing the blue school
uniform drenched with blood. Some of their
dresses were torn. I only saw fire.
I heard teachers and students shouting. When we rushed
out of the school, we saw pupils on
the ground, some of them burning."
-- Buthayna Mahmud, 10, on seeing Bush and McCain's "progress" in BaghdadLink
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12,000 more
for Bush's Meat Grinder
Will there be a third surge after the second?
The Defense Department is preparing to send another
12,000 troops to Iraq and Afghanistan,
defense officials said Thursday. The papers
ordering the deployment, which would run for one
year beginning in early 2008, were awaiting Defense
Secretary Robert Gates' signature.
The deployment is sure to ignite a firestorm on
Capitol Hill, where Democrats in Congress
are maneuvering to scale back the U.S. commitment
in Iraq. S
Sure, I'll bet Reid and Pelosi will write Bush
a hot letter - but will they mail it?
Let me guess: They going to "call for"
Bush not to do that.
not bothered, Bart - and here's why
to Hear
Visit jointhesolution.com/cavegal
Subject: Bush didn't support
the 52 American hostages in Iran
Bart. Bush has long been threatening Iran, labeling
them as part of the "axis of evil" etc.,
and he says he considers them a terrorist entity.
So why is it that NOBODY brings up how the Bush
Administration blocked a $33 BILLION
judgement against Iran for the 52 American hostages
that were held in 1979?
Because the Democrats are scared little weenies
who are afraid to list the facts.
The American hostages won that jugdement after
years of attempting compensation.
The judgement was awarded in 2001 and BLOCKED
by Bush's State Department in 2002.
This is on par with Bush family crony Jim Baker
representing the Saudi Royals as defendants
from the American victims' families of 9/11.
Here is a Bush-enabling WaHoPo
link to one article on the subject written in 2006.
The hypocrite is long overdue for impeachment.
Andy P.
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"As an extra bonus, the Iranian president said
going to throw in a case of marshmallow
-- Conan O'Brien, on the hostage
release being 'an Easter gift'
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Subject: military men were sent
to their deaths by President Clinton
You claim that no soldiers were sent to their
deaths under Clinton. That simply is not true.
I know you are going to claim that these don't
count because the operations may have commenced
under the first President Bush, that the soldiers
sent under Clinton were replacements for one's
previously sent by Bush. But the
fact is that soldiers were sent in under Clinton and came back in a box.
Somalia-Operation Restore Hope 1992-93 deaths
= 35 wounded = 153
Haiti: Operations Uphold Democracy 1993-95
deaths = 2 wounded = 3
Intervention Force in Bosnia Operation
Joint Endeavor 1995-96 deaths = 1 wounded = 4
You can still truthfully claim that less than
50 soldiers were sent to their deaths under Clinton
but to claim that none were is to belie your
claim to never lie.
Dave Pittman
Somalia was dumped in Clinton's lap - it wasn't
his idea, it wasn't his operation. His options
were to ride out Bush's bad idea or "snatch the
food from the poor, starving people's mouths."
Bush sent those men into an Al-Qaida stronghold
on a "Meals on Wheels" operation without
they armor they needed to fight the warlords
who were stealing the food in the first damn place.
Plus, Bush the Smarter didn't begin that mission
until after he'd lost the election,
which certainly makes a fair man wonder what
his motives really were.
The Haiti and Bosnia deaths weren't combat related.
You forgot to add: "You
don't have the courage to print this."
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Leahy to
Gonzales: Answers, Please
In a letter today to Tortureboy Gonzales, Pat
Leahy (D-Former (?) Rubberstamp) scolded Gonzales
for failing to respond to prior questions from
the committee and requested that Gonzales prepare a written
statement in advance of his April 17 hearing.
Leahy said the statement should include "a full and complete
account of the development of the plan to replace
United States Attorneys, and all the specifics of your role
in connection with this matter."
The matter is Gonzales sending a Canadian to Syria
to be tortured.
Bush scolded Pelosi for going to Syria, but it's
OK for Bush to have a Torture Treaty with them?
Back in February, Gonzales peomised Leahy an answer about the tortures
next week."
But Leahy, always wanting to be fair, has given him eight weeks
and they still haven't delivered.
Will Leahy gove him another eight weeks?
Or will the Democrats finnaly get enough sac to issue the goddamn subpoenas?
Hey Pat, I have a suggestion:
Stop begging for answers like a schoolgirl!
Play a little hard ball - serve the damn subpoenas!
Can't you pretend
to be a man - just this once?
Help me retire this graphic, Pat.
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"I appreciate those of you who are about to
deploy in an important theater in this war on terror.
I analyzed all the situation
here this fall...
--Dubya, giving the
troops confidence with his mastery of the English language, Link
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Click to visit http://constructiveanarchy.com/blog/
Subject: Hillary/Buzzflash
Is Buzzflash anti-Hillary, like Arianna?
I'd been thinking about donating to them because
they seem so "democratic" but, in view of
the fact they're constantly belittling Hillary,
I'll just keep my donations for Hillary's campaign instead.
To say I'm disappointed is an understatement.
It's disheartening to see how many Democratic
websites are whipping Hillary's butt for voting for the war,
and giving the others a pass. Obama couldn't
vote for or against it, so he has an advantage in that area.
Anyone attacking Her for her vote must be able to explain why they gave
Kerry a pass.
So far, nobody's been able to explain their selective accountability.
You're absolutely right; it's the left who has
this un-warranted vendetta against Hillary; or they're
pretending to be lefties, just to bring Hillary
down. I'm almost certain that much of Obama's money's
coming from the Right wing; simply because they
know what a threat she is to their side.
I'll vote for Obama if he wins the nomination,
but l will continue to support Hillary.
I'm a Harry Truman Democrat.
Marian in Missouri
Obama is the Republicans's dream come true.
If Gore couldn't carry Tennessee, how can Obama?
But, maybe my good friend Mr. Buzzflash is just trying to save
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$36, 3
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for details
for media whores
Great article, try to read it all if you can
"As the White House tries to limit testimony
by Karl Rove, are the media openly siding
with the Democrats?" That was the question
asked by Howard Kurtz of CNN's Reliable Sources.
I don't recall him asking if the White House press
was siding with Republicans during the Monica scandal.
Even now, Chris Matthews badgers his guests with
questions such as "Can Bill Clinton behave himself?"
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Wow! There's tons of good/new stuff on the BartBlog
Volt is doing a heckuva job :)
Broken-Down Army
Matt Zeimer enlisted last June at age 17,
three weeks after graduating from high school in Montana.
After nine weeks of basic training and additional
preparation in infantry tactics in Oklahoma, he arrived
at Fort Stewart, Ga., in early December. But
Zeimer had missed the intense four-week pre-Iraq training,
a taste of what troops will face in combat - that
his 1st Brigade comrades got at their home post in October.
Instead, Zeimer got a cut-rate, 10-day course
on weapon use, first aid and Iraqi culture. That's the same length
as the course that teaches soldiers assigned
to generals' household staffs the finer points of table service.
On Feb. 2, seven months out of high school, he
scrambled to the roof of an outpost in central Ramadi.
Sunni insurgents were attacking. Amid the smoke,
noise and confusion, a blast ripped through the wall
shielding Zeimer and a fellow soldier, killing
them both. Zeimer had been in Iraq for a week.
He had been at his first combat post for two
Dead at 18.
This reminds me of the worst moment I ever had on Bartcop Radio.
It's from BCR
Show 68 which came out Christmas Eve, 2004.
to listen
to download
There's only one bad word in this, but trust me,
you'll want to be alone when you hear this.
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Subject: I'm not bothered
...because the same racists that wouldn't vote
for Obama aren't going to vote for Hillary, either.
They are lost votes. Neither candidate is going
to get them. Seriously - from what group does
Hillary gather more votes than Barack?
Me? I'm an Edwards guy. He's the only one who
seems to notice the middle class has gotten
SCREWED over the last 25 years, including the
8 when Bill was president.
Bill D
Bill, I get that, but America is still a horribly
racist country.
Bart, although I'm not too enthused about Obama,
I still can't imagine a better way
to assure he doesn't succeed than to have Fox
creatures promoting him.
Matt v
I like Obama.
I think with a few year's experience, he could reach greatness.
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Dog unloads on O'Reilly
He sounds like Ol' Bart on a serious vodka jag.
Wish we could talk like this on American TV.
to trade links?
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A few radio shows back, Tommy & I talked about
Raquel Welch at 65
and I forgot to run the picture.
"Mitt Romney announced he's raised $23 million,
Rudy Giuliani said he's
raised $15 million, and Tom Tancredo
announced he's raised two children."
Conan O'Brien
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Subject: you asked...
Bart, you asked,
> Why don't the Democrats call him on this?
> Why are they always so helpless and clueless
and too scared to speak the truth?
Do you think we would hear about it if they had?
Sure we would, because that would be real
That's man-bites-dog news, if the Democrats ever
fought back.
Every weekend they're on Meet the Whore,
Face the Whore, This Whore etc
and they always have lealy-mouth "suggestions"
for Bush instead of demanding
that this crooked bunch of thugs give the people
what we voted for in 2006.
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Subject: misplaced blame. Please
familiarize with dailyhowler.org
please stop the madness.
media millionaires f screwed our futures.
JR, you were terriblt unclear, so I'll have to guess:
We should all get behind Nader's 2 percent and pray for a miracle?
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Bob Barr
During the Clinton administration, Bob
Barr of Georgia was one of the most visible Republicans in America.
In 1998, the arch-conservative was a House manager
of Clinton's impeachment trial. But since leaving Congress
in 2003, Barr has become a vocal critic of the
constitutionally questionable policies of George W. Bush. In 2004,
he declined to support Bush's reelection, and
in late 2006 he formally left the GOP to take a leadership position in
the Libertarian Party. Two weeks ago, Barr and
several other conservative heavyweights announced the founding
of the American Freedom Agenda, a group opposed
to what it sees as assaults on civil liberties in post-9/11 America.
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Subject: I'll answer your question
Bart, you asked:
> Doesn't it bother you that FOX News, Rush,
and the rest want Obama to be the Demo nominee?
Answer: Who cares what the right-wing loons
"Who acres what the enemy does in a life-and-death
Did you really mean to start your rebuttal that
I am sure it is harder in Oklahoma, but try.
What is harder in Oklahoma?
You're not making any sense.
The same ones also said YOU were a fascist.
What? I've never been attacked by FOX,
Rush or any of them.
You're not making any sense.
The same ones also say Hillary is a murderer.
True? On and on.
Why would you pay any attention to anything they
If they were telling lies about Obama,
you'd have a point.
But they're talking about how great he is, how
another RFK"
and that he's "a
breath of fresh air" to the Democratic
When a Republican tells the truth, you have to
wonder what their motives are.
You are going to give yourself a stroke -- you
get so hysterical, defending Hillary.
Now -- go ahead and say no "hard lefter" answered
you, like last time.
Elizabeth the hard-lefter
I'm not
defending her - a Hillary victory will kill my only source of income,
but the facts are the facts,
and I can't change the facts by wishing they weren't true.
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Entertainment Page
has good stuff.
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US aids
Terrorists in Iraq
by Michael Ware, the best reporter in Iraq
An Iranian opposition group based in Iraq, labeled
a terrorist organization by the United States,
gets protection (and
funding) from the U.S. military despite
Iraqi pressure to leave the country.
The U.S. considers the Mujahedeen-e-Khalq, or
MEK, a source of valuable intelligence on Iran.
The group also is credited with helping expose
Iran's secret nuclear program through spying on Tehran for decades.
Iranian officials tied the MEK to an explosion
in February at a girls school in Zahedan, Iran. (Full
Bush's State Department considers the MEK a terrorist
organization -- meaning no American can deal with it;
U.S. banks must freeze its assets; and any American
giving support to its members is committing a crime.
Bush is funneling money to these beheading bastards.
They are kidnapping Iranian diplomats who've been invited to Iraq by
the government.
I'm all over this in BCR
Show 113, out today for sure.
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Subject: Yesterday's Monkey mail
haha, that's what I wanted, I knew you would do
something like that, haha
but what you don't know is you have no consent
to publish that and I have a paid lawyer.
You may ask me if can post it though.
Good Day,
Dan Taylor
Dan, tell your lawyer I chew up and spit out two-bit chislers like him
every day.
If you've got the balls, tell him I'll pay your filing fees.
I've been begging for for somebody to sue me for over a decade.
So, ...do you feel lucky, punk?
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Iraq pumped 3.5M
barrels daily before
Bush invaded
and then they got their 2003 Halliburton
Bush is stealing $220,000,000
No wonder they were so eager to start a war,
stealing $220,000,000
It's the biggest theft in Earth's history.
Exxon made
$10B profit in 90 days
$100M a day - all profit - because Bush started a fake war
Bush's "Bring 'em on"
death taunt is up to...
American victims
We lost 2
more strolling around McCain's "Paradise,"
while the Little Dictator tells us "The surge is working."
...and how much did BIG OIL make yesterday?
makes $108M - every day
(And that's just ONE oil company)
2 more
dead, but that's OK because
Exxon makes $75,000
profit per minute
Bush can live with that,
because Iraq's oil wells have
no meters
and his front company is moving
to Dubai.
Bloomberg News says Iraq is currently pumping 2M barrels a day. (Lies)
But even 2M barrels is $120M
a day - where's that money going?
Bush has killed more Americans than Osama.

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America's sweetheart gets a boob job (It's
a joke - don't write)
more hotties in our BC
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