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BCR Show 113
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Wednesday April 11, 2007 Vol
1959 - Stupefied
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"If Bush vetoes funding for the troops, he's
the only one standing in the way of the resources
they need. Nobody else. Congress must
stand firm. They must not write George Bush another
blank check without a timeline for
withdrawal - period."
-- John Edwards, saying things I like hearing,
Put another way,
"If Bush vetoes funding for the troops,
...then Bush vetoed funding for the
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The American
Tragedy of John McCain
my good friend William Rivers Pitt
McCain took a walk through a Baghdad market on
April Fool's Day, and may well have burned his
presidential campaign down to the ground in the
McCain's walk was squared hypocrisy added to squared
idiocy equaling squared disgrace.
McCain's walk was a full-blown, bull-moose, train-wreck
disaster of truly galactic proportions:
a veritable Hindenberg of campaign photo-op debacles.
It was so mind-bendingly ugly and deranged
and disgusting that the once-iconic "Dukakis
in the Tank" blunder now seems quaint by comparison.
"I'm so
mad I could shit myself!"
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Wow, that's gota be toon of the month, doncha think?
Every Repube congressman and 21 Repube senators
have a choice - run for office again or
break with Bush.
What will they do?
"Last week, I was in Munich. And I had
a chance to visit with some who had just come
back from the Eastern Front and some
who were going over to the European campaign.
And it just amazes me that these young
men know the stakes. They understand what we're doing.
We're really a remarkable country and
a remarkable military. And therefore we owe it to the
families and to those who wear the
uniform to make sure that this remarkable group of men
are strongly supported -- strongly
supported, by the way, during their time in uniform and then
after their time in uniform through
the Luftwaffle Retirement Association. I told them that
they're laying the foundation of peace.
In other words, the work we're doing today really will
yield peace for a generation to come."
-- a charasmatic cult of personality politician,
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Subject: What do you think?
Bart, you asked,
> Are we going to see the biggest Democratic
landslide in history?
> Or will the Democrats find a way to screw
this up, too?
Keep hammering,
Click to visit http://constructiveanarchy.com/blog/
and daddies
by the MoDo Dragoness
Republican women are so frustrated because they
have been deprived of the bristly excitement
of hearing their men on the stump delivering
great speeches for quite some time now.
The Daddy Party, is like a lost child.
John McCain, handcuffed to the Surge, announced yesterday he has
the support of Henry Kissinger. Why not just
drink poison? As the Boston Globe columnist Joan Vennochi
slyly said, "Leave it to Mitt Romney to shoot
himself in the foot with a gun he doesn't own."
Rudy Giuliani, already haunted by the specters
of Bernard Kerik's corruption and Judy Nathan's conjugal
confusion, yesterday made things worse. He did
the same thing John McCain did in South Carolina in 2000,
a sickening pander the Arizona senator told "60
Minutes" Sunday that he did "for all the wrong reasons."
That was a great 60 Minutes. When asked why he turned into
Bush's best butt-buddy, McCain said, "because
I'm a whore."
ha ha
Rudy can't win,
McCain can't win,
Romney can't win and Fred Thompson is fighting lymphoma.
Who will be their nominee?
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A New Pope
Subject: Advice for Obama
Unfortunately Bart, you are absolutely right on.
He's my senator and has my support but these
f-ing rat bastards will tear him apart.
Think about that. My God where have we come in
our country?
Ironically, of all the media, Imus would probably
be the only one
to give him a fair shot in an interview.

"We are speaking for the American people.
-- Harry Reid, fresh from Rent-a-Sac,
Harry, you been reading bartcop,.com?
In understand if you don't have the time,
but trust me, your staff needs to catch
the fuck up.
PGA Gives
Eldrick One More Chance
Disappointed with unknown Zach Johnson being
crowned Masters champion, PGA officials are giving
Tiger Woods one more chance to win the famed
tournament by adding a five-hole "special overtime"
round to be played on Saturday, April 14th. PGA
officials are hoping it will be long enough for Woods
to make up a two stroke deficit against Johnson.
"Okay, Tiger, you have one more chance," said
PGA president Bob Whitcomb.
"You've got five holes to take this guy down.
Just go out there and play your game. Blow it this time and
there's not much else we can do for you, save
for scheduling another five-hole overtime round, which I think
we can all agree would be demeaning for everybody
Whitcomb said that both players had already agreed
to play the round,
but that Zack Johnson was lukewarm to the idea,
since he had already won.
not bothered, Bart - and here's why

Subject: RE: Nappy Hoes
Nappy is not a racist word.
Minorities need to stop hand picking words to
get upset about.
It's dangerous for someone to point at a word,
"That's racist!" and allow everyone to join in.
What Imus said was wrong and offensive, but far
from racist.
I agree with you in principle, but not this time.
A white guy with a microphone making derog remarks about black women?
I have no idea what it's like to be a woman or to be an African-America.
We white men don't know what racism is, unless it's similar to rich
vs poor.
But if you hear the whole quote, Imus was just being a sloppy pig.
He first said the other team, babe-wise, was kinda hot, THEN he said/implied
that the Rutgers girls were much less sexually attractive as a team,
and that's no good.
But then the Rutgers girls turned this into a whole other thing.
Imus's remarks were stupid and his joke was botched like Kerry's Iraq
joke but this
kind of thing will bother the Rutgers girls as much as they allow
it to bother them.
They've could've said, "He's just another sexist
ass with a microphone," and moved on.
But nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.
They declared their "moment" was "ruined" and held an hour-long press
to run thru a litany of complaints about 30 seconds of Imus bigotry
and stupidity.
If this puts a spotlight on all racist entertainers, then that's a good
But to ignore Rush, Savage, Hannity etc. and go after Imus is selective
And remember,
Rush told a black caller, "Take that bone
out of your nose!"
Savage told a gay caller, "I hope you get
AIDS and choke on a sausage and die."
Liddy said, "When the feds arrive, shoot for
their heads because they wear kevlar."
BTW, if what Imus said was so bad,
why have the networks repeated it 1,000 times?
They're getting a kick out of saying it, again and again, over and over.
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Refrigerator Magnets
2 for $12
Three by four inches - the perfect size!
to order
Hurry, we only have 240 magnets left.
"The two points I want to make is, doctrine
matters; and secondly,
a failed state can lead to severe
consequences for the American people.
In other words, there was reprisal...
In other words, the lack of security
have created an opportunity for extremists to move in...
In other words, in sending troops
in, it is -- I recognize that this is more than a military mission...
In other words, this operation
is just getting started..
In other words, part of the effort
is not only to provide security to neighborhoods,
but we're constantly training Iraqis
so that they can do this job...
So, in other words, it's a combination
of providing security in neighborhoods
through these joint security stations,
training ."
-- Dubya, in a probable
LSD flashback at an
Legion post in Fairfax, Va., Link
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The Pope
wears Prada
He got legs, and he knows how to use 'em
Pope Benedict XVI has become the first and only
icon of style of the 21st century in the world of priesthood.
Benedict, who is considered to be a champion
of discipline and humility, unexpectedly brought new tendencies
in the Vatican, Sueddeutsche magazine
This is starting to creep me out.
When a cardinal, Benedict was mainly wearing black.
Now he can be seen dressed up
in gorgeous purple and red outfits trimmed with
fur and golden buckles.
Pope Benedict XVI does not hesitate to use the
clothing of worldwide known brands in his wardrobe.
He made a public appearance once wearing mirrored
British tabloids wrote that Benny prefers Gammarelli
to Raniero Mancinelli the firm that was making him
soutanes during his activities as a cardinal.
The head of Gammarelli was infuriated with those rumours.
A Gammarelli store is the most exquisite one on
Via dei Cestari near the Pantheon.
Hey, did we solve that whole problem in Darfur?
Are all the kids in Africa going to sleep with a full belly tonight?
Why is the Pope buying clothes and jewelry like Paris Hilton on apple-tinis?
...and he said he prayed that God would not give him this job,
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hearing BCR on iPods?
The original (hard disk based) iPod was designed
to spin the hard drive up as needed, read a bunch of music
into a "Flash RAM" buffer (about 20 minutes worth
at 128bps as I recall) and then spin the hard drive down
to save power. Then, the music played from the
RAM buffer. As necessary, the process repeated. I suspect
that video iPods have larger buffers. A solid-state
iPod (like a Nano or a Shuffle) shouldn't need a buffer.
If a single "song" doesn't fit into the buffer,
than the iPod has to deal with it on the hard disk.
I think this might produce the symptoms Mike
describes. It may also cause battery life to suffer.
"Podcasts" are frequently recorded at much lower
bit rates, which would allow Mike's iPod to load other
"longer" Podcasts into the buffer. I suspect
that the Bart's 80 minute show is simply too large for the buffer
in Mike's iPod. Using a lower bit rate, recording
it in mono rather than in stereo, or breaking it down into
multiple segments might address this problem.
A quick experiment might answer the question.
Mike could start playing the Podcast on his iPod, and
(without anything in his ears) hold the iPod
up to his ear to hear if the hard disk is spinning or not, and then
try fast forwarding or rewinding. Alternately,
Mike could check out the file size in iTunes (select the Podcast,
and choose Get Info from the File menu) then
compare it to the file size of the longer Podcasts which play normally.
I hope this helps, Mike.
The BCR Shows start as regular MP3s, then iTunes
does something to them.
Thanks to Tunis & Tom
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Rape is an ugly, but expected by-product of militarism,
invasion and occupation. It is a spoil of war.
Putting weapons in the hands of sex-starved young
males gives them infinitely more power over women.
Moreover, faced with the prospect they can be
killed at any time, fighting men often feel entitled to
"get some" before they get knocked off.
In May 2004, The Guardian (UK) reported widespread
rape of Iraqi women by U.S. troops.
Iraqi attorney Amal Swadi said sexual abuse of
women inmates by U.S. guards is "happening all across Iraq."
And not just Iraqi women.
American female soldiers serving in Iraq are told
not to go to the latrine or take a shower alone.
Some carry knives to protect themselves from
their male soldier "buddies." Reuters reported on
February 27, 2007, that 70 percent of the 284
American military women who suffer post-traumatic stress
"said they had suffered sexual trauma in the
military." In the book Home Front: the Government's War on
Soldiers (Clarity Press) author Rick Anderson
cites a Department of Defense study that finds of 556 women
soldiers, 30 percent of them were either raped
or subjected to rape attempts by American men in uniform.
Rape is a part of war.
It's another damn good reason not to start a war just
so some spoiled, rich mama's boy
can steal a helpless country's assets while the democrats stand there
and applaud, until lately..
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Bartcop? I wanna talk to him..."
"Victimology has become profitable. If you
can proclaim yourself a victim
of some injustice then you can
find a financial redress."
-- Rush the Pigboy,
explaining how we met Paula Jones and Juanita Brodderick
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Subject: an e-mail that's going
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$36, 3
for $100
They know how to party in Germany
$23 each, 5 for $100
(Must be sent to same address)

Refrigerator Magnets
2 for $12
Three by four inches - the perfect size!
to order
Subject: Benny
the Rat
Bart, count me among the many who have disliked
Benny for a long, long time.
Two things about the man that even his enemies
will tell you:
He doesn't bullshit, and he doesn't lie,
He's already been caught lying.
He said he prayed that God would not give him
the job.
Then we found out he campaigned for it in the
most Rove-ian ways.
He was the muscle for the right-wingers in the
Vatican, a hatchet man, a hit man.
Plus, he's trying his best to make John Paul II
a saint.
I don't think one who enables and covers up organized,
serial child-molesting should be
declared a saint by those who may have appreciated
from his silence on the subject..
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you a dollar you can't click
NOT laugh out loud at this truism
Nobody wrote.
Nobody laughed?
"José Padilla claimed that he was forced
to stand in painful stress positions,
given LSD as a truth serum, was subjected
to loud noises and noxious odors
and forced to endure sleep deprivation,
extreme heat, cold, and harsh lights.
That sounds like your average college
hippie party back in the 1960s."
-- Rush the felon who
beat his heroin rap because he was rich and connected,
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Subject: Obama
Obama campaigned for Kissyface.
(One of the main reasons I'll never support Obama.)
I did not know that...

Check out dissentisterror.com
"Wouldn't it be great if Fox News went ahead
and televised the debate
and just put up cardboard cutouts of
all the Democrats who aren't there?
They could ask them questions anyway
and let the silence speak for itself."
-- Rush the Pigboy
Great idea, Pigboy.
Let's also do an interview with 3300 cardboard cutouts of soldiers
and ask them if they like being dead because of Bush's lies...
...and let the silence speak for itself.
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to trade links?
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"I may be a white man, but I know that...young
black women all through that society
are demeaned and disparaged and disrespected...by
their own black men and that
they are called that name."
--Don Imus, on why 'nappy-headed hos' is fair game on the radio,
Don, you need a publicist with a brain.
I suggest you contact Christian Livemore in Savannah, GA and
offer her $300K.
She got me out of a bunch of scrapes :)
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Sweet little
by Paul Kurgman
Four years into Bush's quagmire, we all have
renewed appreciation for the power of the Big Lie:
people tend to believe false official claims
about big issues, because they can't picture their leaders
being dishonest about such things.
The power of the Little Lie - the small accusation
invented out of thin air, followed by another, and another,
and another. Little Lies aren't meant to have
staying power. Instead, they create a sort of background hum,
a sense that the person facing all these accusations
must have done something wrong.
Until Bush's credibility drowned in New Orleans,
he was able to go big on his deceptions. Most people found it
inconceivable that a president would, for example,
assert without evidence that Saddam and Al Qaeda were allies.
Bush won the 2004 election because a quorum of
voters still couldn't believe he would grossly mislead them on
matters of national security.

"We are speaking for the American people.
-- Harry Reid, fresh from Rent-a-Sac,
Harry, you been reading bartcop,.com?
In understand if you don't have the time,
but trust me, your staff needs to catch
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Subject: Obama vs Hillary
Hey Bart, there's two things that seem to be missing
from your thinking Obama vs. Hillary race.
First, nearly every racist I've come across
is also a sexist. And I've come across lots of sexists who aren't
So while Obama's going to lose the racist vote,
Hillary would lose the racist-and-sexist vote as well as the
sexist-but-not-racist vote. Result: Hillary
loses more of the knuckle-dragging vote.
But really, no Dem will win much of the knuckle-dragging
Second, Obama's already shown he knows
how to respond to a right-wing smear. When the Australian PM bashed
Obama for his anti-war stance, Obama's response
was _fantastic_. Obama basically said if the war is so important,
how come the PM hasn't sent more troops?.
The result: Obama still looks good, and the Aussie PM was wounded.
You keep talking about how the Dems need to fight
back, and here's a guy that's doing it quite effectively.
Really, I think we should celebrate that we've
got a whole bunch of really damn good candidates in our primary.
I'll be happy to vote for any of the "top-tier"
candidates. At the moment, I like Obama's and Edward's "hopeful"
message, but it's still very, very, very early
in the campaign. None of our candidates should be ruled "in" or "out"
Keep hammering
-Jeff in CO
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vanden Heuvel vs Colbert
Surge =
more casualties
Two months into the "surge," our military is
suffering an increase in battlefield deaths.
The first reason is that U.S. units have intensified
their efforts to defeat the insurgents.
Also, al Qaeda is focusing more on U.S. targets
to defeat the troop reinforcement plan,
which is widely seen as the United States'last
chance to stabilize the country.
April, with 35 deaths so far, is on a pace to
exceed 100 deaths, which would make it
one of the deadliest periods for American troops
since the war began four years ago.
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"She's about to become the Jane Fonda of the
War on Terror.
I'm just happy she didn't take pictures
with missiles or IEDs."
-- Tom DeLay's calm and rational
report on Nancy Pelosi's trip
to visit America's partner in torture, Syria. Link
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Subject: picture
Hi, I am (withheld) an 8th grader at Our Lady
of the Pillar,
in our computer class we are creating web pages
and i was wondering
if i could use one of your pictures.
The picture is www.bartcop.com/jfk-airport.jpg.
Please let me know as soon as posible thank you
very much!
Eighth grade Catholic girls reading bartcop.com?
How can the Church hope to compete?
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Entertainment Page
has good stuff.
Click on the E!
All charges
dropped in Duke rape case
"Kenneth Starr Jr" is in big trouble
All charges have been dropped in the sexual assault
case against three former Duke students,
the North Carolina's attorney general announced
Wednesday. Attorney General Roy Cooper
said there was insufficient evidence to pursue
criminal charges against any of the players.
"These cases are over," Cooper said. The cases
were "a result of a tragic rush to accuse
and failure to verify serious allegations,"
he said.
Those students were raped by that insane Michael Nifong, the Durham
County D.A. who was
handling the case. Nifong faces multiple ethics complaints from the
state bar over this witch hunt.
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Subject: 38 percent?
Do you believe that almost 4 out of 10 Americans
back Bush?
If true, we are in a LOT of trouble!
John, yes, we are in a lot of trouble.
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Iraq pumped 3.5M
barrels daily before
Bush invaded
and then they got their 2003 Halliburton
Bush is stealing $220,000,000
No wonder they were so eager to start a war,
stealing $220,000,000
It's the biggest theft in Earth's history.
Exxon made
$10B profit in 90 days
$100M a day - all profit - because Bush started a fake war
Bush's "Bring 'em on"
death taunt is up to...
American victims
We lost 10
over the weekend
and 2 more
I'm getting real tired of posting these updates...
...and how much did BIG OIL make yesterday?
makes $108M - every day
Bush can live with that,
because Iraq's oil wells have
no meters
and his front company is moving
to Dubai.
Bloomberg News says Iraq is currently pumping 2M barrels a day. (Lies)
But even 2M barrels is $120M
a day - where's that money going?
Bush has killed more Americans than Osama.
"I wanna talk to Bart - Is he there?"
Oilfinger, He's the man, the man with oily touch.
A spider's touch.
Such a cold finger. Beckons you, to enter his
web of sin. But don't go in.
Oily words he will paw in your ear, but his lies
can't disguise what you fear.
For a Texas girl knows when he's kissed her,
it's the kiss of death, from Mr. Oilfinger.
Pretty girl, beware of his heart of oil. He's
the man, the man with Oily touch. A spider's touch.
Such a cold finger. Beckons you, to enter his
web of sin. But don't go in.
This heart is spoiled, He loves only oil.
Only oil.
He loves oil. He loves only oil.
Only oil.
He loves oil.
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"I vowed that, 'If you harbor a terrorist,
you're equally as guilty as the terrorist.' Link
-- The Gigggling Murderer
In normal times, I'd start with ha
Bush the smarter, whose Daddy funded Hilter, created
Osama, like f-ing Frankenstein,
trained him,
funded him and gave him political cover to fight
the Russians who invaded Afghanistan in 1979.
"In order for this country to be credible,
when the president says something,
he must mean it." Link
-- The Butcher of Baghdad
You mean like when Reagan said, "When
I'm president, we won't have this terrorist problem?"
only to be caught making them a secret, illegal
deal that put himself and yo Daddy in the White House?
Understand - this shit works on people who don't
know the truth about the BFEE, people like Joe Klein.
"And therefore, we ended al-Qaida's safe haven
in a failed state."
-- The Decider, 3250 dead soldiers so far,
No, you created a Texas-sized Al Qaeda training
center in Iraq, you Monkey.
Prior to 9-11, Al Qaeda was a handful of losers.
Today they have 100,000 handjobs ready to die
by murdering americans
Maybe we should close
down the Iraqi Terrorist Training Center?
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