* Humor * Chinaco Anejo * Online Poker * Bixby Corn * Bartcop Radio * BC-Hotties
BCR Show 114
is still near!
Monday-Tuesday April 16-17, 2007 Vol
1962 - Worst shooting ever
Check out dissentisterror.com
"Is the Republican Party we once knew salvageable?
Given the damage done by the Bush-Cheney
White House and
DeLay-Hastert Congress, is there anything
left of it worth saving?"
--Victor Gold, friend of the
Bush family, in his new book, dailykos.com
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Bush's Double
Standard on Terrorism
Mary MacElveen
What would you say if a known terrorist was about
to be freed on $350 thousand bail?
Would it anger you? Of course it would if this
country truly believes in capturing and punishing terrorists.
What would be your reaction if this was the last
recorded message made by a pilot of a downed air plane,
"We have an explosion aboard, we are descending
immediately! ... We have fire on board!
We are requesting immediate landing! We have
a total emergency!"... just before all on board perished."?
I hope it would be one of outrage.
By the way, those were the last words of this
pilot before Cubana flight 455 went down on October 6th, 1976,
taking the lives of 73 innocent people. It was
downed by this terrorist whose name is Luis Posada Carriles.
I have written of this terrorist for over a year
now. It has come to my attention that Judge Kathleen Cardone,
who is a federal judge, will more than likely
issue this bail amount for Carriles. I am still trying to come to grips
that a terrorist that took the lives of 73 people
would even get bail.
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"John McCain has been impugning people's patriotism
and I really regret that.
I'm very disappointed in him. I don't
believe it is in anybody's interest for members of
the Senate to be impugning the other
side's patriotism or, by the way, hiding behind
the troops as political justification
for what we are doing."
-- Sen. James Webb, war vet who replaced Macaca,
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Subject: Imus
Bartman, I find it not only disappointing but
alarming that so many of your readers
(who probably aren't subscribers) have tried
to nail you saying 'you got it wrong'.
Anyone who believes the ladies of the Rutgers
hoops team have suffered more than
the 3 boys from Duke is abjectly myopic and delusional.
To say that the womens basketball team suffered
immensely from 3 words is comical.
They get worse at every road game during the
season, believe it. This was lame, Don Imus
does not hold the key to these ladies happiness,
if the women got offended, they let themselves
be affected by his words. The boys from Duke
were accused of RAPE on a national stage and
judged and condemned in the court of public opinion
they suffered economical and psychological
dismay .they were not simply called a name. the
boys from duke, whether entitled, spoiled or
whatever has no bearing on the merit of the
case or the level of suffering they experienced.
Its silliness .
Casper in culver
Tony in Houston at the
Monkey Shrine
Dozens die
in 4 Baghdad Bombings
McCain & Bush are right -
it's perfectly safe there!
Six bombs exploded in predominantly Shiite sections
of the capital Sunday, killing at least 45 people
in a renewal of sectarian carnage that set back
the U.S. push to pacify Baghdad. Two British helicopters
crashed after an apparent mid-air collision,
killing two service members, U.K. officials said.
The U.S. military announced another three senseless
U.S. troop deaths.
And in Karbala, the toll from a bombing Saturday
rose to 47 dead and 224 wounded.
But it's "just like shopping at a farmer's
market in Indiana,"
according to Rep Mike Pence as heard in BCR 113.
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Subject: Imus
It says a lot about the mentality of Americans
that people are still getting their panties in a wad over Imus.
Even a five-year-old child knows that words are
just words. If Imus were black, there wouldn't be any problem with this.
And the same dumb fuckwads who are vomiting all
of this bile don't seem to have anything to say about that
greasy race hustler, Al Sharpton. This guy, in
case you don't know, still has a radio show in NYC (not that I've
ever listened to it, or ever would). Isn't this
the guy that called white Harlem business owners "white interlopers?"
Isn't this the guy who has never apologized for
his role in the Tawana Brawley hoax? Isn't this the guy who
wouldn't distance himself from that other corporate
shake-down race hustler, Jesse Jackson, after his "Hymietown"
remark? Isn't the same son of a bitch that called
the Central Park jogger, beaten and brain-damaged, a "whore?"
I guess in today's America, if you're black, there
ain't shit you can't get away with.
And even the white fools will support you.
Visit brownbearpress.net
"It's like everything else -- something didn't
go right."
-- Lt. Gen. Ray Odierno, commander in Iraq, after a suicide bomber
security at the Green Zone, killing several lawmakers,
Subject: apology from vulgar
Don Imus apologized for his racist comments to
the Rutgers basketball team.
It's now time for Rush Limbaugh to apologize
for 19 years of racist comments on radio.
If Imus is guilty of racist comments, then Limbaugh
is even more guilty.
America awaits his apology.
Willie in Detroit

'Don't blame the Monkey'
The White House admitted Thursday that Bush was
blissfully unaware of defense plans to extend
Army combat tours when he criticized Democrats'
for forcing troops to spend more time in Iraq.
On Tuesday, Bush said that congressional delays
in approving supplemental war funds "will mean
that some of our military families could wait
longer for their loved ones to return from the front lines."
Then Wednesday, his Secretary of Defense announced
the soldiers will begin serving 15-month tours
instead of the standard 12-month rotations because
it's hard to meet recuiting quotas in a bloody quagmire.
Gates said the move was necessary and had been
discussed by defense officials prior to Bush's "surge."
White House spokeswoman Dana Perino on Thursday
said that Bush was "too stupid"
to understand the subtleties of "more versus
less" when it came to deploying troops.
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Subject: Imus
Bart, you asked,
> "Did Imus fight back?"
> "Or, did he roll over from the start?"
I say, it was all over for him when he agreed
to go on the radio with the Right Rev, Al (Shady) Sharpton.
How long did it take Imus to fall right into
the Rev's trap? And, as hoped for (by Al) Imus responded by
using the phrase that makes grown men/women tremble:
"I don't know how to respond to those people..."
Sharpton was on Imus faster than a hungry snake
on an Easter Bunny.
Chomp, it was all over for Imus - who, admittedly,
didn't seem to "fight back."
If you have looked at the guy recently, he looks
old, and tired, and angry.
Time for him to take a vacation until he's contacted
by Sirus...
I'm glad, however, that you are addressing this
Mr Bart.
Love ya,
Sally P
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Subject: Nearly Chinaco
A new mexican restaurant opened up near my house.
They listed Chinaco Anejo shots for $7.
I told my wife I was going to order one but we
split it (had to explain the "sipping thing".
Alas, the waitress came back and said they were
"all out of that 'stuff'".
What does it take to try Chinaco in the northeast
Do I have to drive to frickin' Mexico for this?
Tab, they don't have any in Mexico.
Whatever's sitting on the shelves in the US is
all there is.
It's not
just Imus
CBS has fired Imus and ceased broadcasting his
radio show. But as Media Matters for America has
extensively documented, bigotry and hate speech
targeting, among other characteristics, race, gender,
sexual orientation, religion, and ethnicity continue
to permeate the airwaves through bastards such as
Glenn Beck, Neal Boortz, Rush Limbaugh, Bill
O'Reilly, Michael Savage and others.
Then they have an excellent list of Fascist hate.
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Subject: Duke vs Rutgers
Do you think Nancy "I've never met a Defendant
who was innocent" Grace,
CARES that the boys were exonerated? I doubt
I agree with you on that 100%.
Sure the Rutger girls were treated horribly by
Imus but in terms of interruption to their lives
and in the interim of the situation they didn't
even know of the slur until two or three days later.
The whole thing began to blow in Imus' face NOT
the girls who were completely innocent
and honorable about the whole affair. I think
you deserve at least a great nod in defending
who are innocent until proven guilty - rich or
poor, blacl or white.
It's weird to see people condemn the Duke players for being rich.
to Hear
Visit jointhesolution.com/cavegal
Rush next
for Imus Treatment?
Prominent conservatives, addressing a crowd of
30 on the ground floor of a Washington row house,
described what sounded like a conspiracy. Panelist
Ken Blackwell, formerly Ohio's crooked secretary of state
said Imus was "not a conservative" and that "the
left has sacrificed one of their own to give them a platform to
go after true conservative talk show hosts."
Cliff Kincaid, of the Fascist Accuracy in Media, said the Imus firing
had been a revelation. "It wasn't exactly clear
to me how [liberals] intended to bring back the Fairness Doctrine,
but it's a short leap from firing Imus to going
after Rush Limbaugh."
Click to hear Rush's
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Subject: Hillary
What our friends don't understand is that Hillary
is the frontrunner and She has a wash tub full of cash.
She is not named the frontrunner because I like
Her or don't like Her. She is named the frontrunner
because samples of people are polled and the
poll results are published. For a quick & easy overview
of recent polls go to pollingreport.com
People who act as if you or I are bullshitting
about Hillary's frontrunner status rub my ass raw.
We are certainly free to like it or not, but
the current numbers say She is making sense to a lot of people.
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$36, 3
for $100
Deer and dog hate Bush, too
$23 each, 5 for $100
(Must be sent to same address)

Refrigerator Magnets
2 for $12
Three by four inches - the perfect size!
to order
Dems Don't Have the Balls
Dick Cheney says he is "willing to bet" that
Democratic lawmakers will back down and approve a
war-spending bill that doesn't call for U.S.
troops to leave Iraq.
With President Bush and Congress in a stalemate
-- he plans to veto legislation that orders U.S. troops home,
which the House and Senate plan to send him --
both sides are looking ahead. In an interview broadcast Sunday,
Cheney predicted the Democrats will blink.
He said Congress will end up passing a "clean"
bill that funds the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan without
any troop withdrawal timetables. Democrats do
not appear to have the votes to override a presidential veto.
"They will not leave the troops in the field without
the resources they need," Cheney said of the Democrats.
And if they don't back down?
Cheney said on Face the Whore: "I'm
willing to bet they will."
"There may be some people who are so irresponsible
that they wouldn't support that," Cheney said.
But the majority will send Bush the bill he wants
"once they've gone through the exercise and it's clear
the president will veto the provisions that they
want in," he said.
Will the Democrats back down as Cheney predicts?
Or are they tired of being mice?
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Subject: Kurt and Bixby corn
The double shot of Chinaco was the right thing
to do.
Now you need to start regaling us with tales of
luscious butter dripping Bixby corn,
the corn of the gods. And gives the dates of
the Bixby Green Corn Festival.
See you there!!! (Mouth is watering
With respect and BUTTER wishes to all!!!!
Green Corn
Jun 28 - 30, 2007
Charley Young
Park Bixby, OK 74008
Community festival
that is pure Americana.
Festivities include
a carnival, craft vendors, food, live entertainment, parade, games, 5K
run and more.
General Info:
Free Admission
Event Hours:
Thu 6pm-11pm, Fri 6pm-11pm, Sat 7am-11pm
Projected Attendance:
Located in downtown area.
Event Contact:
Cari Little
At the festival, they grill hundreds of ears of
the best corn ever
on open grills with hardwood charcoal crackling
When you order one, they peel the husk back,
wrap the nature's handle in a napkin
dip it in a bucket of butter and hand it to you.
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"All who serve understand ...that the mission
will always come first."
-- Gen. Ray Odierno,
on why U.S. soldiers don't mind being stuck in Iraq,
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Subject: Kurt
Hi Bart,
I want to add my salute to Kurt Vonnegut.
He was a very important influence in getting
me to look uncomfortable things directly in the eye.
I heard that this was something not universally
admired, and that there was even a book burning of his works
somewhere in the States. In my mind, if an author
that writes as openly and fairly as Kurt did gets his books burned,
that is a higher compliment than any number of
Pullitzer Prizes or whatever - it is a Gut Compliment!
I toast a great man, and a great author. I am
VERY glad he lived.
Yours in Germany,
to trade links?
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Subject: Death penalty
Dude, this is ENORMOUS. After more than
100 years the Dallas Morning News
has changed their editorial opinion of the death
penalty. It couldn't be huger.
So, after Bush executed hundreds of possibly innocent people,
then they come out against willy-nilly killing for justice in Texas?
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Entertainment Page
has good stuff.
Click on the E!

Mike Palecek's
American Dream Book Tour
Protest Across America
And so when someone asked what additional information I had about the
Wellstone affair, I told them about
the book. And I said that an electro-magnetic
weapon was a possibility, and told how the FBI was on the
scene too soon not to have left Minneapolis before
the plane crashed. And the fire burned blue-white,
which is how an electrical fire burns.
Hates Imus
by Frank Rich
It's possible that the only people in this whole
sorry story who are not hypocrites are the Rutgers
teammates and their coach, C. Vivian Stringer.
And perhaps even Don Imus himself, who, while
talking way too much about black people he has
known and ill children he has helped, took full
responsibility for his own catastrophic remarks
and didn't try to blame the ensuing media lynching
on the press, bloggers or YouTube. Unlike Mel
Gibson, Michael Richards and Isaiah Washington,
to take just three entertainers who have recently
delivered loud religious, racial or sexual slurs,
Imus didn't hire a P.R. crisis manager and ostentatiously
enter rehab or undergo psychiatric counseling.
"I dished it out for a long time," he
said on his show last week, "and now it's my time to take it."
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Why aren't we producing more?
GM and Ford should be working three shifts to provide
enough armored vehicles for our unprotected soliders
but apparently we don't want to win that bad.
Was does Bush want to drag this quagmire out
for another twenty bloody, maiming, murdering months?
You know why...
Iraq pumped 3.5M
barrels daily before
Bush invaded
and then they got their 2003 Halliburton
Bush is stealing $220,000,000
No wonder they were so eager to start a war,
stealing $220,000,000
It's the biggest theft in Earth's history.
Exxon made
$10B profit in 90 days
$100M a day - all profit - because Bush started a fake war
Bush's "Bring 'em on"
death taunt is up to...
American victims
more since Saturday
...and how much did BIG OIL make yesterday?
makes $108M - every day
Bush can live with that,
because Iraq's oil wells have
no meters
and his front company is moving
to Dubai.
Bloomberg News says Iraq is currently pumping 2M barrels a day. (Lies)
But even 2M barrels is $120M
a day - where's that money going?
Bush has killed more Americans than Osama.

Subject: praise mail
Your extraordinary insight on everything you publish
arms me with weapons to do
battle with the right wingers in this very red
state, for that I am so very grateful to you.
In the great tubes of the internet there is not
one other site that offers the wit and the wisdom of bartcop.
So Heat up the HAMMER and swing it hard. You
really are the fucking BEST.
There should be tens of thousands of anti-Bush sites on
the internet.
Where the hell is everybody?
Christ, aren't they giving away pages for free?
If nothing else, when you're offered a free web page write, "Check
out Bartcop.com."
or buy the domain, for-christs-sake-get-a-sac.com
and have it point to bartcop.com.
Do we want our country
back NOW?
Or are we willing to
"discuss it" in 2009?
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War Syndrome - they give you
shots before you leave to fight each unnecessary
Bush war.
What if - and can a man ask a simple question
- there was something in that shot that made you hyper-aggressive?
A shot that made you edgy, irritable, opinionated
and ready to fight - that's possible, right?
These Bush bastards would like nothing better
then to infect you with something
that they could sell you a cure for that would
make it managable over the decades.
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Night Online Poker
A Private Poker Tournament for Bartcoppers Only
This Wednesday Night Full Tilt Poker is hosting a $5 + 50 cent buy-in
No-Limit Texas Hold'em Tournament for readers of Bartcop.
It starts at 8 pm Oklahoma (Central) time.
Go to Tournaments --> Private,
then scroll down to 'ID16566163 Apr 18
21:00 Hold'em NL'.
The password for this private event is 'chinaco'
If you are a new player to Full Tilt, please use the bonus code 'friendofbart'
We'll see you Wednesday night,
and I promise, I don't win all the time :)
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Yes, I'm still working on BCR
Is Veronica
Mars cancelled?
Nobody seems to know...
more of Kristen Bell
in the BC Hotties
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