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BCR Show 116
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Wed-Thursday May 9-10, 2007 Vol
1974 - Short Leash
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"Hand on heart, I did what I thought was right.
I may have been wrong, but that's your call.
But believe one thing if nothing else.
I did what I thought was right for our country."
- - Tony Blair, lying whore, on Saddam's ability to attack with WMDs inside
45 minutes, Link
Without Blair, Bush's would've just been
another Cho, a crazed gunman seeking revenge.
But Blair gave Bush's rape and pillaging
respectability - and now he wants forgiveness?
Bush, Cheney, Rummy, Blair, Rice, Powell,
Tenet - rejoice that there is no God,
because you'd all burn in Hell for eternity
if there was.
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The Right's
Parallel Universe
by Richard Fricker
To understand how the United States got itself
into its current fix, it's helpful to understand that the
American Right and its powerful media apparatus
have created a kind of parallel universe that has
its own internal logic that sort of makes sense
even if the "reality" isn't exactly real.
So, on the Iraq War, everything is going pretty
well except, as Fox News reminds its viewers,
the "liberal media" keeps hiding all the positive
developments from the American people.
Plus, the only way to explain hostility toward
Bush is to postulate that his critics are consumed by irrational hatreds.
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Check out dissentisterror.com
Feds vs
Michael Moore
It's revenge for producing Farenheit 9-11
Michael Moore is under investigation by the Treasury
Department for taking ailing 9-11 rescue workers
to Cuba for a segment in his upcoming health-care
documentary "Sicko," The Whore AP has learned.
In February, Moore took about 10 ailing workers
from the Ground Zero rescue effort in Manhattan for
treatment in Cuba, said a person working with
him on the release of "Sicko." The person requested
anonymity because Moore's attorneys had not yet
determined how to respond.
Moore received the letter Monday. "Sicko" premieres
in U.S. theaters June 29.
So Bush is getting revenge because Michael Moore revealed
what a crazy moron he is in F-911.
If America was a free country, Moore wouldn't
have to worry about petty revenge from a tyrant.
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Subject: slamming Hillary
I really don't think you see it but you do attack
anyone that disagrees with Hillary.
Can you name the last time someone "disagreed"
with her?
I don't think I can - I'd have to go thru the
back issues...
Usually it's a nasty personal attack with no foundation.
When you talk about the cowardly Democrats and
the tutu Dems do you forget she is a Dem?
No, I remember which party she belongs to.
Until she shed her freshman status, she wasn't
in a position to lead the attack against the GOP.
Now she's the leader of her party and she's leading
the attack.
Did you hear her say, "If
Bush refuses to accept reality, we'll bring reality to him?"
She's writing legislation to deny Bush authority
to have troops in Iraq.
It's about time someone on our side joined the
The punk tutu men stood around and waited until
a girl with sac showed up.
Love the site and love your insight but you do
seem to
have an attack reflex where SHE is concerned.
Yellowdog Bill
It's hard to say because the others aren't being attacked.
Did anyone say Edwards is lucky to not be in prison?
The right-wing media is pushing FOR Obama, not attacking him.
Hillary is the only Democrat being attacked, mostly from the left.
As pitiful as he was, I backed Kerry - and Gore before him.
You can count on me to stand behind our front-runner/nominee.
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Saw it on gahzette
my ass
by Alan Bisbort
Lately, I've heard more people (men, mostly)
proclaim themselves "libertarian." My gut feeling tells me
that most of these new "converts" aren't really
libertarian, or that they don't understand what libertarianism
is and that they are really just angry at how
far off the rails the Republican Party -- their natural habitat --
has drifted under the Moron in Chief. They are
doing this to psychologically remove themselves from the
mess they created by voting for Bush and for,
until a year or so ago, blindly voting a straight GOP Party
ticket for as far back as they can remember.
These "libertarians" are Republicans without the guilt by
association or, rather, without the remorse.
By comparison to the ineptitude and stupidity
of the Bush Regime, "libertarianism" sounds smart and sexy,
ruggedly individualistic and hardboiled. Famous
libertarians include such hardboiled legumes as Ayn Rand,
Grover Norquist and Pat Buchanan. "Famous" and
"libertarian" don't live in the same sentence for good reasons.
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Saw it on freewayblogger.blogspot.com
"Lesbianism is so rampant in some of the schools
in southeast Oklahoma
that they'll only let one girl go to
the bathroom at a time."
-- Tom Coburn, (R-Jesus Twin) who
is insane as the day is long, Link
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Cruise the Mexican
Riviera with Mike & Kathy Malloy!
for Info
Cabins are selling out!
Subject: Paris
When I heard she said the cops pull her over to
hit on her,
I thought she must take "Hands on the car
and spread em!" as a come on line.
Anyone who thinks the cops would not pull her over probably
thinks the
X-ray screeners at airports don't take a long, lingering look at the
slender young ladies that come thru the line, too.
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Global Warming?
California is burning, Arizona will be burning next week.
Georgia is burning - so much it spead to Florida.
Meanwhile Kansas and Oklahoma are flooding and drowning.
They predict a major hurricane season this year,
but there's no reason to believe in global warming because the
religiously-insane Oklahoma politicians say it's all a hoax.
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for System Overview
Visit jointhesolution.com/cavegal
"I absolutely realize how serious driving under
the influence is. I could not live
with myself if anyone was injured or
killed while I was driving while impaired.
Clearly, no one should -- no matter
how slightly. I am ready to face the
consequences of violating probation."
-- that Hilton woman, the
one who makes people Hillary-mad, Link
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Subject: Lee Iococca
Hey Bart
I read a great
post by Lee Iococca on Common Dreams website.
Great post, although like a lot of these Johnny
come lately people, I wonder where they have been
the last 5 years while this unelected idiot destroys
our country. There was always the info available
for these people, hell, you've been screaming
as loud as you could about their crimes, but maybe
someone with power like this will make some kind
of dent into the brains of those who can't think.
Jim Reem
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- How the Media
Over for Bush
"[Bush's war blunders] primarily had to do
with listening to a lot of folks who were
civilians in suits and silk ties and
not listening enough to the generals with mud
and blood on their boots and medals
on their chest."
-- Mike Huckabee, showing some rare sanity in the recent
GOP debate
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Special thanks to Pauline in Hayward, CA.
Pauline, I couldn't find your e-mail address so - thank you.
I mailed your magnets today, too.
The Yankees'
Clean-Up Man
Rudy's $200,000 bribe exposed
Giuliani has been showing off his World Series Yankee ring, a valuable
prize we never knew he had.
The Yankees say he has four rings. Experts say Rudy's rings are worth
$200,000 or more.
New York officials are barred from taking a gift greater than $50 from
anyone doing business
with the city, and under Giuliani, that statute was enforced aggressively
against others.
Last time I looked, $200,000 was greater than $50.
Rudy is a corrupt Republican
and aren't we all a little tired of those?
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Subject: War dragging Republicans
Republicans are in between a rock and a hard place
when it comes to Bush's war in Iraq.
With the Iraqi parliament about to take a 2 month
vacation it's rather doubtful that they will be
meeting the benchmarks that they seem to favor.
On one hand Republicans don't want to lose the war.
But it's not a matter of if we lose but when,
and the longer we wait the bigger we lose.
The only things that all Iraqis agree on is that
Americans should get out.
America is still in denial about the war but the
denial is wearing off.
If Americans didn't like the war in the last
election they really won't like it in the 2008 election.
The Republicans own this war and the longer it
goes on the more the Democrats get to rub their noses in it.
It will be interesting to see how long the Republicans
will support a war that is dragging them down.
Marc Perkel
San Bruno, CA
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Subject: Attacking Hillary
A while back, when I was ragging on Palast about
his seemingly non-sensical beatdown
on a British lefty politician, YOU told me that
the benefit of the doubt had to go to Palast.
Well sure, especially since I didn't know the
NOW, Palast comes out with some crystal-diamond
hard evidence that Hillary is (also)
a hardcore corporate profiteer who's morality
against economic slavery is no less mitigated
by zeros on a paycheck than, say, that of the
Oh that's a bunch of horse-hockey. She was
the First Lady of Arkansas, working for
one of the state's top law firms while doing
business with the largest employer in Arkansas.
By the way, you've probably shopped at Wal-Mart.
How can you live with yourself, helping to enslave
the children?
Also, is this just an incident of "Her" sweeping
yet another set of unsavory facts
about her life under the expansively protective
rug of corporate greed?
She's the most investigated woman in history.
How many "unsavory facts" are still left hidden?
When the culture of profiteering whorshipped by
Hillary is little different than that promoted
by Sam Walton, are either of these people somebody
you want [in government?]
Just to make you more hysterical - sure.
Christ, the way you twist/invent facts you should
be a lawyer.
So, should we continue giving Palast the benefit
of the doubt?
Or is it now acceptable to start questioning
his judgement ... .
I can't read Palast's mind, but it appears he thinks Hillary's going
to win.
Palast, Kos, Huffington and the others are hitching
their wagons to Hillary's meteor.
But to answer your question, yes.
I didn't know that left Brit, but we've all "known" Hillary for 17
And for the 10,000th time, our choices aren't Hillary
and Perfection..
Our choices are Change
and More of
the Same.
I'm going to vote for Change.
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Bart Slaps
Laura's nasty ass
A free month of BCR goes to Tim in Pierre Point.
Know of a good bit from the back issues we should re-link to?
If we print your suggestion, you win a month of Bartcop radio/
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Is everybody's
e-mail broke?
Recipient: <wayne10@xxx.com>
Reason: Service unavailable;
Subject: missle defense
If Iraq is the biggest corporate welfare program
ever, and the medicare Rx program is next,
then missile defense is a strong third.
The Defense Dept has spent hundreds of billions
of dollars on this since the mid-1980's, possibly more
than a half-trillion so far (don't know the exact
amount- the GOP bastards keep hiding the $).
The failure rate is WORSE than you said - they
have less than 50% success IF they tell the system
WHERE the missile is coming from, WHEN it was
launched, and an ETA for a hit.
So in absolutely perfect conditions (which don't
exist in the real world), it still isn't worth crap.
So far, not a single test has worked when they
didn't provide any of those 3 conditions to the system in advance.
Keep Hammerin'
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Tom DeLay
- on his way to Jail
nuts about jail!"
Tom DeLay (Asshole-Texas) is calling on Bush's
Justice Department either to drop its investigation
of his wife and former political associates or
else to bring charges quickly.
DeLay said he has given Bush's FBI documents exonerating
his wife, but an associate of the
crooked squirrel said that agents have followed
up with a fresh round of subpoenas.
The inquiry appears to be focused on determining
whether DeLay's wife, Christine, earned her pay
from two organizations controlled by Ed Buckham,
a DeLay lobbyist, according to sources interviewed
by Bush's federal investigators. Several former
employees of the groups have received subpoenas for
documents, some in the past few weeks.
Bush's Justice Department's persistence shows
it has run amok, DeLay says, echoing a charge leveled
last week by Rep. Rick Renzi (R-Who?) in response
to reports that he is under federal investigation.
"They're not going after me,"DeLay said of Bush's
FBI. "They're going after other people and they're
questioning the other people about whether they
know anything I may have done. And we've given
Bush's FBI all the records and that's the problem
they're having."
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to trade links?
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Are Democrats
Do they really want to stop Bush war?
There is a growing number of people out there
who believe the Reid-Pelosi Iraq war supplemental is
a gigantic crock of shit, and who think the Democratic
Party leadership should now officially be labeled
conspirators in the war effort. I've even seen
it suggested that Reid and Pelosi should now be sent official
"certificates of war ownership," to put them
in a club with Bush, Cheney and the rest of the actual war authors.
The Democrats, who are mostly the same people
who voted for the war, don't really want to end it. They do,
however, want to take political advantage of
antiwar sentiment. So they will appear to be against the conflict
but set things up in such a way that their "efforts"
to end the war will fall just slightly short, like a fourth-quarter
pass thrown by a point-shaving quarterback.
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American Dream Book Tour
April 10: Hill Avenue Bookstore, Spirit Lake,
April 12: Southeast Minnesota Peacemakers,
Rochester, MN
April 13: Grinnell College, Grinnell, Iowa
April 14: Ritual Café, Des Moines, Iowa
April 15: Iowa City, Iowa, Public Library
Tell Mike Bart says "hey!"
RFK: Rove
belongs in Jail
by Greg Palast
Voting rights attorney Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
has called for prison time for the new US
Attorney for Arkansas, Timothy Griffin and investigation
of Griffin's former boss, Karl Rove.
"Timothy Griffin," said Kennedy,"who is the new
US attorney in Arkansas, was actually the
mastermind behind the voter fraud efforts by
the Bush Administration to disenfranchise over
a million voters through 'caging' techniques
- which are illegal."
e-mail to Bart
Subject: FHM Hot List
Bart, you linked to a site running the UK
FHM 100 list.
USA list is different and Anna Kournikova isn't even on
CliveI B
I call that a crime in progress.
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Entertainment Page
has good stuff.
Click on the E!
Poll: 39%
say impeach
Close to 40% of Americans favor the impeachment
of Bush and Cheney.
"Few serious observers think things will ever
get to actual impeachment. And yet the American public
seems more open to the concept than many imagine,
according to a new national poll," wrote Matt Towery,
who commissioned the poll. "The implications
of this could be huge for the 2008 presidential elections."
Damn right it could.
That number may top 50% by the end of this year.
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Subject: Those Reagan clones
You said you didn't know three of these guys.
#5 is Jim Gilmore, former governor of VA (predecessor
of Mark Warner)
I believe he was the RNC chairman for a while
as well.
#7 is Congressman Tom Tancredo of CA--a "Johnny
one-note" candidate
who just hates ee-legal aliens and doesn't talk
about much else.
#10 is Congressman Ron Paul of TX, undoubtedly
the least known of this group.
Paul is from the Libertarian wing of the Repugs,
a believer in the gold standard
and any other impractical thing that can be labeled
You're right--they should drop out. But--on
the other hand--the longer they stay in
the more it emphasizes the weakness of the Repug's
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The Ongoing
Iraq Intel Fraud
by Robert Parry
Almost five years and perhaps half a million
deaths too late, it's finally the accepted wisdom in Washington
hat the intelligence that George W. Bush used
to justify invading Iraq was garbage. But the pattern of twisting
the truth about Iraq continues unabated and the
President is still rarely called on it.
Bush has never stopped making statements about
the Iraq War that are untrue, illogical or irrelevant. Yet, the
Washington press corps remains almost as lax
today about holding Bush accountable as it was in 2002 and 2003.
So, when Bush mocks Democratic "politicians in
Washington" who supposedly seek to substitute their judgments
for those of experienced commanders on the ground,
the national news media stays silent on Bush's hypocrisy.
It's almost never mentioned that he was the Washington
politician in December who overruled the Joint Chiefs
of Staff and the two top generals in Iraq on
the escalation of the war.
Now and then some press whore writes a crocodile tears story about "going
to sleep" when Bush
started this fake war, but then they continue to sleep and thank Koresh
Parry is calling them on it.
If it wasn't for the Internet, there'd STILL be no opposition to Bush's
self-serving war.
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vs the GOP
(Language alert)
Iraq pumped 3.5M
barrels daily before
Bush invaded
and then they got their 2003 Halliburton
Bush is stealing $220,000,000
No wonder they were so eager to start a war,
stealing $220,000,000
It's the biggest theft in Earth's history.
Exxon made
$10B profit in 90 days
$100M a day - all profit - because Bush started a fake war
Bush's "Bring 'em on"
death taunt is up to...
American victims
more families destroyed by Bush greed.
...and how much did BIG OIL make yesterday?
makes $108M - every day
Bush can live with that,
because Iraq's oil wells have
no meters
and his front company is moving
to Dubai.
a day,
$200M a
$300M a
day - where's that money going?
Bush has killed more Americans than Osama.
"It would be OK..."
-- Rudy the cross-dresser, on the Supreme Court upholding
Roe vs Wade
Hey Rudy, what was it like being the front-runner for a few weeks?
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vs Weeding
Faced with the largest attack in history on the
American homeland on their watch, Republicans quickly
pointed the finger of blame on the Democrats.
They claimed that the only reason the US homeland was
vulnerable to such an attack was because Democrats
treated Islamic terrorism as a "law enforcement matter."
Fast forward five years. US anti-terrorism military
operations in both Iraq an Afghanistan are bogged down
- at best - and moving backwards at worst. Osama
bin-Laden has not been brought to justice, "dead or alive."
The US military has been worn to a frazzle and
the National Guard has been so gutted of men and equipment
that it can no longer respond as intended to
national emergencies.
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I'm a lying bastard
Tortureboy Gonzales asserted Thursday that the
White House did not order the removal of
eight U.S. attorneys and he continued to defend
the decision to dismiss them.
Gonzales' appearance on Capitol Hill, a month
after his lie-fest before a Senate panel, was remarkable
for its less combative tone. At least three members
mostly pursued wholly different lines of questioning
- from computer fraud to immigration enforcement
- rather than focusing on the disputed removal
of the federal prosecutors because it's a bygone
conclusion that he's a lying bastard..
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Stacy Keibler
getting married
more of Stacy Keibler at BC
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BCR Show
Listen to it before you share it
There's a little language in this show.
Part One is a "debate" with Randi Rhodes.
Hopefully this we been seen as an example
of how 2 Democrats can strongly disagree
without the usual hyper-snippishness.
Who won the "debate?"
I think the vote will go her way.
Click to Listen
to Part One of Show 116
Click to downloadPart
One of Show 116
Part Two needs some 'splainin'
Michael DelGiorno is a lying, Nazi whore and,
worse than our vulgar Pigboy, he hides behind Jesus.
He broke the law, he got caught on tape,
so he "confessed" and begged for forgiveness.
I know I got carried away.
I had a little too much fun, so be prepared
to not hate me for what I did to him.
If you're not in the mood for a mega-sarcastic,
rhetorically violent beatdown, maybe skip Part Two.
There's some comedy at the end of each half.
Click to Listen
to Part Two of Show 116
Click to downloadPart
Two of Show 116
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