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BCR Show 113
is Here!
Thursday April 12, 2007 Vol
1960 - Small varmints
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"I myself feel that our country, for whose
Constitution I fought in a just war,
might as well have been invaded by
Martians and body snatchers. Sometimes I
wish it had been. What has happened,
though, is that it has been taken over by
means of the sleaziest, low-comedy,
Keystone Cops-style coup d'etat imaginable.
And those now in charge of the federal
government are upper-crust C-students
who know no history or geography, plus
not-so-closeted white supremacists,
aka "Christians,"and plus, most frighteningly,
psychopathic personalities."
-- Kurt Vonnegut, January, 2003 Vonnegut
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Architect Rejects 'War Czar' Job
Robert Parry
The widespread doubts within U.S. military and
intelligence circles that Bush's "surge" can succeed
were underscored when one of the plan's architects,
retired Army Gen. Jack Keane, was one of
three generals to rebuff a White House offer
of a new job dubbed "war czar."
In December, Keane promoted the idea of a U.S.
military escalation in Iraq as an alternative to
the growing consensus in favor of a phased withdrawal
of Amercan combat forces.
At the time, the Iraq Study Group was advocating
a troop drawdown combined with a stronger
commitment to training Iraqi forces and renewed
talks with Iraq's neighbors. But Bush bristled at
the implied criticism of his work as "war president,"
declaring: "This business about graceful
exit just simply has no realism to it whatsoever."
That sentence in bold - is that the last time Bush told the truth?
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"I thought the online gambling bill we adopted
was one of the stupidest things
I ever saw and I want to get it undone,
I plan to file legislation."
-- Barney Frank, doing the
right thing, Link
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Subject: The Pope
Bart, you gotta love "A Man In A Purple Dress"
off the new WHO album.
They'll protect in Hell, what crap!!!!!!!
Your Motor City Bro
Danny Detroit

Leahy doubts
Bush aides on lost e-mails
Bush's aides are lying about White House e-mails
sent on a Republican account that might have
been lost, Patrick Leahy suggested Thursday,
vowing to subpoena those documents if the
administration fails to cough them up.
"They say they have not been preserved. I don't
believe that!" Leahy shouted from the Senate floor.
"You can't erase e-mails, not today. They've gone
through too many servers," said Leahy, D-Vt.
"Those e-mails are there, they just don't want
to produce them. We'll subpoena them if necessary."
White House spokesman Scott Stanzel said there
is no effort to purposely keep the e-mails under wraps,
and that the counsel's office is doing everything
it can to recover any that were lost.
Hey Pat, check the RNC servers, too.
That's where Karl Rove's e-mails can be found.
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From: Harry
Subject: Kurt Vonnegut &
Kurt Vonnegut died today, 84 years old.
Here's a comment on DailyKOS....
Kurt Vonnegut's favorite piece of writing
was a letter that his daughter wrote in protest to a restaurant
where a waitress had been fired. She
had expressed why she thought the girl shouldn't be fired - it was
direct, earthy and to the point. He
held it out as an example of perfect writing.
My other favorite Vonnegut anecdote came
from Reader's Digest of all places. Vonnegut was introduced
at a party with great fanfare to a writer
from Chili. They stood there looking at each other both silent.
Finally, Vonnegut said, "It must be
nice to come from a country that is long and narrow. "
Lastly, during the run up to the Iraq
war, Vonnegut was seen running around New York City
with a Bartcop button on his coat.
I'm gonna miss that man.
by lorelynn on Wed Apr 11, 2007 at 08:13:28
Kurt wearing his bartcop sticker
A shot of Chinaco for Kurt,

"Republicans are growing increasingly anxious
about their party's chances of holding the
White House, citing public dissatisfaction
with Bush, the political fallout from the war in Iraq
and the problems their candidates are having
generating enthusiasm among conservative voters.
Republicans are concerned about signs of despondency
among party members and fund-raisers,
reflected in polls and the Democratic fund-raising
advantage in the first quarter of the year.
Many party leaders expressed worry that the
party's presidential candidates faced a tough
course without some fundamental shift in the
political dynamic."
Nagourney & Broder for
the NYWTimes, Link
Around here, we use shorthand: Bush is poison.
Subject: Salon.com
When you post those links to Salon, and I go there,
I can't get back to Bartcop by hitting "back"
. . . .
I have to reopen your site and scroll down again.
That's because Salon is run by money-grubbing whores.
They think it's "cute" to trap you there.
The Mayberry
The Oversight Committee is investigating multiple
charges against Lurita Alexis Doan, head of the GSA,
incluiding her attempt to grant a no-bid contract
to a friend; her effort to thwart contract audits and to cut funds
of the GSA Office of the Inspector General, which
she called "terrorists" after it began a probe into her conduct;
and her potential violation of the Hatch Act,
which forbids the use of government offices for partisan activity.
A major Republican contributor who made a fortune
as a military and homeland security contractor, Doan had
held no previous government posts before being
appointed last year to head the GSA. Like the fabled
("heck of a job, Brownie") Michael Brown, the
former head of the FEMA, Doan is another stellar example
of the culture of cronyism that has permeated
the federal government under George W. Bush.
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Subject: yesterday's bet
Bart, you wrote:
> Bet you a dollar you can't click and NOT
laugh out loud at this truism.
I didn't laugh out loud.
Damned near blew the top off my head not laughing
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Refrigerator Magnets
2 for $12
Three by four inches - the perfect size!
to order
Hurry, we only have 238 magnets left.
"Obama came up to campaign for Lieberman before
the primary, very carefully timing his
appearance to try to kill Ned Lamont's
antiwar primary challenge before it got off the ground.
Then in the general election, he refused
to lift a finger for Lamont. For a guy like Obama who
runs around bragging about his antiwar
credentials, yet who then spent most of his first year in
Congress absolutely silent on the war
- his behavior in the Connecticut Senate race says a lot
about him as the supposed post-partisan
conviction candidate."
-- David Sirota,
David Sirota is a well-known Clinton hater.
Looks like he's an Obama hater, as well.
Is Sirota one of those Arianna/MoDo types who just hates everybody?
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Pigboy and
his Demons
How a rich man can be so poor
An addiction to painkillers reduced this human
boom box of self-sufficiency and strict enforcement.
"If people are violating the law by doing drugs,"
he once lectured on his syndicated TV show, "they ought
to be accused and they ought to be convicted
and they ought to be sent up" (up the river, that is) to the furtive,
needy ploys of any other junkie who finds the
medicine cabinet running dry. After he entered rehab, his third wife,
Marta, reportedly vacated the luxury estate (they
would later divorce), leaving Rush a Tarzan without his Jane.
Secluded for now, his compound can be converted
into a tourist attraction - a combination museum, shrine,
gift shop, and spiritual mecca modeled on Elvis's
Graceland. Aging dittoheads can make pilgrimages to pay their
respects, rekindle fond memories, and gape reverently
at the silenced TV where Rush watched football
after he was booted off the airwaves for being
such a racist pig.
Bill Hick's
XXX-rated rant on the vulgar Pigboy
It's really XXX rated, don't come crying if it offends you.
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Imus Show:
Kucinich should be beheaded
But nobody cared because Imus was TOO BIG to bring down
Bernard McGuirk and Imus like to spice their
Fascist radio show with inflammatory, insulting language,
generally about liberals, college professors,
Jews, gypsies, gays and people of color, like Hitler did.
Now they're in trouble, and callers say to pull
the plug on the Imus program rather than slap their wrists.
A joke they did about Dennis Kucinich is another
in a history of attacking those who aren't in power.
Still, blogger Michael O'McCarthy didn't think
it was appropriate. According to O'McCarthy's complaint,
here is what McGuirk said about the congressman
from Cleveland:
Dennis Kucinich should have his "head sawed off"
like they do over in Iraq.
I thought this was a non-story, because when you've
heard as much Nazi hate as I have,
what Imus said wasn't so bad - but maybe the
country is changing?
Ann Coulter,
Rush Limbaugh,
Michael Savage,
that shrill Laura harpy...
Maybe the country is fed up with their Nazi lies?
Maybe the country figured out that three entities owning the major
media was a bad idea.
The guy who signs Imus's paycheck probably molests kids with the guy
who signs Rush's check.
drops racist Imus
General Motors pulled their advertising dollars away from racist
American Express pulled their advertising dollars away from
racist hate.
Sprint pulled their advertising dollars away from racist hate.
Nextel pulled their advertising dollars away from racist hate.
GlaxoSmithKline pulled their advertising dollars away from racist
TD Ameritrade pulled their advertising dollars away from racist
Ditech.com pulled their advertising dollars away from racist
So, who is putting advertising dolloars into Rush's vulgar hate show?
So, who is putting advertising dolloars into Hannity's vulgar hate
So, who is putting advertising dolloars into O'Reilly's vulgar hate
So, who is putting advertising dolloars into FOX Whore News in general?
So, who is putting advertising dolloars into any racist and vulgar
hate show?
Imus could be to hate speech what Latrina was to Bush's "godliness."
fires Imus from radio
Now let's go after Rush, Hannity etc...
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to Hear
Visit jointhesolution.com/cavegal
Bush Screws
Troops 25% more
Bush ordered 90-day extensions Wednesday for
all active-duty Army troops in Iraq and Afghanistan,
stretching their overseas tours from 12 to 15
months in a move that will exert new strain on a struggling
military but allow the Bush administration to
continue its troop buildup in Baghdad well into next year.
Defense Secretary Robert Gates' announcement came
amid expectations that the Pentagon was about to
order longer tours for some units, but the new
policy is a far more sweeping and drastic step, stretching
deployments for more than 100,000 members of
the Army.
"I realize this decision will ask a lot of our
Army troops and their families," Gates said.
Yet the military families stand with Bush, no matter how many of them
he gets killed.
Oh, and they hate Clinton with a passion.
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"Is Bart
in there? I wanna talk to him..."
Subject: white guilt
Bart, you sure do sound pathetic and ridiculous
the way you are always sticking up for blacks.
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$36, 3
for $100
Liz by her pool
$23 each, 5 for $100
(Must be sent to same address)

Refrigerator Magnets
2 for $12
Three by four inches - the perfect size!
to order
Subject: Kiss
My Ass Gop
Boy are you miss informed.
The Reagan term in office and what he did to
turn the economy around
is well documented for anyone that wants to do
a little research.
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finds Giuliani
Is Al Qaeda going to respect a man in a dress?
Note to Rudy Giuliani: Say goodbye to the honeymoon
and hello to presidential politics. In recent weeks,
he has taken heat for his abortion rights stance,
links to ex-police commissioner Bernard Kerik who is
enmeshed in legal woes, business ties and personal
life. Giuliani's ascent in national popularity polls has stalled.
He's hit the stage of the campaign everybody expected
him to hit," said David Winston, a Republican pollster.
"People are now starting to scrutinize him,"
said Ed Rollins, a crooked hack under President Reagan.
"The spotlight's on Giuliani, and he'll either
rise to the occasion or he'll falter."
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Subject: Bravo
One of the greatest Bartcop-isms I have ever read.
> "Great idea, Pigboy.
> Let's also do an interview with 3300 cardboard
cutouts of soldiers
> and ask them if they like being dead because
of Bush's lies...
> ...and let the silence speak for itself."
Very sharp.
Thanks for that
State Road, NC
Mark, thanks for that.
A founding block of bartcop-ism is using
their own hate against them.
I'm a busy guy, I got shit to do, so I can't spend
two weeks coming up with some
clever phrase to insult some guilty-ass Repube
bastard with, so I reply on cheap-shot
"artists" like the vulger Pigboy to do my dirty
work for me.
No matter what shit the vulgar Pigboy slings at
my side,
I can retort with six
examples of how his Fascists bastards
committed much, much worse and
they hate that!
There should be 50,000 bartcops.
There should be 1M bartcops screaming
outrage on the internet.
There should be 180M people screaming every f-ing day,
mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore!"
Bush bastards are probably stealing $300M dollars a day,
robbery that has cost us 3500 lives and 60,000 amputees - so far,
Bush and McCain are asking us to - just please - give war a chance.
...and nobody issues a subpoena on Iraq's non-existent
oil meters?

Check out dissentisterror.com
"At the Rutgers press conference yesterday
one of the students said that she might
be scarred for life by the words that
were used on that radio show. I'm just wondering
how scarred for life these three Duke
lacrosse players will be."
-- Rush the vulgar Pigboy
I hate to say it, but he's right this time.
The Duke 3 went thru 100 times more pain than the Rutgers players.
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to trade links?
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The Green
Zone is Turning Red
A suicide bomber detonated himself in the cafeteria
of the Iraqi Parliament building inside
the "Green Zone" in Baghdad today killing at
least 8 and wounding around 30 people.
Within an hour a message appeared on an Al Queda
web site calling the blast a "message"
to anyone who cooperates with "the occupier and
its agents." It said ominously,
"We will reach you wherever you are".
Can we take this to mean that the insurgents are
instituting a "surge" strategy of their own?

"We've never been in worse shape as a country.
Truth has taken a holiday in this war.
President Bush struck a match across
the Middle East and invaded that country.
Who are we? What have we become? Whose
war is this?...Is this America?
-- Helen Thomas, who has more courage
than all the Democrats in congress combined,
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Subject: military rapes
Hey Bart! Fortunately, not all soldiers are bad.
I have good reason to be proud
of my step-son Patrick. He enlisted to
DEFEND our country, and trained as
an engineer to help put New Orleans and other
places back together.
However while was stationed in Afghanistan, he
was involved in a security situation.
An American soldier attempted to rape an Afghani
woman. Pat hit the soldier with
the butt of his rifle and stopped the rape from
happening. He and his team then made
certain the woman was taken to safety.
Pat was gigged for attacking the soldier, but
was also honoured by his unit for his actions.
And we, his family, are justly proud of our young
Laura P in Herndon, VA
Good for Patrick.
I hope his war years haven't messed with his head too much.
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Entertainment Page
has good stuff.
Nancy Pelosi on Leno tonight.
Will he grill her or give her the
puff balls that he gives McCain?
Click on the E!

Mess in Somalia
by Ivan Eland
After 9/11, Bush feared that the absence of a
strong government in the "failed state" of Somalia
could turn the small eastAfrican country - slightly
smaller than Texas - into a haven for terrorists.
The administration ignored the fact that other
states with weak governments have not become
sanctuaries for terrorists. Even if Somalia had
become a terrorist enclave, the terrorists, absent
some U.S. provocation, probably would not have
attacked the faraway United States.
As a result of the administration's unfounded
fear, the United States began supporting
unpopular warlords in the strife-torn nation.
That's when the real trouble began.
If Bush is involved, you know it's going to become a giant screw-up.
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Subject: Obama campaigned for
Ah, but it gets better. Obama has reached out
to Tom Daschle.
And we all remember his assorted 'crimes' against
the Democratic party.
-- lonestar
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Iraq pumped 3.5M
barrels daily before
Bush invaded
and then they got their 2003 Halliburton
Bush is stealing $220,000,000
No wonder they were so eager to start a war,
stealing $220,000,000
It's the biggest theft in Earth's history.
Exxon made
$10B profit in 90 days
$100M a day - all profit - because Bush started a fake war
Bush's "Bring 'em on"
death taunt is up to...
American victims
I'm getting real tired of posting these updates...
...and how much did BIG OIL make yesterday?
makes $108M - every day
Bush can live with that,
because Iraq's oil wells have
no meters
and his front company is moving
to Dubai.
Bloomberg News says Iraq is currently pumping 2M barrels a day. (Lies)
But even 2M barrels is $120M
a day - where's that money going?
Bush has killed more Americans than Osama.
"I wanna talk to Bart - Is he in there?"
Subject: Trouble hearing BCR
on iPods?
This isn't just an iPod problem, it's an iTunes
I have the same problem with my Mac G3 running
OS 10.4.
If I use the pause, I lose hunks of BCR.
I don't think Tunis and Tom's reasoning is accurate.
I've been listening to BCR for years on my Mac
and the pause button problem is a recent thing.
--joe in Japan
I also have had the same problem beginning with
show # 110 (show 111 is OK, then it happens
again with shows 112 and 113). However, I don't
own an iPod, I have a new 20" iMac.
I put the show on iTunes by clicking on the "Listen
to Show #" link.
It's not that big of a deal, I usually listen
to the radio show in one sitting anyway.
Chicago, IL
Jeff, why do you put BCR on iTunes? If one isn't a subscriber,
I can understand listening to
old shows for free in a less-than format, but why would a subscriber
put his MP3 on iTunes?
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"Try to go to the gas pump without the oil
companies and see where you end up!
You have the government do it for you!"
-- Rush the multi-millionaire
that no woman can stand
Butt Rush, the government does a pretty
good job with electricity,
water and natural gas - why do you think
they'd bungle gasoline?
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Where do
they read bartcop.com ?
They read it in Homewood. IL
They read it in Rijnsburg, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
They read it in Denver, CO
They read it in Appenrod, Hessen , Germany
They read it in Camp H M Smith, HI
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pays to advertise on bartcop.com
Still at 2006 prices!
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more Hits

I plan to do BCR
Show 114 Friday.
Wish me luck.
Halle Berry
in 'Perfect Stranger'
She looks great in this movie
more of Halle berry in the BC
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