"Hillary and Obama cast a vote that singularly
defines their lack of leadership and serves as
a glaring example of an unrealistic
and inexperienced worldview on national security that is
regrettably shared by too many of their
fellow Capitol Hill Democrats. Voting against our troops
during a time of war shows the American
people that the leaders of the Democrat Party will
abandon principle in favor of political
positioning. Their votes render them undependable in
the eyes of the men and women of the
United States military and the American people."
Mitt Romney, while masturbating with a Brillo pad,
"I was very disappointed to see Obama and Hillary
embrace the policy of surrender by voting
against funds to support our troops.
This vote may win favor with MoveOn and liberal primary voters,
but it's the equivalent of waving a
white flag to al Qaeda."
-- John McCain, bitter because he fell in love with the wrong man,
"This country is united in our support for
our troops, but we also owe them a plan to relieve them
of the burden of policing someone else's
civil war. Romney and McCain clearly believe the course
we are on in Iraq is working, but I
do not. And if there ever was a reflection of that it's the fact that
McCain required a flack jacket, 10
armored Humvees, two Apache attack helicopters, and 100 soldiers
with rifles by his side to stroll through
a market in Baghdad just a few weeks ago."
-- Barack Obama, slapping Monkey ass like a pro,
e-mail to Bart
Why I Hate
the Clintons
...and why you should hate them, too
According to Justice Department filings, Colombia
agreed this month to pay $300,000 to
Burson-Marsteller - whose president, Mark Penn,
is a senior advisor to Sen. Clinton - to help
"educate members of the U.S. Congress and other
audiences" about the trade deal and secure
continued U.S. funding for the $5 billion anti-narcotics
program Plan Colombia.The filings also
show that last month Uribe's government put The
Glover Park Group, a Washington D.C.-based
lobbying firm that includes former Clinton spokesman
Joe Lockhart, on a $40,000 a month retainer.
Damn, I wish I was smart enough to jump on the
I-Hate-Her-Too bandwagon.
I'll bet my mortage would be paid off - if I
only had the courage...
Can't Dave Sirota find anything about the
Bush thugs to rail against?
Is the Bush aministration so perfect that
Sirota can only attack Democrats?
e-mail to Bart
Subject: If the Democrats only
had a Brain...
Hi Bart,
If the Democrats had any brains they would load
the Iraq War funding bill with all kinds of stuff
that Bush can't, or won't, sign. I can
think of a few things right off the top of my head: A national
medical insurance program. Funding for
education. Moderate increases in taxes for the rich.
In short, a Smorgasbord of liberal treats that
would make Bushie cringe. The problem for his highness
would be that he would have to explain it all
in detail! The more people's pork that was attached to the bill,
the more he would have to explain if he refused
to sign it. And, in the end, if he refused to sign the bill he
would not be supporting the troops! If
he did sign the bill he would be giving away many of the things
his corporate sponsors have ordered him to retain.
Doubly damned, and well deserved.
The right balance, if struck, would guarantee
humiliation for Der Decider.
But the Democrats don't have the brains or the
balls to do the obvious,
and it takes a half baked code hacker like me
to suggest it.
Keep hammerin' and a slammin'.
Someday someone will listen and learn.
I wish the democrats had a collective IQ of 64.
A few weeks ago, Bush vetoed funding for the troops during wartime.
Did you hear one Democrat state that fact?
e-mail to Bart
Subject: Democratic Underground
must be destroyed
I do not paraphrase Cato lightly.
What used to be a wonderful site for Democrats,
Democratic Underground has in recent months
become the enemy of Democrats and the enemy of
the Progressive Antiwar movement in the United States.
This weekend, DU has managed to finally hound
Cindy Sheehan into resigning and going home.
Yes, that's right, they were SO vicious towards
her that she is giving up the Anitwar movement
and giving up the Democratic Party!
is what Cindy wrote
Therefore I urge you all to use your blogs, radio
programs, and any influence you have
in a concentrated effort over the next four days
to utterly destroy Democratic Underground.
We need not wait for them to cross the alps with
elephants to know for certain who the enemy is now.
-Ben Burch
Real Democrat
Antiwar Progressive
Friend of Cindy
Banned from DU
I don't know anything about this fight, but Ben is a friend so I'm printing
his e-mail.
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GIs losing
faith in Iraq
95 percent of one platoon wants to get out
"In Mosul, in 2003, it felt like we were making
the city a better place," he said. "There was no
sectarian violence, Saddam was gone, we were
tracking down the bad guys. It felt awesome."
But now on his third deployment in Iraq, he is
no longer a believer in the mission. The pivotal moment came,
he says, this past February when soldiers killed
a man setting a roadside bomb. When they searched the
bomber's body, they found identification showing
him to be a sergeant in the Iraqi Army.
"I thought, 'What are we doing here? Why are we
still here?' " said Safstrom. "We're helping guys
that are trying to kill us. We help them in the
day. They turn around at night and try to kill us."
"In 2003, 2004, 100 percent of the soldiers wanted
to be here, to fight this war," said Sergeant Moore,
a self-described "conservative Texas Republican"
and platoon sergeant who strongly advocates an
American withdrawal. "Now, 95 percent of my platoon
agrees with me."
Send e-mail to Bart
Subject: Prayers
Bart, you wrote:
> "praying is ridiculously ineffective"
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