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BCR Show 113
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Tuesday April 10, 2007 Vol
1958 - Fetal-alky-Prez

Refrigerator Magnets
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Three by four inches - the perfect size!
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"Bush went on vacation to his ranch in Texas
You know, ...aren't we at war? Anybody
else's weekend start on Wednesday?
Try that at your job: 'Boss, I'd like
to take the weekend off. I'll be leaving Tuesday night."
-- Jay Leno
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Toward Failure in Iraq
by Robert Parry
The United States has long since "lost" the war
in Iraq. As many military and intelligence analysts recognize,
it is not winnable in any normal sense of the
word. The "surge" of sending tens of thousands more U.S. troops
into Iraq only guarantees that the final body
count will be higher and the piles of IOUs bigger.
To get a sense of the inevitable disaster ahead,
just envision the conditions for U.S. troops stuck in police
stations around Baghdad when the summer temperatures
rise to over 100 degrees and tempers turn just as hot.
By then, too, Iraqi insurgents will have adjusted
their tactics to take advantage of isolated American soldiers.
The U.S. death toll in and around Baghdad is already
This a mess.
This is a BIG mess.
This is a BIG mess with nothing but bad-and-worse alternatives.
How do we get out?
(See the Michael Ware report below)
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"According to the latest Gallup Poll, Bush
is stuck at 38%.
His standing has stayed below 40% for
seven consecutive months.
Only two presidents have suffered longer
strings of such low ratings.
One was Truman during the Korean stalemate,
the other was Nixon during Watergate."
-- Susan Page, USAToday.com
I participated in this poll.
Of the 1008 adults surveyed, I might have been the most opinionated.
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Subject: Why Kerry gets a pass
but Hillary doesn't
I have explained it, horseshit artist,
and I'm now sure that many others have as well.
You mean the answer is so obvious,
there's no need to say what it is?
ha ha
Were you captain of the debate team at Monkey College?
Actually, several people tried to answer, but nobody came close.
My good friends over at Buzzflash tell me you
are a weenie who is no damn friend of theirs.
They don't know you and they don't want to know
Banana fact:
Bananas are high in iron, so they can help with your period, bitch.

Bush lied
about size of troop surge
After Bush announced his plan to send slightly
over 20,000 additional American soldiers to the meatgrinder,
a CBO report emerged predicting that the "surge"
could balloon to 48,000 soldiers, with support personnel.
CBO Director Peter Orszag told Ike Skelton (D-MO)
that "[The] CBO assumed that additional support
troops would be deployed in the same proportion
to combat troops that currently exists in Iraq."
"That approach would require a total of 48,000,"
he said.
Are we going to see the biggest Democratic landslide in history?
Or will the Democrats find a way to screw this up, too?
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Subject: Peace march in San Fran
Hey Bart,
I love the new radio format (but I liked the
old one, too, so I guess you could call me biased).
I've been meaning to write since March 18 to
be exact and tell you about our experiences at the Peace March
in San Francisco on that date. Patti and
I decided to march with the Native American contingent at the head
of the procession. We felt like we had
more in common with them than any of the other groups, now that
we've had our country stolen too, plus they had
great drums. ha ha
My WPE tee-shirt was a hit and I gave out a lot
of Bartcop cards. So, when we reached the Civic Center
and were perusing the displays, a guy walked
up to me and asked if I read Bartcop, too.
'But of course', I respond and find myself talking
to the GREAT Bruce Yurgil. I have to say, it was a pleasure
to shake his hand and tell him how important
his work is. He was literally GIVING prints away, $4.00 for small
and $6.00 for large. When he tried to give
me change, I just told him to put it to work for the cause.
If it wasn't for you, I might not even know who
he is.
Don D

"Pelosi's visit to Syria was a mistake, that
it was bad for us and good for the Syrians.
I say this because we're in a war.
We're in a war against the Islamic terrorists who
attacked us on 9-11-01. Syria is a
state sponsor of terrorism...When Nancy Pelosi goes there,
she sends a message of disunity. She
legitimizes the Syrian goverment.
- Kissyface, Bush's echo chamber for misinformation
"But Syria had nothing to do with 9-11..."
-- Wolf the Whore, smacking
Kissyface with the facts, Link
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Dems to
FOX NEWS: Suck on this
Edwards, Obama, Hillary opt out of Facsist debate
The decision by Obama and Hillary follows an
announcement last week by John Edwards that he
would forgo the Fox witch hunt. Without Obama,
Clinton and Edwards, however, Fox would be
missing the only three contenders for the Democratic
presidential nomination.
We need a national debate on just how racist
these FOX News liars are.
Maybe this will be the springboard for that muich
needed debate.
not bothered, Bart - and here's why
to Hear
Visit jointhesolution.com/cavegal
Subject: it's always about you
As a former regular to your site, I can see that
nothing has changed.
Yor site would really rock if ir wasn't about
YOU all the time.
But then again, it IS your site.
A former regular and obscure blogger,
Ted P
OK, from now on the page will be all about Ted P.
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"In the Middle East, nothing positive
comes from Iraq,
torn apart by continual slaughter
as the civil population flees."
-- Benny the Rat, in his traditional
"Urbi wan Kenorbi" Easter address,
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Iraq to
Bush: FO and Get out!
"Bush is a monkey dressed in a man suit!" the crowds chanted.
Tens of thousands of protesters loyal to Moktada
al-Sadr took to the streets of the holy city of Najaf
on Monday in an extraordinarily disciplined rally
to demand an end to the American military presence
in Iraq, burning American flags and chanting
to America!" and "Bush is a shoe-licker!"
Residents said that the angry, boisterous demonstration
was the largest in Najaf, the heart of Shiite
religious power, since Bush's bloody invasion
in 2003. It took place on the 4th anniversary of the fall
of Baghdad, and it was an obvious effort by Mr.
Sadr to show the extent of his influence here in Iraq.
Moktada's father opened the first Krispy Kreme
in Najaf.
Saw it on http://constructiveanarchy.com/blog/
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"I'll never forget the sight of all those B-1s
out there. The Berlin Wall had not fallen yet
and we were still in the midst of the
Cold War. I had dreams of being in a flight suit,
hearing the scramble signal, and heading
to Moscow with the bombs loaded."
-- Rush Limbaugh, his
syphilitic fever raging again
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Click to visit http://constructiveanarchy.com/blog/
Imus suspended
for racial slurs?
I don't get it - why was Imus suspended?
He was hired to spew racist hatred and he's good at his job.
That's why Rush was hired
That's why Hannity was hired.
That's why O'Reilly was hired.
That's why Michael Savage was hired.
That's why Glen Beck was hired.
That's why Paul Harvey was hired.
(Did you know he regularly has sex with horses? Or used to, anyway)
That's why Mancow was hired.
That's why FOX Whore News was built - to spew hatred against
the gays, Jews,
the blacks, the poor, gypsies, the doctors and professionals - all
the people Hitler hated.
In corporate America, that's considered entertainment.
That's why Phil Donahue was cancelled - no Nazi hatred in his show.
That's why Mike Malloy and Randi Rhodes are on tiny stations with little
That's why Bartcop Radio is only heard by dozens.
Why do you think all the people in bold are super-rich and we're
Because Nazi hate sells in America.
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Subject: McCain should do it
John McCain says that Iraq is safe and said he
would have walked through the market in
Baghdad without the military protection that
surrounded him last week when he was there.
Does McCain actually expect anyone to believe
him? Mr. Straight Talk Express should
actually do it, walk in Baghdad without protection.
Show us how it's done.
If he wants to prove a point bad enough he could
make it happen. But he won't because he's lying to us.
He's telling us that the only reason he didn't
go unguarded was because the military wouldn't let him.
Our soldiers are fighting and dying so that McCain
can pose in front of them for political purposes.
I think the next time McCain goes to Iraq he
should let the Iraqis protect him.
And if someone doesn't put a bullet in his back,
I'll vote for him.
Marc Perkel
San Bruno, CA.
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$36, 3
for $100
$23 each, 5 for $100
(Must be sent to same address)

2 for $12
Three by four inches - the perfect size!
to order
The BFEE's
Epic Collapse
by Joe Klein, less whore than some, but still a whore
The three big Bush stories of 2007 precisely
illuminate the three qualities that make Bush the WPE.
Arrogance (the surge), incompetence (Walter Reed)
and cynicism (the U.S. Attorneys).
Personal motives have skewed the President's judgment
about the war. Saddam tried to
kill his dad; his dad didn't try hard enough
to kill Saddam. There was payback to be had.
The mold and decrepitude at Walter Reed are likely
to be only the beginning of the tragedy,
the latest example of incompetence in this Administration.
The firing of the U.S. Attorneys is a relatively
minor matter, but once again Karl Rove's operation
has corrupted a policy area--like national security--that
should be off-limits to political operators.
Joe, Bush making $2B a week is an accidental by-product
of his zeal to avenge his Daddy?
C'mon Joe - when in history has somebody accidentally made $2B a week
for 4 years?
You need to stop getting your facts from Rush and Drudge
and start reading bartcop.com if you want the truth
about these bastards.
Read the back pages, Joe.
When you were screaming, "Bush is God," we
were telling the truth.
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you a dollar you can't click
NOT laugh out loud at this truism
Subject: re: ragging on Tiger
Bart, there you go again - always slamming Tiger
I hate you,
Riley, I was not slamming Tiger Woods.
Streaks are hard to keep alive when Zack Johnson
is in da house!.
Check out dissentisterror.com
Advice for
Considering what they did to Kerry (Turning a war hero into a simpering,
snivelling coward)
what will the GOP do to a decent fella like Barack Obama?
First, they're going to alter his image to make it even darker,
to remind the racist bastards
(which is what, about a third of the country?) that's he's "one
them - a negro."
Then they'll manufacture some "scandal" that the whore media will run
with 24/7.
Then they'll point to his less-than extensive experience and ask,
"With Al Qaeda on the hunt,
can we trust our future to an undistinguished,
unqualified Democrat named Hussein?"
They'll run that commercial 1000 times, (10,000 in the South.)
To paraphrase Lee Atwater (R-Rotting in hell)
"They'll make Osama bin Laden Hussein Obama's
running mate."
If I was advising the Obama camp, I would have a reporter ask him,
"Do you expect the GOP to play the race card
to scare voters away from you?"
Obama should answer, "Probably. We expect
that will happen- but it would be nice if they
respected the America voters too much to stoop
to such gutter-level politics. It would be
nice if the Republicans were too decent to
pull such a divisive stunt - we'll have to see."
That's just like a raise in poker.
Do they DARE pull the race card after Obama predicts they'll go dirty?
Sure they will, but it makes Obama look like a genius for calling it
before it happens.
Then, when they pull that stunt, Obama can take the high road and say,
"I was hoping they had more class, but I guess
I was too optimistic."
But it all starts with getting on the record early
that the race card is expected
because the GOP bastards always fight dirty.
Of course, they'll attempt to personally destroy whoever our
nominee is,
so I'd like to see a rough-and-tumble primary season to thinken up
Obama's hide.
I want to see Obama angry BEFORE we make a final decision on our nominee.
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to trade links?
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Bush wins
Easter Egg Roll
Kids cry foul, "Secret Service held us back"
Thousands of rich republican kids dressed for
winter weather searched for Easter eggs
at a White House ceremony dating back longer
than Bob Dole's been alive.
The annual White House Easter Egg Roll, started
in 1878, typically has been a rite of spring in Washington.
But on Monday, it was afflicted by winter's parting
bite - the air was colder than Pickles when Bush is drinking.
Undaunted, the Hitler Youth sprang into action
under the watchful eyes of their families, Reich hostess Pickles Bush
and several Bush administration henchmen herrded
the little crumb-crunchers into line to get the eggs..
Several kids were treated and released after being
manhandled by overzealous Secret Service agents.
"They held us back, twisted our arms and tripped
us so the goofy old guy could win," said
Timmy Braun.
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Subject: BCR tech problem
I have a technical problem with your shows which
started when you switched to the 80 minutes a week format.
I use an iPod. I download your shows from
your site then add them to my iPod library on my Mac. Then I
update my iPod and play the file. Pretty
standard stuff. Your shows play all right as long as I don't stop
iPod or try to fast forward. When I do
that, I seem to lose track of where we are in the show. Say if I
to fast forward from minute 10, it will just
keep cycling through the same one or two minutes instead of really
moving through the file. When I turn the
iPod off, then turn it back on later, the file restarts somewhere near
the beginning and won't fast forward very far
from that point. Long story short, unless I have the uninterrupted
time to continuously go through all 80 minutes
of your show, I can't get to the end. That sucks.
This little feature only happens with your shows.
I download about 30 podcasts a week, some longer than yours.
None of them has this problem. (In fact one,
called "best of the left", is separated into little segments and I can
jump ahead from segment to segment - very cool)
I suspect this error has something to do with the way you are
encoding the mp3s, but I have no real expertise
in mp3 encoding and so I can't give you any more of a clue than that.
I love listening to your shows and I want to keep
listening to them the same way I listen to everything else,
but this "feature" is becoming enough of a pain
in the ass that I have to write and complain.
I hope you can figure it out for me.
Any body have any clues for Mike?
I could chop the shows up into smaller pieces, but then the people
who want to hit "download" and be done with it will get hurt.
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sailors can sell stories
The 15 Brits held by Iran for nearly two weeks
have permission to sell their stories to the media,
the Ministry of Defense said Sunday, making an
exception because of what it called "exceptional" interest.
"It was clear that the stories they had to tell
were likely to have emerged via family and friends
regardless of any decision the navy took," the
ministry statement said.
sailors can not sell stories
Britain bans military personnel from selling
their stories to the media.
The policy change by the British defense ministry,
which came after a swirl of public condemnation,
will not affect deals the service members have
already struck with media outlets. Faye Turney, the only
woman among the hostages held for two weeks,
agreed to sell her story for close to $200,000.
I'll bet Bush called his Poodle and yanked on his leash.
Bush doesn't want anyone but his friends to profit from his "mistakes."
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Subject: re: Rudy's mobster shtick
Jeez, what if Obama ran onstage for every speech
to the theme from "Shaft"?
Or worse yet, some song from Paul Simon's "Graceland"?
Jeff in Chicago,
Jeff, the only thing that could be worse if is
some candidate
needed a theme song and decided on Paul Simon's
"Call me Al."
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Entertainment Page
has good stuff.
House, one of TV's best.
Denny Crain, insane GOP lawyer.
The Shield, Forest Whitaker's last show.
Will he go out in handcuffs or a pine box?
Tons more TV info at
Click on the E!

Potemkin Village
by Joe Conason
Consider the happy talk from Representative Mike
Pence, an ultraconservative Indiana Republican who
has visited Iraq on several occasions. At the
press conference that inevitably followed the Shorja photo op,
Mr. Pence said he had been inspired by the opportunity
to "mix and mingle unfettered among ordinary Iraqis,"
drinking tea and haggling over carpets. To him,
the Baghdad shops were "like a normal outdoor market in
Indiana in the summer time." Senator Lindsey
Graham boasted of buying "five rugs for five bucks,"
"You think life is cheap in Iraq?
Check out the prices on those rugs!"
-- Jon Stewart
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Subject: re: England's National
Bart, yesterday's article said,
"You could see it on Blair's face: his recognition
that he had been bested
in global public relations by a psychopathic
religious fanatic, and had been
forced into what was at best a stand-off
with an unscrupulous thug
who is busy trying to help kill British
soldiers in Iraq."
You think they'd want to talk about the stand-off
with Iran, not his relationship with Bush.
ha ha
Wish I'd thought of that.
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Iraq pumped 3.5M
barrels daily before
Bush invaded
and then they got their 2003 Halliburton
Bush is stealing $220,000,000
No wonder they were so eager to start a war,
stealing $220,000,000
It's the biggest theft in Earth's history.
Exxon made
$10B profit in 90 days
$100M a day - all profit - because Bush started a fake war
Bush's "Bring 'em on"
death taunt is up to...
American victims
We lost 10
yesterday and
more over the weekend
strolling around, shopping for rugs in McCain's "Paradise,"
while the Little Dictator tells us "The surge is working."
...and how much did BIG OIL make yesterday?
makes $108M - every day
(And that's just ONE oil company)
15 more
dead, but that's OK because
Exxon makes $75,000
profit per minute
Bush can live with that,
because Iraq's oil wells have
no meters
and his front company is moving
to Dubai.
Bloomberg says Iraq is pumping 2M barrels a day. (Lies)
2M barrels is $120M
a day - where's that money going?
Bush has killed more Americans than Osama.
Did Bush
ignore Katrina - again?
Things undone: 1. The plan to protect the Gulf
Does anyone think that Katrina was the last hurricane
that will hit the Gulf Coast?
Most climatologists predict that hurricanes will
be getting bigger and stronger.
Of course, Bush has no long term plan to protect
the coastline. Nobody would expect him to.
Note, however, that the Democratics haven't made
that part of their platform."
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Subject: Michael Ware buys the
Bush bull crap?

The Professional Golfers Association just announced they're
changing their organization name to "Whatever Tiger Wants."
More details as they come available...
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Poker excitement
I still can't find my regular $1
tourney on Full-Tilt,
so I played in this $1
buy-in tourney to qualify for a bigger tourney.
Well, naturally I won,
So Saturday I'm playing for
free in some big tournament
Woo Hoo!
Watch me kick some ass at 3:30 Eastern on Saturday
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Alba mocks 90210 stars
I didn't know she was on that show...
the Jessica Alba flood in our BC
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Shirley to see her throw a monstrous, x-rated temper tantrum live in Vegas,
PETA Campaign
She poses with a de-furred fox - it ain't pretty
& Gwen perform together Thanks to Tom G
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