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BCR Show 114
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Thursday April 19, 2007 Vol
1964 - Spanky & Jelly
If you have a product people might pay for,
they need to know you have it.
"Imagine that this kind of massacre happened
(twice) every day. Imagine a police force
that was
far too small to even respond to most of them.
Imagine this occurring repeatedly for years until the
perpetrators and their accomplices became
the de facto power-brokers. Imagine the shootings also
being accompanied by the brutal torture of
victims. Imagine families never having finality on whether
their own siblings or parents or children
have been murdered or not. This is Iraq today. Now think of
the justified rage many feel at the VT campus
police chief and university president for misjudgments.
Now imagine them presiding over several more
massacres in the same place. Ask yourself: why do we
not feel as enraged by Iraq? Are those victims
not human beings too? Are they not children and mothers
and fathers and sons? Are we not ultimately
responsible for them, having destroyed the institutions
of order in their country?"
-- Andrew Sullivan, Link
I'm not sure the rage against the VT cops is justified.
VT is the size of a small city, 25,000 students or so
and I think I heard they have 10,000 employees, too.
It's easy, after the 32 were murdered to ask, "Why
didn't they do more at the time?"
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GOP Senators
Misled on Prosecutor
Richard Fricker
The Bush administration fed Republican senators
misleading talking points that hailed the prosecutorial
experience of interim Little Rock U.S. Attorney
J. Timothy Griffin, although the protégé of White House
political adviser Karl Rove appears never
to have actually tried a criminal case.
The Justice Department and White House sent talking
points and other info to Congress stressing Griffin's
"significant experience as a federal prosecutor
at both the Department of Justice and as a military prosecutor."
Republican senators then echoed those assessments
of Griffin as a seasoned professional.
But an examination of Griffin's record as a prosecutor
reveals a much less impressive body of experience,
with no indication that Griffin ever took a criminal
case to trial either as a civilian or a military prosecutor.
Think how effective the Democrats could be if they had the balls to
list the facts.
If they just had a half-ounce of will-to-win they might be undefeated.
But no.
They are content to surrender their lunch money to the bully every
single day of their lives.
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GOP blames
VTech victims
by Michelle Malkin, liar and whore
Is it too early to ask: "What if just
one student had been in lawful possession
of a concealed weapon for the purpose of self-defense?"
No, it's too stupid to ask.
About a decade ago, I wrote about this in a back
Let's say a Wal-Mart has 300 shoppers one day and 20 percent of them
are carrying.
Someone on Aisle 2 accidentally fires a shot from a rifle he's buying.
Then someone on Aisle 3 figures it's a robbery so he pulls his gun
to shoot the guy on Aisle 2.
But someone on Aisle 5 hears shots, sees the guy on Aisle 3 and drops
Then someone on Aisle 7 sees the Aisle 5 guy shooting so he drops him.
Soon, you'd have 60 people with guns, all shooting for 60 crazy reasons.
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Subject: that ass
Bart, my head almost exploded when I saw Gin W.
Blossom running over to Virginia Tech
to spew his bilge at the memorial service.
This is the same a**hole who has attended exactly
ZERO memorial services/funerals for the soldiers
killed in Iraq.
He's calling for flag to be at half-staff, but
won't let us acknowledge soldier's deaths
with pictures of flag-draped coffins in the mass
media. Is it just me?
How can any relative of a soldier be okay with
How can ANY American be okay with that?
Trudi, many soldiers are willing to sacrifice their lives for Halliburton
and Bush.
Many parents are willing to donate 1, 2, 3 kids, however many Bush
...but they hate Clinton.

Bush on
Gun Control
Bush made his philosophy clear: 'I believe law-abiding
citizens ought to be able to own a gun.
I believe in background checks at gun shows or
anywhere to make sure that guns don't get in
the hands of people that shouldn't have them.
But the best way to protect our citizens from guns
is to prosecute those who commit crimes with
guns Neighborhoods are safer when we
crack down on people who commit crimes with
So, after Cho murders 31 people, "crack down" on his dead ass?
How does that prevent a single shooting - those people are still dead.
Cho didn't even have to pay for his gun.
He put it on his VISA knowing he'd be dead before the bill came.
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"Don Imus was fired because he was critical
of Hillary.
"This is an election year. Clinton Inc.,
You get on their case, they're going
to take you out."
-- Rush, explaining
how the Clintons wiped out Nazi radio all by themselves
Subject: guns
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Statement by the NRA:
NRA joins the entire country in expressing our
condolences to the families, yadda, yadda, yadda...
to buy a gun?
Only the
names change...
"By the desensitising standards of routine American
gun violence, the shootings at Virginia Tech
were shocking only in their scale. Over more
than 20 years, Americans have got grimly used to a
ritual that plays out on the cable news every
few months. The initial news is sketchy, reports of shots
fired at a campus or in a schoolyard. Then, the
first confused images of students running terrified from
classrooms, black-clothed Swat teams gingerly
pressing into doorways; the press conference in which
some dazed school principal or university president
mutters the first incomplete details, with casualty
estimates and emergency phone numbers for worried
relatives to call."
...and there's nothing we can do to stop it.
It's going to happen again and again, each shooter learning tactics
from the last.
The next shooting will certainly involve chained doors, to make the
body count higher.
The gun nuts will say everyone should carry a gun to drop a crazed shooter
if it happens,
but then every bump in the hall could mean guns are drawn and shots
are fired.
Crying won't help you, praying won't do you no good.
April 18th,
Iraq's Deadliest Day
April 18, 2007: Officials report 233 people killed
or found dead across Iraq.
At least 183 of those are killed when four large
bombs explode in mainly Shiite locations of Baghdad.
March 29, 2007: At least 179 people are killed,
including 104 by multiple suicide bombers in Khalis.
March 27, 2007: At least 198 people are reported
killed or found dead. Truck bombs hit markets in
Tal Afar, killing at least 152 people, while
another 46 Iraqis are also killed or found dead.
March 6, 2007: Officials report 194 deaths, including
120 by two suicide bombers in Hillah.
But our lying president says things are getting
Insane McCain bet his presidency on peace in
Rudy the beauty queen agrees - Baghdad is a wonderful
place to shop.
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Check out dissentisterror.com
"He never spoke to me, he was always quiet.
Who could've known he's cause such
damage, that idiot."
-- Cho's aunt, thru an interpreter
on CNN
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Subject: gun suggestion
Two suggestions: 1) Limit the magazine capacity
of all firearms to a maximum of 6 rounds and
2) Outlaw weapons with detachable magazines.
Although a mass killing would still be possible,
these limitations would make such an event vastly
harder for a killer to achieve. The reloading of
a non detachable magazine (or a revolver) is
much slower taking , taking 10 seconds or more rather
than the 1 to 2 seconds required to replace
the clip in a modern semi auto pistol.
And, due to the low capacity of ammunition, the
reloading process would be much more frequent.
These additional seconds would allow the potential
victims to escape or fight back.
These new laws would not limit the ability of
any law abiding gun owner to fully pursue
their lawful activities: hunting, target and
recreational shooting, self protection.
I like your idea in general, but the argument
against that goes like this:
Say your kids are playing in the backyard and
you hear screaming.
You look out and see a pack of dogs attacking
your kids.
You grab the gun and get between the kids and
the dogs and start shooting.
You're nervous, so only half the shots hit and
there is still a threat.
They're going to say, "Don't
tell me how much protection for my family is enough.' "
Lastly, who could make such gun laws happen?
Who could resist the wrath of the NRA?
Who could use this issue to build a legacy?
Only George Bush.
Bill in Atlanta
ha ha
Stop it!
When has Bush ever done anything that didn't put money in his
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Imus Agonistes
Don Imus' firing is being described as a turning
point in what the public will accept from radio hosts.
Take Sean Hannity, on whose show the WMD in Iraq
have long ago been found, and where stem cell
research is equivalent to abetting homicide,
on a world that is 5800 years old, where George W. Bush is
a wise and trusted leader who came to the presidency
after a heroic stint in our armed forces, where he
absorbed the wisdom and bravery to save us all
from the "terrorists" who he tricked into all going to Iraq
so we can "fight them there rather than fighting
them here," but only until we train the Iraqi army "to stand up
so we can stand down."
On Hannity's show and so many others, Bush's "signing
statements" insure our liberty by terminating it.
Good point.
We should go after the liars as well as the racists.
If the Democrats had any will to win (Should I
bother to finish this sentence?) they would pay
people to record and refute every lie from Rush,
Haniity, O'Reilly etc, but they don't.
They don't do that because Mr. Rove might not like it and it's all
about pleasing him.
How did I get in a party of spineless quitters and losers?
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for Service Overview
Visit jointhesolution.com/cavegal
Subject: GOP crooks
Dear Bart,
Ever since der monkey announced he was running
for president, I have received never ending supply
of propaganda snail mails from the neocons, all
requesting money, especially from Doolittle who is
supposed to be the representative for my area.
I have written and called them repeatedly to take
my name off their mailing lists and they just ignored me.
Two weeks ago I allowed myself the great pleasure
of calling Doo-nothing's office and telling them I
wouldn't vote for a Repuglican again ever, even
if the only other candidate were Osama himself and if
I got any more of their junk mail I would sue
for harassment! (condensed) LOL
Needless to say the article below gives me the
greatest of pleasure, as does every investigation
into the thieving and criminal activities of
these lawless, amoral "Family Values" hypocrites.
Kerry & Kalliope
Feds raid
Doolittle's Home
The FBI searched the Virginia home of Rep. John
Doolittle (R-Calif.) last Friday in its investigation into ties
between the congressman and his wife, Julie,
and Jack Abramoff.
The search took place three days before his former
chief of staff, Kevin Ring, abruptly resigned from his
lobbying firm Monday. Ring left Doolittle's office
to work for Abramoff at the law firm Greenberg Traurig
and may have played a role in Abramoff's decision
to hire Julie Doolittle's consulting firm. After the Abramoff
scandal broke, Ring went to work for the lobbying
firm, Barnes and Thornburg.
Doolittle came within three percentage points
of losing his election in November after facing months of scrutiny
over his relationship with Abramoff, who is in
jail for an array of crimes.
Doolittle has refused to return an estimated $50,000
he received from Abramoff clients. Abramoff personally
donated $14,000 to Doolittle's congressional
campaigns. Doolittle also used Abramoff's luxury sports box
for a fundraiser without initially reporting
it to the Federal Election Commission.
Looks like this crook will be toast in 2008.
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"All of us are confronted with disappointments
and tragedies.
I can't imagine what it would be like
to lose a child."
-- Dubya, after sending 3300 soldiers to an early grave,Link
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Subject: gun talk
You're right. Bushiekins was not an absolute
moron for once.
This is NOT the time for a fair, logical and
reasoned debate about gun control.
I say this as a very strong supporter of very
strict control laws.
The reason is simple: no law passed in the passion
of fear of the moment will stand the test of time
and worse, such laws are always vague and poorly
thought out (like the Patriot Act) and ultimately
undermine the freedoms and equality that are
all that The US has that make it better than a dictatorship.
--joe in Japan
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News's nasty Vonnegut Obit
$36, 3
for $100
They hate Bush at the Fair
$23 each, 5 for $100
(Must be sent to same address)
Refrigerator Magnets
2 for $10
5 for $20
10 for
Buy ten, sell them for $6
and double your money!
to order
in charge
Democratic presidential contenders are scrambling
for support in what's being dubbed the Al Sharpton primary.
The high-profile Sharpton, fresh from the fight
over Don Imus' derogatory remarks, is attracting all the party's
major candidates this week for his annual National
Action Network convention.
The solid attendance - starting with John Edwards
on Wednesday and continuing with Hillary and Obama
later this week - reflects Sharpton's prominence
in the party, concern that he might run again and the
Democrats' effort to appeal to the base, particularly
black voters.
No wonder the event was being called the Sharpton
I'm surprised how many Democrats dislike or openly hate Sharpton.
Some people call him and Jesse Jackson publicity whores, but in case
after case,
nothing gets done until they get involved and bring attention to some
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"I've been accused of vulgarity. That's
-- Mel Brooks
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Poker nannies
target Veterans
Why can't they mind their own damn business?
Two veterans organizations' posts were raided
for alleged illegal gambling last weekend in Far East Dallas.
Police busted a poker operation at the AmVets
Post No. 106 Friday night, Dallas police said.
The following night, police said, they broke up
poker games at the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1837.
Poker operations are illegal "when the house takes
a cut from the pot, as opposed to you having a
friendly poker game at your house," Lt. Smith
said. "The money paid in should be the same amount paid out,"
and the poker games should be in a private setting.
Ever try to get a poker game going at your house?
You'd need to have about 40 poker friends because most people
can't be at a certain place at a certain time to get a game going.
A poker game is like band practice.
On Monday, everybody can make it but the drummer.
On Tuesday, everybody can make it but the singer.
Online poker works because millions want to play.
Besides, the House isn't stealing that money - everyone agrees to it.
Plus, that 10 percent pays for security, waitresses, beer, cokes and
pizza etc.
I guess there's no crime at all in Dallas if the po-lice have time to
raid poker games
played by veterans who risked their lives for the "freedom"
they're not getting in Dallas.
Once again, religious insanity rules the world.
God hates it when people have a good time - so they must
be stopped.
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Extra stupid
Dem Quotes
"In many ways, he is our national chaplain."
-- Leon Panetta, Bill Clinton's chief of staff, on Dubya,
"It's important for the country to see the
one person they decided on
as a leader out front and speaking
for them in moments like this."
-- Joe Lockhart, Bill Clinton's press secretary,
Bush is a shill for the NRA.
He should have been too ashamed to visit that memorial service.
But he can always count on the Democrats to back him up.
After all, their job is to be fair...
God, I need a drink...
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Entertainment Page
has good stuff.
Click on the E!
Subject: Another Imusism?
Bart, would Imus now call the Korean killer
a straight-headed Cho?
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This is a Tally Briggs (of Bartcop Radio) Production
Subject: madmen
Everyone is shocked and outraged by a madman that
killed 32 people.
Where is the outrage when a madman kills more
than 600,000 people?
Patrick C
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If only...
Will Dems
Cave Again?
by Ray McGovern
On CBS's "Face the Nation" on Sunday, Cheney
could barely suppress a smirk in expressing confidence
that the Democrats will cave in and, as he put
it, "not leave America's fighting forces in harm's way without
the resources they need to defend themselves."
And yes, he went on to reassure viewers - against
all evidence to the contrary - "We are making progress."
While our corporate media remain allergic to analyzing
the administration's true intentions, Democrats cannot
fail to see the White House game for what it
is. Will they be frightened into acquiescing in the certain deaths
of 1,000 to 1,500 more American troops already
"in harm's way," and the wounding of several times that
number - not to mention the mounting casualties
among Iraqis?
It appears they will.
Betting on Democrats to cave in isn't gambling.
When you gamble, there's a chance you'll lose.
Democrats always cave in, even when they have 70% of the voters
behind them.
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Iraq pumped 3.5M
barrels daily before
Bush invaded
and then they got their 2003 Halliburton
Bush is stealing $220,000,000
No wonder they were so eager to start a war,
stealing $220,000,000
It's the biggest theft in Earth's history.
Exxon made
$10B profit in 90 days
$100M a day - all profit - because Bush started a fake war
Bush's "Bring 'em on"
death taunt is up to...
American victims
more since uesterday
...and how much did BIG OIL make yesterday?
makes $108M - every day
Bush can live with that,
because Iraq's oil wells have
no meters
and his front company is moving
to Dubai.
Bloomberg News says Iraq is currently pumping 2M barrels a day. (Lies)
But even 2M barrels is $120M
a day - where's that money going?
Bush has killed more Americans than Osama.

Cattle Call
by Kos
It's time to rank the candidates. My rankings
are based on where I think they would place
if the elections started today, using a mix of
poll results, CW, media attention, buzz, and other intangibles.
Last month's results: 1) Clinton, 2) Obama, 3)
Edwards, 4) Richardson, and the rest.
Hmmm, Hillary went from less than one percent (when she was 25 points
to a favorite now that Obama is hot on her tail?
Maybe all that money Hillary threw at Kos changed his mind.
Kos gets $9000 a week for his top ad and Hillary bought a boatload
of weeks.
$9000 a week just for one ad.
Let me ask you, reader:
If, say, Huckabee's camp offered to give you $90,000
would you agree to say he was the favorite to be president?
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Subject: got the CDs
Bart, I just received your CD's. I ran into
the house as though
Dire Straits had just cut some new wax.
If there was a "just" Supreme Cloud Being...you
would be knocking down 22 Mil a year
and FatBoy would be manager of a Moe's Southwestern
Wayne in Georgia
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