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Volume 1994


"Lindsey Grahamnesty said his job is to work with Democrats to get things done."  
      -- Piggy, Piggy Limbaugh, attacking a Clinton impeachment manager

 Go Pigboy - attack those Fascist bastards so we don't have to!

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TN Tuxedo - the PH of politics?

     "I enjoy the easy money..."

What does Fred Thompson have going for him except that, like Paris Hilton, he's famous for being famous? 
(There they go again...)   His acting?  Please.  He plays the same character in every role.  Himself.  And he 
wouldn't even do that well but for the luck of having a sonorous, good-ol'-boy voice. His civic work?  
Please. Thompson is infamous for having been one of the laziest senators to serve, and didn't pass a single
piece of important legislation.  His conservatism?  Please.  He's pro-abortion (except when he's not). 
He was one of the few Republican senators to back the McCain-Feingold campaign finance reform law, 
much loathed by conservatives.  In a Mitt-Romney-ish flip-flop move, he just recently changed from 
supporting amnesty to decrying the immigration bill. His professional career? Please. 
He's spent most of his career as 'influence peddler.'

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"Most of the people on MY side of this amnesty debate are concerned
  about the future of the country, demographically, electorally, culturally, 
  institutions and traditions that made the country great."  
      -- Piggy Piggy Limbaugh, accusing Bush of not being concerned about 
          the future of the country and traditions that made the country great.  

 Tell us more, Rush.
 What other ways has Bush failed this country?

 By the way Rush, demographically, electorally, and culturally are adjectives
 while institutions and traditions are nouns - you can't mix them with the same verb.
 What are you,, ...stupid or something? 

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Subject: Bono

Bono has gotten the promise from gee dumbja for billions, 
but has gee dumbja kept any promise that did not put money in his pocket??

I don't have the numbers at my fingertips, but yes, Bush hasn't paid all he promised
but I'm thinking Africa got about $10B they might not have gotten without Bono's help.

I'll print the figures if anybody finds them.

Subject: Bono

What Africans elected Bono as their saviour? 

People who take it on themselves to "help" other countries 
without consulting them are usually called colonialists. 

He raises a lot of money "for Africa," 
but he doesn't consult Africans about how it's spent. 
Bono forbid that they should be treated as our equals.
 John F

Bono has something in common with Hillary and Paris Hilton.

Subject: Bono

I'm with you on the Bono/monkey picture, Bart.  
Bono has amazing wealth and could lead an entirely self-indulgent life.  
It's pretty cool that he chooses to spend even a second in the presence 
of one of the worst pieces of shit Earth has to offer, so people he's 
never known might have some food in their belly.

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"This poor kid in Georgia that got ten years for consensual oral sex..." 
     -- Piggy, Piggy Limbaugh, who enjoys oral sex with poor kids 

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Subject: The "Real Hillary"

Perhaps you haven't read this article in The Nation or simply passed it over since 
it's not one that you can use to slander those jealous bitches,  Arianna and Maureen.  

Orrrrrr, maybe you just plain ignored it because it tells the unequivocal truth 
about Hillary's lies, particularly about the justification for her vote.  Lies, all lies. 

Helen, we ran that a few days ago.
And you're right - it was all lies, lies, lies.

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Iran and NATO, Sitting in a Tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!

Just making the rounds is word that NATO has intercepted Iranian weapons shipments to Afghanistan's Taliban. 
Oh, boy, you just knew it was coming, right?

First off, I don't think this means war with Iran. It'll take more than this for the administration 
to justify war with Iran because we're (our military) not in a position to hurry.

As for whether or not we can trust these initial reports, who knows? Give the story a couple weeks to ferment, 
but this may come as a shock to my friends on the left: I pretty much assumed the Iranians were aiding our enemies, 
so if this turns out to be true, I won't be surprised. And I will defend my use of the term "enemies" because 
regardless of how we came to be in the position we're in today, we're here now, and we do have enemies. 
Absolutely, there are people in our government eager to confront Iran militarily. Be that as it may, 
I don't trust the current Iranian government one bit.

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"If you take Algore and the Breck Girl (Edwards) out of this, Hillary would trail 
  the not-Hillary-three 34-51. There's 51% of Democrat voters in these polls, 
  if you add 'em up, who are not voting for Hillary."
     -- Piggy, Piggy Limbaugh, pretending to forget that his precious republicans are in such shit,
         their front-runner is a gun-grabbing, baby-killing, flip-flopping cross-dresser with three wives


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Subject: BCR 119 - Sopranos talk


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"You're listening to the Rush Limbaugh program, which has the largest media audience in 
  America today. Katie Couric drools and salivates over the size of this audience."
     -- Piggy Piggy Limbaugh, lying again

At last count, Katie's CBS news got 6.8M viewers.
Years ago, when he was bigger (cough) Rush had 20M listeners per week (divide by 5)

Last time I checked, 4.6M is smaller than 6.8M.

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Subject: Why I hate HER

You frequently defend HER by saying that her opponents only say things like 
"She's too ambitious" or She's too calculating."
You want facts.

She has worked for Wal-Mart and has on her staff a notorious Union buster. 
As a retired Union member who proudly paid my dues every month for 
almost 40 years, these 2 facts are enough for me.

She worked for Wal-Mart (guessing) in the mid-80's and up until about 1991.
Was Wal-Mart the mean-spirited, mom-and-pop-killing bastards that they are now, back then?
I don't know, I'm just asking.

Wild guess, she's running for president so she might have 50 staffers.
And you say one of them has an anti-union history?
I apllaud your bringing forth some issues instead of Arianna-style cattiness. 

As for the books about her:  Don't you believe that the investigartory apparatus of the Federal Govt, 
which has been in the hands of the Repubs for years, has a lot more on Hillary?
They are just waiting to open up on her...AFTER she has the nomination.

You're assuming she's guilty of something - why?
Are you assuming she'll just lay there and take it the way Kerry did? Big mistake.

Some people say, "Hillary is just too divisive, too polarizing."

Gore wasn't polarizing or divisive, and look what they did to him.
They made him out to be a serial liar who was mentally unbalanced.

Kerry wasn't polarizing or divisive, and look what they did to him.
They made him out to be a wartime coward who actually stole his medals.

If they try that with Team Clinton, I hope they bring a beverage
because they're going to have to eat it, with a really big spoon. 
Just my opinion, of course.

I support the leader for the nomination. 
That's like supporting Custer on the way to Little Big Horn.
  Bobby Mack

You can say that, I suppose, but don't forget until John Kerry took a dive,
"Custer" won the last three Little Big Horns in a row.

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