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BCR Show 114
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Friday April 20, 2007 Vol
1965 - Corrupt A.G.
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"Bush is very dangerous, because he's an unguided
missile, he's a rocket with no ability
to be educated. You can't change what
he wants to do. He can't deviate from his policy,
and that's frightening when somebody
has as much power as he does, and is as much a
radical as he is, and is as committed
to democracy -- whatever that means -- as he is in
the Mideast. I really do believe that's
what drives him. That doesn't mean he's not
interested in oil. But I really think
he thinks democracy is the answer."
-- Seymour Hersh, when asked if Bush is worse than Nixon, Link
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Time for
PBS to Go?
Robert Parry
PBS is broadcasting what amounts to a neoconservative
propaganda series entitled "America at a Crossroads,"
which has included a full hour info-mercial for
Bush's invasion of Iraq written and narrated by Richard Perle,
one of the war's architects.
The Perle segment, entitled "The Case for War:
In Defense of Freedom," treated anti-war Americans as
deranged individuals. Perle, though known as
the "prince of darkness," spoke in a quiet almost regretful tone,
expressing disappointment that "conspiracy theories"
and hatred of Bush had blinded so many people to the
rightness of the Iraq War.
To show examples of these pathetic anti-war lunatics,
the PBS program included short clips of Martin Sheen
and Tim Robbins while Perle did a voice-over
that talked about them like a psychiatrist who sadly saw no choice
but to sign commitment papers.
I'm so old, I remember when PBS was good and decent,
but then the Democrats watched in fear as the GOP perverted
it into a cheerleading channel for Fascism, celebrating America's downfall.
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So, why did women vote to give up their reproductive rights?
And why did Gore and Kerry reject the idea of making
Roe v Wade a big part of their presidential campaigns?
Bush rambles
like a madman
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Subject: Bart, the conspiracy
Oh puleeeze Bart~
First off, Walmart ain't gonna' let you load one
of their floor model guns in the store. Jeeze!
Yep, one of us is crazy, all right.
You just said "Gun accidents can't happen."
I used to think I could debate, but I'd hate
to debate that.
Second, if that did happen, the clerk would probably
shout, "Accidental disharge!"
Sure, unless he was startled and shaken...
And third, you presume that Spike Lee is directing
everybody with a gun to "act crazy."
If your stated scenario had happened and you were
there with your (Glock) baby,
would you just pull it out and start blasting
at everybody else in sight?
No, but then I'm the smartest man in Oklahoma
- not everybody is.
This ain't comedy you're writing, Bart ... it's
just bad fiction.
I'm only in it for the money...

E! Online (The TV Channel, not Marty's E!) is reporting...
leaves Monkey
The U.S. Chief of Grief, George W. Bush's wife
is so damn put out by the teetotaling
Texan's return to drinking that she had to get
outta the White House. Woo-hoo!
"She just couldn't take it anymore," whispered
a former White House staffer. "She's had it."
But, of course, the mainstream media won't report this because their
job is to protect Bush.
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"You've answered 'I don't know' or 'I can't
recall' to close to a hundred questions,
you're not familiar with the workings
of much of your department, and we still don't have
convincing explanations of the who,
what and why of the firings. I urge you to reexamine
your performance and, for the good
of the department and the good of country, step down."
-- Chuck Schumer, sheepishly asking a dirty, lying crook to become a good,
honest man.
Subject: proudly enabling
The only ones who enabled that asshole are your
friends the leftard nanny-stater school administrators
and legislators who
only in Jan 2006 MADE ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN that every victim in the
was properly infantilized, disarmed and helpless.
all the while crowing about how it would make everyone "feel safe".
Lefties think putting up signs to cater to peoples
feellings (Gun-Free Zone)
justifies eliminating a college student's BASIC
Meanwhile you guys rant about Bushitler and how
we can't trust the govt and then turn around
five seconds later to advocate giving the govt
a total monopoly on the potential USE OF FORCE.
No telling who you think you're talking to, but it can't be me.
Ain't nobody taking my guns from me.
Even when I was a 20 year old retarded leftist
(like you probably are) I still understood the wisdom of
the second amendment and saw how it applied to
me personally being concerned about govt abuse of power.
Are you upset that Bush has discarded the Conmstitution?
Or is it only Democratic presidents who need to be held in check?
Do you think the "children" feel safe in the "gun-free
zone" yet fuckbrains?
You sir, are a douche of the first magnitude.
My, what a potty mouth you have.
You sure make a lousy first impression.
Do you kiss your mother with that filthy mouth?
Any culpability not borne by the shooter is borne
by YOU and your fellow nanny-stater travelers
and pussified police hiding behind trees with
AR15s while a punk with a pea-shooter executed 30 people.
Please go fuck yourself.
Unrepentent American.
VRWC Member.
Complete Asshole
Supporter of NRA, GOA and VCDL.
If you had written calmly, without the hate and violence rhetoric,
I might have a clue what the hell you're talking about.
I agree that a "No Guns" sign won't stop a madman.
Did someone tell you I thought it would?
With your temper, I wonder how different you are from Cho.
Are you thisclose to "teaching us lefties a lesson?"
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"Death is terrible."
-- America's Monkey, on the similarities
between Iraq and Vietnam
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Subject: You get on their case,
they're going to take you out
Bart, for some reason I loved that quote from
It just proves that Rush and the rest of the
fascists are scared to death of Hillary Clinton.
If that's why Imus got taken off the air, which
I doubt very much, that would really make me happy.
Those women-hating half- baked goons are really
a piece of work; they're both so repulsive,
no woman would even look at them if they weren't
rolling in dough.....
Go Hillary!!!!! all the way to the Presidency
Marian in Missouri
Marion, Rush makes $30M a year, and no woman will
have him.
Maybe they sense he fancys Dominican Republic
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What we
learned today
'The List' was created by aliens. If you just
keep saying "I don't recall," Senators will "call for" your resignation,
but won't do anything about it. Arlen "Scottish
Compromise" Specter can't bring himself to make a decision
about anything -- and therefore can't be counted
on to do anything -- about Gonzales. Even when Republican
Senators do tell Gonzales he should resign, he
just continues to pretend he just doesn't get it, even going so far
as to lecture them (as he did Coburn) that they
have a responsibility "to work with him" to correct his errors.
I missed the Gonzales testimony. All I know about it is he caught hell
from the Republicans.
And, after intensely going over his testimony at mock hearings for
weeks, the best our crooked
Attorney General could muster was, "I can't
remember" so many times everyone knew he was lying.
And, of course, the Democrats were very polite...
"We wouldn't want to cause any trouble..."
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Subject: Your unhealthy Kos/Clinton
for Service Overview
Visit jointhesolution.com/cavegal
Subject: BCR - Swing it!
Hey Bart,
Dude - you're on fire! I am loving the shows lately.
You've got it down to the beat.
I signed on at about show #92 and worked my way
though the archive,
but I must say as soon as you start hitting the
100s - it just gets better and better.
Nothing I'd improve. Nothing I'd change.
Bart, keep up the good work.
Swing that hammer.
Alex, thanks for that.
Subject: FYI
Hi, Bart:
Take a look at the attached image to see who leads
the list at Rozius Unbound
in fightiing the good fight. :-)
Matt v
Bush Dynasty
We're watching a dynasty collapse before our
eyes. That is no exaggeration. You must remember:
a mere five years ago, George Bush had a 90%
approval rating. And now, it's 31%.
There is zero way this administration can save
itself. Six months before the election, I wrote how the
Bush administration is a house of cards built
on a house of sand. There's nothing there to support it.
The moment it begins to collapse, I noted, it
can only eat away at itself. It's like a rotting tree that
begins to give way and then just crumbles, bit
by bit. That's what we're seeing now. And we've only
touched the surface. These aren't the last scandals,
they're just the latest - ones that have happened
since the November election. The scandal revelations
will keep coming, like a tsunami. Their very
own Katrina. Heck of a job, Bushie.
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"Barbara Boxer thinks that killing babies is
but killing college students is bad."
-- Rush, the vulgar
Pigboy who can't think
Butt Rush, Pickles Bush is a baby-killer, too.
Why does she get a pass?
Der Monkey's Mother is a baby-killer, too.
Why does she get a pass?
Bush's daughters are baby-killers, too.
Why do they get a pass?
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If you have a product people might pay for,
they need to know you have it.
Subject: Thank you for that
Bart, you nailed it with the rush to judgment
over the shootings.
I was far more sick over the rush to center stage
by Matt Lauer than
misguided feelings about how the police did or
didn't do their jobs.
I live in VA's capital city and if people think
murders are solved in 3 hrs they just don't know.
I have heard that it is:
game fault (first person shooter games to be specific),
didn't check 'harmful to others box' at his latest exam.
I think it is tempting to find a fix, even if
it is a false one.
Thanks for (often) being the one to call that
out into the open.
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$36, 3
for $100
Patrick in Lansing
$23 each, 5 for $100
(Must be sent to same address)
Refrigerator Magnets
2 for $10
5 for $20
10 for
Re-sell them, make big bucks!
to order
Iraq may
hold twice as much oil
Translation: We ain't leaving until every drop is stolen
Iraq could hold almost twice as much oil in its
reserves as had been thought, according to the
most comprehensive independent study of its resources
since the US-led invasion in 2003.
The potential presence of a further 100 billion
barrels in the western desert highlights the
opportunity for Iraq to be one of the world's
biggest oil suppliers, and its attractions for
international oil companies (oil
thieves) if the conflict in the country
can be resolved.
What horse hockey!
Bush's war gives them the cover to steal the oil.
Why do you think he started the war?
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Subject: if everyone carried
a gun...
Bart, you wrote:
> But someone on Aisle 5 hears shots, sees
the guy on Aisle 3 and drops him.
> Then someone on Aisle 7 sees the Aisle 5
guy shooting so he drops him.
You are spot on with this analysis, Bart, as usual.
I once saw two guys in a fight who were wrestling
on the ground. One was drunk and mad and the other
was sane and trying to hold the drunk but not
injure him. I helped the guy who was sane, and when I had
the drunk guy restrained a bit, my guy let go
and walked off, leaving me holding the drunk! So there I was
on the ground holding a drunken bum who was trying
to punch me out and along comes another guy who
puts a hold on ME. I couldn't hold them
both, so I had to let the drunk go and he started hitting me while
the second good samartian held me down.
If that was a gunfight, it would have gone just
like you said, and people would be dead instead of bruised.
Jimmy H

Birthday to Tommy Mack,
Father of Bartcop Radio!
Not sure which this is, I'm guessing 45 or so...
"I wish the war were over. I wish the war never
-- Karl Rove, with a straight face,
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Guns at
FOX News
Fox News says the Virginia Tech tragedy could
have been avoided if Virginia
had passed a law allowing concealed weapons on
Good point. All the students and professors shooting
at each other and not knowing
who started shooting sounds like a great idea.
In fact, if it's good enough for college
campuses, why not also apply it to the Fox studios?
Does Fox News Channel allow concealed weapons?
Can you enter the facilities with your guns?
They're saying on-air what a great idea it is
for everyone to be carrying guns. If they actually believe
that it makes everyone safer, I assume they would
let you bring weapons into Fox. So, do they?
Remember? We did this years ago.
If more guns is the answer, why do people go thru a metal detector
at GOP conventions?
If more guns is the be-all and end-all, why can't all Fascists carry
at NaziCon 2008?
They'll say, "Are you crazy? You might be risking
the next president of the United States,"
as tho the kids at VTech weren't important enough to protect.
How many times have we said it - If you just list the facts you always
because their side is guided by hate, fear and prejudice and we have
science and logic.
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Kerry in
When voters were asked whether Kerry should
run for another term in 2008,
56% said that it was time to give someone
else a chance. Link
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Entertainment Page
has good stuff.
Click on the E!
Subject: the VT criticisms
To those criticizing the VT officials who did
not lock down the campus sooner, I would like to remind them
that the President of University of Oklahoma
(Former ultra-conservative Sen David Boren, D-Gay) did not
lock down the campus in the Fall of 2005 when
a deranged student killed himself with a bomb not far from
a football game that was in progress. The
game went on. How did President Boren know that this lone bomber
was not the forerunner of another bomb attack
on the campus with that huge crowd of fans on campus?
It's so damned easy to second guess.
Larry H
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This is a Tally Briggs (of Bartcop Radio) Production
Subject: yesterday's gun parable
When's the last time a pack of dogs that big attacked
a kid in the United States?
(Or anywhere else?)
I'll bet there have been a hell of a lot
more mass shootings of people than dog pack attacks.
Mike, you kinda have a point, but
how often does a Heisman Trophy winner try to
cut his wife's head off?
Plus, years ago, me & Mrs Bart went to Canyon
De Chelly in eastern New Mexico.
At most of the "scenic turnoffs," we were confronted
with packs of wild dogs.
We stayed in or near the car for those quick
stops, but I generally travel with protection,
so had we been surprised by the pack of dogs,
my best option would have been gun violence.
To sane folk, a gun is something to be used in an emergency.
Let's hope you never sit in a funeral home and say, "Bart
was right."
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Random thought...
This is Bartcop Volume 1965.
1965 reminds me of the year 1965, the year blacks were granted civil
I'm 53.
If you're 33, blacks have had civil rights all your life.
When I was a kid, it was mostly legal to hang a negro.
What was his family going to do - sue the sheriff who held the rope?
People were so outraged at the OJ verdict, not realizing it was
a backlash
to 400 years of, "Who you gonna believe, Billy
Bob or the dead negro?"
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(R-Unstable) jokes about bombing Iran
Iraq pumped 3.5M
barrels daily before
Bush invaded
and then they got their 2003 Halliburton
Bush is stealing $220,000,000
No wonder they were so eager to start a war,
stealing $220,000,000
It's the biggest theft in Earth's history.
Exxon made
$10B profit in 90 days
$100M a day - all profit - because Bush started a fake war
Bush's "Bring 'em on"
death taunt is up to...
American victims
Another family destroyed yesterday
...and how much did BIG OIL make yesterday?
makes $108M - every day
Bush can live with that,
because Iraq's oil wells have
no meters
and his front company is moving
to Dubai.
Bloomberg News says Iraq is currently pumping 2M barrels a day. (Lies)
But even 2M barrels is $120M
a day - where's that money going?
Bush has killed more Americans than Osama.

Wild Idea...
The last time we kicked around the idea of getting together,
we couldn't get 12 people in the New York/New Jersey to guve us a 'maybe."
So what if we upped the ante?
What about a Bart-Cruise?
Anyone out there have a connection where we could get a good deal?
Here's what's up:
Mrs Bart has always wanted to see Alaska, it's on her lifetime list
of things to do
and since time and fate are both bitches, if it's ever going to happen
it's gotta happen now.
But she doesn't know if she can stand a week on a boat, so we need to
do a 1-3 night cruise
to see of she can stand to be on a big boat for a week, so that made
me think of a Bart-Cruise.
The last really wild idea I had was the Fest in DC in 2002 and
it was a hueueueueueueuge success.
So - what city should we cruise from?
Who can get us a group rate on a two night cruise?
It must be a cruise where poker is legal, but that's a given, right?
Somebody - talk to me!
have connections to the best poker cruise ever, Bart!
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Subject: gun problem
FYI --- the assault weapons ban prohibited the
automatic loading cartridges
used by the V-Tech killer. The GOP
Congress let the assault weapons ban
expire in 2006 ---- thanks again, Dennis Hastert
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Mandy Moore:
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more of Mandy Moore in the BC
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