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Weekend-Monday April 7-9, 2007 Vol
1957 - Neo-Con Plot
"Gonzales has been a major embarrassment
for the administration
by the way he has mishandled issues
for a while now."
-- Michigan Rep. Vern Ehlers (R) saying Gonzales should resign, Link
Gonzales is ineffective.
How can he read our e-mails, watch our banks accounts and listen to
our phone calls
if he's busy trying to keep his crony job at the Department of Republican
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Still Lie with Abandon
by Robert Parry
What makes Bush and Cheney such extraordinary
threats to the future of American democracy is
their readiness to tell half-truths and outright
lies consistently without any apparent fear of accountability.
While other politicians might spin some facts
in a policy debate or tell a fib about a personal indiscretion,
Bush and Cheney act as if they have the power
and the right to manufacture reality itself, often on matters
of grave significance that bear on war and peace
or the future of the nation.
Even in the face of growing public skepticism,
Bush and Cheney continue to invent new lies and retell old ones,
seemingly with the goal of at least keeping their
gullible right-wing "base" behind the faux reality depicted on
Fox News, the Rush Limbaugh radio show and other
right-wing media outlets.
With Bush, there are now two truths.
Some say the world is round, Bush says it's not - so we have two truths.
Bush (and McCain) say Iraq is getting safe enough to go to shopping,
your eyes and the facts and 60 Minutes and CNN's Michael Ware say it's
Reminder: We'll know Baghdad
is safe when Bush, Cheney and Rice announce their intention
to visit Baghdad - and then walk the streets without armor and 100
soldiers surrounding them.
Also, when Clinton was president, the whore media would "parse" his
They'd take every single word he said and research it and then report
back that when Clinton said
he did something in April of 1988, it was really May of 1988, well,
that was "proof" that Clinton lied.
In the 2000 debates, Gore off-the-cuff said he visited some FEMA project.
Turns out, he visited
33 FEMA projects, but not that particular one so, that was "proof"
that Gore lied.
Tops among the lying enablers were FOX News, Maureen Dowd and Tim
the Whore.
but when Bush does this to our country,
and when Bush does this to our country,
the whore media covers for him, helping him deceive us with his
corrupt cronies.
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"Thank youse all very much for invitin' me
here tuh-day,
to this meeting of the families from
different parts'a California."
-- Rudy Giuliani, impersonating Don Corleone in a campaign speech in California,Link
"We don't think it's funny. We stopped
laughing a long time ago."
--Dona De Sanctis
of the Order Sons of Italy, Link
Wasn't Giuliani's dad a mobster?
Didn't he do time for being a mobster?
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"Bush can't simultaneously complain that his
nominees aren't being accorded due process
and take steps to avoid due
-- WaHoPo editorial board,
on Dubya's use of recess appointments,
"All three are extraordinarily bad appointments
-- and three more reminders of how Bush's claims
of wanting to work with Congress are
just empty words."
-- NYWTimes editorial,
on Dubya appointing Sam Fox to Belgium as ambassador, Susan Dudley
OMB, and Andrew Biggs, to Social Security, while Congress is in recess,
"The Bush folks showed some rare gumption toward
Congress with its appointments this week."
-- WSJ editorial, who
never met an unqualified Bush crony they didn't like
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"It was the most horrifying experience in the
There weren't enough life boats.
We had to walk a plank from the ship
to a ferry boat."
-- 18-year-old Claire Chevrier of Boca Raton, Fla., who survived the sinking
of the Sea Diamond.
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to skip Fox News debate
Some have a problem with that - not me
John Edwards has pulled out of a second debate
co-hosted by Fox News Channel,
saying the cable network has a conservative slant.
The Edwards campaign said it will not attend the
Sept. 23 debate hosted by Fox News and the
Congressional Black Caucus Institute, but officials
added that Edwards will participate in a different
debate hosted by the institute and CNN.
"There's just no reason for Democrats to give
Fox a platform to advance the right-wing agenda
while pretending they're objective," said Jonathan
Prince, Edwards' deputy campaign manager.
That looks like straight talk to me, and it gives
a FOX a chance to lie, "What can he mean?"
That might spark a discussion of the stupid and
clumsu lies that media whores like FOX tell and
it might even be a springboard for our media
to feel some shame about their whoring for Bush.
not bothered, Bart - and here's why
to Hear
Visit jointhesolution.com/cavegal
Subject: help is on the way?
Thanks for bringing up the "Help is on the way"
theme that Bush kept using during the 2000 campaign.
That always bugged the hell out of me and I couldn't
believe people fell for it either.
If ever there was a time for the Democrats to
start using this phrase about Bush
and the Rethuglican party, now would be the time.
If the Democrats had any brains, in the 2008 race, they would play clips
of, ...uh, ...nevermind.
No sense in finishing that sentence.
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"As I say, they (Al-Qaeda) were present before
we invaded Iraq."
-- Dick Cheney, with the vulgar
Pigboy, lying again, Link
"Cheney is increasingly out of touch with reality.
He seems to think that by lying about things,
he can make others believe they are
so. In Limbaughland, he's right. In Limbaughland, not only
were Saddam and Al Qaeda linked but
-- more significantly -- liberals hate America. In Limbaughland,
Cheney can say a lot simply by failing
to disagree with his host's assertions."
Froomkin, Link
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National Humiliation
by Bush's Top cheerleader, Andrew Sullivam
As an Englishman in America let me vent my first
response: this was a national humiliation.
You could see it on Blair's face: his recognition
that he had been bested in global public relations
by a psychopathic religious fanatic, and had
been forced into what was at best a stand-off with an
unscrupulous thug who is busy trying to help
kill British soldiers in Iraq.
The question of why or how such painfully young,
insufficiently armed recruits were deemed suitable
for the front line in a global war remains in
the air. The Royal Navy will have to answer a lot of
questions in due course. But this was surely
not its finest hour.
One is naturally sceptical of the assertion that
the release was accomplished, in Blair's words,
"without any deal, without any negotiation, without
any side-agreement of any nature whatsoever".
But there is no obvious quid pro quo staring
us in the face.
What's he talking about?
We traded some Iranian kidnapping vicims for
those 15 Brits?
Why is Sullivan pretending that didn't happen?
And did the Britsy intentionally allow themselves to be captured?
What else would explain their lack of air support?
A flying gunship or two would've kept Iran's Republithugs from grabbing
those Brits.
Did they have orders to stand down like our boys on 9-11?
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"It is utter rubbish. It's electoral propaganda.
It is simply not true. No one in his right mind
who has been to Baghdad believes McCain's
story...If he did walk around that market,
you can bet your life there were an
awful lot of soldiers deployed to make sure that nobody
came near that place. He's talking
rubbish. And he should not get away with it."
CBS News's Allen Pizzey calling McCain on his campaign-ending lies,Link
Did you see McCain's interview on 60 Minutes?
When they asked him why he lied, he said, "because
I'm a whore."
Too late, John, your campaign is over.
so mad I could shit myself!"
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Click to visit http://constructiveanarchy.com/blog/
McCain hires
Nixon's "Jew counter"
McCain announced that he had hired former Nixon
staffer Fred Malek as finance co-chairman.
However, as David Corn noted, the McCain campaign's
press release "left out Malek's history of
counting Jews for Nixon." As Corn reported,
Nixon suspected that a "cabal" of Jews at the Bureau
of Labor Statistics was skewing economic figures
to make the administration look bad and assigned
Malek to report back on how many Jews were employed
at BLS. When Bush the smarter hired Malek
in 1988, revelations in the press regarding Malek's
work for Nixon reportedly led him to resign.
McCain's hiring of Malek would seem to warrant
the same disclosures from the media...
But the media is only interested in HELPING the Republicans, not telling
the truth about them.
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Subject: 'Tim' and his
website criticism
Hello Bart,
Although I am a regular on the forum and from
time to time on the chat room, I don't read your site regularly.
In fact I disagree with you on several subjects,
and many others I don't particularly care about.
If you mentioned the subjects, maybe I could straighten you out :)
But I felt need to write to you for the first
time ever and send you my support
for whatever way you decide to run your website
as, however much I disagree with it.
If you disagree with me, you're probably wrong.
Your site, your content, write what you want,
when you want or don't write if you don't want to, or cannot.
I don't contribute financially, so the only thing
I have the right to do is not read you if I don't like it.
And I believe when you ask for contributions you
"Send me money to help maintain this" not "Send
me money to have a say in what I write".
Keep on your work as you see fit, I will probably
keep on disagreeing but still have a laugh from time to time.
PS: You are also read in Toulouse, France.
Thanks for the feedback.
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Pope to
Bush: "Stop the slaughter"
Bush to Pope: "GFY, old man"
Even on Christianity's most joyous day, Benny
the Rat lamented the "continual slaughter" in Iraq
and unrest in Afghanistan as he denounced "the
thousand faces of violence which some people
attempt to justify in the name of religion."
"How many wounds, how much suffering there is
in the world," he said to the flock in St. Peter's Square.
The Pope has it wrong. He should asked,
"How many millions of barrels of oil, how
many super-tankers is enough, George?"
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Random Thought...
Remember when Michael Moore won his Oscar for F-911?
He said Bush was a crazy criminal and that the war was a major diaster
and the mainstream media, always there to protect Bush, crucified
Turns out Mike was right.
Now, everyone agrees that he was right all along.
Michael Moore is just ahead of his time.
A shot of Chinaco to Michael Moore.
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to trade links?
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Check out dissentisterror.com
Random Thought...
The Bushies constantly complain that America isn't getting a valid view
of Iraq.
So why doesn't FOX News do some fascinating hour-long specials about
the schools
we built and allll the families that are coming back to Baghdad
and allll the small businesses
that have opened up to take advantage of the peace that has begun to
spread throught the region?
No, FOX doesn't broadcast anything like that.
Instead, you get an endless parade of paid-for media whores
who SAY
things are better and SAY
that Bush knows what he's doing..
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Subject: Bush knew the price
of a gallon of gasoline
Are they frigging joking, of course he knows the
prices of gas!
He didn't even hestitate when they asked him.
It was the most sure answer I've ever seen him give.
OMG, they think the wrong answer would go down
bad with voters? Could the media be any dumber?
It's just the opposite. To me, the right answer
just confirms how important the price of gas is to him.
He couldn't give a crap what the rest of us think.
What a tool!
Kim in Texas
ps...Bush was born in Connecticut. He is not
from Texas!
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Why I Hate
the Democrats
by Arianna Huffington - Are we sure she's on our side?
There is a major disconnect in the 2008 Democratic
race for the White House.
While all the top candidates are vying for the
black and Latino vote, they are completely ignoring
one of the most pressing issues affecting those
constituencies: the failed War on Drugs, a war that
has morphed into a war on people of color.
Consider this: according to a 2006 ACLU report,
African Americans make up 15 percent of drug users,
but account for 37 percent of those arrested
on drug charges, 59 percent of those convicted, and 74 percent
of all drug offenders sentenced to prison. Or
consider this: America has 260,000 people in state prisons on
nonviolent drug charges; 183,200 (more than 70
percent) are black or Latino.
Hey, Gasoline Lady, I agree but let's get a Democrat elected
and then we can fix what's wrong with them.
You do want a Democrat to win - right Arianna?
Have you ever voted for a Democrat for president?
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Subject: Mike Palecek Tour
Mike has written several novels. [www.iowapeace.com]
On the tour he is talking about his newest, "The
American Dream," and calling for the country to
impeach President George W. Bush, investigate
the Bush administration's involvement in 9-11,
and the prosecution of Bush, Dick Cheney, Karl
Rove, and Donald Rumsfeld for war crimes against humanity.
Mike Palecek will be appearing next in Spirit
Lake, Iowa [April 10], Rochester, MN [April 12],
Des Moines [Grinnell College, April 13; Ritual
Cafe, April 14], Iowa City [Public Library, April 15],
Minneapolis [Magers & Quinn, April 16; Magus
Books, April 17], Duluth [College of St. Scholastica,
Duluth Catholic Worker, April 18], Winnipeg [Mondragon
Bookstore, April 19].
Contact Mike: mpalecek@rconnect.com.
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Drudge smears
Michael Ware
He called him a drunk and worse
CNN's Michael Ware has reported from Iraq for
four years and regularly corrects the record
when politicians mislead about conditions on
the ground there. Now he's under attack.
Yesterday, Matt Drudge (R-Whore) posted an "exclusive"
allegation - based on an anonymous,
unnamed source - claiming that Ware had acted
inappropriately during a press conference and
implied that Ware is an alcoholic:
"During a live press conference in Bagdad,
McCain and Graham were heckled by CNN reporter
Michael Ware. An official at the press conference
called Ware's conduct "outrageous," saying,
"here you have two senators giving first-hand
reports while Ware is laughing and mocking their
comments. I've never witnessed such disrespect.
This guy is an activist not a reporter."
Drudge always prints right-wing lies.
We know because the
press conference was taped.
As far as the alcohol part, how long could Matt Drudge stay sober in
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Subject: FOX Whore News
When Fox News says the mainstream media isn't
reporting on the good things happening in Iraq,
how come they never follow that statement with
two or three examples of this supposed good news?
I think this
story tells us why.
They can't find that good news story when their
reporters are just trying to survive every day.
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Iraq pumped 3.5M
barrels daily before
Bush invaded
and then they got their 2003 Halliburton
Bush is stealing $220,000,000
No wonder they were so eager to start a war,
stealing $220,000,000
It's the biggest theft in Earth's history.
Exxon made
$10B profit in 90 days
$100M a day - all profit - because Bush started a fake war
Bush's "Bring 'em on"
death taunt is up to...
American victims
We lost 15
more strolling around McCain's "Paradise,"
while the Little Dictator tells us "The surge is working."
...and how much did BIG OIL make yesterday?
makes $108M - every day
(And that's just ONE oil company)
15 more
dead, but that's OK because
Exxon makes $75,000
profit per minute
Bush can live with that,
because Iraq's oil wells have
no meters
and his front company is moving
to Dubai.
Bloomberg News says Iraq is currently pumping 2M barrels a day. (Lies)
But even 2M barrels is $120M
a day - where's that money going?
Bush has killed more Americans than Osama.
Most Unwanted
by Alan Bisbort
When Geraldo Rivera was kicked out of Iraq by
the U.S. military in April 2003 for revealing troop movements
on Fox News, Conan O'Brien observed, "This means
Saddam will once again be the most hated man in Iraq."
And yet, compared to Bill O'Reilly, Geraldo seems
like Gandhi.
At least he did the other night on Bill's Padded
Cell Playhouse, The No Spin Zone, when Moustache Man reduced
O'Really to blind, sputtering rage. While O'Really
was going on about an illegal alien involved in a fatal DWI accident,
Geraldo cut him off in mid-sentence and said,
"Don't obscure tragedy to make a cheap political point."
Check the footage at Crooks and Liars or YouTube,
and you'll witness the closest thing to a head exploding on TV.
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comes up short
"#%@(*&%$^&#% I can't catch a break today!""
They opened the telecast with,
"Augusta, Georgia, where The Tiger comes to
Oh, behave!
My, what a temper this Eldrick has.
Listen for that in BCR
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